As a matter of fact, Chu Longbin and others have already known about the troubles between Chu Yang and Hua Manyu. Otherwise, Hua Manyu would not have been allowed to live in the Chu family for so many days.

Moreover, Lao Chu really had the idea of letting his grandson take away the flowers, which was the main reason why his old man strongly supported Chu Yang to join Longteng to create a "great cause".

Rao Shi, Chu Longbin, father and son are all great figures who are shaking their feet in Beijing, but Hua Manyu's sudden pregnancy is far beyond their expectation.

According to their intelligence, they will never doubt the truth of this news. What's more, I know why Hua Manyu told Chu Yang about her pregnancy!

In the eyes of those who play politics, even Lin chaoming and Zhao Yanqing want to say thank you to Chu Longbin. They still don't know how long it took them to think about it. What's more, Hua Manyu is pregnant with Chu Yang's child, which involves "life"?

The strangest thing about this is that although Hua Manyu was pregnant, Chu Yang, the "troublemaker", was forced to blame him.

And Hua Manyu, who knows what Hua's family thinks? What do they mean by revealing the news at this time?

A room of people, old and young, men and women, after Chu Yang told the news, all stayed like clay sculptures. There was no movement except the exaggerated snoring of a certain man.

After a long time, Chu Longbin broke the silence with a cough and woke Chai Murong with a teacup in his hand.

With a clang sound, the cup fell from Chai Murong's hand to the ground. She was like all the aggrieved daughters-in-law, covering her face with her hands, quickly twisted her waist and legs, and ran out of the main hall.

"Ling'er, go and see your sister-in-law!" Chu Longbin shouts to Chu Ling who is still silly.

"Oh Chu Ling woke up as if from a dream. He got up from the bench and ran away. However, he tricked Chu Xuanwu, who was sitting on the other side of the bench, off the bench and knocked down a thermos bottle.

The thermos makes a dull sound again, and the hot air fills the air.

Seeing her son lying beside the hot water bottle, Mrs. Chu Yong rushed to pull him up, but just stepped on Chai Murong's broken teacup. Her high heels sprained her ankle, and she squatted on the ground with a pain. For a moment, the hall was in a mess.

"Well, it's not easy!" When Chu Longbin saw all this, he patted the table angrily and said, "Xuanwu, help your third brother to his room. Except Chu Yong and Tiantai, everyone else will go out first!"

Seeing that the old man was angry, all the people, including the old lady Chu, were submissive. According to his orders, they all left the main hall quickly with their hands on them.

When the master of Chu family was left in the main hall, Chu Yong added some water to him: "Dad, what do you think of this?"

Chu Longbin tapped the table with his fingers and pondered for a long time before he said, "when there was a misunderstanding between the girl of the Hua family and Xiao Yang, I didn't think so deeply. Later, when Xiao Yang came to Beijing, Hua Wenchou and Murong arrived in Beijing and lived in our house, I didn't take it seriously. I just thought it was a young people's emotional problem. But now flower girl pregnant things appear, the problem is complicated. Chu Yong, what do you think is the main point of this matter? "

The three sons of Chu Longbin are the first to be cautious.

As for Chu Yang's Lao Tzu Chu Tian Tai, it was definitely a master who rolled his sleeves when his head was hot. Therefore, old Chu only asked Chu Yong, but did not ask him.

And chutiantai also has self-knowledge, honest sitting on the stool, make a pair of ears.

"If the girl of the flower family told Chu Yang, it's easy to do. It's just to do the work of Murong and her and find a compromise. But if someone told Chu Yang, "Chu Yong said with a bitter smile and shook his head," it would be complicated. "

"Yes, I think so. Although it has something to do with Xiao Yang, we can't blame him. He can't control what happened at that time. " Chu Longbin looked at the courtyard and said slowly: "however, it doesn't matter who told Xiao Yang about the pregnancy of Hua wench. What's important is what flower girl thinks in her heart. "


Chai Murong's feelings today can be described as a wave of several twists and turns.

Because of some political reasons, she had to leave the company to accompany Ruan LINGJI, but she was kidnapped by Luolin.

Later, with the birth of a Chu man, there was a story about the prince giving his life to save the princess. What moved a Chai official was that he almost promised himself in public and vowed to be a good wife in the future.

When Chai Da Guan's people imagine a beautiful tomorrow, her seemingly harmonious but never stop fighting in secret, she is pregnant! And the senior officials have not tasted her husband's taste, which makes her proud, how can she feel? Ah!

Although a senior official is a woman, he who can laugh when he falls from a high-rise building will never run away in agony just because he hears that his rival is pregnant with Chu Yang's child. In fact, this is the best way to avoid embarrassment.

Don't you see, as soon as she ran into the West Wing room, how could there be any tears on her small face as smooth as a peeled cooked egg?

But Chu Ling, who followed in later, didn't know these things. He ran in in a hurry and yelled: "sister-in-law, you can't think hard. There's no problem in the world that can't be solved... Sister-in-law, are you ok?"

Chai Murong gave a bitter smile and said with a little hoarse voice: "I'm ok. Ling'er, can you go out first? I want to be alone. "

"Yes, but don't do anything stupid."

"How?" Chai Murong shook his head: "I've died once, oh, twice today. I've known for a long time that it's good to be alive. I will never do that kind of stupid thing."

See Chai Murong a face of calm, Chu Ling how many also put dim sum. After a few more words of instruction, he left the room.

Since Chai Murong is capable of being the chairman of the board of nearly 100000 employees, he has always been known for his cunning and deep thinking. She could naturally take into account the problems that Chu's father and son could think of.

After Chu Ling went out of the room, Chai Murong walked back and forth in the room for dozens of times, took out the phone, found Hua Manyu's mobile phone number, and dialed it.

It took a long time for Hua Manyu to answer the phone. With a languid voice, he said, "why do you call me so late? Are you suffering from too much stimulation and insomnia today? Don't worry. If you don't die in great danger, you will be blessed. "

"Yes, it's exciting, but it's not because of being kidnapped."

"Yawn, firewood girl, if you have anything to say, I have to sleep. I'm sleepy." The flowers over there yawned, with impatience in their tone.

Chai Murong gave a silent sneer and suddenly asked, "are you pregnant?"

After hearing Chai Murong's words, Hua Manyu, who was sleepy over there, was startled and asked subconsciously, "how do you know?"

After listening to Hua Manyu's reply in this tone, Chai Murong was sure that there was a little life in her belly. She sighed softly and asked in a low voice, "who did you tell about your pregnancy?"

Hua Manyu turned over and sat up, leaning on the head of the bed: "I didn't tell anyone."

"Are you sure?"

"Nonsense, I need to lie to you?" Flower rambling pause, again asked: "who told you?"

"You don't care about this," Chai Murong asked wickedly, "I just want to ask you, who is the father of the child?"

Hua Manyu didn't hesitate at all. He blurted out: "the father of the child is your husband."

"I grass, flower ramble, can you have a little sense of shame?" Chai Murong murmured in a low voice: "with your beauty and identity, you can do this kind of scandal. Besides, you still have a married husband. Do you think it's very glorious?"

"I don't feel any shame. A woman's pregnancy is as normal as a person's hunger. I really like your husband in my heart, so I said it. " Hua Manyu said faintly: "Chai Murong, how do you know this? I just went to the hospital at noon to confirm this matter. How can it reach your ears now? Are you following me? "

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Do I have to accompany you to dry my teeth in the middle of the night?"

Chai Murong is now sure that Hua Manyu doesn't mean that she is pregnant. It seems that this matter is done by someone who has a heart. She frowned and said, "Chu Yang just came home more than ten minutes ago. He was very drunk tonight. The first thing I say when I get home is that you are pregnant and his child. When he said this, all the people of the Chu family were present. "

After Chai Murong said these words, he waited for a long time, and then Hua Manyu said in a low voice, "I never told anyone that I was pregnant."

"I believe you. I think you may have been sold by the people closest to you." Chai Murong licked his lips and said, "as for who told Chu Yang, we will know the result tomorrow. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter who told him, or who told him, or with what intention. What matters is what you're going to do with the child. "

"Chai Murong, what do you mean by your last sentence?"

Chai Murong light smile: "no meaning, is to advise you to think about it, you in the end is to beat or keep."

"I don't have to think about it. I can tell you the answer now."

"Are you going to have a baby?"

"The child is my own flesh and blood, I will use my best ability to protect the child."

Chai Murong sneered: "Hua Manyu, I advise you not to be infatuated with the flood of maternal love. You'd better knock the child out! In this way, it is good for the Hua family, the Chai family and the Chu family. If you are stubborn all the time, you will surely fall into the trap of the man who has a heart. "

Hua Manyu also sneered: "hum, Chai Murong, don't think you are the only smart person in the world. I know what I'm going to do. "

"That's it. It's up to you." Chai Murong said, then he turned off the phone, found a cigarette, lit one, took a hard breath, and said to himself, "Damn, it's too old for the big officials to commit crimes? How come this unpleasant thing, one after another, goes on and on... No, Hua rambled that the child must not be born! "

In the curling smoke, Chai Murong's eyes flashed a sharp color, just like the flower rambling on the bed looking at the mobile phone.

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