If I can avoid this disaster safely this time, I will never be entangled with Chai Murong again!

That's what Han Fang thought when the gunshot rang out.

Listening to the sound of the bullet smashing the front window and whistling over his head, Han Fang's face, which used to look very natural and unrestrained, has turned pale now.

In addition to the constant low voice scream, he would only shiver like chaff.

Chai Murong didn't look down on Han Fang when he came across such a bad scene. Instead, he felt guilty and thought: if it wasn't for me, the child would be scared to shiver

Therefore, Chai Murong not only covers his head with his left hand, but also holds Han Fang's small and big hand with his right hand, hoping to give him some comfort in this way.

As a man who is 1.86 meters tall and weighs 83 kg, when he is attacked by a gangster, he can't give any protection to the lady around him. On the contrary, he is so regretful that he needs to be comforted. No matter how handsome he is, what's the difference between such a man and bullshit?


After the escape route was blocked by the truck in front of them, Wang Daodao, who were in charge of the peripheral security of the senior officials, in the alternate shooting of the two drivers, except holding their heads and hiding in the car to avoid bullets, could be said to have no effect on farts.

If it wasn't for Lingxing who used the front of the car to resist bullets and kept pulling back the mobile car, I'm afraid Chai Murong would have been finished long ago.

Even if the bullet doesn't hit the person, as long as it hits the fuel tank and causes the car to explode, it depends on the delicate constitution of the senior official... Besides saving the next bullet for the Gunners, can you expect her to escape from the fire?

Therefore, despite the large number of senior officials, they can only face the situation of being beaten all the time due to their incomparable weapons.

A one-sided gunfight is going on

Although Lingxing has never stopped the movement of the car, but this off-road vehicle in a few assault rifles continuous fire, it seems that it can not support for long.

"Ah Tian Ke, hidden under the co driver's seat, let out a cry of pain when Lingxing engaged the reverse gear for the 17th time.

But then she clenched her teeth.

Tian Ke was shot in the right shoulder. If she didn't know it was an extraordinary time, she would cry out in pain.

Ling Xing saw blood splashing on Tian Ke's right shoulder, but he couldn't take care of her. Even when the front of the car was facing the shooter, they didn't dare to change it.

The front of the car is aimed at the shooters, which can accept the bullets to the maximum extent, thus avoiding Chai Murong's injury in the back.

Maybe, I have to die here today... Ling Xing looks at Tian Ke with sorry eyes and roars in a low voice: "Tian Ke, hold on, we'll be OK!"

"I, I'm fine!" Tian Ke's face was pale.

With the six or seven men holding assault rifles and constantly covering and shooting each other getting closer and closer to the car, the claws of death have already seized the throat of Chai Murong, Han Fang, Ling Xing and Tian Ke.

Just wait more than ten seconds, people will certainly be able to run a few meters away from the SUV.

At that time, even if Lingxing keeps moving the car fast, even if it's driving into others, it doesn't seem to be able to change the fate of senior officials being beaten into a sieve.


Well, if you're still alive

In the past, when she was full and had nothing to do with watching a movie, Chai Murong often saw that the woman in the movie would think of the man she cared about when she was in danger. Just as she does not believe in a certain folk custom (the custom in the countryside of central Sichuan where a family member died three years ago), she will scoff at the rotten dog blood bridge segment of her grandmother's house: can the director of this film make something new after cutting a bird? How can women be so sentimental when you take pictures of them!

But now, when listening to the sound of the gun getting closer and closer, and the hand holding Han Fang was shaking more and more severely, the senior officials thought of the scene that she despised, and the ghost who dared to accompany her to jump down from a hundred Zhang high building

If you are still alive, with your skill of jumping from a tall building without injury, it should be no problem to deal with these shooters, right? Why the hell are you dying? After I agreed... Just when Chai Murong squatted under the seat with his head in his arms, his heart was sour, sweet, melancholy and regretful, he suddenly heard the gunfire outside the car!

Just as Chai Murong gradually gave up his hope of survival, Lingxing stepped on the accelerator to the end and was ready to drive into the shooters, but suddenly there was a loud gunshot outside the car!

Chai Murong is not proficient in all kinds of firearms, and has no practical experience in gunfight. However, after the sudden increase of gunfire, she really feels that reinforcements are coming from outside. Otherwise, why can't she hear the sound of bullets hitting the SUVs?

Who came to save me?

Chai Murong couldn't hear the sound of bullets hitting the SUV. He raised his head slightly and looked out of the windowless window.

Because Chai Murong's off-road vehicle is aimed at the shooters, its body is also on the road. At this time, when she looked out, she could see the direction from the airport.

Chai Murong saw that there were three black off-road vehicles coming from the wheat fields that were heading for the front of the vehicle. They all had guns in their hands outside the window and were shooting at the six or seven shooters.

What's more, a silver car jumped from the bottom of the truck in the middle of the road!

God, how dare anyone drive like this!?

A silver white car, under the gaze of Chai Murong's peach blossom eyes, from the other side of the pallet truck, like a bull who has been beaten with chicken blood, moo and roar hard from under the truck!

The normal height of a car is 14-15 meters, while the chassis of a pallet truck is about one meter above the ground.

But at this time, this silver white car is from an impossible height, hard "squeeze" over!

The consequence of the fierce squeeze of the silver car is that the whole roof of the car is lifted, and everything on the steering wheel is cut off by the truck chassis, making it a small convertible.

Looking at the moo car, Chai Murong's eyes stagnated: how could it be him!?


When Chu Yang and Shen yunzai arrive at the airport from Sakura foot washing City, they immediately find the three black SUVs Wang Daodao and others noticed, as well as the men in black windbreaker standing in front of them.

Wang Daodao didn't know these men in windbreaker. Chai Murong and Ling Xing, who got off the plane soon after, also didn't recognize whose soldiers these fierce men were, but Chu Yang didn't recognize them either.

There's no way. These grandsons are not only wearing black windbreaker, but also wearing sunglasses. Someone in Chu doesn't have the power of clairvoyance. No matter how powerful he is, it's impossible to see who these people are.

After instructing Sun Bin to park his car in an inconspicuous position at the airport, Chu Yang gently pushes away the sleeping Shen yunzai (this girl hasn't dared to sleep since early in the morning. She's always afraid that several big and small guys will turn her around. Even if she opens her eyes, she can't stop others, but it's better to open her eyes than to close her eyes and accept helplessness, Leisurely got out of the car and lit a cigarette. After pondering for a moment, he found out the phone and called Shang Lige.

"What's the matter?" Shang Lige's simple and direct question doesn't match her crazy performance in bed at all.

Chu Yang took a look at those men in black windbreaker: "you check Hua Manyu's mobile phone number for me."

"No, I know. It's 136206." Shang Lige pondered a little over there and then asked, "did you tell her your true identity?"

Chu Yang silent bitter smile: "no way, at that time I was looking at my son, who thought she would suddenly go home."

"Well... Is there anything else?"

"Not for the time being. I'll call you if I have something to do." After chuyang takes off the phone, he calls huamanyu according to her mobile phone number.

Hua Manyu, who was thinking about something in an advertising company, thought it was a business connection when he saw a strange number, so he quickly got through: "Hello, I'm Hua Manyu, manager of Yangfeng advertising company. Who's calling, please?"

Listen to a little cold but very pleasant voice, Chu Yang said: "I'm the manager of Yangfeng advertising company, she's a man!"

Flower ramble a Leng, immediately recognize is Chu Yang's voice, then puff Chi a smile of ask: "originally is my kiss of good man ah, excuse me mutually Gong you have what matter?"

Chu Yang took a few steps back and forth in his pants pocket with his left hand, and said in a bad tone: "Hua Manyu, just as you wish, now I'm at Jinan International Airport. And I saw some guys in black windbreaker. If I'm right, are these from you? "

Hua Manyu pursed the corners of his mouth and sophisticated, "why do you think I sent you?"

"Hum, there is shanglige in Southern Hebei. I can't think of any underground force who dares to make trouble here except you and Chai Murong."

Chu Yang snorted coldly: "you told me in the morning that the purpose of Chai Murong and Han's coming to southern Hebei is to let me come to the airport to have a look? When I come, you will tell your men to create some misfortunes, and then let me see Chai Murong taking care of Han Fang, so as to increase my disgust towards her.... "

Listening to Chu Yang talking on the phone, Hua Manyu knows that she is not the only smart person in the world.

All of a sudden, Hua Mou Niu had a guilty smile: "hee, hee, in fact, it's not as serious as you said. I sent Li Biao to go there for the sake of Murong's safety."

Chu Yang said impatiently, "don't do this with me. Tell your people not to look for trouble. Or I'll take care of you! "

Chu Yang said, and he just stopped the phone.

Over there, the flower rambled, holding the mobile phone for a moment, and murmured: "Yo, boy, after your aunt gave birth to a son for you, you not only don't appreciate me, but play roughshod with me... But only in this way can you have a couple's taste... I like it."

Now that the man Hua Niu likes has spoken, if she doesn't withdraw people back, I'm afraid that guy will be really angry.

Anyway, she has decided that even if Li Biao and others don't cause trouble, as long as Chu Yang can see Chai Murong and Han put together, he must eat in his heart, which can be regarded as achieving her goal.

After thinking about this, Hua Manyu called Li Biao: "Li Biao, now you can withdraw..."

When Hua Manyu said this, he suddenly stopped and said, "Li Biao, I'll give you a mobile phone number. The owner of this mobile phone number is park Tonghuan, who is at the airport at this time. I want you to obey his arrangement and obey his orders unconditionally

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