✨ 「Vengeful in Love」 ✨

Chapter 16:Matthew is a rich boy?!

Suddenly Renae realised... "Hey... have you showered? And brushed ur teeth??" Matthew chuckled, "Of course. What manners would I have if I kissed you without having brushed my teeth?" His reply made Renae remember the kiss from last night and her face blushed slightly. "I thought we weren't bringing that up!" She pouted. How cute, Matthew thought, his lips curved slightly into a smile.

They soon reached their destination. It was a beautifully decorated wooden built restaurant, it gave customers a comfortable vintage vibe. "We've arrived!" Matthew cheerily said as he rushed over to open Renae's car door. This small gesture made Renae flush.

They walked in together. Their service was great, they didn't wait long before a waiter came to serve them. He led them to a window seat. The windows had elegant fairy lights hanging from one side to the other side. The seat also did not disappoint, it's cushion was soft and comfortable. Even if someone say there for hours, their butt wouldn't hurt.

Renae stared in awe. She never knew such a wonderful restaurant like this one existed! She looked around in awe. Matthew passed her the menu and said, "Order whatever you like. Lunch will be on me." Hearing this, Renae felt like she needed to give Matthew some revenge for abandoning her for so many years. She smirked, "If you say so!"

When Renae looked at the menu did she realise, the reason she didn't know this place existed was because it was for rich people! It's food was extra expensive. Even just ice lemon tea costed about $10! Her eyes widened in utmost horror. Seeing this, Matthew laughed. "This... this is way too overpriced! I'm gonna feel bad!" Renae exclaimed reading through the menu. "Don't, I'm treating you. Just enjoy the food," Matthew replied casually.

Renae ordered what she wanted, but she also ordered most of the least expensive ones. Seeing this, Matthew smiled. Her consideration only made him love her more. They made their orders and conversed as they waited for their food to arrive.

Slightly before the food arrived, Renae asked Matthew, "What class will you be in?" Matthew just shrugged and replied, "You'll know later." Renae wasn't stupid. She knew this meant they were in the same class. Her excitement grew.

They finished their food in comfortable silence and he sent her back home..... in his Maybach!

-The next day-

Renae woke up tiredly, got dressed for school, ate her breakfast then headed out the door with her school bag. When Renae walked out the door, she noticed the same Maybach that Matthew has, parked in front of her house. What is Matthew's car doing here? She approached the car and asked Matthew, "Hey, what are you doing here?" "I'm here to pick you up. We're in the same school anyways," he replied with a smile. "Now get in," he said.

Renae got inside the car and thanked Matthew for picking her up. Then, she began to read a book on her phone. At a red light, Matthew saw Renae looking down at her phone and asked, "What are you doing?" "Oh, I'm reading a book on my phone," she replied nonchalantly. "We're almost arriving in school," he told her. She nodded her head, still looking down at her phone.

Matthew parked his car in the outdoor parking lot and they got out of the car. Everyone was staring at them, even when they turned to look at them, their stares did not subside. Renae whispered to Matthew, "Why is everyone staring at us?" "I don't know," he replied. Renae heard whispers from girls saying things like, "Woah he's so cool and handsome! He even drives a Maybach!"

"Wow he must be rich!"

"Whose that girl beside him?"

"Whose he?"

"That girl beside him must be his girlfriend!"

"How I wish I was her..."

Matthew noticed Renae's nervousness from her facial expression and said, "Don't be nervous, ignore the whispers from those people." She looked up at him and grinned. Matthew was already accustomed to things like this. Back in Australia, he had to deal with this too, so it wasn't a new process to him.

Matthew and Renae completely ignored the murmurs surrounding them and made their way to their classroom, Renae leading the way. Even after entering the classroom, the gossiping did not die down. The news travelled fast and soon enough, the whole school was aware of the hot rich kid that was transferring to their school. Since Matthew didn't have a seat yet, he took an extra chair from the back and sat at Renae's table. The girls in their class were jealous of Renae. Their flirtatious stares did not escape Matthew's eyes and he glared back, a cold icy glare. That scared some of them, but for others, it made them think that he was not only cute, but sexy too!

It wasn't long before the teacher came in and class started.

"Today, we have a new transfer student, Matthew. Would you like to come up here and introduce yourself?" The teacher said, staring straight at Matthew. She added, "Oh, we've got to give Matthew a seat too." Matthew nodded and walked to the front of the class. Every girl he passed by swooned over him. "My name is Matthew and I am originally from Singapore, but my family migrated to Australia quite some time ago. We returned since I have to go for NS next year. I hope you guys don't treat me too differently," he said with a handsome smile. The girls had to hold in their excited screams when they saw him smile. "Are you well acquainted with Renae? I would put you beside her but... there isn't space there..." Matthew nodded as an answer to her question. The teacher looked around the class and thought about where he could sit for a while. All the girls wished he'd be placed next to them.

After some time, she finally said, "Okay, Matthew, sit there. Next to the window a few seats to the right of Renae." Matthew nodded, but inside he was disappointed he couldn't sit with Renae. He grabbed his bag with on hand and carried the extra chair he had taken from the back with the other hand. After returning the extra chair, he walked over to his new desk and put his bag on his seat. Matthew settled down and the class started.

During break time, the girls that flocked around Matthew were immediately dismissed by him. Knowing that they had no way of getting close to him themselves, they resorted to asking Renae for help. The group of girls switched from Matthew's seat to Renae's seat.

"Renae, we're friends, right? Hook me up! You're already friends with him, if you get me to become his girlfriend we could become best friends!"

Most of what the girls said were around the same as that one. Renae was getting annoyed but she had no choice but to deal with it patiently. She couldn't just rudely tell them to leave. Matthew, meanwhile, was now surrounded by boys and had no chance of escaping. Renae was about to hit her climax when a boy with a familiar physique and black shaggy hair blocked them off.

It was Kaiden!

It was actually Kaiden!

Renae's eyes widened when she realised who the man before her was. "Kaiden! Oh my goodness, thank you so much!" She exclaimed, beaming her charming smile at him. "I heard about this back in my class so I decided to play your knight in shining armour," Kaiden whispered, loud enough for only Renae to hear. He didn't turn around to face her, though. Instead, he glared at the girls who were originally crowding around her. His icy stare almost froze them on the spot. They hastily retreated, but that didn't mean they'd give up. After all, they learnt something new that day — Renae was friends with two hot boys! The dreamy Kaiden and charming Matthew, what more could she ask for?

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