Wang Ya didn't know what the boss of Chai University and vice president Zhou were thinking. He just spoke for Chu Yang: "ha ha, although he didn't tell me that he regretted resigning, I can see it. However, he was embarrassed to come to you by himself, so I told you on his behalf. Mr. Zhou, as you know, it's hard to find a job now. He's a small and medium-sized guy who is a handyman. But it's hard to live without a job... Do you want him to come back to work? Oh, he's just outside waiting for my news. "

"Well, since Wang Zu pleaded with him, well, I'll give him another chance. Besides, the advertising department can't do without a handyman. " Because Chai Murong is present, Zhou Shuhan euphemistically tells Chu Yang to come back to work. After all, they are the owners of the group.

There was a Ding, and the elevator came down.

"Please call him to Wang Group." Zhou Shuhan nodded to Wang Ya with a smile, then walked into the elevator side by side with Chai Murong.

yeah! When the elevator door closed, Wang Yaquan cried in his heart, as if he had made a great contribution. Hurry out of the hall, far away from Chu Yang, excitedly waved to him: "Chu Yang, Chu Yang! Come here

It's really awkward. I have to hire someone to enter her company to be a bodyguard for free. I'm suspected of being cheap. Chu Yang's small disdain oneself after a while, quickly walk to Wang Ya.

As if worried about Chu Yang thin skinned and embarrassed to come in, Wang Ya simply grabbed his hand and hurried into the door of the advertising department.

In fact, you don't have to be so enthusiastic. Since I'm back this time, even if you drive me out, I won't leave. Chu Yang wanted to talk to Wang Ya like this, but he couldn't bear to blow her enthusiasm, so he had to lower his head and pretend to be "shy" and let her lead him into the advertising department. However, as soon as he stepped into the door, he felt chilly on his head. Looking up, he saw that Zhou Shuhan, who was assigning tasks to his subordinates that day, was staring at him coldly.

Ah, vice president Zhou won't see me holding Chu Yang's hand. Do you think more about it? Wang Ya also found the irritation in Zhou Shuhan's eyes at this time, and quickly wanted to release Chu Yang's hand. Unexpectedly, Chu Yang, who just let her lead, grabbed her hand with his backhand and whispered: "there are so many people in front of her, let's stand here and listen to the officer's instructions."

Hearing that Chu Yang compared Zhou Shuhan to an officer, Wang Ya couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to. He had to cover his mouth with his other hand and gave Chu a white eye.

Hum, you also said that there was nothing between you and Wang Ya, and you would hold hands with me to show affection. What's that? Every move of Chu Yang and Wang Ya is seen by Zhou Shuhan and annoyed in his heart. However, with more than 20 employees, she was embarrassed and had no choice but to stop looking at them. She continued with a straight face: "yesterday, Chai told me that for this autumn auto show, the company formally set up a preparatory working group for the auto show. The members of the group are drawn from the advertising department and the public relations department. Now I'd like to announce the members of the preparatory group from the advertising department. "

Zhou Shuhan said, picking up the folder in his hand and opening it: "because Chai Dong attaches great importance to this auto show, the selected personnel must be excellent soldiers. I won't talk about the people in the public relations department. Let's talk about the people transferred from the advertising department. A group leader Xu Mao. Wang Ya, leader of the second group, and Chu Yang, a handyman. As for the work of the two team leaders, the deputy team leader will take up the post for the time being. "

Cut, you see me holding hands with other women. What's the matter? Yesterday I returned your bank card. Our employment contract has been terminated. Who do I love to be with and what do you care? You're not my wife. It's this idea in his heart, so just now when he saw Zhou Shuhan's angry eyes, Chu Yang caught Wang Ya on purpose.

When Chu Yang saw that Zhou Shuhan had no choice but to look back and feel complacent, he heard that she read her name when she read the list of members of the preparatory group. She was immediately stunned: no? How can I be in this so-called elite group?

Not only Chu Yang was surprised to be in the preparatory group, but also Wang Jin, Xu Mao and others: eh, didn't Chu Yang just quit yesterday? Why did he join the preparatory group as soon as he appeared here today Oh, I almost forgot that they are lovers, so it's normal to go on and off. However, to be able to take advantage of the authority in hand to get a handyman into the preparatory group, it seems that this relationship has to be "very deep, very deep".

Brother, since you are the blue face of vice president Zhou. Why dare you keep her and ya meilang's love? Strong, you are really strong. Xu Mao looked at Chu Yang and Wang Ya playfully, squinted his left eye and quietly extended his thumb.

"Well, Wang Group and Xu group, you hand over the work with the Deputy group leader." Zhou Shuhan closes the folder. Again saw a face not clear so of Chu Yang, light say: "Chu Yang, you come to the office with me."

Oh, it turns out that vice president Zhou had planned to work for Chu Yang long ago. Otherwise, how could he be drawn into the preparatory group? It's ridiculous that I tried so hard to intercede with him just now. Ah. This is a big misunderstanding for her. Looking into the office of Zhou Shuhan, Wang Ya quickly shake off Chu Yang's hand, whispered: "Chu Yang, vice president Zhou asked you to go to her office. You, you have to explain to her well, so as not to let her misunderstand again. "

"Ha ha. well. Thank you, Wang Chu Yang knows what Wang Ya thinks in his heart, but he doesn't explain anything. He smiles and nods with Wang Jin standing there, and walks into Zhou Shuhan's office.

Because I'm moving to the new vice president's office today. When Chu Yang goes in, Zhou Shuhan is cleaning up the tea cups she brought yesterday.

"Vice President Zhou, I'm just a little handyman. What will other people think if you put me in the preparatory group?" After chuyang closed the door. Leaning on the door panel, he took out a cigarette and said slowly, "although you are young, you must be an official, because the official airs just now are very good. It's not like a rookie who's only been on a day's work. "

Do you need to talk about these things? Don't forget my dad's at the back. Zhou Shuhan simply ignored Chu Yang's sarcasm. He just put the teacup in a carton and said, "it's not my idea to recruit you to the preparatory group. It's Chai Dong who told me this morning. If you have any questions, please ask your old classmates. When I was in the elevator just now, she told me to wait for you to go to work. I want you to go to her office

"Oh, I said that it's impossible for you to recruit me to the preparatory group because of your courage. It was the idea of Chai. Ah, it seems that my thousand mile horse has finally been paid attention to by bole. My life and my tomorrow will have an earth shaking change. " Chu Yang said a few words casually. Turn around and go.

"Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Chu Yang doubts of turn round: "didn't you just tell me to go to Chai boss there after work?"

Hu, Zhou Shuhan breathed out, sat down on the chair and said seriously: "Chu Yang, although Chai Dong is about the same age as me, and you are old classmates, you'd better call her Chai Dong. Don't be so presumptuous behind your back just because she looks at you differently and recruits you to the preparatory group. "

"Presumptuous? How can I be presumptuous? Am I wrong? Is there anyone in Yunshui group who has a bigger position than her? " In fact, the image of Chai boss is more than Chai dongke. Chu Yang thinks: you just don't know the real strength of this woman.

"I'm serious. I hope you'll listen to me." Zhou Shuhan did not answer Chu Yang's question. Then he said, "my father told me last night that although Chai Dong is young, she has great energy in China... As for these things, you may know later. Therefore, do not rely on the relationship with her as an old classmate. You dare to hold on to your favor and be proud. "

See Zhou Shuhan is sincere for his own sake, Chu Yang heart also has a little bit of small moved. Can still not care about the said: "thank you for your reminder. But it's OK. "


"Because the prince charming she secretly fell in love with at school was me." Chu Yang complacently said: "so, she may be angry with others, but she never dares to do anything with me."

"Cut. Who believes it Zhou Shuhan turned his lips and looked up and down at Chu Yang: "would you be the prince charming in Chai Dong's mind? I think it's her nightmares

"You can't be beautiful. What do you know?" Chu Yang said, "well, I remember what you said. We must pay attention in the future. Are you all right? It's OK. I went to see Chai. "

"There's another thing," Zhou Shuhan said with a pause. "You'll be less like Wang Ya in front of people in the future. At least you have to save some face for me."

"What happened to me and her? Isn't that a handle? " Chu Yang frowned and said, "what's more, now that we have a clear relationship of money and goods, there is no employment relationship. Even if I pursue Wang Ya with integrity, it doesn't seem to be in your way, does it?"

"But last night," after hearing Chu Yang's words, Zhou Shuhan remembered that he had indeed returned the bank card to himself. After staying for a while, he expected Ai Ai to say: "last night, my mother said that at the weekend, I would let you come to my house for dinner, and I have promised..."

Is this the legendary mother-in-law who wants to see her son-in-law? Chu Yang was also stunned, but then he said with a smile: "OK. At the weekend, I'm worried that I can't find a place to eat. It's just right to go to your house for a meal. But I have said that I don't have the spare money to buy any decent gifts. "

It's just to give this girl face. It depends on her support when Laozi is in the most difficult time. Let's meet her little request. Anyway, when the time comes, she and Lao Zhou mildly say that we are not suitable. Chu Yang thought so, but Zhou Shuhan didn't. In her opinion, this is Chu Yang changed his mind again, and he was in a good mood immediately: "OK, this is what you promised. Don't go back on it. The day after tomorrow is the weekend. Don't procrastinate at that time. As for gifts or not, you don't have to worry about them. I'll take care of them. "

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