<Infinite Dendrogram>

Outside. One hundred spells.

□ Dueling City Gideon Sixth Arena [Saint Knight] Ray Sterling

The blade was fast and terribly tough.

Instead of avoiding the Counter Absorption, which unfolds in an aggressive manner, from the speed and ease of its arms… it breaks off after it hits directly from the front.

Shortly afterwards, the blade that ran through - [Yinglong Fang] cut my right arm from the base of my shoulder... my right hand bounced to the other side while holding the nemesis.

"True Fire Light - Dragon Hat."

Moments, everything in my sight - no, there's enough fireworks rolling around to burn down my body itself, licking my whole body.

Protect my life from this magical flame while the nostalgia [life-saving brooch] splashes.

But a flame that still doesn't go away when all the oxygen around it is lost.

I don't take damage, but my lungs complain about pain in search of oxygen.

But that no longer makes sense.

Suddenly, the complaint of pain from his lungs disappeared.

Because the lungs themselves were lost from my body, in the hands of the enemy - the swift feathers.

I tasted the feeling of my heart being cut off - I just couldn't breathe.

... is of course what happened in the simulation.

"Feelings ha?

"... overkill"

A four-metre tall girl laughing like a mouth ripper - what else can I say to the question of Xunyu?

Mock fights in the arena have become a classic these days with Ranker Momentum and Omake (me and Luke).

It is this little girl who occasionally only Xuan Yu and I are free of convenience today and has physically dragged me to the arena by saying, "Then today is the full course, Na" when she tried to say, "Then today is without".

And as proclaimed, [Ying Long Fang], "True Fire True Light Blasting Dragon Ha", "Stretching Hands and Stepping Foot on the Other Side" and the full course of the decision technique I used in Super Clash, I was overkill. At the end of the day, she politely holds her lungs, not her heart.

I mean, you're gonna get a change for just one thing. This.

He writes the words "of" in the corner of the arena, "broken again..." such as Nemesis.

Lately, my brother, Mr. Figaro, and Marie's penetrating specialty skills have broken my walls a lot.

Xun Yu usually attacks me on a trajectory that dodges the wall, but today I was smashing it from the front because I was bringing out super weapons.

"Two hundred thousand, that's it, Na."


"That's the damage tolerance for that barrier, yo. He says it cracks if it's more damaging than that. Ma, it just seems more vulnerable to piercing moves de"

"Two hundred thousand damage in the first place..."

My HP is going up to nearly 10,000 with leveling and nemesis corrections.

but apparently the battle type < super > can evaporate me by twenty in one blow.

"Not even that much damage, Zo? I'm a magician, but I have half a million HP because it's durable."

< Super > & Can you not think by the standards of super position.

"If your aniki punch hits you directly a couple of times, you're dead, Na."

... and my brother was crazy to put a wheel to it.

But yeah, usually those limbs are too conspicuous for me to forget, but Xun Yu's [Corpse Immortal] is a magician.

"Ah, speaking of magic..."

One thing has bothered me since the other day.

"What about magic, Ta?

Is it best to ask Xuan Yu, a super position in magic because it's a corner?

I thought so, and I threw the next question to Xuan Yu.

"Magic skills, should there be a spell chant?

◇ ◇ ◇

That was three days ago in Dendro time...... the day after I new my armor to [BR Armor].

Me, Luke, Marie's party, and Xiada's party together ended up diving into the Tomb Labyrinth.

Speaking of why that happened, the fact that the three Kasumitas obtained that abominable [Exploration Permit] in the reward of the quest is a hang-up.

The three of them were going to dive to the point of defeating the boss on the fifth basement floor, but they were also anxious to see if they could go with the three junior ranks. It is also impossible because it is half of the full membership.

So, the troubled three asked us if we could dive together.

This seems to be due to the fact that I was a [Holy Knight] who didn't need a [permit] and was strong on the undead, and that I was just three people. Sure is a full member when summed up.

Speaking of us, I don't need a [permit] (although I have one) from the [Holy Knight], and Luke had a [permit] that I gave him, and Marie had it in her possession, so it wasn't a problem.

It should be noted that the search for the Tomb Labyrinth is a prerequisite for possession of the [permit] and belonging to the kingdom, but Marie has recently officially transferred her affiliation to the kingdom. I used to encourage the PK industry to request countries as a rolling stock, but it seems that I decided to sit back in the kingdom for as long as I wanted.

Normally, yes. I can't change the pompom and my country. Whether to undergo rigorous scrutiny and procedures at the bureau of the country to which you are transferred, get recommendations from leading nobles in that country, or ride the recruitment of soldiers like Drife did...

In any case, the country to which you belong cannot be changed without performing those asylum events. Mr. Figaro also originally belonged to Legendary, so he has transferred his citizenship to the kingdom through scrutiny and procedures.

Speaking of which, someone I know in Mr. Figaro, because of his repeated PK and equipment damage, said, "You'll never pass the review, you won't get a recommendation, and you can't transfer because the state isn't recruiting soldiers," he said.

But even such people can change their country for some reason, so some countries seem to have some kind of back route besides the above.

Now, when it comes to Marie, who is a killer and is not likely to be judged... it is not the back route, but a change of affiliation after receiving a recommendation.

The nominee is Count Gideon.

He said it was the result of a lot of work he had done recently involving the Count.

I sold the jewel of the "Only Attack < Master >" monster on hand in that Franklin case to the Count for training & leveling Tian's Knights.

He even introduced a group of ninjas to the Count who wanted to create intelligence services.

With that edge too, the Count authorized him to become a nominee. It would also be a question of the nominee's liability if what he recommended and attributed to the country would commit a crime, but the Count would have decided that Marie would have no problem.

For that reason, the three of us were able to explore the Tomb Labyrinth and decided to go along with the search. Marie participates as a [reporter], thinking about balance and so on.

By the way, the only way to get to King's Capital is on an empty journey. I was silver and the other members rode Audrey and the Ballun of [Balloon Golem], a summoning monster of Xia tied with Audrey for the Wang Capital.

So, the search for the Tomb Labyrinth went very well.

For whatever reason, there was my "Holy Another Silver Light," because I had enough support and wall roles.

Damage magnification is strange for the undead. By Sacred Another Silver Light, the low-rise undead dies only after being plundered. The previously struggling [spirit] had also evaporated lightly.

In addition, the movement of the undead is almost complete by the Summer Wall Sammon, Fuji-no-Territorial Attribute Restraint Magic, and Liz of Luke - a slime that I learned recently but supposedly simulated on the coat.

I'm the only attacker, by the way.

Io, an attacker for the Kasumi party, was too big to swing in the aisle of the Tomb Labyrinth.

"If it's a mode explosion! If it's a mode explosion, it can still be used here! You can shoot me!," he said, "where is the abalone who uses explosives in narrow underground passages?" and was stopped by Fuji.

My brother would have used it in the basement.

"It's like the Lord used to flame in the basement..."

... I couldn't say anything about people.

Let's get back to it. We made good progress with the Tomb Labyrinth attack and arrived on the first level where the first boss was located.

Waiting in a wide cavity was a huge skeleton about ten meters long called [Scarless Seven Hand Cutlass].

It grows three sharp blade-shaped bones, one left and one right, instead of the arm. Furthermore, there is no skull, wielding the long, joined bones like whips. There was also a blade on its tip.

A grotesque boss monster likely to be in a dark fantasy game. He just doesn't have special skills, he's not as threatening as he once fought < UBM > but he was still a strong enemy.

Io also joined the attacker because he was able to wield his weapon, but he is still attacking.

Especially the whipbone attack. Because it is irregular and fast, you may be able to skip this neck if you approach the detour.

There is a [life-saving brooch] for once, but if you don't use it, you've never crossed it.

That's what you think.

"Then I'll stop moving."

With that said, I set up a scepter behind Ballun in Kasumi, whose name was Fuji's. - I told him something.

"- Respond to my voice and expand its authority

- You wrap your arms around everything on earth.

- Come, my devil. "

It was a chant of the spell.

I've never heard of it before... it was' Magic Chant '.

"-" Grand Holder ""

Shortly afterwards, two giant arms about five metres long from the ground… No, eight appear, including those replicated with the inherent skills of < Embrio >, trying to strangle [Scarless Seven Hand Cutlass] with wings.

Several of them were slashed and crushed by blades, but pressed in numbers, with four arms dampening the movement of [Scarless Seven Hand Cutlass].



"I'll do it!!"

It wasn't until soon afterwards that Io and I stormed [Scarless Seven Hand Cutlass], scraped off that HP and let it go away.

When he defeated the boss safely, stairs to the sixth basement and what looked like a warp point also appeared. They can escape from Warp Point to the ground.

In addition, disposable items appeared from the Boss's drop that would be [Elevator Gems] for the number of people. Looks like we can start on the sixth basement floor if this is only one time.

... For the record, Mr. Figaro doesn't use any warp points for his return or [elevator gems], but comes and goes on his own feet.

"I'm annoyed!

He returned safely to the ground and launched a successful exploration to the fifth basement floor.

There was no particularly eye-catching equipment for this drop, so we decided to redeem it all and distribute it evenly. (By the way, there was some armor made of bone, but [BR Armor] 's performance was beating)

So, during the meal of the launch, I asked Fuji one thing that bothered me in the earlier battle.

Yes, "Magic skills, should there be a spell chant?,".

None of the magic jobs I've fought for so far, such as [The Great Necromancer] or [Red Lotus Artist] during Franklin's case, have ever chanted or anything like that.

[The Great Necromancer] was no time, and [the Red Lotus Artist] seemed to have had charge time for the Great Magic, but he was silent.

I can use it if I'm weak healing magic myself, but just declare my skill name.

Yes, I've never had a magic job where I chanted a spell before me.

"After all, strong magic doesn't work unless you chant a spell?


But why not?

Fuji's face is as cool as usual, but she just gets a little red in her complexion.

"- Respond to my voice and expand its authority

- You wrap your arms around everything on earth.

- Come, my devil. "


"... so, did it fit? Looks good like the anime magic I used to see, but it sounds like it would be hard to remember many different kinds of this"

"I remember Ray in one ear. Probably too!

The look on Io's face saying that... is for some reason a funny breeze.

And the red tide of Fuji's expression intensifies even further.

Well, he seems to be a younger student than me, and he shouldn't be drinking alcohol.

"But! Fujino has hundreds more spell chants available (...)!

"You have so much!

".................. io"

For some reason, Fuji is looking at Io with a fixed eye.

But Io remains Nico's face.

"You were stacking it in your notebook (...) so you wouldn't forget! It's amazing!

"…………………… io"

Oh, that's mammy.

But a hundred different spell chants... you can remember so much magic even though you're a junior.

"Oh, yeah. If I could, could you show me Fuji's notebook?

"... what?

"Yeah, I don't know much about magic. It would help if you could show me a notebook with chanting and magical content. Oh, it's a banquet seat now, so hopefully we'll have some time after this."

If you know the spell chant, you may know the magic they use.

"Oh, you know, Mr. Ray, actually..."

".................. smitten. I'm sorry for the rush in real life today."

For some reason the grated Xia and... for some reason I bit the word after one word.

Fuji-no takes his seat as it is and tries to leave the store.

"Oh, yeah. Good job, Fuji. Show me your notebook again."

When I said that, for some reason, Fuji got out of the store with all his strength.

"Was I in such a hurry?"


The remaining facial faces varied.

Luke looked enlightened by perceiving something,

Marie whistled out of sight,

Kasumi looked at the door where me, Io and Fuji-no-chan left like we were in trouble.

Io said...... "Looking forward to it! He just smiled."

By the way, Nemesis and Babi were obsessed with eating.

That was the end of the day's search for the Tomb Labyrinth, leaving no doubt.

◇ ◇ ◇

"There was a time when..."

"You're evil. And the guy who looks like a black belly like Io."

Speaking of the backdrop of the exploration in conjunction with the chanting questions, Xunyu said so with a sigh of sigh.

... Did you do a big poka on a level where you get sighed by a girl? Me.

Besides... is Io a belly nigger?

"You must have been really unconscious asking me... it's extra cruel, Na"

"If I heard something about chanting, was it a bad thing?

"Well, say no, Ba, first (a). Around the fourth place in the kingdom is going to be happy to ride Ga, it's the story of manners that don't go deep Da"

Fourth place in the kingdom...... Juliette would be happy to talk about it?

"... explain it in order, Le"

The face of Xun Yu, who looked over the bill, said, "Oh, boy, Na."

"First, the magic skills themselves require chanting (a)"


"You use scattered healing magic, too, Ro?

"Yeah, but you don't even need powerful magic?

"Need it. There's a guy who needs time to charge, but Na."

Oh, like the Crimson Sphere that [Red Lotus Artist] used.

[The Great Necromancer] 's Deadly Mixer... I don't have a charge, but I used the item.

"Is that it? So what's the spell chant Fuji was doing?

If your magic skills don't require chanting, what the hell was that?

When I doubt that, Xunyu shakes his head slowly and then answers my question.

"... there is no chanting in magic skills Ga, there is a skill called Chanting"

There is no chanting...... do you have the skills for chanting?

"Get on it, yo. Increase your power, range, and range by adding an additional spell chant that you can MP."

"Oh, I see"

I mean, at that time, Fuji was enhancing his magic by chanting.

I did, however, think it was a magic on a large scale for junior positions to use.

"That, but... Io says Fuji's writing hundreds of different spell chants on his notebook..."

So you're saying the chant you use is different depending on how the magic expands?

"That's na............ all the wording of the Chant skill is the original (...) of the user yo"


"What is that..."

"Well, La, whatever's in the Chant is fine if you chant it with MP and declare your skill name at the end. That's the circumference rate, or you can just say the alphabet in order... and even the spell you thought of yourself na"

"... ah"

In other words, that chant was Fuji's original.

And a hundred spell chants also means that there were not originally hundreds of chants... Fujidano thought of hundreds of chants himself and wrote them in his notebook.

"Some of them think about it and use it, Mo, and Sa says it's embarrassing to be inquisited towards the face and the content. That fudge and they would be that type, and you..." Can you show me your notebook? "Te......"


That word of mine... will be translated into something else once I know what's going on.

That is, 'Tell me about the original magic chant you wrote in your notebook!'.

... I've done something wrong with Fuji.

"No, wait, I'm sorry about this, too, but what was Io after for guiding the story that way?

"You wanted to see a cool friend blush and panic. That narrative exclamation daughter may be as belly black as Xun Yu says."

... black or a little satanic delight offender?

"But... the original chant? I can really use magic, so what makes me want to think... well, I know"

"I don't know, Na. [Symbol] I also chose the Taoist lineage to use because don't" chant, "Sy."

Xunyu said the Taoist system uses [symbols] made in advance as a substitute for chants and charges that magnify magic.


"To avoid chanting... that way. Why are you so far?

When I ask, Xunyu shakes his head with a long arm.

And he just said this to me with a "naturally" look on his face.

"How dare you cast a magic spell of your own thought (...) mane...... you can't do that lol?


Ten years old. I didn't know what to give back to her youngest of all the masters I knew.

For the record on this one.

Later, when I met Fujidana again.

I wanted to apologize for the notebook first...

"Mr. Ray. Let me show you a note describing one hundred of my spell chants."

"... Huh?

For a moment, I didn't know what Fuji was talking about.

"Mr. Ray, actually......!

Io, who has been ear pounding, says he's been up all night for a few days thinking about a hundred "practical spell chants that aren't embarrassing to show people" and writing them down in his new notebook.

Yes, he wants to see my notebook, so he can fix it.

... I thought this kid might be in the wrong direction of seriousness and effort, but I decided not to go in there because I was the cause.

And then it was cut out like this, and now it's like, "Spell chanting is the original of each user. I know. I know." I couldn't even say.

For it is an act of putting on her shame and completely acquitting her of a few whole nights.

Thus, I was to read carefully her handmade "Notebook with a Magic Expanding Effect and 100 Various Spell Chants on the Bucket".

I don't know if that was really "shameless to show people"...... let me keep it in my chest.


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