Chu Yang smashed a small hole in the concrete wall with his fist, which was easy for him to do. However, he did not expect that a girl who looked so gentle and elegant also had this ability, which made old comrade Chu look at her with new eyes.

"You, you're not that woman? Oh, you're a man. " After seeing clearly that the man standing in front of her was indeed a man, and that Miss Huanhuan, who was really scared in his heart, was no longer there, Li Juan first touched her painful cheek, until she confirmed that there was no other damage except a little swelling in her face, which was a long relief. Then he grabbed Chu Yang's trousers and cried in a frightened voice: "this gentleman, did you see the woman who hit me just now?"

"See, just now I thought you two were quarreling. I didn't want to come here. Oh, so you don't know her? But now she has just left, perhaps waiting for you outside? " Chu Yang is very "kind" to help Li Juan up, for him to pat the dust on the clothes: "well, it's late, anyway, people have gone, I have to work in the freight yard, you'd better hurry home."

"You say she, she is likely to be waiting for me outside?" Seeing that Chu Yang was about to leave, Li Juan quickly grabbed him: "Sir, could you please send me home? I'm really afraid of meeting her again. "

"But I have to work on the night shift in the freight yard. If I delay my work in order to send you home, the bonus of this month will be deducted by that black hearted contractor." Chu Yang said with a embarrassed face: "I don't want to help others. It's my time."

"It doesn't matter. It's just a month's bonus." Li Juan is really afraid of meeting Li xunhuan now. She finally has a man who is "relied on" here. He doesn't loosen Chu Yang's clothes. He just says, "as long as you send me home, I'll pay you this month's bonus and tonight's salary, OK?"

"But I have a lot of bonus in one month. How much can you give me? I think you'd better go back by yourself. " Chu Yang said with a embarrassed face, and made a posture to come, for fear that this guy will love money and really let him go, and very "concerned" to give ya a few words of advice: "I think, just that woman may not be waiting for you on the road, it is likely to have been waiting in your place, you'd better find a hotel to make do with one night, so as not to meet her again."

"Big brother, don't leave. Do you think it's ok?" Li Juan was even more flustered after Chu Yang's threat: "after you send me home, I'll give you two thousand, oh, no, no, how about three thousand yuan? It's compensation for your loss. "

"My monthly bonus is two thousand eight, plus my salary tonight... Hehe." Make a bit of heart, chuyang honest smile, don't speak. The meaning is obvious: my monthly bonus will be two thousand eight, plus tonight's salary, plus the risk of sending you, how much money should I give you, you can do it by yourself.

"Five thousand! Five thousand is enough, isn't it Money is something outside, as long as you are safe. Because of this idea, manager Li Juan was afraid that someone in Chu would not send him home, and immediately raised the price of "accompany" from 3000 to 5000.

"Well, I'm worried about your safety." After a moment's forced thinking, Chu Yang nodded: "since you've offered this price, I'll give it up and send you home!"

"Thank you, thank you!" After seeing Chu Yang finally willing to send herself home, Li Juan is a pile of thanks, and then she grabs his arm tightly like a child, just like the back mountain in the legend, dawdling out of the alley.

"Hey, if you're lucky, you can't stop it. In just a few minutes, you've got five thousand dollars." Chu Yang hit Li Juan with his hand and paid him five thousand yuan for missing work. He walked back to Fulinmen hotel slowly, and he was not so proud in his heart. With this 5000 yuan, at least in recent months, we have no worries about food and clothing.

However, when he saw the two closed doors of Fulinmen, he remembered that it might be too late to come back now. Fortunately, she offended the night tassel in the dim moon. It would be strange if she didn't take the opportunity to shut herself out.

So, what is the night tassel for? There is not only a hotel as big as the backyard, but also a hole in the concrete wall. With such conditions and skills, it's really puzzling to be a Beer girl who has to go to a bar to suffer. Is she hiding something? Thinking of this in the heart, Chu Yang subconsciously reached out and pushed the door. To his surprise, the seemingly closed door opened with a creak when he pushed it gently.

"You're back." Before chuyang came in, a woman's voice rang out in the dark hotel hall. This voice without any emotional color, suddenly sounded in the dark, as if from hell, let old Chu feel chilly, quickly said: "ah, it's me, I'm back."

"Next time, remember to come back on time before 11:30, or you'll sleep outside." With a click, the light above the hall is on, and the night tassel is sitting on the chair behind the bar, looking at him without expression. His face is a little pale under the light. The clothes are still in the hazy clothes, but Chu Yang can't find a trace of anger on her body. Her whole person seems to be a strange ghost, and the hair at the temples flutters slightly with the night wind blowing outside the door, giving people a very unreal feeling.

"Not next time." Chu Yang thought that she would mention the hazy things in the moon, so after closing the door, he stood at the door, thinking about how to explain to her so that she could forget it. After all, she still had a thousand yuan in her hand. Although she earned another five thousand yuan tonight for her sake, he was still distressed to think that the thousand yuan might be gone in vain.

"What else do you want?" Holding his chin in both hands, Li xunhuan, who didn't know what he was thinking, saw Lao Chu standing there motionless, and his beautiful eyebrows blocked by his disorderly hair slightly wrinkled.

"Oh," is that to remind me and you to apologize? Chu Yang wiped his nose and said with a smile, "just now in the moon, it's hazy... I'm a little embarrassed. Don't put it in your heart."

"What happened to the moon just now? Is there anything you have to worry about? " When night tassel asked these words, the expression on her face didn't change much, just like in the dim moon, the woman who was grabbed by Chu Yang's thigh was not her.

"Oh, nothing." Seeing that people didn't admit it at all, Chu Yang wanted to ask her where she would go to work in the future, but now he didn't care about her, especially her cold face, which made him hate it. Light said a nothing, quickly walked to the back yard.

"Wait a minute," said the night tassel, and then a thermal lunch box came out from the bottom of the bar and put it on the bar. "This is the dinner reserved for you tonight. It's almost too cold. Let's make do with it first. Also, I hope you can go to the "dream" bar in Chaoshan Street next time you drink. I also work part-time there. If you have conditions, you can take care of my business. "

"Oh, I will, I will. Hehe, actually, I don't have to eat when I drink. " Chu Yang didn't expect that she would specially set aside food for herself. She felt warm in her heart. Just as she wanted to say a few words of thanks, she saw that the night tassel went around the bar and walked to the stairs on the second floor: "you can eat this food if you like, but you can't eat it. For the sake of your first day in the hotel, I'll keep the food and the door for you. After tonight, I'll do as I said. "

Can't you stop putting on the boss's goddamn airs with me? After seeing the night fringe on the second floor, Chu Yang scratched his head and gave a silent bitter smile

The next morning.

Until Xiao Fengsao came to smash the door, Chu Yang yawned and opened his eyes. In fact, it's not his fault, because he hasn't slept so soundly for many days. Before living in Fulinmen, because the problem of food and clothing has not been solved, we can only sleep under the overpass. Although it's not cold at this time, the mosquitoes can't sleep well.

Yawn, the happy life in front of us seems to be from the girl driving Ferrari, right? Chu Yang turned over behind him and suddenly thought of Zhou Shuhan. Of course, he didn't know the name of the girl who was half angry with him and half scared to death was Zhou Shuhan.

"Well, are you up? Get up and eat Maybe it's because I haven't lived in Laifu for a long time. Xiaofengsao is very considerate to chuyang, the only guest, and slaps the door to let him eat.

"All right, all right, let's get up." Chu Yang, who wanted to skip breakfast and then go to bed, suddenly remembered that if he didn't, five yuan for each meal would be wasted, so he quickly turned over and sat up. As the saying goes, eating without pain, blind without pain, especially before you find a job, you can't save every penny, right? After getting out of bed and opening the door, he smilingly touched Xiao Fengsao's head, went to the pool in the yard, turned on the tap to wash his face, then put his right index finger into his mouth and began to brush his teeth

"It's disgusting of you to use your finger as a toothbrush." After seeing Chu Yang brush his teeth like this, he followed the little coquettish he came over and bent down to make a vomit.

"Why, how can brushing your teeth with your fingers make you sick?" Chu Yang turned his head and grinned to show his white teeth: "I brush with my fingers most of the time. Isn't this also very white? It also saves toothpaste and toothbrush. "

"I don't mean your teeth are not white, I mean, don't you have to hold your little, little thing at night? Grab that one and put it in your mouth. Is that disgusting? " See small coquettish stares at Chu Yang to say these, let Chu someone doubt his sport crotch department is torn, quickly bow a look is intact, this just relieved to ask: "small what?"

"Here," little Fengsao looked back at the narrow corridor leading to the front hall. After he didn't find his mother there, he quickly touched Chu Yang's crotch: "damn! So big! Do you, do you sleep at night without holding it

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