After hearing Chu Yang say such shameless words, Shang Lige's heart beat quickly: "but I'm outside, or you, you come out?" But I can't get out. Do you know where I live now? If I go out, I'm going to shock people. " So, what about that? " What shall we do? " Chu Yang pretended to be hesitant: "you can take the initiative in the future." What can I offer? " When we are like that, you take the initiative. " I... "Niu, I don't even have this kind of resistance. It's far from me.

With the more and more shortness of breath of shanglige over there, Chu Yang's complacent silent smile, and pulled the bracelet on his wrist: "well, I won't make trouble with you. I was joking with you just now.

The two of us are forever, and there will be plenty of time together in the future. Why care about this night? Is that right? " Well, I know I'm calling to tell you that there may be someone who is going against me recently, so you have to pay more attention. " I will. Be careful yourself. " After Chu Yang talked about business, Shang Lige was obviously relieved.

However, she enjoyed the feeling of two people together that night, but she was still a little embarrassed by the phone.

Maybe, when two people face to face, it's not like this.

Why don't you kiss one? " I'm not used to it Shang Lige finished this sentence and quickly cut off the phone.

Chuyang said with a smile: "you will get used to it in the future." After Shang Lige got on the phone, Chu Yang felt relaxed.

After spitting out the cigarette end on the ground, put the mobile phone beside the pillow, ready to sleep.

It's very quiet. You can hear fish jumping out of the pond in the garden outside the window.

The soft white moonlight, when Chu Yang turned over for the 29th time, was reflected on the curtain, but the night was more quiet, as if in the next moment, life would turn back to hundreds of years ago.

Well, what's the matter? I just can't sleep? " Chu Yang some irritable to do up, grab the mobile phone to see the time, has been close to one o'clock in the morning.

But after he lay down, his heart seemed to be hanging something, but he didn't know what it was.

Chatting over the mobile phone, when he saw the number "Lao Ba", Chu Yang dialed it.

Over there, there came the sound of the car.

Ming Chuang's voice of chewing something came from the phone: "what's the matter?" It's nothing. I just miss you and can't sleep. " Don't make me sick. I'm eating. " I mean it. " Chu Yang lit a cigarette: "what's the matter?" Wait a minute. I'm going shopping with a beautiful woman now. " Gu mingchuang said.

Yang vaguely heard from the phone that the guy was talking to a woman in English.

Nearly half a minute later, when Chu Yang felt distressed for the long-distance telephone bill, Gu mingchuang said: "I'm still in New York..." I can't manage you when you are on Mars. I'll ask you how things are going. " Chu Yang spat out his eyes: "you promised me to finish the work in a month, but it's been more than a month, and I haven't heard the news of the closure of the of platform.

And the guy who offered a reward to Chai Murong, you don't seem to have found it yet? " Damn it Gu Ming over there murmured, "if I hadn't used my strength to increase the pressure on the of platform, would the platform have withdrawn the bonus for your wife? What's more, just when I found out something, Lao Jiu ran to Huaxia and took away her Africans.

What do you want me to do with the sudden loss of so many professionals? " I don't care what you do, but you took my money.

It's not done well. According to the rules, you should have a full refund. " OK, you're tough enough. " There Gu Ming broke into speechless boss for a while, then he cursed: "chuyang, are you still human? Give me two hundred dollars at the beginning, and you can take it back if you like! " Yang heihei's smile: "forget it, in our face, I don't want the money." Grass Lao Ba, if you have nothing to do, consider retiring and returning to China. Let's start a business together. " Chu Yang advised him seriously.

Mingchuang was silent for a moment: "let me think about it.

Chuyan, now I'm friends with boroz. " The leader of the of platform Well Gu mingchuang said: "Hey, I was ready to lift the of platform some time ago? I decided to do this boy first.

Who knows the chance coincidence, but saved his life.

You don't have to say that I find that any one of these people I know has more brotherly feelings than you.

The same is true of boroz.

But for his help, your wife's jade photo might still be hanging on the platform.

However, his friends and I belong to friends, but he will not tell the person who offered a reward to your wife. " I know that. " But he gave me a message.

Even if you don't call this time, I'm going to tell you. " What's the news? " The man who wants to kill your wife may have returned to China recently. " Yang YILENG: "back to China?" Yes, that's what boroz told me Gu mingchuang said: "in addition, he also told me that the Greek Lorraine has gone to China." Lin, male, Greek, is 47 years old.

He is 1.87 meters tall and weighs 81 kg, ranking third in the international killer list.

Lin is good at Sanda, fencing, taekwondo, heavy weapons, and can fly fighter planes.

It can be said that he is a real soldier, an arms expert who is addicted to arms. He uses his set of military discipline to restrain others.

Relying on his powerful funds, Lin has now set up a team of more than ten people, showing signs of gradually developing into a killer group.

He seldom set foot in the Asian killers' circle. There are few people in the world who can let him go out in person... After he came to China in Luolin, Chu Yang was really surprised.

He didn't worry about the injustice of Luolin, but he had some scruples about his expertise in ammunition: "he didn't come to China for Chai Murong, did he?" No, "Gu mingchuang said," your wife is worthless now. Why does he waste his plane ticket to look for your wife there? " What are you farting about? Your wife is worthless! " Chu Yang scolded: "then why did he come here, full of support?" Mingchuang said, "do you know Ruan Zhihong of Vietnam?" Zhihong, the general of Vietnam.

He is the number two member of the pro China faction in the Vietnamese army.

In recent years, with the evolution of the domestic situation in Vietnam, the man in Nari got a firm foothold, so he was attacked.

First, he was removed from the post of secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee and director of the General Political Bureau of the people's army. Later, he was transferred to the front line of the southern anti US war as secretary of the Southern Bureau and Secretary of the Military Commission.

In doing so, Li is actually killing people with a knife.

In 967, general Ruan Zhihong died in battle. Huaxia was shocked. Taizu and others called to express their condolence.

Up to now, there are three explanations for the cause of death.

The United States claimed that he was killed in the US artillery attack on the southern headquarters of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Cambodia's parrot beak area.

Vietnam informally claimed that he died of US bombing.

The Chinese side informally claimed that he was killed by the anti Communist minority guerrillas (possibly the Miao) when he was on a break from the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" in the Changshan mountains, which stretches along the border between Vietnam and Laos.

However, in addition to these three death theories, there are countless theories, and I don't know which one is true.

As a result, the death of general Ruan Zhihong was not clear. If there were no informants or leaks inside, the above situation would not have happened.

All the truth may be revealed only when the Vietnamese archives are declassified. Of course, it may become an eternal mystery.

Although Yang's academic performance was not very good, he did not read much about it in the army library during his years as a soldier. Of course, he knew about general Ruan Zhihong.

After listening to Gu mingchuang's sudden talk about him, he replied in a puzzled way: "I know that Ruan Dajiang was a person of the same period as Taizu. He has been dead for many years. Now you ask me if I know him. What do you mean?" Although general Nguyen has been dead for many years, his family has been taken good care of in Vietnam, and this time, his grandson Nguyen Wen Keung is likely to enter the core of Vietnam. " Gu mingchuang said: "in order to get the support of the pro China faction, Ruan Wenqiang went to China a few days ago for a friendly visit.

And Lorraine's task is to assassinate him in China. " This Lorraine, think he's superman? " Chu Yang disdained to curl his lips: "don't look at him jumping up and down in front of those foreign bullshit CIA, but I bet that under the dual protection of Chinese and Vietnamese agents to Ruan Wenqiang, he won't have a chance to fart. Maybe he will put his life here." Luolin doesn't have to kill Ruan Wenqiang, "Gu mingchuang said." maybe it's the people around him. " Yang lazily said: "that's not what we worry about, anyway, there are those fierce people in huacanyu, it's none of our business?" You are not patriotic at all... "Don't pretend to force me. If you are patriotic, why don't you donate all your money to the Chinese Red Cross?" I don't have to be that stupid. " Gu mingchuang scolded: "even if I throw money in a woman's bra, I won't donate it to the Chinese Red Cross.

I don't want to buy a sports car for Meimei, who owes the grass, with the money I've exchanged for my life. " Well, your awareness needs to be improved Chu Yang nodded: "well, I'm in a better mood after talking to you. I'm sleeping.

Oh, by the way, consider my words and go back to China. " Look, I'm not you. There are too many murders on my back, and I'm not as good as you. I'm afraid that my jade photos have become the object of masturbation for countless young women. If I return home, I'll be discovered soon. " Yang light said: "I am in."

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