「Doing this to us is troublesome you see, we already have a lively gluttonous freeloader at our place.」

With a tone unable to conceal his anger the man pushed up his silver rimmed glasses and the chain that was attached to only one side jangled and swung.

「The one who’s been stealing from our field is you, isn’t it?」



(Aahh, I get it……!)

After a time I understood.

Due to mistaking Snow White for a vegetable thief it leads to her getting subjected to the “brutal prime minister’s bondage punishment play,” aahh I see, I understand. I’ve understood it.  …――Tte oi, wait a moment. That’s a problem!!

「That’s wrong!! I haven’t stolen any vegetables!!」

「Then why are you caught in the trap? You wouldn’t be caught in this trap if you didn’t try to invade our field.」

「That is…」

Snow White’s words were cut short.

Several minutes earlier. While traversing along a mountain road I was unused to I ran while screaming「A guy only harem, NO WAAAAAAAAAAY!!」

I was desperate.

When I was in the foot race for my school’s athletic festival in my past life, I remembered that I’ve never sprinted all out as if my life depended on it like this.

Pushing through the thicket branches I was in a trance not like myself.

Then Snow White’s body(or rather mine)plunged into the field just like that, most likely.

Omitting the part about the reverse harem and such, I told him about my story and after glasses scoffed at me.

「Towards I who is said to possess Rigerbrook’s brain, Illuminato Riberio Lideo Mild von Viscardi, did you think that lie would work on me?」

(TLN: If I have to translate another long ass name then #^&^%^@@$%$$*^)

Thanks for the intro!

Although along with that prince, you have a pretty long name! (TLN: Even the characters tsukkomi it dammit)

Sorry to say, but even if you introduce yourself with that western styled long ass name, I can’t remember it!! ――……So I was thinking. Looks like this heroine-chan’s brain is a lot more smartly than my past life’s brain.

Amazing, you’re amazing Snow White!!

You weren’t just a sensitive-girl!!

(If I’d been born with Snow White’s brains, I would’ve done better academically and went towards higher places…。)

In fact in my past life I failed the high school entrance exams, thinking of that I reflexively got distant eyes.

Tte, it’s not the time for that right now.

I have to undo this man’s misunderstanding if I don’t want to head into his punishment play.

「It’s not a lie, it’s the truth!!」

「I picked up something good just a moment ago, let’s use it to make you confess.」


Licking his lips he laughed.

「Wha, what are you planning to do……!?」

Gripping her trembling fist and lifting her rounded eyes at the man who seemed to be threatening her Snow White yelled at him. ……However, her body was shivering like a small animal’s.

Seeing the state of the once firm hearted Snow White, it seems to have only stimulated the man’s sadistic heart.

In the long slit-like eyes behind the cold glass, a strange light burned.

「Do you know what this is?」

「What is that……、」

The sunlight from high above shining through the leaves of the trees reflected off of the small jar the man took out of his breast pocket.

Bigger than the size of an adult’s thumb fingernail, a large round bug circled around inside the small jar.

Inside the vivid red hemisphere of the beetle, a number of black dots were scattered on its back, closely resembling a ladybug.

But unlike the ladybugs I knew, closely packed yellow legs grew on the other side of its rhinoceros beetle like body. They were also somewhat thicker than a ladybug’s legs, and on those legs thicker at the root and thinning outwards, looking as if they were the soft tips of a brush.

[TLN: Y’know what, I’ll take translating long ass names over bug descriptions ANYDAY.]

To the bug’s legs that were moving dubiously, Snow White’s face involuntarily tightened.

(It, it can’t be……)

Snow White raised a fearful face towards him and the man flashed a slightly ridiculing smile towards her.

「Are you unaware? This is called the Lewdness Insect, a bug mainly used for torture sessions or as a sex toy.」


I know it, I know it! I know of the lewdness bug!!

In my past life, whenever my big sis(with an unfortunate head)found a ladybug outside, she’d laugh with disturbing eyes「It’s a lewd bug……Dufufufufu, lewd bug…Lewd bug…。」

To think this lewd bug was also a character who appeared in this game…。

What a miserable truth. What a miserable new discovery…。

Mou, I’m tired of that past life sister. ……I mean if big sis had reincarnated as Snow White in my place, everyone would’ve been the happiest, why did I have to reincarnate as the heroine……?

I’m already sad. ――…This, my past big sis must be the most sad.

My elder twin sister Aki was a huge fan of this game.

Even after the ending stills and full completion she would play it over and over numerous times, to the point where whenever she had free time she would start up the game, she loved this game 『Snow White and the 7 Lovers』that much.

Even uploading her personal website about this game, I her biological brother have learned things from her I’d rather not have heard.

「If fastened to the clitoris, women will always respond to a man’s lust.」

「No way…」

Oi, this lewdness bug is the best.

Rather, I want it.

I want to use it on a cute girl while screwing her……But current I don’t have the son itself……How depressing…I wanna die…。

「I will now attach this bug to you.」

Saying so the man approached closer.

Unwittingly Snow White shrieked「Hii–」.

Towards Snow White’s state the man’s lips slightly shifted into a smile and grasped onto the rope that bit into Snow White’s genitals and swayed it left and right over the small hill.


「Making such a face. ……I wish you wouldn’t instigate me so.」

「u, Nn―――N, no, ……stoP」

Continuing he stroked her mons pubis and the rope scraped against her clit, a electric like painful stimulus running through her.

「I don’t want this! Please stop……っ!!」

Wanting to escape somehow Snow White twisted her body, but being suspended in air and acting violently, the rope only dug in deeper.

「Ha, haa, ……uN, n, Nn……!」

As much as she struggled the surface of the hemp rope also scrubbed against her flower wick, and the rope itself ate deeper into Snow White’s private part.

(This, what should I do……?)

―――I wasn’t at all thrilled that the uneasy feeling towards my rampage had struck home.

これはもう、どう考えても”鬼畜宰相の麻縄プレイ”である。No matter how I thought about it, this was already the “brutal prime minister’s hemp rope play.”

「What is it, are you already feeling it?」

「What are you saying…?」

「Already this drenched――What a vulgar girl.」

Being told, I once again confirm my, Snow White’s body.

Her legs were bound wide open positioned in a M shape,  and the rope biting into the suspended in air Snow White’s genitals――…What should I say. Unbelievably, it was already soaking wet.

The nectar overflowing from her privates had already soaked into the rope, the color much richer than other places.

(Seriously what the hell is this, this heroine-chan’s debauched bitch constitution……!!)

In my past life, if I’d gotten to go out with a girl like this back when I was a guy, what a happy thing it would’ve been. Meeting this sensitive girl by chance, like how that lucky pervert prince did, how blessed I would feel. If such a thing had happened, how I grateful I’d be to god.

But now I was a woman on the side of pleasuring men with a sensitive predisposition, Snow White 18 years old. ――What is this absurdity. What is this irrationality. Seriously, fuck you god.

「You, you’re wrong, this is……!!」

As said an excuse with a red face, the man shook his head and let his long hair that was previously bundled into one flow down his back.

「What are you saying is mistaken?」

Saying that the man sardonically laughed at Snow White and pulled back the rope that was biting into her private part――…And snapped it from his fingers. 1



Her mind went white at the pain running through her clit.

「Oya oya, what’s wrong? It can’t be that this feels good, does it?」


「You ――whore」

While pulling the rope back further this time, the man whispered lowly in Snow White’s ears, and then ――,


The rope parted from his fingers with much more vigor than before.


My consciousness flew for a moment.

(What is, this……?)

「Haa, Ah……Aahh……AaAAAhHH……、」

Snow White’s body ――…No, it’s better to say the insides of her vagina. It spasmed and convulsed.

Even though it was suppose to hurt, she was feeling it.

Even though it was supposed to hurt, she came.

(It feels, good……)

「Cumming from just this. ……Seems like you’ve already been trained as a sex toy to please men. ――This is good. I’ll enjoy this without holding back then.」

「Y, you’re wrong! Wrong! Until yesterday I was a virgin……!!」


「It’s true!! I’m not that type of woman……!!」

(Like I’m saying, this is my after life so treat me better!!)

To my frantic scream the man’s brows furrowed.

「That shouldn’t be…、」

Saying so, the man pulled the rope once again and looked into Snow White’s secret area.

Pushing aside the petals glimmering in light by the love fluids flooding from inside, the man raised a concerned voice.

「Oya, this is……、」

「It’s true!! It’s really truly true!!」

「I expected it to be well used female flesh……But certainly, around the vaginal opening the trace of the hymen still lingers……The membrane’s crevice is still lacking, and there are also signs of bleeding.」

(How do you even know that you pervert!! You non-virgin!!)

Leaving aside that prince-sama, this brutal prime minister is definitely a non-virgin. Plus he seems to have done it a lot.

No way this is a virgin. Definitely not. I who had ascended to heaven as a virgin can guarantee it.

Even though I’ve become a women, just by looking at a pussy there’s no way I can determine if a woman is a virgin or not. There’s no way I could tell the difference apart a girl who’d been popped in a few times or one who was a bimbo either.

Come to think of it, my past life(rotten headed)sister had said something.

The otome game’s capture characters comprised mostly of beautiful men who were for some reason left over as virgins, and the few heroes left over were made up of gungho non-virgins.

Then those non-virgin heroes who were knowledgeable about women would meet the heroine with a pure heart and then awaken to true love, the desire to monopolize would awaken and they’d get jealous, their views on life and women would change, be bewildered at their own transformation, and finally proceed along that passage wholeheartedly was what made the world’s otome gamers’ hearts flutter.

「No way no way, gigolos will remain gigolos after all. 」When I told my sister that, she hit me「that’s not true! When getting into Illumi-sama, Illuminato is extremely earnest!! He’s super manly!! 」It’s a nostalgic memory.

(Aah, so this is the Illumi-sama big sis mentioned…。)

Flowing black hair and a high bridged nose. Cheerful looking, but somehow coldly colored intellectual eyes.

The silver rimmed spectacles with a chain really suited this man.

As an otome game’s capture target, followed after that prince there’s nowhere to complain about this man’s beauty.

And he was the type that my former elder sister liked.

That handsome prime minister, still half in doubt and half believing queried Snow White.

「Is that story true?」

「It’s true! Yesterday I was attacked by a light purple slime with feelers and was invaded by that slime’s poison! Fortunately I was saved by someone passing by, and to neutralize the poison that person released his sperm inside…… I was a virgin until then!! That’s why I beg you, please don’t do anything strange!! I really didn’t steal any vegetables!!」

To Snow White’s words the man’s eyes twinkled.

「Light purple…………Not light pink?」

「No, it was light purple but……Is there something wrong?」

Bringing his hand up to his chin, he behaved as if considering something.

「Well, it doesn’t matter which one.」


「Ever since I’ve exited the royal capital I’ve been dry of women so this is just great. ――…I’ll may you pay for what we’ve lost precisely with your body.」

To the lewd bug the man took out of the jar, Snow White’s heart shivered, and her lower half that was already swollen with an obscene heat also shivered.


The flapping sounds from the bird high above made the tree shake.

Not just the tree but the whole forest seemed to be trembling.

(By body he means that right……?)


Snow White inclined her head, as if understanding nothing his pure face held something like a smile. ――But. As long as she saw the man’s eyes, she could tell he had no intention to let her escape.

The eyes the brutal prime minister Illuminato had now, were the same ones the prince-sama had in the forest back then.

―――In other words, eyes of a man dripping with desire.

(I can’t escape……?)

The hemp rope holding up Snow White’s delicate body, as if ridiculing「Just resign yourself already」at I who didn’t didn’t know when to give up, creaked and groaned.

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