"Well." Chai Murong, noncommittal, closed his eyes against the seat. Although she is calm on the surface, she is very angry in her heart: please don't let me know who is bidding 10 million, or I will kill his (her) family, no matter who he (she) is!

See Chai Murong no longer speak, Ling Xing also closed his mouth. After seeing the red light not far in front of him, he picked up the air headset and said: "warhead, please pay attention, there is an intersection in front. Be sure to find out if there is any abnormal situation near the intersection."

"Don't worry about the trigger, warhead understand!" The bodyguard in the car in front answered Ling Xing immediately.

"Trigger, I'm the butt of the gun. Half a kilometer behind us, a car is coming. It's very fast! " At this time, the bodyguard on the back of the car found that there was a very fast car coming up behind. Quickly report to Lingxing: "do you want to stop that car?"

"No, our car runs at normal speed. Please protect my car." Ling Xing took a look in the rearview mirror and saw two bright car lights, just like the wind blowing towards the front. He took out a pistol: "everyone ready for an emergency!"

"Yes In a chorus of assent, the off-road vehicle, code named warhead, ran through the red light in front of it

Just when the BMW SUV code named warhead ran through the red light, Ling Xing and other people's attention was focused on the speeding car behind. Sorensen, who had been ready for a long time, suddenly released the brake, and Buick jumped out of the shadow of the roadside like an arrow, and rushed to the off-road vehicle code named trigger.

"Chai Dong, lie down!" Ling Xing didn't expect that a car would suddenly appear when the "warhead" and "trigger" were out of touch, but it was close to the off-road vehicle in the blink of an eye, and the speed was amazing, so it didn't give him the chance to shoot. He quickly yelled Chai Murong to lie down, then slammed the steering wheel to make the SUV come to an "s" shape and hit Buick with the tall body of the SUV.

To say that the opposite single, Sorensen certainly is not Ling Xing's opponent. However, his ability to rank among the top 12 international killers depends on his careful planning, accurate blasting and driving skills of approaching F1 drivers.

At this time, when he saw Lingxing's delusion of using the weight of the SUV to suppress the Buick, Sorensen sneered. With a dexterous one handed steering wheel, the car slid outwards like flowing water. Then he raised his right foot and stepped on the steering wheel. With both hands, he lifted the crossbow and pulled the trigger of the crossbow from the window to the back seat of the SUV.

Whew... Whew! The crossbow made of alloy steel flies out of the Buick like lightning and penetrates the window of the SUV.

When Ling Xing shouts to lie down, Chai Murong has already fallen on the seat. However, this is also in Sorensen's calculation. He has already calculated that when the car is close, people in the back of the car will lie on the seat, and even the normal posture and fatal parts of people when they suddenly fall in danger have been calculated. Therefore, the cold flashing crossbow did not lose its target because of Chai Murong's fast falling down. It was still shot at her back heart after a meal on the window glass!

"Chai Dong!" Just as the cold light flashed out of the window, Ling Xing, who was highly expected by her, showed his trump. Huo Di turned and raised his pistol. Just after the alloy steel crossbow flew into the window, he also pulled the trigger.

Bang... Dang! The sound of a dull gun was accompanied by a clear sound of iron collision. The arrow that was about to pierce Chai Murong's heart was shot by Ling Xing. The bullet with the arrow swished into the seat.

"It's a pity that you met me today." Sorensen didn't disappoint when he missed a blow. He just turned the steering wheel with his right foot. The Buick roared and rubbed against the SUV. The other half lies on the driver's seat to avoid the bullet that Ling Xing shoots at him, but the crossbow in his hand is aimed at a small hole on his door that has been pierced for a long time.

If you can shoot this arrow again, I will never kill this woman again! Sorensen sneered. Just as he tried to pull the trigger, he felt the shock of the body. The off-road vehicle, which was originally code named as the butt of the gun, ran into it from behind like crazy. And in front of the car code warhead, also creak a stop, and then back to Buick car hit!

All around, so you don't dare to shoot! After being attacked, Sorensen not only didn't panic, but also dared to sit up, still holding the steering wheel with his right foot. His left foot stepped on the brake and then stepped on the accelerator. After a pause, the Buick car slid horizontally like a fish, which made the front and rear off-road vehicles unconsciously step on the brake after suddenly losing the target.

A bunch of trash! Sorensen turned his mouth disdainfully, moved his right foot, stepped on the accelerator with his left foot, and Buick brushed the off-road vehicle code named warhead. With a cry, he got close to Chai Murong's SUV again. Taking advantage of Ling Xing's attention behind him, Sorensen simply sat up with a crossbow in his hand. Just as he wanted to launch the crossbow, he saw the girl sitting on the co pilot's seat and raised her hand to him.

Ah. I didn't expect this woman to have a gun! Sorensen quickly supine in the driver's seat.

"Ling Xing, leave them alone, go Tian Ke's hand shaking violently with his mobile phone, yelling Ling Xing to go quickly, using the advantage of BMW to get rid of the Buick.

be ashamed! After seeing Tian Ke hide the killer with his mobile phone. Ling Xing, who had been cheated, screamed shame in his heart. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the SUV roared forward.

Although Sorensen's driving skill is quite good, he wants to use an ordinary Buick to chase BMW off-road, unless he has another chance to slow down because of crossing the intersection. however. I believe the bodyguard on the off-road vehicle will not give him another chance, so he can only swear at the rear lights of the off-road vehicle, and then, taking advantage of the opportunity of the two off-road vehicles just starting, he turned the front of the vehicle and drove to the opposite direction of the off-road vehicles.

You can get away with this. I don't have to run away next time. Anyway, I have plenty of time. Sorensen looked back at the two SUVs that wanted to turn around and catch up with him, and sneered: "if you want to rely on your car, you can catch up with me? Dream about it. "

Don't take care of Wei Chai Murong's two cars. Their performance is many times better than Buick's, but Sorensen is absolutely confident to rely on his abnormal driving skills to get rid of them. But just as he was holding the steering wheel in his hand and ready to accelerate away. But I found a car coming in front of me, suddenly stopped, and then turned around

"Bullet, butt! Don't chase that car yet, come and protect it quickly Ling Xing saw that the killer had given up attacking again. He ordered the two cars to protect Chai Murong first. Who knows if there is such a good abnormal killer in front?

The warhead and butt of the gun that got Lingxing's command also knew Lingxing's concerns, so they didn't stop at all. They stepped up the gas and drove to the trigger.

"Is that Sorensen?" Chai Murong put his hand around the hair that hung in his ear. Looking at the small hole in the window with lingering fear.

"Yes, you can drive a car like this with your feet. In the international killer world, besides him, it's also a ghost car." Ling Xing and other warheads and butt of the trigger once again formed a careful protection, this just wiped the cold sweat on the forehead. Sincerely to Tian Ke said: "Tian Ke, thank you, just now if you were not in a hurry with a mobile phone aimed at the killer, I'm afraid things will really be bad."

"We are all our own people, so don't say these polite words." Although Chai Murong didn't see the scene when Tian Ke used his mobile phone as a gun to point at Sorensen and scared him away, he could also guess the danger at that moment and comfort Ling Xing, saying: "Ling Xing, you don't have to blame yourself. This can only say that the killer is too powerful... Is the ghost car you just mentioned the one who killed Newman?"

"Yes, that's him." I had a pause. Ling Xing said: "fortunately, he didn't come here tonight. It is said that he has never failed in 74 assassination missions. "

If the killer here tonight is a ghost car, as long as he catches the chance just now. Chai Murong is sure to die! That's what Ling Xing said.

"Ling Xing, is the ghost car really that powerful? Are you sure you can deal with him? For example, face to face. " At this time, Tian Ke has slowly recovered his calm. In order not to let Chai Murong in tension, she and Ling Xing looked at each other. They began to use verbal communication to drive away fear.

In fact, both Ling Xing and Tian Ke underestimate Chai Murong's excellent psychological quality. After Sorensen gave up the assassination, she has returned to normal, and even guessed why Tian Ke asked Ling Xing. however. She didn't break it, because she also wanted to know who the ghost car was.

"Ha ha," Ling Xing said with a wry smile after hearing the question raised by Tian Ke, "fight with the ghost car head on? If you want to confront him head-on, at least you have to see his talent. "

"Who saw him?" Tian Ke asked suspiciously: "does it mean that no one has seen his true face?"

"No, those who are facing the ghost car have gone to the other world... No one knows who the ghost car is. He may be a handyman, a professional manager, or even a beautiful woman."

"Oh, no? He's so mysterious. " Tian Ke stayed for a moment and murmured: "if only we could get to know him... Murong, if the ghost car could join our group, then he and Lingxing would join hands. I'm not afraid of any killers any more. "

"Ha ha, I join hands with ghost car? I'm not qualified. " Ling Xing smiles and shakes his head. With the talk with Tian Ke and the fact that the car has been driven into the city, the danger has been greatly reduced, and his spirit has relaxed.

"I have a hunch." Chai Murong, who has been listening to them. Suddenly said: "maybe that Sorensen, tonight may die, like Newman."

If you want to die like Sorensen and Newman, unless the ghost car shows up again. However, even if he appears again, it is impossible for him to help us kill Sorensen. It must have been a coincidence that Newman died in his hands last time. Ling Xing thought in his heart: if only I had the ability of ghost car? That way, you won't be afraid of any killers any more

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