<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson Eight: Real Encount

□ Ling Er, the bird

The day after he was abducted on the moon night of the dependency of.

I was wondering what would happen for a while, but thanks to Mr. Figaro, I was able to log out and I went to college safely.

Today on my first day of school, I am not in an admission ceremony or class, I am given guidance about college.

The system isn't the same as it was until high school, so it's in the form of being briefed as you look through the material you were given and getting ready for class starting next week.

He has also been briefed on future schedules, but nothing has changed in particular.

I thought there might be orientation accommodation to deepen rapport right after school, but now they're not doing it anymore. "For that matter, it was helpful to have time to enter Dendro," I thought first, as a college student, might be a little wrong.

But there are orientations without accommodation, and while introducing themselves and appealing in time, they interact with alumni who will spend two years in the future until the undergraduate is divided.

How many minutes, I didn't know anyone because I came out of the province, but I was able to match my name with seventy percent of my faces during orientation time.

Also, when introducing myself, four people said, "< Infinite Dendrogram > is my hobby" and I said the same thing.

We talked about it on the day off.

It was still the same age and the topic "I had an exam and couldn't get as much playing time" or "I started after the exam" was common.

... I thought there were five fewer players, but maybe our generation is less and more natural because it's a direct exam generation.

So, I wanted to take it on a quest with my new alumni, but how dare all four of them except me make heaven and earth their country.

"Such a coincidence of yours!?" I thought, but they were surprised, too, so I guess it's true.

It's also hard to take a quest with you when you're on the other side of the continent on a boulder.

The classic kind of teleport in RPG seems to have only Dendro's escape from the Divine Dungeon and some < Embrio > inherent skills, or something like an accident.

When I had the chance, I promised to keep my quest with my classmates first.

For the record, they also had different warlords to serve, even if they belonged to the same heavens and earth, making them more of a rival than a cooperative relationship.

If you can metaphor it during the Warring States, it seems to feel divided between Oda, Takeda, Nagasuo and Shimazu.

... If I were you, I'd like Uesugi.

Now, after guidance and orientation, we were waiting for our freshmen in countless tents set up on university property… a zone to solicit them to circles within the university.

The number of tents and the number of participants are enormous, and the enthusiasm to "secure one or more freshmen" is tremendous.

Many freshmen are norinoli, but some are pulling the other way around. I was pulling one way or the other.

While I managed to dive through the wave of circle solicitation, I moved to the dining room where I took a breather.

"College life...... there are more cultural gaps than I thought"

It was a cultural gap in a separate vector from the exotic culture that we touch within Dendro.

I'm a little tired physically and mentally, sipping tea and looking at the postings in the dining room blurry. There was still a billa on the Circle solicitation there, too.


After all, I have the image that it is youth to join a circle and interact with seniors and classmates.

but doing that reduces Dendro's login time without leakage.

I don't know if I care more about login time than communicating in college life... but I also really don't want to reduce my login time any more.

"I hope it's also Dendro's circle..."

Then you don't have to reduce Dendro's login time while interacting.

However, if the game in general is still limited to certain games. No matter how many circles, the university has......

"... Do you have one?"

corner of the dining room post.

There was a billa there that said < Club of Infinite Dendrogram >.

Would it be "Infinite Dendrogram Research Society" or "Infinite Dendrogram Sorority Society" if translated into Japanese?

Then normally if you put it by that name...... oh, because abbreviated to "inken" or "indo" it doesn't feel good to speak, and "denken" or "dendo" is going to be mistaken for another circle?

Whatever it is, if there really is a circle of dendro, I don't even wish it.

While interacting in college life, I can also increase my acquaintance within Dendro. Two birds a stone.

Well, a little bit could be a player in a near-war drife, but that would be fine.

I went to the Club of Infinite Dendrogram room, relying on a map written on Billa.

As it was my first place, I was lost, but I reached the room indicated to Billa.

There was a slightly fashionable wooden carved plate hanging on the door with < Club of Infinite Dendrogram > so there would be no mistake here.

With a little nervousness I knock on the door.

"Come in. Yeah, yeah."

There was an acknowledgment from the indoor, and I said, "Excuse me," and then I opened the door.

Is it then?

Somewhere in my head there was a "wait" voice.

But by then, my hands were open.

Beyond the open door was...

"Freshmen? Here they come. Welcome to Club of Infinite Dendrogram…"

I closed the door I had just opened.


That's because there was a face in the room that I saw (...).

Yes, I just saw it yesterday in Dendro... because there was a face (...) on the moon and night of the dependency.

It could be a mistake.

But I'm not even willing to open it again to make sure.

Besides, if you're that feminine, you're as bare as your brother, and it's not weird playing without hiding it.

Because it is likely that he was the head of a religious group and had not changed his face from the combination around it.

But now it's not the other person's reason that matters.

"Chip! I'm alarmed!

I didn't know that feminization student was the same college as me!

I heard that religious solicitations that got lost in the circle were common in college, but I jumped out of myself again into the escaped tiger mouth!

It's just the beginning of college life as it is going up on the reef!

I try to turn my heels back and run away from the front of the room,

"- Running away without?

I was grabbed by a narrow hand stretched out of that gap in the door that opened from the inside.

I still move my legs and try to escape, but my body doesn't move any further.

I also thought it might be mechanically strange, but looking back a little, that female monster was holding the frame of the door with her left hand while grabbing my collar with her right hand.

Oh so it doesn't work at all...... does it!?

What muscle strength, you monster!!

She's not my sister!!

"I don't know what it is, but I'm scared. Well, be so frightened. Take your time, I'll treat you to tea. Huh?

You understand my current state of mind or not, the feminine pulled me straight into the room with the cheats.

... I felt like I had become a hamster to be rounded only by snakes.

The feminized student who dragged me indoors with powers I don't think are women pushed me down on top of the indoor bed as it were - probably used when playing Dendro.

"You, the freshman who came into the circle, do it? Running without?

I'm getting away.

It's like getting into a teketake in real life after a teketake dream, so it runs away.

"What a terrible face. without so much... erm, what's your name?"


At some point, the chemist had pulled a passcase with a student ID from my nostalgia.

That's a bad habit, you freak!?

"Hmm, Reiji Toriku says no.... Is that it?

The chemistry student who confirmed my name strangles me like I wondered something.

- Shit.

"Its eyes, its voice, and... Lingji the Toad?............... Ray Sterling?

Kuh!? I just translated my last name bird into English so I found out fast!?

Damn! I should have twisted some more!!

"Oh, I see. That's what I'm talking about."

The chemist who realizes who I am laughs at me.

That smile was the horror itself for me.

"Yeah, can't we get away here?

Shit, it's the biggest dilemma.

As it is, I get taken in by cult religion with forceful M.O.

Besides, we don't have the means to escape over here.

What can I do...!

"Come on, let's start with yesterday's thank you..."

When the feminine said so and moved her hand slowly,

"Excuse me."

I opened the door to the room and a third person came into the room.

For a moment, I thought it was [the Assassin King]... but it wasn't.

The third person was a woman, knitted three long hairs, glasses with a little hanging eyes… in a nutshell he looked very “serious”.

"The vice chairman of the Moon Shadow asked me to give him a message and paperwork about the Circle solicitation in the tent..."

She says that much and sighs when she sees the indoor situation - me being pushed down with a look of fear on the bed and the chemistry face laughing really fun as she suppresses me.

"… Chairman. Don't push down men in school."

I said something terribly decent.

My heart is lit with slight hope.

What if this guy...

"Above all, he obviously hates it. Even male opponents, morons apply, right? We should release them immediately."


He's not a monster, he's not a funny secretary, he's a decent guy.

"Yeah, I got a corner."

Don't get it.

Don't get a human.

"Let's get you into the club."

"Isn't that an overly forceful solicitation? Let him go."

"No, let this kid be ours."

I don't like this one!!

"Chairman. If you don't seem to hear much, I'll get out of the club though"


"All you have to do is two chairmen and a vice chairman, so you won't be able to keep the circle, will you? Is that still good?

"I have a problem with that..."

In the words of a decent person, the feminization student is bare.

"Then we should stop that unfair demented behavior and forceful solicitation. Let that person go."

Someone decent is a little divinely reliable.


"But what?

"... I don't know how."

Like reluctantly, the feminine let go of my hand.

... Freedom!

I jump out of bed, take a distance from the feminine and stop by the wall.

"... you're so frightened. Chairman, what else did you do besides act like a moron?

"Uh, whatever. Heh-heh. I asked him out in Dendro for a moment... I just invited him."


Gilty is too much to say he hasn't done anything.

Decent people sigh again,

"Chairman. I need to talk to you. Please take a seat."

"... you know, it's on the floor here"

"It's okay. If the chairman's leg is sitting on the floor, he won't be paralyzed."

"No paralysis..."

That feminized student is completely depressed.

Who are you, you decent guy...

"Run away, too. Don't let someone like this catch you."

"People like this..."

I kind of felt like a turtle who got Taro Urashima to help me.

But the words were appreciated, so I immediately escape the demon after thanking a decent man for saying "thank you".

"Chairman. May be free, but don't bring that to reality. There are just enough violations of public order to keep up with the person you kidnapped over there and work the demented act. This is gonna be a criminal case, right?

"What? Shit. I'm from the other side today. Do it. Besides, even Bee is inside..."

"I think very separately from real life."

I heard such a sermon from indoors after I left.

Whatever it was, I was safely escaped from the female poison fangs by the intervention of a decent person.

I was scared to ask, but what's the name of that decent guy?

To be continued

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