When the salty tears, along the snow-white cheek, trickled to the Qin Dynasty forced to bite the lips, she suddenly woke up.

She instantly understood that at this time, it was not the time to shed tears, nor the time to turn around and hide her face, but to establish her instructor's prestige as soon as possible!

Qin Dynasty mercilessly clenched his fists, bravely raised his white chin, looked at those elites, and cried: "what I said is very funny!"

"Er..." with a burst of breathing sound, all the smiles in the playground suddenly stopped, silent.

When the Qin Dynasty gave a sharp drink, it shocked these guys like 250000 or 80000, which undoubtedly gave her a sense of honor of "I was very good at it", and her tears were no longer flowing magically.

Qin Dynasty stare big a pair of clear eyes, just like a female leopard looking at the prey, sneer a step forward: "hum, I admit that when I was facing you so-called elites just now, I really felt nervous for a short time and said something wrong. But it doesn't mean that I can let you laugh when I say something wrong! I ask you to understand that I am your instructor. At the same time, don't forget a fact! I am still a woman

You are the instructor who "will use your strengths to make up for our weaknesses". You are a woman. Do you want to remind us again... When you look at the high spirited Qin Dynasty, you are puzzled. At the same time, you suddenly feel a chill, which is not clear but can be felt.

It is this kind of cold, mercilessly obliterated everyone's smile, and then serious.

The Qin Dynasty walked a few steps back and forth, and then swept over all the faces. It finally fell on Chu Yangshen, and the voice was cold as a knife: "I remind you that I am your instructor, and I want to tell you whether you can join the Dragon examination, and at least has the final say in two aspects of thought and firearms."

Has the final say has the final say, I did not laugh at you, and just now I am very kind to help you out, but why do you want to stare at me? Even if you want to thank me for my voice aid, don't be so explicit in front of the public. Don't forget that Hua Canyu is still here.

Seeing Qin Dynasty's eyes blinking at him, Chu Yang felt hairy and couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Qin Dynasty looked at Chu Yang and continued to say: "I remind you that I am a woman and I want to tell you a bigger truth."

After a pause, the Qin Dynasty continued: "no matter what kind of woman she is, no matter where she is, her revenge is very strong! I believe everyone has heard that before? "

Come on, we won't say something wrong just because we laughed at you just now. Can we take this opportunity to wear shoes for us? After the words of the Qin Dynasty came out, all the men in the playground felt chilly at the back of their necks.

Qin Dynasty did not stop her speech because she saw everyone's face showing fear. She still glared at Chu Yang, who was about to tuck his head into his crotch, and said forcefully: "I said something wrong. You laugh at me. This is what I deserve. But when you laugh, you seem to have forgotten that I am your instructor, right? All of you here are soldiers. You should understand the consequences of ridiculing the superior. Next, no matter what kind of punishment you get, it's all your fault! "

It's over. This world is coming so fast!

Looking at the murderous Qin Dynasty, the big guys are all pondering what tricks this beautiful officer wants to torture everyone.

"Of course," when everyone was worried, the front of the Qin Dynasty changed: "when I said something wrong, someone's laughter was kind."

My laughter just now is kind! A lot of people almost raised their hands to show their ambition because of this sentence of the Qin Dynasty.

In spite of the flattering expression on everyone's face, the Qin Dynasty sneered again: "but some people are deliberately sarcastic! So, although you all laugh, I will not punish everyone, only those who should be punished! "

I don't, really, or I'll dig out my heart and show it to you? Everyone, including Chu Yang, thought so.

"As I said, I not only have the right to punish your instructor, but also a woman with strong revenge." The Qin Dynasty took a few steps forward, looked at Chu Yang and said, "who laughed at me the most just now? I saw clearly. Therefore, I am determined to punish this man and make an example of him! "

Eh, so many people are smiling. It seems that I'm not smiling. Why are you always aiming at me? Do you want to punish me for being ridiculed? Staring at Chu Yang on the ground of the playground, he saw that when the Qin Dynasty came more than ten meters in front of him, there was a cold sweat on the brain door.

He didn't have to look up at it at all. He knew that the Qin Dynasty was going to take him as a negative example.

Chu is very smart, otherwise he would not be the king of killers. When he comes across something, he usually looks at it thoroughly. But this time, after analysis, it was found that the Qin Dynasty seemed to be aiming at him, but he wanted to make mistakes in his judgment.

Unfortunately, the next words of the Qin Dynasty completely shattered his hope: "Chu Yang!"

Chu Yang shivered all over, holding his head high and answering loudly: "here it is!"

Qin Dynasty raised his right hand to look at his watch, then stared at him and said coldly, "it's 14.26 minutes Beijing time. From now on, you have to walk for six hours. If you are less than one minute, don't eat dinner!"

Horse stance is an important basic skill for soldiers. It mainly practices footwork, leg strength and internal skill.

Ordinary people at the beginning of the horse step, if you can adhere to more than ten minutes, it is not a small achievement. If we stick to it all the time, it may take two or three hours, depending on the physical fitness of each person.

As for the military elites who can be present today, it's not a matter of time for everyone to spend three or five hours.

However, for someone in Chu who had been away from the revolutionary team for four or five years, he was not required to do it for six hours. Even if he did it for four hours, he might not stick to it.

This is not to say that Chu Yang's physical quality is not as good as others. It's really because after he left the army, he could not have professional training like a professional soldier.

Now, Chu Yang suddenly heard that the Qin Dynasty asked him to take a horse walk for six hours, and he didn't have dinner for one minute. Then he was stunned and asked, "Hey, Qin Dynasty, what do you mean?"

"Well?" Qin Dynasty asked in the nose, then hands back, chin looked up at the sky, coldly said: "please call me instructor Qin!"

Chu Yang swallowed his spit and said, "Qin, instructor Qin, why do you want me to take a horse step? Why? "

"Why?" The Qin Dynasty shrugged: "you are a student, I am an instructor! Instructor's order, the student must obey unconditionally

"Well, it doesn't matter if you let me take a horse's step, and it doesn't matter if you let me obey your orders, but you should always give me a reason?"

"You want a reason? That's good. " Qin Chaoyang Chin a pair of high above the appearance: "then I ask you, what are you here for?"

"Take part in the selection of Longteng."

"By the way, if you want to join Longteng, you have to obey any order of the instructor unconditionally. That's the reason."

After the Qin Dynasty finished this sentence, he no longer talked to chuyang. Instead, she turned around in the playground with her hands on her back. Whenever she turned to the person with the biggest smile just now, her big eyes aimed at others, until they lowered their heads deeply.

The Qin Dynasty turned around and found that Chu Yang was still standing there, frowning: "why, don't you want to do what I said?"

Chu Yang gave a bitter smile: "I just want to know why you want me to do this. Everyone just laughed, but I didn't... "

"Wait a minute," the Qin Dynasty interrupts Chu Yang's words with a wave of his hand, "you said everyone just laughed?"


"Then you point out to me who is laughing."

"Er..." someone in Chu slapped his mouth, speechless.

"Why?" See Chu Yang speechless, Qin Dynasty some complacent say“ Chu Yang, just point out who just laughed, then I'll let him accompany you for six hours. You tell me, who laughed? "

Eh, does Xiao Qin have a grudge against this young man? How else can we target him? To the South sky some puzzled hope one eye Jing red life, the latter don't understand of shake head.

Numb next door, I said everyone just laughed, but I didn't smile, but you just let me point out who is laughing, this is not intended to let me offend people? Cao, since the breakup in Southern Hebei, I don't seem to provoke you, do I? Son of a bitch, I was so cheap just now. If you say something wrong, just say something wrong. Why can I give you an excuse? If it wasn't for being so mean, would you have targeted me?

Chu Yang looked at his Qin Dynasty with wide eyes and shook his head with a bitter smile: "who was smiling just now? I didn't see clearly."

"Didn't you see it? Are you sure? "

"Yes, I'm sure." Chu Yang's stuffy reply.

"Since you don't see clearly, you can't be sure who is laughing at me with you, then you can walk for six hours by yourself." After the Qin Dynasty had said this, he turned around and walked toward the South sky. As he walked, he said, "of course, you can also disobey my orders. But I will tell the headmaster immediately that you are not a soldier whose duty is to obey orders. You are not qualified to participate in this selection! "

If it's not for the pregnancy, or if it's not for the shame of the old men who just came here, don't say that you threaten to drive me out, or you take off your clothes and kneel down to beg me... Take off your clothes and kneel down to beg me, maybe I will consider staying.

"Alas Looking at the back of Qin Dynasty's stride away, Chu sighed heavily, his legs split, and the horse began to walk.

The Qin Dynasty quickly walked up to xiangnantian, saluted him with a slap, and cried out: "report to the headmaster, my words are finished!"

"Very good!" He gave a military salute to the South sky, looked at a man in Chu who was full of grievances, walked forward half a meter with his hands on the wheel, and slowly said: "from then on, you will no longer have the distinction between men and women, no longer be other people's children and lovers, you only have one common name, that is, the best soldier in China! You may become the sharp weapon of our country! Your future destiny will be closely linked with our motherland! We are all soldiers. Soldiers should keep two points in mind. 1、 The interests of the motherland are above everything else! 2、 It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey the orders of their superiors unconditionally! "

Pause, to the South sky deep vision from the playground slowly swept, suddenly loudly asked: "all remember it?"


"I didn't hear you!"


He nodded to Nantian with satisfaction: "very good. From this afternoon, all the participants have been present. There are 120 of you. But in the end, only 12 people can stay and become a member of Longteng! The elimination rate is more than 90%, even 100%! If you want to be one of the twelve people in Longteng, from now on to three months later, you must show all your energy and fighting spirit! Are you confident? "


In the roar of the earth shaking and mountains shaking, there was a weak voice in Chu's voice: "no..."

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