✨ 「Vengeful in Love」 ✨

Chapter 28:We will call off the marriage

Cathy was already at Starship Cafe when she had asked Renae if she wanted to meet up. She had gone there to drink her favourite Caramel frappe and to read the book she was currently interested with. She often went to this cafe since she really liked the way they decorated the place. It was retro styled which gave off a comfortable and cosy vibe.

After about 15 minutes, she saw a grey Maserati pull up outside the cafe. Renae then came out of the car, waved goodbye to the person inside, and entered the cafe. "Renae, hello! Who's car is that?" Cathy waved her over and asked. "Hello! Oh, that was Kaiden. We just came from the courthouse. Remember when I told you about Lana? It ended and we won the case. I have a lot to talk to you about!" Renae said as she settled her things down.

"Congrats!! Alright, first thing first, let me recommend you some nice drinks! Have you eaten dinner? We could get some food too." Cathy excitedly pulled out the menu from... god knows where. "OK, I know what I want to order now," Renae said with a smile after going through a few different food and drinks.

"Chocolate chip frappe and a cheese hamburger please," Renae said. "I would like a pepperoni pizza please," Cathy placed her order. After which, they chatted until the food arrived. They started talking about the problem with Min while they ate. "So, I was thinking of ways to prove the fake news created by Min wrong with Matthew a few days ago. We found out that the car which was following us belongs to Min, and..." she explained to Cathy.

"Ah, I see... so now you're suspicious of Kaiden?" Cathy asked, taking a bite of her pizza. "Yep... I've been keeping my distance. Do you think he did it?" Renae replied with a question. Cathy shook her head. "I trust Kaiden. I'm not blaming you or anything, but he doesn't seem like he'd betray you. So far, he seems.... nice..." Cathy lowered her head as she said that. From where Renae was, she couldn't see that Cathy was blushing. She was deep in thought. She said, "I don't know anymore... argh. The truth will reveal itself in the end, so we'll see then."

They finished their meal and heard a soft 'meow' from behind them. They both turned their heads to see a Russian blue cat with a grey and white ragdoll cat closely following behind. "Oh! I forgot to tell you, the owner, Sage, keeps her two pet cats in the cafe. The ragdoll cat is called Shobi and the Russian blue cat is called Mimi. I come here often so they're familiar with me," Cathy explained while gently petting Shobi, who had jumped onto her lap.

Mimi curiously looked up at Renae. She knew a fair bit about cats and knew that Russian blue cats are most of the time friendly, so she bent down and let Mimi sniff her hand. "Are they both girls?" Renae asked, her eyes stayed on the grey cat. Cathy took another bite of her pizza and replied, "Nope, Shobi is a boy. Quite surprising, huh?" Renae nodded. Shobi looked very royal and feminine, so it was definitely surprising.

Mimi was very open to Renae. After getting pat for a while, it snuggled against her leg and purred. It didn't end there, Mimi jumped onto her lap and rubbed itself against her warm body. "Seems like Mimi likes you." They turned their heads to see a lady around her 20s with short cropped brown hair and green eyes smiling at them. "Oh, hello, Sage! This is my friend, Renae," Cathy said, returning the smile. "Nice to meet you, Cathy! I'm Sage, the owner of this cafe," Sage introduced herself.

After talking for a little while more, Sage left the two to continue working. Meanwhile, Mimi had fallen asleep on Renae's lap and Shobi had jumped off to eat some food. Coincidentally, Matthew was out for a night drive. He drove past the Starship at first, but when he was heading back, he saw Renae with the cat on her lap and he pulled up by the side of the road. After staring at her for a stalker like amount of time, he pulled out his phone, zoomed into Renae, and took a picture.

After which, he finally felt satisfied and drove off.

"Okay, it's getting pretty late. We should leave now," Cathy suggested. "Can I call you Cat from now on? You seem to like cats," Renae asked as she put her things into her bag. Cathy nodded, "I like it, it sounds cute!"

They both waved Sage goodbye before leaving. They then went their separate ways. Renae soon reached home by bus. After she showered and changed into sleepwear, then grabbed a few books from her "unread books" shelf and sat by the window bay to read them.

She read book after book without any sense of time. She read for hours before stopping because she was hungry. As she made her way to the kitchen, she thought about what she wanted to have for supper. She finally decided on having a mini portion of pasta. The pasta was sympathetically gobbled down by Renae. After which, she returned to her room and read until she was tired. It was 23 30 when she fell asleep.


Back to before they finished the court case.

After Renae got into Kaiden's car and they left, Matthew calmed himself down and headed back home. He reached home in a few minutes as there wasn't any traffic on the road to his house. Matthew remembered from the night before that he wanted to do some research on the number of the person who sent the threat message to Renae. Before that, he called for his parents to inform them about some stuff.

"Mom, Dad, are you at home?"

"Yes, we're on the sofa in the living room."

Matthew walked towards the living room and sat down on the sofa. "Mom, Dad, there's a car that followed me and Renae one day after school. Remember when I asked you for that car plate number? It was to find who the owner of the car was. We've found the owner and it is... Min."

"Min? That Min? It can't be," Auntie Ann looked at him in disbelief.

"Dear, I don't think Matt would lie about something this important. It must be true," Uncle Jeffery said.

"Mom, Dad, here's a photograph we got that's proof the car belongs to Min," Matthew said seriously.

"Oh my... this...this is real! I'll have a chat with Min's parents about this. I'm sure they'll have a good explanation to it," Auntie Ann said.

"And if they don't?" Matthew replied back to his mother almost immediately.

"And if they don't, we'll call off the wedding..."

"Don't worry, son. We'll do our best to prevent this from happening again," Uncle Jeffery said with a forced smile on his face.

"Not only that, I've told you about the physical bullying that Min did. Trust me, that was true, I'm not lying. And, there's this number that sent a threat message to Renae. I'm not saying that it's Min, I just want you to look into the number."

"Of course we will, sent us the number and we'll get back to you when we've got some information, OK?" Auntie Ann replied.

"OK, I'll be going back to my room now," he said walking the other direction.

He sat down on his chair and did some research on the number but after hours and hours, he still couldn't find anything. Well, Matthew wasn't a person that was good with technology unlike his parents.

After hearing what Matthew said to them, Auntie Ann dialed Auntie Tiana's number and asked to have a chat tomorrow after school. Auntie Tiana agreed and said she would bring Min along. Auntie Ann hung up the phone and did research on the number Matt sent her. As Uncle Jeffery still had work to do, he looked into the number after he finished up his work.

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