Splish, splish…

“….Ugh, n…ngh.”

It was somewhat strange to think that I was the one making this obscene sound that echoed through the forest.

Snow White’s body was becoming more and more aroused on account of the lewd and wet noises.


“You can let go now.”

The man’s living flesh was pulled out of her mouth.

Breathing much more heavily than when he first put it in Snow White’s mouth, Illuminato begins squeezing the mighty thing himself. 

The man’s eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed in anticipation, and his strangely sexy expression caused Snow White’s heart to skip a beat, for some reason. 

―――Wait a minute. This slutty bitchy heroine… I’m the one in your….. body.

Again, don’t have a crush on the guy.

I mean, how much of a bitch are you, crushing on two guys in such a short period of time?

Even if――,

(Oh, that feels so good. I love it.)

Because of my memories from my previous life as a man, I know how good it feels to be in Illuminato’s place right now.

――And then.



Oh, how bold, how perverse, this bastard Illuminato is.――He shot a load of semen on Snow White’s core without hesitation.

Or, to be more precise, he shot it on the lewd bug that had evolved into an adult and which was writhing around on Snow White’s pubic nucleus.

If he ejaculated against her lower abdomen or face, I can understand.

There were a lot of such situations in porn.

(Big bro, you have a very specific taste…. Shooting right on the clitoris….)

Snow White’s expression right now would probably show her stupefaction.

Perhaps he will do something nasty again with that sperm that he has just spewed into her flower core.

Or is it possible that by absorbing semen, the damned bug will enter a second phase of evolution….? 

The back of my vagina, which was being played with by the tentacles of the lewd bug, ached once again.


Swish, swish.

Contrary to Snow White’s false expectations, the tentacles of the lewd bug shrank rapidly as it absorbed the man’s semen.

The whole body of the lewd bug, which had grown to the size of an adult’s fist and stuck to her pubic nucleus, reverted back to its original size.

All of the tentacles that had been ravaging Snow White’s body shrank and settled back within its body.


While I was surprised to see that the bug returned to its original ladybug-like appearance, the man curtly spoke. 

“The male lewd bug isn’t very fond of human males’ semen, you see.”

I see. So that’s why it went back to being some kind of larva.

Though it is still attached to Snow White’s clitoris, the lewd bug’s movements are sluggish.

This thing that has been relentlessly playing with me, I’ve been wanting him to take it out for ages――…And yet, the soft body, which has been so much tortured by the tentacles, tingles forlornly at the withdrawal of the bug.

“――…Now, then. Young lady, what would you like me to do to you?”

―――There is only one possible solution to such a problem.

一Her eyes linger on the man’s massive cock that shows no signs of wilting even though he had already climaxed twice. 

“I, I want…. Please, put it….in.” 

“I suppose I can indulge you. Even more so since the secretions of the lewd bug can only be neutralized by a man’s semen.” 


Of course! I knew it was like this! 

I didn’t know what was going on, but I was really desperate to get fucked by this dick at  the moment. 

This erotic game has too much of a pattern, though, I guess.

I mean, the game production company that made this game should have had enough of this. I’d like to punch the guy who wrote this scenario…… Damn, why in the world did I have to be reincarnated as a woman? I wanted to be reincarnated normally as a man, use the lewd bug myself on cute girls, and build a harem. And since I’d be in a fantasy world, I would have even wanted to have my anal virginity taken away by an elf with big tits, an adept warrior woman, or even a cute loli on the surface but actually quite old succubus. ……

Why do I have to be fucked by a man while having memories of when I was a man? ……

Despite these thoughts, Snow White cries out wistfully as she looks at him.

“I need you to……! I’m having a hard time, hurry up and put it in……!!”

“Haven’t we gone over this before? Since you’re a woman, go ahead and ask more cutely for it.” 

Illuminato held the fiery object in his hand and chuckled as he held it in front of Snow White’s hungry eyes.


“Oya, isn’t this what you want, hm?”

Her soft cheek got slapped by a man’s rigid cock.


(Not even my dad from my current or previous life had ever dared slap my cheeks, yet now a guy I just met is slapping his dick on them…) 

I was inwardly screaming at the humiliation, but the heroine’s naughty body, even under such terrible disgrace, was feeling it down to its core.


At that moment, nectar dripped from an inconspicuous part of Snow White, where the heat had not cooled.

Just like sweet maple extract from a maple tree, a sweet aphrodisiac starts leaking out from that secret place, and the lewd bug on her clitoris starts to twitch once more.

I turned pale while thinking to myself.

(Using her charm as a woman…. Should I cup my pussy and sweetly say ‘Give me your cock’….?) 

There was the dick-slapping, and now this.

This perverted megane.

Actually, I was a guy myself, and I had thought about doing or saying something like that to a girl when I had the chance to fuck her. There were even nights when I would masturbate while fantasizing about such things….. I always wondered if there were really men who’d slap women with their cocks or try to get girls to say things like this… I’m not really sure I’d be able to pull off either of these, cuz that’s a trademark of a  non-virgin character! As someone who was taken to heaven with a pure body, I’m still terrified of non-virgins, they’re just so dirty!

However, according to my sister from my previous life, this man was the first or second most popular character in “Snow White and the Seven Lovers”. Of all the erotic 18-rated version’s scenes, his were the most popular.――…I still can’t seem to understand what my sister and other so-called Otome gamers in my previous life were thinking.

“Hm, you certainly can’t tempt me in that outfit.”

After saying this, Illuminato loosened the rough rope that bound Snow White.

As I was lowered to the ground, the muscles in my body, which had been in a constant state of tension from being suspended in mid-air, were glad to get a break.

“Now, how about you try to lure me in.”


“Go ahead, aren’t you a capable woman?”

(I’m a man at heart……!)

But even when lowered to the ground, Snow White’s hands were still almost bound to her back as they were entangled in the rope.

―――Although her mind was cursing the man in front of her, thinking, “This is impossible,” and “You pervert,” Snow White’s body was honest, and she immediately moved.

Slowly, Snow White turned her body around and plopped down on the ground.

She then raised her hips high and presented her full buttocks to the man.

Trembling with shame and humiliation,she displayed all her shameful parts in front of the man, and said.

“Ma-Master Illuminato.”


“P-please, I’m begging you! Please take care of Snow White’s naughty part with Master Illuminato’s cock.!!”

(This is what you want, right?!)

Like I said, I did my best! 

So get moving and just put it in! 


“Hm… Rejected.”

“E, eeeh?!”

(Is this guy going to make Snow White (or me, for that matter), who was a virgin until yesterday, say something more obscene?)

When I look back at him, the man gives me a sparkling, radiant smile and says.

“Try harder next time.”


Mustering all of my knowledge from my previous life, I frantically tried to recall the dirty words I had seen in erotic books and pornography, and assembled them in my mind.

“Dear Master Illuminato! …… T-this hole of mine is a toy for pleasuring you! Please use it however you want!!!”

“Hm. Go on.”

(Still no good!!!)

My mind was frantically, desperately trying to figure out what to do.

This is an Otome game world, and perhaps a better solution would be to use words from those erotic or Harlequin-like books that my sis hid in the back of her bookshelf.

“Snow White’s shameful parts are just ready to receive a man! Please, please, stir up my nectar-filled, dirty pussy with your mighty and magnificent thing!!” 

(How’s that?!)

―――If this doesn’t work, my poor vocabulary and Snow White’s head with zero erotic knowledge won’t help me anymore…..!!! Please, I beg you, just give me a break!!!!!!!

I squeezed my eyes shut as if I was praying, and I heard a huff of breath escape from behind me.

When I twisted my head and looked back, the man was laughing.

(So… does that mean that it’s finally OK…?)

While I was on the verge of tears, he looked at me with a brilliant smile and said.

“You pass.”

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