Every man has a woman in his heart, and Chu Yang is no exception. The female officer in the photo is so delicate that she can only be described with the word "clean". She is his dream lover, the Qin Dynasty, a female major officer whom he once met and will never forget.

Looking at this woman who didn't know what words to use to describe her unique feminine beauty, Chu Yang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. But what bothered him was that just as he was daydreaming at the photos of the Qin Dynasty, the face of a girl named Chai Murong suddenly appeared in his mind, which made him feel bad again.

At that time, after joining the army, Chu Yang stood out in the next year's competition of Southern Hebei military region and was selected into a special elite brigade of a military region... If it wasn't for an accident, Chu Yang would have become a school official at the age of 21. Unfortunately, what he couldn't control made him leave the army and go to the Middle East. He became a glorious "killer" in the "luojian" killer group. From then on, he led a life of excitement with his head tied to his belt.

Chu Yang left the army and went to the Middle East. The old man of Chu knew it. But because of many objective reasons, we can't help him directly, we can only pay attention to him all the time and be ready to give him a "helping hand".

Finally, an opportunity came when Chu Yang was 24 years old. The Chu family used all their active power to "bleach" him and get him back to China.

Chu Yang's dream of marrying the Qin Dynasty has not changed since he left those Chu people who lived in the iron and steel age. He even hoped that he would never be old enough to get married, but God did not buy him. Compared with other people, he was given a lot of age, so that he could be a father.

After returning home, Chu Yang almost every day to listen to his father's marriage words, which makes him very headache. At this time, he always makes excuses such as being young and not enjoying the life of a bachelor... In fact, this guy just doesn't want to marry Chai Murong and always wants to take that beautiful major home one day. At this time, Chai Murong had become a charming rose with a good temper. She was also the boss of Yunshui group, one of China's three major chaebols.

Seeing that his son is always dragging and dragging, and that Chu Yang's mother is worried about his son's safety, she always talks about Lao Chu. Lao Chu gets bored. With her belt in her hand and the cooperation of Chu Yang's mother, she puts pressure on Xiao Chu to make him feel "extremely cruel". However, he had to go to Shuzhong three months ago to marry chaimurong.

On the night of his marriage, he left a letter to the bride who longed for "wedding night". No matter how the drunken chutiantai would deal with him at the wedding, he went to find his love when the moon was dark and the wind was high.

However, Chu Yang obviously underestimated Chai Murong's energy. During the three months when he ran away from home, no unit or individual dared to take him in for more than three days. When he realized that all this was done by his wife in reputation, he not only didn't give up, but also aroused him to leave the woman who didn't understand love. Of course, there is also the "credit" of Chu Tiantai. If he had not strongly supported his daughter-in-law to do so, Chu Yang would not have gotten to this point.

I don't believe it. I can't live without Chu family and Chai family! Hum, I'm so annoyed that I'll go to England and go to my own fancy world... But it seems that I'll make the old man angry. I can't take that step until I have to. Whenever Chu Yang raised the idea of living a foreign life away from China, he was worried about his old man's health. For this reason, on the way to escape, it's not a time to complain about their filial piety... However, the oppressed people will not bow to the evil forces. One day, they will overthrow the mountains that are on their heads! With this firm belief, Chu Yang came to southern Hebei after three months of poor life, so he met Zhou Shuhan and this happened.

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