<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson three: The Moving and the Unmoving

□ Dueling city Gideon Central Square [Shadow Out] Marie Adler

Ray was taken away by that infamous [Pope of the Moon].

"... how can he look at such a nasty opponent?"

What kind of punitive game is that followed by Franklin on the moon night of dependency or something?

"Um, isn't the first of the troubled opponents Marie herself?

"Welcome, Mr. Luke. Truth be told, not now."

If you do poorly on this case, you won't just stay inside < Infinite Dendrogram >.

We can't do this alone. If you don't tell someone and ask for help.

The most appropriate opponent is the same < three giants > as on the moon night of Busan. It's that bear who is also Ray's brother for making it the strongest corner of the kingdom - [Destroyer King] Shu Sterling.

He would be able to fight that [Pope], at least in < Infinite Dendrogram >.

"Marie can't do it? Can't you?

Babi asks me that strangely.

"... If you're going to kill only the dependent moon night, it might be possible"

PK, which I also call Super Kill.

If you are an ambush from alertness, you may also be able to mow the neck of that [papal lady].

But that's...



"There's... [Assassin King] over there"

Assassin System Super Position [Assassin King].

Job of Tsukisho Yongshiro, the substantive number two of.

My [shadowy] is an eastern job, and [assassination king] is a western job...... homogeneous.

If you are strong and make a difference, [Shadow Out] specializes in erasing signs, and [Assassin King] specializes in assassinating.

And just as I excel at seeing through Cover-Up while I'm good at Cover-Up, I excel at preventing assassinations there and there.

As long as I have that, I can't assassinate [the Pope].

Surprise attacks will always be crushed.

"In the first place, I don't even know if I'm going to despend it and fix it."

Anyway, the other person is a religious organization with a real base.

That's really troublesome.

But if that fur, at least helping Mr. Ray here...

"Ah, Mr. Marie! Your brother's over there!

Luke, I hear you found that bear, and I'm pointing it out.


"K ~ Ma ~ Popco ~ N ♪ Food ~ Beba ~ Delicious ~ ♪ Taste ~ Sensation ~ Also ~ De ~ Stro ~ I ♪"

There was a bear pulling a popcorn stall while singing with beauty in vain.

What are you doing, this guy, this bear?


"Oh, to Luke. To Babi." Super kill. What's wrong with you in a hurry, Kumar? Oh, yeah, yeah. "

"Don't call me < Super... Mogomogo... on the go! And you're the one, is that it?

Why are the top rankers in the kingdom selling popcorn?

Are you some mascot character you are.

"Kumar bought all the remaining corn because a familiar farmer is retiring and moving to Cardina"

Uh, because you're still spilling out because of your political anxiety.

... No, what did you buy it for in the first place?

"This is how Kumar sells popcorn to add to the cost of the Bulder's ammunition. [Destroyer King] Marked popcorn, selling well Kumar '

"Let's hunt, crusade ranked # 1"

You'd definitely make more money that way, wouldn't you?

When I say that, bears scratch their cheeks with polypoli and nails.

"Ma, there's a situation I can't go away from right now. So, what can I do for you? Looks like he was looking for me. '

"As a matter of fact, Mr. Ray was kidnapped by the Lunar Party."

Immediately after you cut to the point, Luke, the ambient air changed.

- Heh.

For a moment, the killing spirit was released from the bear… [Destroyer King] so easily detectable even without skills.

My spine trembles even knowing that the hostility wasn't directed at us.

The same goes for the people around you, who don't know why they trembled now.

"That non-cult female fox..."

The usual tone lurks.

You must be angry that Ray was kidnapped.

Oh, maybe it felt the same way when I despenned Ray...

........................ Frightened.

"He's starting college tomorrow... I don't know what to do"

"What are we going to do?

That's a little surprising.

With Ray's pinch, this bear is likely to hit the base of Wang's capital soon.

"That's surprising. I thought I'd pop up and hit him the minute I heard it."

When I did it, they burned every map.

"It's the mountains I want to do that, but I can't move here now either"

You said that earlier.

... Is there anything in Gideon right now?

No way. You're busy selling popcorn, and that's not why.

... may not be...

"Really? But if you can't move... it'll be harder to rescue Mr. Ray. … there is“ self-harm ”if you have to, and you will be able to escape with it."

Whether you are sealed out by any means, or "self-harm” to combat harassment, you can force a death penalty without having to move one finger.

There is a risk that you will drop items in your possession to a large extent, but Ray's two irreplaceable privileged weapons are non-transferable items.

Besides, [Gozmays] and < Super Clash >, the majority of the lils earned in Franklin's case are deposited with the public authorities, so there won't be that much risk to the item loss.

Instead, if you revive from Despena, your left arm will heal too, so there are benefits.


'Well, you could do “self-harm," but he wouldn't want to choose that.'

That's right.

That said, I stayed on the ship's arm for nearly a month in this time.

"That said, if you stay like this, your college life from tomorrow could crumble..."

The other party is.

It could be enough to restrain you from logging out for more than 24 hours.

... Oh, and then the real Ray is a mess and a big deal.

'It's a really bad time...... You can't leave a bomb combo in Gideon...'

Bomb combo?


"Then shall I go?

When I tried to ask the bear what the intent of that statement was, I heard a familiar voice from across.

Turn around, there stood Gideon's most famous man.

"[Superfighter] Figaro......"

One of the three giants, [Superfighter] Figaro, the strongest in the kingdom, is there.

... for some reason I'm eating a bear's selling popcorn.

"I was just about to attack the Tomb Labyrinth. Mogu. He will also show his face at the Moon World Meeting. Mogu"

That said, I smile with a hard to see, threaded look on my eyes.

It's a beautifully shaped smile, but it's ruined because I'm eating popcorn in between.

'Can I ask for it?

"Of course. Because Ray had you work hard on that case when I couldn't move. A little payback."

"... thank you"

[Superfighter] Dispatch of Figaro.

... I can do this.

Honestly, [Superfighter] is more advantageous than [Destroyer King] if you're going to deal with that [Woman Pope].

There are more restrictions on the firepower of [the Destroying King] than [the Queen's Pope] has on the King's capital.

On the other hand, [the superfighter] doesn't have that tie.

Rather, the [superfighter] 's single-infinite enhancement compatibility with [the pope] 's debuff is the best.

He can rescue Ray without jealousy, even if it gets rough.

"I think you do."

"Yeah. When it comes to battle, I'll decide to compete before she uses my special skills. Otherwise, you lose (...)"

... Huh?

"Fortunately, the day is still high. If we hurry, we can settle this before sundown."

"... be careful."

"Yeah. Then I'm coming"

That said, [Superfighter] Figaro rushed off the spot at supersonic speed.

I could chase it with a critical eye, but I was probably switching to AGI-enhanced gear.

For that matter, it shouldn't take long to get to Wang Du.

"Mr. Marie. What do we do?


It will take us a few hours to get there at full speed.

But if we do well, maybe we can rendezvous with Ray, who was rescued at Figaro's hands.

"I'd better go now..."

"I don't think that's necessary, Kumar."

Unexpectedly, the bear uttered those words.

"Why not?"

"No matter how hastily Figaro retrieves Ray from that seemingly non-cult woman, Ray will have to log out time bear in those days. Then I'll just go waste my legs Kumar '

That may be true, but it is also left to Figaro alone as it is......

"And < Super...... Marie has this kind of deposit Kumar"

That's what I said. The bear took a single letter out of the item box.

If you look at the adorable handwriting 'To Marie' written on the surface of that envelope, it's easy to tell who wrote the letter.

"Is that from Eli?

"Yes Kumar. Kumar came with Liliana yesterday when she was selling popcorn and deposited this. '

We were on a quest yesterday.

So if you kept it with this bear, my party member's brother, you decided it would come right around to me.

But as the person who deposits the letter, this bear... well, is it critical safe because he is a good man among the < super >?

Though I'm not a common sense person at all.

"Kumar, who said he was asking for a quest."

"Eli told me...?

Well, what is it?

"Ma, I think Marie should prioritize you for that reason, Bear. Oh, and Luke. '

"What is it?

"A Little Ear Bear"

………… Yes. "

The bear is closing in on you, Luke, whining by your ear and telling you something.

... I don't care, you look like a bear trying to eat people.

"... Yes, I understand"

"All right, well, in the near future here, when Ray logs out and isn't here, we'll meet up."

Looks like some sort of promise was exchanged between the two of us.

"What the hell were you promising?

"... in a nutshell, special training, right?"

... special training?

This bear took you, Luke?

'Well, in brief, yes. Ray had a good number of mock fights, but Luke hadn't.'

Speaking of which, Mr. Luke, you almost just watched the mock fight.

No, no, that's not the problem.

What's this bear special training... like?

"What's the special training, by the way?


Did I say "die" now?

Obviously, I haven't even been following you since you decided to "die". Did you add the words now?

"... there's < super > on Rookie opponents who are just starting to do whatever it takes"

"There seems to be a skilled bear in the world who first massacres a day of rookies in the woods"

Excuse me.

I didn't deserve to say anything.

"... I don't mind. Besides, if your brother's going out of his way to offer, that means he needs special training."

"Oh. I assure you that"

Luke, you seem to be accepting.

It's a special training for this bear, isn't it?

'So that's why. Kumar when it's convenient in the near future'

"Yes, I understand"

The bear then left while pulling a popcorn stall.

We felt that something was being teased, but we followed the scene.

Then I read Eli's letter, and Luke and I broke up and headed over to Eli's, too.

I care a lot about Ray, but I entrusted that to Figaro.

Hopefully, things will be resolved without Ray choosing a death penalty, if possible.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ Dueling city Gideon Alley

When Shu, who pulled a popcorn stall, entered a sparsely populated alley, a voice hung on its back.

"You mean raise that rookie and make it more or less ours, or his opposing horse?

The Lord of Voices is one woman.

Something like a common adventurer, but he had an animal that resembled a palm seal.

The look contained mockery somewhere.

"I heard what you said earlier. Is Figaro, king of Monkey Mountain, absent, and your brother, who defeated the weak Super? I'm afraid the King hasn't sent me instructions. Now it will save you the trouble of kicking in a little garbage."

The voice seems to be laughing at the weak.

But Shu never got angry about it.

"Kick the garbage off or something. Guy like a sloppy OL, bear"

"Orel? What, what's that?

'... oh, was that a word that didn't go through your cultural area'

"It's a constructed term made by a Japanese magazine in a public offering, and I can't help it, Kumar," Shu shrugged.

"Who the hell is Orel...... well, I don't care. Still, you're a lot of attention. I mean now, from that incident until now..."


"Are you going to keep an eye on us (...)? So I don't even go hunting, I stay inside this city. Different?

"In case, I guess I'm the only one who can stop you."

To the woman's words, Shu replied as if it were nothing.

Just a little bit in response...... the woman glares at Willow Eyebrow.

"You (...) are wrong about one thing"

An eye like a beast shoots a shu.

"- You can't stop the Monster Queen and [the Beast King]."

If you're weak, that's the only kill you can get to.

Even a skilled warrior would not be able to contain knee tremors.


"Well, I don't know about that."

Shu was - [Destroyer King] not moving.

Even in the storm it was there as immovable, or as a willow flushing the wind in the opposite direction, just in nature.

"- Do you want to try?

What arose was air similar to Figaro's and Xunyu's.

Possibly, the opposite.

If that is the struggle for sophisticated skill, this one is just a sign of pure power.

By analogy, there is a battle between the best warriors.

This is... a collision between disasters.

Signs of desperate havoc, as if eruptions and tornadoes were coming at the same time.

One-touch instant.

The disturbing signs that this Gideon will not exist after half an hour......

"I'm gonna stop now, Kumar."

Such a cloud-scattered voice from him, the same as usual.

'Even if we do it now, we'll just damage both, Kumar. You guys make lurking pointless, and I have a hard time paying for bullets Kumar. The cost of that white coat case is tight, and it won't fill you whether you sell popcorn or not, Kumar.'

"……… you"

The look on the woman's face is even more distorted by the word - almost to the word of fact - that she is making a fool of herself half of Shu.

And when he was angry, and the fogged air of battle was gathered again,


A palm seal held in the woman's arm rang like that.

It was bright and sounded somewhere fun.

Then the woman pays her wrath until then like a lie, with a calm look.

"If Behemott is having fun...... I don't mind"

"Fun is good, Kumar."

The urgency of the air to the brink had vanished like a lie, returning to calm.

Then, Shu pulled a popcorn stall and walked out just saying he was done talking.

On that back, again, the woman calls out.

In the way that I remembered that I was reluctant to ask.

"It's a simple question, by the way."

"What bear?

"You, what's your life like over there? You're always here when this one's here, right?

"You're like each other."


The abolitionists, whose login time in the last ten days has been better than 200 hours, exchanged those words and walked out on each other's backs.

[Destroyer King] and [Beast King].

Behind Gideon's everyday landscape, the clashes were dropped off first.

To be continued

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