<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode XV Impact Counter

"Ten minutes have passed. We will now begin hunting for K&R on Mount Faddle Road

Ten minutes had passed that had been heralded in the first announcement, and such an announcement resonated with < Mount Faddle Road >.

I couldn't get out of Faddle Mountain Road in the last ten minutes, or from the beginning, "If you're coming, come!" Waiting, < Master > warned of the raid, which would come at the same time as the limit.

That alert was correct and the "attack” was launched at the same time as the limit.

At first it was the rain of arrows.

From somewhere, hundreds or thousands of arrows rained and poured over their heads.

It's called "May Rain Arrow Feather," the skill of a senior position in Heaven and Earth [Heavy Bow Samurai, a strong bow martial artist].

The ability to fire hundreds of arrows in one shot is simultaneously used by a group of thirty fighters and superimposed as three thousand arrows.

The damage of a single arrow is less than one hundred, but if it overlaps with 3,000, it will cause breaking damage and sharpen and kill the opponent in rank.

The deadly rain would have been about 10% of the total, including the Rays who were still unable to get out of the map.

Nemesis's Counter Absorption withstands as much as 200,000 damage as a single shot, but such long-range shooting was the worst opponent. In fact, they are easily broken with the same hands in a mock battle with Marie.

Even if I burn it down with Purgatory Fire, I don't have the left hand to carry it out now.

Silver's "wind hoof" prevents the wall from deploying enough time and charging enough MP to offset this many on the boulder.

So this can't be dealt with by Ray,


Beasley, who jumped off the berth of the stopped carriage, dealt with it.

When Beasley sets up a large enough shield to hide herself removed from the item box, a blue wall of light appears large enough to hide the carriage.

The countless arrows that pour are inhibited by its blue wall of light, and not a single one is thorough.

That's [Shield Giant] 's skill.

Defensive junction that blocks all attacks except attacks that deal more than 100 + points of damage to themselves.

With arrows whose numbers depend, the iron wall guard cannot be penetrated first.

Then Beasley, who looked in the direction of the arrow's flying in, takes another shield out of the item box.

Then, the arrow rain misses the interrupted clearance and moves to the attacker.

"Wedge off the ground, Shield Flyer."

Using one of his own inherent skills, Beasley threw a second shield - a shield for giants several times bigger than the big shield he hid.

Its giant shield, thrown with minor modifications due to reckoning and experience in the direction in which it flew the arrows, lands brilliantly in the center of the < K&R > group.

Several people who were not wearing [life-saving brooches] in that blow become a death penalty.

Due to the confusion of the landing, the rain of the arrows interrupts without the next bullet being released.

In the meantime, Ray makes Silver run again to get out of the map a little bit.

Ray holds the reins in place with his left handed prosthetic hand, while still holding the nemesis of the Great Sword state in his right hand and not failing to be vigilant.

Beasley also jumps on the roof of the carriage with a shield and is still on guard about something.

That's how Ray and Beasley were on guard, but at the right time they drove the carriage.

The front right of the carriage - someone jumped out of a position that was a dead end in the shadow of a tree.

His name is [Fushihime] Wolf Cherry Blossom.

She broke through the slightest gap between the two warnings...

"" Kill the world!! "

I tapped into the depths of the Novo System Super Position [Princess Fushi]... Ray running silver.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ Five minutes ago

"Wolf Cherry Blossom Job, subowner of < K&R >, is a Novo Genealogy Super Position [Princess Fu]"

Refer to the subowner of < K&R > as "Want to pick it up? The senior said," He started giving me information about them.

"[Nofu" Down Samurai "] is a job derived from [Samurai, the samurai], but its characteristics as a job are very different from [samurai]"

"[Samurai] was just a job close to [warriors] or [fighters] we say over here, right? So what are the characteristics of [Novo]?

"It's a first strike ambush. Only the first blow of the day against the opponent (...), the amount of damage is different digits. If the superior princess [Fushihime] is deep-seated, she will beat out the six digits for sure."

It's a surprise attack... is it because of the hunt for the fallen warrior?

But hexadecimal damage… is it the same power as his brother's blow or the use of [Ying Long Fang] Xun Yu?

I don't know if "Counter Absorption" with a ceiling of 200,000 seems to hold up.

In the first place, can we deploy against surprise attacks?

"You don't have to make an effort to avoid enduring the first shooting of Wolf Cherry Blossoms"


"You just have to let it strike straight."

... Senior, I don't know what you're talking about.

"The ambush attack on the Novo system has been fierce for some time since the start of the service. Yeah, because it's a broken source of damage for a blow. Especially commonly used in PKs that often staged surprise raids, the case followed that it would be a death penalty in the first blow of [Novo]. But at some point, at the border, it fits."

That's what the senior said and turned his jacket... showing me something he wore in that nostalgia.

That's an accessory I'm familiar with and still wearing.

"It is the existence of [the brooch of lifesaving]. More than a certain player base began to equip this, and the advantage of the wildfire system disappeared."

"... I see"

Only the first blow is the strongest, so the presence of a [life-saving brooch] that nullifies lethal damage was fatal for the Novo system.

It must have been too powerful and the first blow would have led to fatalities as well.

"The same goes for the Gardner [Beast Warrior] theory, which declined with the advent of [Beast King], but there are many MMOs where past tactics cease to work due to changes in the environment"

He's called a metagame. If it weren't for MMORPG, I would hear a lot about it in the trailing card game neighborhood etc.

"Most importantly, that [Princess Fushi] is a status she worked out as a super position and still dares to do that tactic." If you can crush the [lifesaving brooch] with your first shot, that's enough, "he said."

Senior speaks of what the [princess Fushi] himself said as if he remembered hearing it in his own ear.

"But the fact that you can deactivate the strongest first blow with a [lifesaving brooch] doesn't move. So the moment of the first blow is the opponent's biggest offense at the same time -"

- For this one, the biggest opportunity.


An enemy blow bursts into my chest - [Lifesaving Brooch] removes all damage.

At the cost of disabling dozens of times more lethal damage to this HP, [life-saving brooch] splashes inside the armor.

But - that's enough.

At the same time I felt a shock in my chest, my right arm is already moving.

The hand of counterattack has already been decided.

“The moment you eat an opponent's attack, double that damage to the opponent".

"Vengeance is..."

I once imagined Franklin's [DGF] moves as he prepared to die (death penalty) before,

"- To me (iz) -"

the moves we gained after an unlimited number of simulated battles with the Rankers,

"- Yes (Mine)!!"

- I tapped into [Fushihime].


[Princess Fushimi], who hit me by surprise, was ambushed (counter) by me on the contrary... and fell straight off the carriage.

Bouncing twice and three times over the ground, falling asleep...

"- Person (s), Stronghold Pressure"

- of seniors jumping from the top of the carriage, had been crushed by a second giant shield.

From under the shield I heard the sound of a buturi where something packed with liquid would crumble.


"... I'm afraid to see what's going on under my shield."

A merciless chase against a fallen opponent.

I won't say "seniors relent" to this...

Because he took the "Revenge Is on Me"... even after a blow that multiplied the hexadecimal damage, he remained satisfied with five bodies.

[Instead of dragon scales] that make the damage a tenth, but it won't be enough, so first of all they definitely had [life-saving brooches] too.

Unlike mock warfare, [life-saving brooch] can also be used over there. It is inevitable that this will happen.

But nevertheless, I totally ended up in a senior pursuit.

From beneath the shield the sea of blood spreads, and now becomes the dust of light and disappears.

The death penalty is certain.

"... annoyed me. Mr. Ray."

"Yes, you're annoying, seniors. And you've really been after me, as my senior said..."

"You'll be after Ray, who's an eighty-nine," the senior said after he talked about measures against them.

As far as I'm concerned, I thought high-level seniors could be targeted, but seniors first stepped on me that I could be targeted.

Indeed, I'm the one holding Silver's reins, so if you crush me first, you lose your mobility.

So I know as a read that you're going after me first. But there seems to have been some other basis for seniors.

"Yeah, I thought this was gonna happen. Because even when I fought her before, I won the special skills I just used at the counter, like you did now, Ray. In order not to follow the same pattern, I read that I would not aim for the first shot."

... Senior, have you fought before?

That makes sense.

"Nevertheless, I can't believe I can beat the super prowess this light..."

"The battle of players is not all about level and status. How to hit your trump card without letting them help you."

So to put it, the battle now would have been exactly that typical.

Because he crushed his opponent's first hand in [Brooch] and won by hitting that gap with a trump card called My Counter and Senior's Special Skills.

"Still, the counter was brilliant now. I can't believe you hit the target at the same time."

"I've practiced most of that. Ask the dueling Rankers to help in a mock fight as well..."

Beat back at the counter as you take the opponent's biggest blow. This isn't Dendro's skill, it's the technology I've come across myself.

A month in Dendro from the idea, thanks to polishing it in mock warfare, it is also at a level that can be used in action.

There were many opportunities to try it with nature during the simulation, but Mr. Bishmal in particular was eager to help.

Anyway, every time, he always storms me with his special skills first.

If you hadn't bothered to do that for me, you wouldn't be using that tactic.

... No way, there's always no way to fight like that.

I only beat him because of it.

The other rankers have dealt with it except at first sight.

"That counter is brilliant in timing, too, but most importantly"

"-" The World Kills. "

For a moment, I didn't know what happened.

If you noticed, a spear was standing on the senior's chest... knocked at the carriage door.

No, I get it.

The declaration of skill now sounds familiar, and the spear now looks familiar.

The blow now,

I let go of my current blow...,

"Ma, of course you have a [lifesaving brooch], too, Beasley"

[Princess Fu] - Wolf cherry blossom.

"But he's crushed it now, too, isn't he?

"... why are you alive?

Seniors slapped by carriages still stand on the ground without falling.

However, the crushed [brooch] fell from its chest zero.

"Ray, wasn't your blow supposed to crush [the brooch] and then kill you instantly with a combined blow that used my special skills?

"Oh, normally, I guess so. Your special powers are as good as ever, and the“ indomitable ”counters there are stunning. It's just hatred..."

[Fushihime] showed him what was hanging on his wrist.

It was entangled in my arms like a bracelet but, if you look closely, it was a dry little doll.

"I've been finishing up one recently. That's the effect of the perks you got there. The effect... is predictable, isn't it?

"Thinking about blood and light dust… is it something like 'just before lethal damage comes in, make a replacement and replace it'?"

"It's a boulder, data woman. It fits pretty well."

In other words, this [Fushihime] possessed two types of lethal avoidance accessories.

… is there, that.

"Other than [life-saving brooch], lethal avoidance items are rare. Well acquired."

"Ha ha, that's what you do every day."

"You're not even joking."

They talk to each other as if they were friends, but even I can see the killing spreading on the words and the back.

It's like Mr. Figaro and I re-baked it yesterday on the moonlight.

But seniors can't launch an attack.

That must be because seniors are durable. If you move a detour from yourself, they'll poke you in the gap.

"Come on, now we have no more hands on avoiding lethal damage to each other. I've already used my first blow against him, and Beasley can't reuse Tiger Kid's special skill until he's free up his cool time. Wouldn't you? Your special isn't as good as mine (...), but it's got to be a long cool-time."



So cut the words, [Princess Fushimi] shifts her gaze to me.

"The seeds on the" indomitable ”counter also broke. If the blade touches the target, it doesn't have to do with his posture or strength. You're using his skills, right?


This guy already figured out the backbone of the counter I used.

Yes, "Vengeance is on me" only touches the blade, knocking twice as much damage into that area.

For large monsters with cores in their bodies, it is necessary to stick the blade into their bodies, but if they are human in size, the process is also unnecessary.

No matter how impossible the posture, no matter how weak the force is, let the blade touch and it will be established. That's even when you're not in shape after being hit by an opponent's attack.

That's why it's the simultaneous counter we just had.

I fully understand how it works, [Princess Fushi] just took a blow.

"Something like" Impact Counter. "

... has been named.

It's fine because it's not even a weird name.

"I was listening, but you were doing a mock fight on your runner opponent? I guess around Bishmall was storming and serving as a practice bench anyway, huh?

"Lord, you seem to know a lot about Rankers."

"Oh, no, of course not."

To the words of Nemesis, [Princess Fushi] replies with a nigga laugh.

- 'Cause I'm number five in the duel rankings.

… was it the PK of < K&R > as well as the third place?

"Darling is my hobby, so I'm in Darling's hobby. A duel isn't a bad idea."

"I'm having trouble not being able to use a first-strike ambush," [Princess Fushimi] laughs.

"Oh well, I can't believe you can ambush me with a duel. That Kura Kuniwa, yes..................?


As this guy himself said, you can't use a first-strike ambush attack, the strength of the Novo system, in a duel.

- So, how is this guy ranked fifth?

Like answering my question like that,

"Well, I can't even use the Job's depth - let's smash it with a head-on battle from here on out"

[Fushihime] took something out of the item box.

It was - the skull of a giant dragon more than [Fushihime] 's body.

[Fushihime] turned the skull gently in a circle at the tip of the spear in his hand,

"-" The soldiers are the tracks of dreams. "

One word, that's what I declared.

[Fushihime] 's bone turns into powder in an instant and is consumed by a spear.

The sight reminded me that the fifth place in the duel was called Bone Eating.

But the sight doesn't end with just drinking bones,

"Conversion (ca) aaaah!!"

With the light from the spear, a white aura erupted.

Aura instantly wraps around [Princess Fushimi] 's entire body.

At that time,

"-" Stronghold Pressure "

The moment his whole body was wrapped up - a blow by the giant shield of his predecessor, who was moving the moment [Princess Fu] 's vision was zeroed with light and aura, captures that body.

It's like an earlier re-bake, smashing [Fushihime] from the top...

- It doesn't work anymore!

It was taken by [Fushihime], who wrapped around a white exoskeleton (...).

That was alien as if it had been a mixture of dragons and human bones, but the intimidation that made it feel was separate.

It's as if a skilled warrior and a mighty monster live together in one body.


The seniors took their hands off the giant shield aggressively and jumped back.


Shortly afterwards - the right arm of the exoskeleton crushed the giant shield to pieces of wood dust.

It's like a wall of robust, giant shields, just a blow...

"What a foolish power, it's like a kumanisan..."

I can also see the nemesis groaning.

It wouldn't be as good as my brother on the boulder, but its power was separate from the previous one.

First of all, this is definitely [Princess Fushi] 's special skill.

Same as Mr. Riser...... of the Enhanced Transformation Capability.

[Fushihime] cut a true trump card.

"... strong, huh"

Due to the power and intimidation demonstrated, I realized that the opponent in front of me was undoubtedly one of the rankers in the dueling field.

And I think.

Then, not yet......,

'There is a chance of winning. Would it be?

"... oh"

Responding to Nemesis's words, I once again consolidated my determination to challenge the mighty Ranker - squeezing the Great Sword.

To be continued

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