Chu Yang is no stranger to this kind of international killer platform. He has "looked for a job" on it several times before. Now, it's said that the killer platform has launched a target with a high price, and it's still in Southern Hebei city. He's a little interested and asks casually, "who's the target? It's worth 10 million. "

"It's Chai Murong, the chairman of Yunshui group." Now Chu Yang, in the eyes of the night tassel, is just an ordinary person. Normally, she doesn't have to tell him this. However, after hesitating for a while, he said the goal of tens of millions of yuan.

"What? Chai Murong? Someone even wants to hire a professional killer to kill Chai Murong? " Chu Yang after listening to the night tassel say this goal, holding a cigarette hand suddenly a shiver, half of the cigarette fell on the table. In the eyes is a flash of light, or murderous.

Chu Yang's exclamation after hearing that the target would be Chai Murong. Completely attracted the attention of the night tassel, so that she did not find Chu Yang in an instant revealed the intention to kill, but some strange asked: "how, do you know Chai Murong?"

I'm more than just acquaintances? She's my registered wife! When Chu Yang picked up the cigarette that fell on the table, he had already restrained his murderous spirit. Pretending to be an ordinary person's surprise: "didn't I go to work today? The company I work for is Jinan Branch of Yunshui group. At noon, Chai Murong, the general manager of the headquarters, came to southern Hebei! Ha ha, I didn't expect that someone would kill such a beautiful woman. "

Who is the man who wants to kill Chai Murong? Is it flower rambling? No, in the afternoon. I also heard with my own ears that she did not allow Li Biao to do so. From this, we can conclude that the person who offered the sky high price reward is by no means a flower ramble. Who would it be? When Chu Yang explains to Ye Liusu why he knows Chai Murong, he has completely calmed down and begins to consider who is willing to kill Chai Murong at such a price.

"Oh, I said how surprised you are. You are working there now. So, the creditor who's been looking for you. Also a member of Yunshui group? " If Chu Yang was an ordinary man, he would be surprised to hear that someone wanted to kill his boss. Therefore, his explanation of night tassel made her feel reasonable.

Moreover, at that time, the night tassel once reminded Chu Yang that the safest place should be hidden under his eyes. Now that he works in Yunshui group, she naturally knows that Chu Yang's "creditor" is a member of Yunshui group. However, she did not expect that Chai Murong would be the creditor of someone in Chu.

"Ha ha, yes, that person is a role in Yunshui group." Chu Yang lightly put this matter to perfunctory in the past, just returned to the topic just now: "who is going to kill Chai Murong?"

"The platform will not reveal who the client is." Night tassel shook her head and said, "chuyang, since she is your boss, you should stay away from her in the future. Although killers don't kill ordinary people for no reason, sometimes they make mistakes and bring disaster to the fish. "

"Well, I will." Chu Yang knew that night tassel said this for his good, but he didn't show much gratitude. Because he saw that night tassel seemed very interested in taking over the task. So he asked: "night tassel, see what you mean, as if you want to take this business?"

"I have this idea." Although Chu Yang is just an ordinary person in the eyes of night tassel, she subconsciously regards him as her own person after last night's events. Therefore, after Chu Yang asked about the relationship between the landlord and the tenant, she didn't think much and replied: "after all, it's a high price of 10 million, which hasn't appeared on the killer platform for many years. If I'm going to make a fresh start on Lok Keng Mun this time, it's definitely an opportunity. "

"Have you ever thought about why other people offer such a high price?"

"Yes," night tassel nodded, "it can only show that Chai Murong is difficult to be assassinated."

"Do you want to kill her?" Chu Yang continues to ask a way, the surface is like two people chat at will that kind of calm.

"Yes." Night tassel definitely nodded: "that's ten million."

"I advise you not to take over the business." Chu Yang did not wait for the night tassel to ask why, and then said faintly: "today when I was in the company. Listening to those colleagues who went to the airport to pick up the plane, Chai Murong was accompanied by several powerful bodyguards. They also said that Chai Murong's most powerful is not the bodyguards, but the person who is secretly protecting her. Maybe this is just a legend. Anyway, those colleagues said that the reason why Chai Murong dared to leave the headquarters with a few people was that the person in her secret was protecting her, and the person in charge of her safety never let her down, never let her down.

So I advise you not to take this business. "

"Ha ha, thank you, Chu Yang. I know you are worried about my safety. But don't worry. Even if I take over this business, I won't do it myself. I'll send my men. " Night tassel thought chuyang advised her not to take the task is for her safety, after a sincere thanks, said: "although I am sure Chai Murong side will have a very strong person, but no matter who, it is impossible not to miss. The legends you hear may be the wind they deliberately let out, which makes others dare not offend Chai Murong easily. "

Well. Why does no one believe me when I tell the truth? After sighing in his heart, Chu Yang suddenly reaches out his hands to hold Ye Liusu's left hand and says in a deep voice: "Ye Liusu, I know you want to take over this business. In this way, we can rally our strength against luojianmen. But I still advise you not to take this business. As for why I should advise you not to answer, you will know later. "

Night tassel didn't break away Chu Yang's hand. When he held it, he had a sense of security that he didn't have since his brother-in-law died. She put her right hand on the back of Chu Yang's hand. Soft voice said: "although you have been reluctant to tell me your origin, but you said these words, I will consider clearly."

"I'm not asking you to think about it, but asking you never to take on this task," Chu Yang thought to tell her why she couldn't kill Chai Murong. But at last, he hesitated for a moment, drew back his hand, took out the check from his pocket and put it on the table: "if you are short of money, here is five million, you can use it. You don't have to ask me how I got it. Let's not doubt what I do. I don't want you to take the business anyway. Because I'm sure whoever wants to take over this business will end up dead. "

Chuyang said, but also did not care about the night tassel face revealed great surprise. He got up and went to the stairs.

"Chuyang!" When Chu Yang stepped on the stairs, night tassel called him: "thank you, no matter why, but I can't take your money."

"You can throw it away. I never take back what I send out." After chuyang dropped this sentence. I walked up to the second floor.

Who on earth is he? In order not to allow me to kill Chai Murong, can I easily take out this huge check? Since he can give away so much money, how can he be willing to live with me? Night tassel staring at the stairs, think of the head ache, but still can't think of a one two three

Chu Yang comes to the room arranged for him by yeliusu. After closing the door, I took out my mobile phone and quickly pressed a series of numbers after I turned it on.

Squeak, after the mobile phone rings twice, someone over there gets through to him. But no one spoke.

"Gu mingchuang, I'm Chu Yang." Chu Yang breathed out a breath and said straightforwardly: "you now log on to the online killer platform to see if there is a business of ten million yuan."

"Ha, ghost car, it's you." After hearing Chu Yang's report to his family, the people there spoke. Although it was across the mobile phone, the man's laughter was as bright as the sunshine at noon in winter, which made people listen to the warm voice: "you're out of the misery now, and you're living a cozy dandy life every day. I thought you had forgotten my brother. Hey, hey, how did you remember to call me today? "

"Don't talk nonsense with me, I have something to do with you," chuyang said with a smile after hearing the man and his self proclaimed brother

"Well. Then you wait. I just got up, but I haven't opened my eyes yet. " Gu mingchuang agreed, and then came the crackling sound of the keyboard. It seemed that he was operating the computer.

Chu Yang lit a cigarette and leaned against the window. Wait patiently for the news over there.

After a short time, Gu mingchuang spoke with surprise: "I'm a grass! When was this post uploaded? I don't know. Oh, his grandmother's, ten million. It's still dollars! It's a big deal. No wonder you've been calling from afar. You're interested in this business. "

To Gu Ming Chuang of these bullshit, Chu Yang directly ignore, straight to the theme: "really have such a business?"

"Yes, it is. And the target is a girl. Grass, who is this girl? Gu mingchuang said, "she's Chinese. Her name is Chai Murong. She's 24 years old..."

After listening to Gu mingchuang's detailed information about Chai Murong, Chu Yang completely believes that she has been put on the killer platform.

From the moment a person is put on the killer platform, it means that he or she will always be in danger before the post is deleted.

Who on earth is willing to bid tens of millions of dollars to buy Chai Murong's life?

Just when Chu Yang was thinking about this problem in his heart, Gu mingchuang said: "ghost car."

"Well. I am here. Gu mingchuang, when you call me later, don't call me again. You need to know that I am a good citizen now. " Chu Yang flicked the ash on his hand: "I have quit that organization, except for you and Lao Jiu. I don't want to contact anyone else. "

"Cut, don't pretend with me... But you're right. Now that you're out of this circle, don't look back." Gu mingchuang said this sentence with helpless voice. After a pause, he said, "chuyang, you have quit the circle. Why do you care about this business? Don't tell me that you are short of money. Others may not know, but I know that Sophie is your treasurer. "

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