It seems that this girl is jealous, but I don't care. What's more, it's urgent for me to solve it now. She likes how to do it. It's better to be angry. Maybe she will give me back my freedom. Chu Yang dodges Chai Murong's eyes, walks to Zhou Shuhan, who is still silly, gently holds her hand, and softly says: "Tangtang, I can swear by my name that the origin of this bracelet is absolutely clean!

Although it is a little more valuable, I am willing to give it to you whom I admire. "

It's more than a little expensive. If it's empty, it's priceless. Fan Jing looks at Chu Yang and thinks: however, he is so serious. Maybe that was true. If so, don't worry about the bad influence this bracelet will bring to me. Her daughter's boyfriend pursues her and gives her expensive birthday gifts, which nobody cares about.

"Chu Yang, I..." for the first time, I heard Chu say such warm words. Zhou Shuhan was happy and contradictory in his heart. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer Chu Yang.

"Hiss," the goods have been sold, and there is no possibility to take them back. It seems that we can only play the trick. Who let fox hurt me on purpose? I'll settle with him later. Chu Yang took a deep breath: "Tangtang, now I officially tell you that you will be my girlfriend from now on."

After saying this, Chu Yang obviously felt the chilly wind coming from behind his neck. He didn't have to look back to know that it must be Chai Murong's eyes. I couldn't help sighing: Well, if it's in the Tang and Song Dynasties today, as long as you have money, it's not easy for you to marry some girls. How can you laugh at me with your eyes on fire

"Be, be your girlfriend?" Zhou Shuhan looked at Chu Yang, confused in his mind. At this time, her classmates suddenly clamored up: "Tangtang, promise him, promise him!"

If he gave me this bracelet, I would nod and shout "yes" without saying a word! Can a master who can give away tens of millions of things be a handyman? Lin Ting looked at Zhou Shuhan. She was envious and envious. She was also happy that her good friend got such a precious birthday gift, so she called out: "Chu Yang, if you want Tangtang to know that you are really after her, kiss her!"

"Yes, kiss her, kiss her!" Zhou Shuhan's classmates, as if they didn't see Ma's ugly face, cried out in unison: "Chu Yang, kiss her, kiss her!"

Give her a birthday gift worth tens of millions, isn't it true? Is it true to kiss her? How can I be embarrassed? Chu did not expect that Zhou Shuhan's classmates were so enthusiastic that he had to kiss her. But he didn't really want to pursue Zhou Shuhan. He just wanted to find an excuse to explain the origin of this bracelet clearly. Now it's good. Those girls have to ask him to kiss her. In full view of the public... No, I should say kiss Zhou Shuhan in front of Chai Murong, who is oppressing jealousy and anger. This is a difficult multiple choice question whether to kiss or not.

Kissing her is bound to be branded as Zhou Shuhan's boyfriend, at least in the official and business circles of Southern Hebei. But what if you don't kiss? It seems that we can't explain why we don't pursue others and why we should give them such valuable gifts? Isn't this a deliberate loss of face? It's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if those girls don't follow these two words, it will definitely hurt Zhou Shuhan's self-esteem. That's the result. It's just that you don't spend money to please.

Kiss or not? It's hard.

"Chu Yang, I..." when someone in Chu was making a difficult choice, Zhou Shuhan had come to his senses. Looking at him with a blushing face, you can see that his eyes are full of sweetness at a glance.

Who is morally corrupt to destroy this pure natural sweetness? Isn't that burning Qin and boiling crane? So, without waiting for Zhou Shuhan to say anything more, Chu Yang was very brave. He held Zhou Shuhan's cheeks, with a light tobacco flavor on his lips, and gave him a kiss like a dragonfly.

"Ouch!" After seeing Chu Yang kiss Zhou Shuhan, her classmates cheered as if they had witnessed a great moment. What's more, they turned on the speakers on the stage.

Suddenly, the melody of a "Happy Birthday" Song immediately filled the space. Those lovely silly girls all came over and squeezed the standing horse aside. They clapped their hands around Chu Yang and Zhou Shuhan: "happy birthday, Tangtang

"Chu Yang," after being kissed by Chu Yang, Zhou Shuhan, who felt dizzy for a moment, looked at him affectionately and said in a low voice, "I, I like it so much."

But I don't like it. But I have to do this, and I have to cooperate with you to make a deep feeling. Chu Yang reached out to wipe Zhou Shuhan's cheek and said with a smile, "as long as you like it. Here, I'll put it on for you. "

Zhou Shuhan is very obedient and shy to stretch out the hand that doesn't wear the female watch, and let Chu Yang put the tangled bracelet on her wrist.

"Sugar. It's fate that you can be with Chu Yang! " Lin Ting looked at Zhou Shuhan enviously: "we all know that you have been especially exclusive of boys since you were in University. Originally, everyone suspected that you were psychologically abnormal, but who would have thought that you just didn't meet the prince charming in your life. Now, we wish you well. You are finally waiting for your prince charming Then she turned around and said, "sisters, do you think so?"

"Yes! That's it! Another kiss. I didn't enjoy that one just now! " Those young good people have to get another kiss.

Yeah. When it comes to the prince charming in her life, what these children say is very reasonable. Otherwise, how can Tang Tang, who used to have a sense of rejection towards men, be willing to accept Chu Yang today? But just one more kiss. It's the right way to stop when it's good. Every Jing and Zhou Heping look at each other, and they all feel gratified from each other's eyes.

So Fan Jing clapped her hands and laughed to help her daughter out: "well, you are all friends anyway. There are many opportunities to be happy together in the future. But we can't always think only of you young people. Don't forget that there are old and old women like us here. So, the birthday party can start... Manager Su, let's put out the birthday cake first. "

"Oh, mayor fan, you are really joking. Everyone says that you are Tangtang's sister. How can you look like an old lady? " Lin Ting timely stand out, just the right to shoot Fan Jing a horse, then follow her meaning turned and said: "go, we are ready to help sugar cut cake."

Today, the people who can come to the Zhou family are not only Mr. Ma, who thinks highly of himself. The rest of them are smart people who know everything at once. Seeing that mayor fan doesn't want to make Zhou Shuhan difficult for everyone, they return to their respective positions with the help of her and Lin Ting's words.

At this time of the night, we should say that Chai Murong and Ma Jian are the most lost.

At the moment when Chu Yang and Zhou Shuhan joined each other. Ma Jian thought that the tall image in front of Chu Yang collapsed. He knew very well that even if his father was the vice mayor, if he and someone in Chu took out a string of tens of millions of bracelets to give away, there would be no hope in his life.

Chai Murong's loss is more obvious. She doesn't care whether she can receive Chu Yang's gift or not, and even doesn't care which woman he kisses with, but what she cares about is that her husband keeps kissing with others, while her real wife is smiling and chanting "clapping blessing". Is there anything more unacceptable than this? Oh, a complete defeat, a complete defeat!

The loss of Chai Murong and Ma Jian is not mentioned. Anyway, Zhou Shuhan didn't notice. She took the initiative to take Chu Yang's arm and went to the big cake launched by manager su. She closed her eyes in the shouting and vowing voice of the girls and put her hands on her chest in front of the candle flickering on the cake. After a while, he opened his eyes and said with a low smile: "well, I've made a wish... Chu Yang, help me blow the candle with you.

When Chu Yang listened to Zhou Shuhan's request to blow the candle with her, he hesitated a little. But then I wanted to.

Tens of millions of bracelets were sent out, which made the Chai official lose face and home. He also offended Mr. Ma fiercely, and even kissed his daughter's sweet mouth... What should be done and what shouldn't be done is to blow a candle. It's not so difficult. Allah will do it. Chu Yang nodded with a happy smile on his face, then bowed down with Zhou Shuhan and puffed up his mouth: "Hoo!"

"Ouch!" After helping them blow out the candles, the girls cheered again, and then everyone began to cut the cake... Zhou Shuhan's birthday party officially began.

"Vice Mayor Ma," carrying a glass of red wine, Fan Jing came to Vice Mayor Ma, who was still thinking about the bracelet in his heart, and said in a low voice with a guilty face, "tonight, I'm really sorry."

"Ah? Ah, ha ha, it's nothing, it's nothing, "deputy mayor Ma was stunned, then shook his head:" Mayor fan, don't say that. Tangtang has grown up. We all know that she has a habit of rejecting boys since childhood. Today, she was able to meet her favorite boy, which is a happy event in itself. My horse sword... Well, it can only be explained that there is no fate between him and Tangtang. This is predestined and cannot be forced. So mayor fan must not feel guilty. Don't you know what my old horse is

"Ha ha, Vice Mayor Ma, since you say so, I won't say anything. Come to Vice Mayor Ma, Mrs. Ma, let's have a drink. I wish we can make concerted efforts in the future

Seeing that Vice Mayor Ma's words were true, Fan Jing was relieved. After talking with them for a while, he left with a smile. There are many guests here tonight, but the most important one is Chai Murong. Therefore, to accompany her is Fanjing's main task tonight.

Fanjing is carrying a glass of red wine. Just as she wants to go to chaimurong, she stops, because she sees Ma Jian approaching

After chuyang and Zhou Shuhan blow out the candle, they will naturally be together with those young people.

Chai Murong is also a peer and should be with them, but she really disdains to stay with those "Little Sisters" and has no interest in chatting with Vice Mayor Ma.

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