Grass! Just listen to night tassel say, this guy seems very fierce appearance, originally that smelly bitch is coaxing us! What's so bad about a guy who regards a sword as a knife and relies on the police to resolve the grievances in the world? After listening to Chu Yang's words, Luo's brothers were relieved, and Luo Hao's words were no longer polite: "boy, there's nothing wrong with you here. You'd better go back to sleep, when nothing happened, or you'll regret it!"

Luo Hao finish saying this sentence, no longer take care of Chu Yang, turned to make a wink at Luo Yue, two people on Teng Shen rushed to the night tassel in the past.

It is said that since yeliusu is the leader of luojianmen, he can control nearly 2000 killers. Her skill should be excellent. However, her brother-in-law, Xiao Fengsao, passed it on to her before her death. So, even though what she learned before she was seventeen was awesome. She also has the potential to become an ace killer, but she is subject to her brother-in-law's last words. She never goes out to take over the task again, and her level has never been greatly improved. It's not surprising that she is subject to the Luo brothers.

The appearance of Chu Yang. Before the Luo brothers could not figure out which onion he was, night tassel got more or less a chance to mediate. Now she saw that other people came up again. She knew that she would lose, but she had to bite her teeth and fight with her opponent!

However, just now the night tassel was resting, but the Luo brothers also replenished their strength. In addition, the Luo brothers were a little scared. Chu Yang called the police, so he stepped up his attack on her. In the blink of an eye, the two thin swords, which looked like poisonous snakes scurrying around, cut her clothes three times, and they were all in the parts that were inconvenient for men to see. It is concluded that the Luo brothers are really Yin people.

"Hey, are you farting when you are Laozi?" Chu Yang saw that people did not bird him. Instead, he stepped up his attack on the night tassel. He could not think of anything more. After a big drink, he swung up the basin and rushed up.

"Well, it's your own death. Don't blame me!" Luo Hao's corner of the eye Yu Guang sees Chu Yang rushing up. With a cold hum, he stabs the thin sword of the night tassel and stabs Chu Yang in the chest.

"Oh, no, that would kill people!" Chu Yang is about to stab Luo Hao's thin sword to his chest. He yells in his mouth, his legs are soft, and his body suddenly pours forward. He falls to the ground in embarrassment, and Luo Hao's sword naturally stabs empty.

"Chuyang, be careful!" Originally, ye Liusu showed "ignorance" after Chu Yang appeared. He thought that he was deliberately forcing. When he rushed up, he still had great confidence in him. But she never thought that uncle Chu, who was able to carry four sacks of grain at one time, was lying on the ground in front of him! This frightened her and screamed: "Luo Hao, don't hurt him, or I'll kill you!"

"Luo Hao, don't hurt him. Or I'll kill you! " Night tassel see Chu Yang fall down, a little master's demeanor is not, this can frighten her, scream is about to rush over.

But how could Luo Yue give her this chance? On the contrary, when she gave up her life to run to Chu Yang, a sword stabbed her left back shoulder.

They have no ability to protect themselves, and they keep saying that they want to kill others. Women like to say something groundless. However, I didn't expect that she was quite concerned about me... When Chu Yang fell on the ground, he heard the scream of the night tassel. As soon as he felt warm in his heart, he heard her "ah" send out a miserable hum.

Hear the night tassel miserable hum, Chu Yang look up, see Luo yuezheng from her shoulder back to the sword, the heart of that warm, Lima upgraded to anger. Just at this time, Luo Hao's sword also stabbed at his back. When he was about to swing his right hand, the washbasin became a temporary shield.

With a bang, when the sound of the thin sword hitting the washbasin rings, Chu Yang pounces on the ground. His left hand has already grasped Luo Hao's Xiayin like lightning and clenches it hard

Don't blame Chu man for such insidious and obscene tricks. You must know that when a killer is performing a task, let alone arresting others, he will do it ten times more despicably. As long as he can complete the task, he will not frown.

Killers kill people. It's not a challenge arena. They don't need any gorgeous moves or other people's evaluation. Their only purpose is to kill people by all kinds of effective means.

Since Luo Hao is a killer. Of course, he understood that. Now, after he was caught by someone for a moment, he didn't scold such nonsense as "you are so mean and shameless". He just let out a dull hum and subconsciously threw away his thin sword and covered his hands to his crotch.

Bang! There was another loud noise. But this time, it was the basin that hit Luo Hao's face... Although Chu Yang caught Luo Hao's life, he didn't intend to kill him. He just took advantage of his hands to protect himself, picked up the basin and pointed it at his head, and immediately knocked Luo Hao who was still swaggering.

"Ah. Big brother Luo Yue, who is gaining the upper hand over there, is about to force the night tassel into a corner and capture her alive. Unexpectedly, Luo Hao is knocked unconscious with a washbasin. He is so surprised that he immediately leaves the night tassel. A brisk step jumped to Luo Hao's side.

"You, you don't come here!" Chu Yang in a basin hit Luo Hao, and did not take advantage of the pursuit, but in Luo jump over, mouth yelling, face panic, action abnormal embarrassed a roll. Rolled to the sink beside the night fringe.

"You're dead, boy!" Although Luo Yue wants to catch up with Chu Yang and poke him a transparent hole, Luo Hao's face is covered with blood and lying on the ground, but he has to check his brother's injury first.

"He, he doesn't, won't be beaten by me." in the moonlight, Chu Yang stood up with a pale face. Holding a basin in one hand and pointing to Luo Hao lying on the ground, he shivered all over and asked the night tassel, "are you killed?"

When Luo Hao was caught by someone in Chu, she didn't see the night tassel. She just saw that Luo Hao suddenly threw away his weapon like a fool, and let his head bear a washbasin and fainted. Before she can figure it out. See Chu Yang is very embarrassed to roll over, full of panic, as if at any time collapsed to the ground, quickly comfort him: "it's all right, washbasin can't kill people... How do you hit him?"

"I don't know. I thought he was going to stab me with a knife, so I gave him a washbasin." Chu Yang was very nervous and tried his best to swallow and spit. His legs kept shaking and he just sat down on the sink.

It turns out that I'm really wrong. Chu Yang is just an ordinary man. He can knock Luo Hao unconscious. It's probably because Luo Hao happened to have some hidden disease. Otherwise, why should he throw the sword away?

The night tassel thinks so in the heart, see Chu Yang is scared to death appearance, then stretch out hand to grasp his left hand, low voice say: "don't be afraid. Maybe that man is insane, but he can't die. "

"Yes? How do you know he's insane? " epilepsy? Ha ha, I'm afraid it's the lifeblood, isn't it? Chuyang in the heart secretly smile, facial expression but compare fainting Luo Hao even uglier: "that we want to dial 12?"

"Hit your mother 12!" To Chu Yang this is very silly very naive words, night tassel has not yet had time to answer. Luo Yue, who checks Luo Hao's injury, turns around and pours.

"Ah, this man is crazy. Stop him Chu Yang in Luo Yue gnash teeth of rush up, legs also don't shiver. Earn out the hand that is held by night tassel, push hard at her back, night tassel dizzy rise brain, involuntarily rushed to Luo Yue.

Chuyang, you bastard! At the critical moment, women should block the enemy for you. Are you still a man? Chu Yang forced a push to Luo Yue in front of the night tassel, in the heart mercilessly scolded a sentence, just for his guilt, gratitude, with his push disappear, had to bite teeth and Luo Yue tangle together.

"Hey, night tassel, look at the little white face you're looking for. How tough is it? I used you as a shield at the critical moment Luo Yue said sarcastic words in his mouth, but he didn't relax his hand. A sword is like a sword stabbing at the key of the night tassel.

"I, I don't need you to care about it. It has nothing to do with him!" Although in the heart some sorrows, but the night tassel has not yet been exalted by Chu to the point of madness. She is very clear that all this is his own involvement, he just this move, just ordinary people's subconscious action.

"Yes, yes, it was your dog that bit the dog. It has nothing to do with my fart... The boss's mother stabbed him in the eye with a knife... Ah, hi! Almost. " Chu Yang saw that the night tassel was injured, and she could keep calm under the restriction of her action. He admired her a little. Although she fanned the flames in her mouth, her right hand was always holding the changed basin, preparing for the night tassel to "save the beauty" in case of danger.

"Chu Yang, shut up. If you don't want to die, get out of my way. If you talk nonsense, be careful. I'll stab you first!" Night tassel had been forced by Luo Yue in a hurry, at this time hear Chu Yang even she also scolded into, can't laugh or cry under turned to scold him.

"Get rid of him quickly, then!"

Don't I want to get rid of him? But the key is that I have to have this ability now. I didn't expect that the Luo brothers were so powerful. If my brother-in-law were alive, they would not dare to do this to me. After listening to Chu Yang's words, night tassel heart inexplicably a sour, mind some confusion.

Master fight... Although Ye Liusu and Luo Yue are not masters at all in Chu Yang's eyes, when they are half a Jin against eight Liang, if someone has to lose first, it must be the one who is not in his mind.

"Night tassel, you can't last long. You'd better surrender and take out the Luofeng card. Maybe I can give you a way to live and let you live with this white faced man for the rest of your life. If not, it will be your end! Oh, you are such a beautiful girl, you must have never tasted the taste of a man, have you? If you die like this, tut Tut, what a pity. "

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