<Infinite Dendrogram>

How to solve prequel psychology

□ [Dead 8] Luke Holmes

That was when Mr. Ray was on his way to a place called the village of Torne with college seniors.

I, Lucius Holmes, was sitting on the bench on Gideon Street watching the people on the road.

Deep thinking with the information around you in mind is a form of training taught by my father.

Sometimes other things are lip reading, unlocking, or reading reasoning novels where it's unusual.

As for the third, not to unravel the tricks in the making, but to read the writer's own personality and tendencies of thought and guess what tricks to use...... although it doesn't seem to be the right way to read the book.

It should be noted that I told my brother who hits my current mentor - Shu Sterling - that he would be anxious to say, "Oh, who's going to die next" in GU and MK works. I know bear, "he returned. I don't know the writer, but I don't think so.

It's such a workout, but I couldn't do it yesterday and one day.

For those two days - since the day after Mr. Ray was kidnapped by the Moon Sessions, his plans had been filled with other “special training”.

That's with your brother...... special training in hell.

"Hell's" is not a lightly usable pillow, but it can only be described as actually so.

At the beginning, the pain setting was specified on.

The content of the special training will be subject to death penalties many times in that state.

I'm sure your brother was critical and predictable, but the pain in HP's only one point remaining was hard to exhaust in the brush tongue.

It's a tough special training to say sane if you look at it in common sense, but your brother says, "But Luke's still the kind of guy who's okay with this, right?". It's really not a problem.

And your brother said, "I can't say absolutely, but I'm close to people because there are places where evolution is determined by the need and strong thoughts of the Master. It's easy to resist those situations enough to taste the predicament," he also said.

That's something you can tell by looking at Mr. Ray.

However, Marilyn and the others don't seem to have any good feelings for your brother because the special training content for it was like hell.

Maybe it's something we don't have a choice.

I am convinced.

So that's how I planned to train in hell again today.

But now that I have business with your brother, this is how I think while sitting on the bench in front of the Knights' Stuff.

Your brother was arrested (...) about one case.


"Hey, Babi."

"Babi was asleep then, but what caught the bear guy? Food disguise?"

"No, Babi."

Sure, I'm not sure about the ingredients for that popcorn, but that's not why.

Your brother was caught in the

Serial robbery, homicide.

Your brother's name was given as a suspect in a case that was making a scene with Gideon.

Beginning two nights ago. It's the day after Ray was kidnapped by the Moon Sessions.

My husband's tragic body was found at a merchant's house.

At first, he said he didn't even know whose body it was, and he repaired the body and finally got confirmation.

Gideon's official constitution moved soon after the tragic state of the body, which was clearly neither an accident nor a suicide.

As soon as the investigation begins, it turns out that all the hardware that was trapped inside the concealed safe has been taken. This one looks like it was already stolen before my husband was murdered.

However, the total mobilization of those with investigative sense skills left us with no idea what had been accomplished.

In addition, the merchant had a magical alarm system in place equivalent to a senior position, but there is no indication of a reaction.

Plus, I found very little of what the killer left behind or what was likely to be evidence.

- Except for the odd card that was falling beside the body.

It's written in a language no one in the official Constitution's agents can read, and it's an important piece of evidence property, but it wasn't a clue yet.

That's how he said there was another similar robbery and murder in another merchant the night after the official constitution was focusing on the investigation.

Even here, the body seems miserable, and the hardware was stolen.

Again, it didn't look like the alarm type was activated... it just happened to have that card.

To this end, the official constitution establishes that the two robbery murders were committed by the same person.

At the second point in the case, the investigative information was also private, so there is no possibility of a copycat.

Now, two cards left on the scene, both had the same wording on the surface, and the text on the part that hit the back was different.

But both the back tables were written in an unknown language for investigators, and they couldn't read the contents.

[The secretary] twisted his head about the letters on the card he copied with his "copy" skills, including not only investigators, but also [knights], but no one knows the letters.

But then, a glimmer of light shines.

That's Marie, who happened to have some Elizabethan related business and visited the stuffing.

She looked at the cards the [knights] had in their hands and said:

"'I am unknown'?"

“Unidentified” is your two names… [Destroyer King].

I know who I am in the previous case, but I have also not defined two new categories of names. Your face remains hidden, so maybe you should just “unidentified”.

"Oh, and if you look closely at the weird letters behind you, you're in the shape of a bear. Did that fur write this?

That's how new information was added to the incident that was riding up the reef...... your brother was caught.

Just after I finished my real phone call with Mr. Ray and logged in, your brother was surrounded by the official constitution.

Without fighting as it were, your brother was taken.

That may not have been an admission of guilt, but consideration given to investigators facing the impossible challenge of "catching super" with a face full of readiness and sadness.

I seem to log out from time to time, but I seem to be back within the Knights' quarters in discipline.

He is currently being investigated by various skills in the middle of an investigation.

Naturally, it was also hung by the Verdict, an important element in the investigation of justice, but it seems to be being treated lightly as a judgment material, "then you may have the means to deceive".

It's ironic, but your high ability and lack of bottom knowledge as a brother doesn't take your brother off the suspect.

Even the need for justice in this world, the True or False Judgment, is not fully adapted.

In addition to that, we only have circumstantial evidence.

The wording of the card suggesting relevance.

Camo and sign manipulation skills for mythical weaponry [Kimunkamui], which can be intruded regardless of the alarm system.

And the motive...... your brother seems to have had trouble with the money, so that doesn't have to motivate him.

As a result, your brother seems to be a suspect.

Note that this information was heard from your brother in detention over [Telepathic Cuffs].

It appears that the goods were not even confiscated.

"Something that sounds like evidence, something that sounds like means, something that sounds like motive. Nobody but your brother has come up on the investigation line.

"But Mr. Bear wouldn't do that, would he? Don't Luke think so?

"Babi. Detectives are people too, so you have feelings of good and bad for others. But that's something that you can incorporate into people ratings, but not into reasoning."

The case where the trust that "such a good man cannot be the killer" is broken is either real or fictional in any way.

"So, what does Luke deduce?

"Your brother is not the killer. It's settled."

Yes, there can't be a case where your brother is the killer.

"You don't have to kill your family for money. Well, there's no way I'm leaving a card that I call myself doing it. I'm not a thief."

Even my mother wouldn't do such a boring job.

"So this is someone's offense that I want to make look like your brother did it. The real killer... there's something else"

An unidentified killer is laughing guiltily at people.

What makes me want to uncover who it is and stick "no" to the case... is the nature of the detective I inherited from my father.

Yeah, it's settled what needs to be done in me already.

I'm sure your brother gave you the information because he thought I would do this.

Then this could also be part of the special training.

Whatever it is, I haven't seen a guiding principle in a long time.

All I had to do these days was teach Elizabeth the techniques of thieving that my mother taught me, but this time it's my turn to practice what my father taught me.

"The real killer in this case... I'll find out who he is"

- In my father's name.

"Luku. That decision dialogue is a bit..."

"Yeah, I've regretted it since I said it too"

Whatever it is, the beginning of the investigation.

"First, how did the killer sneak in?"

"No, Babi.“ How ”doesn't make sense."

This < Infinite Dendrogram > has skills and most importantly < Master > has one-of-a-kind < Embrio >.

There must be as many ways to dive through the alarm system as possible.

That's what you can do with Marie, not your brother.

So, the last thing you need to do is solve the means.

The first thing you need to figure out is the killer's psyche.

"How do you solve it?

"Thinking about it, I'm getting my head back."

Now I'm observing people on the road sitting on a bench in front of the Knights' Stuff in the most streets.

It's training and preparation for my first activity as a detective in a long time. It is also an investigation.

A brief explanation of the official constitution for the example case is posted on the bulletin board in front of the filling.

This is also true in other cases, basically to tell citizens that "there's been a case like this, and who captured the killer named".

What I'm looking at is the reaction of the people who saw the posting.

If the killer cares about the trend in the case, or he might come here to see the posting.

Depending on how you react then, you might be able to stare.

But there's a good chance that the killer won't come to see it, so this one's hopeless.

So the main thing is to recapture your thoughts while you recapture them.

"... a suspect man, or..."

While sitting on the bench, look through what's written on the bulletin board a few meters away

The description of this case does not disclose the content of the case and the name of your brother for what is listed as "captured a suspect man".

The news that your brother has not yet been confirmed as the culprit and... most importantly, that the Kingdom's < super > has been arrested is too shocking.

It is of great significance that your brother revealed himself as the [King of Destruction] in the incident caused by the earlier [Archprofessor] and defeated the legions and pandemoniums of monsters who attacked Gideon.

Just like Mr. Ray, who defeated [RSK]... the very hope seen by a kingdom at a disadvantage, you should be able to say.

This killer, that's probably why he's trying to frame your brother.

They won't send you to “prison” just because you're arrested. If there are save points in other countries, you can return there. Your brother said you used all seven savepoints, so that's fine.

But if it becomes a nomination arrangement in the kingdom and the kingdom's citizenship is lost... naturally it also disappears from the rankings of the kingdom.

[Destroyer King], the top ranker in the crusade rankings, will be unable to participate in the war.

The exit of [Destroyer King], which is also the hope of the Kingdom here, means too much more than less war power.

Then again this time it's one of [the archdeacon] 's schemes?

"... no"

This case is puzzling, even if it was taken to remove it from the war.

If you really want to get your brother out of the war completely...... you should sin by committing crimes of the international nomination arrangements class.

Assuming I have the purpose and possible means... to kill Elizabeth during Gideon's stay.

If you put that sin on your brother, surely international nomination arrangements. It would go to “jail” instantly with a death penalty, and the killing of a princess by her own country would make her national sentiment worse.

War should also be of great advantage.

"But if it stays the way it is..."

To be clear, if you talk about the extent to which "two merchant lords were killed and the hardware taken away" (...), the state is likely to wipe it out.

Even felonies deserve to meditate their eyes when compared to a future in which their greatest power is lost from the most recent war.

In Japanese idioms, where Ray and his brother come from, he said, "I can't replace my belly on my back."

That would be a truly disgraceful release for your brother: "The official constitution meditated on his eyes and acquitted him even though he was more unjust than his ex".

The mood may be harmful.

But it will be liberated.

I don't even think the real killer knows that.

Then where is the purpose of the real killer?

"Not enough information yet"

In order to get to the answer, there is a lot of information to know.

First, let's head to the place where you might be able to provide us with information.

I was able to visit < DIN > and pay the consideration to obtain a copy of the material on the case and a copy of the card that had been placed on site.

I will step up my vigilance against that organization for the light availability of material for ongoing serious incidents… I will use it effectively this time.

It should also be noted that the real killer is still unknown, and the contact also said, "If you find out, I'll buy it for a lot of money." From the looks of it, neither < DIN > nor your brother seems to think of the killer as fine dust.

In addition, according to the dossier, some of the Knights thought alike.

Since the suspect is < super > 's brother in this matter... it appears that the Kingsguard Knights were also jointly under investigation with the government constitution, as it is Gideon, where the Second Princess stays, who is at the same time on the case.

Several of them, including Mr. Liliana, seem to insist strongly that "your brother is not the killer".

"Is this what Luke was saying? No, he's not?

"Yes, but no, Babi. What you can't do is a detective likes and evils and distorts reasoning. Anyone who likes you should believe, so Mr. Liliana and the others are doing nothing wrong."

So I'm the only one in a position to explore the killer.

I am currently able to deduce that your brother is not the killer, but I will try not to distort the reasoning when something is found to overturn it.

"Luku, are you going to stake out tonight?

"I won't."

"Why? Why don't we start a case?

"Babi, nothing's gonna happen tonight."

If I'm the killer, I won't make a case while your brother's being caught by the police.

Because if you do that, it will reinforce your brother's innocence.

If we're gonna make the next case, it's while we're on temporary release.

Or when your brother is logged out and out of jail, but you shouldn't worry because your brother knows that too.

"So tonight I'm going to focus on cracking this code at the inn."

In my hand, there's a card with a cryptographic wording on the back left by the killer.

There may be some hint hidden in this cipher.

Then this is how we search for the killer by day, and there will be nothing. Let's read this tonight. Because that's a smooth way to use your time.

Well, I wonder what secrets are hidden in the cipher.

The morning after dawn.

I don't know, nothing happened last night.

In the meantime, I spent the night decrypting the code that was written on the back of the card...


"You look unusual and grumpy, Luke"

I'm not in the mood.

It was a hassle to change this cipher, the "language used" randomly for each letter.

If you're thinking about it, you can properly type it into your mobile device's dictionary app one hand, but if you solve it, it's a total win for each letter.

Besides, the basics are alphabetical, and I guess it fits the corresponding letters in other languages...... the laws of conversion have changed everywhere, and there are even things that are wrong in the first place.

Until then, even though it applied in the reading and order of the letters, the Japanese hiragana "Yi" was applied to the letters that hit E. It should be correct to say "Yi" or "eh" in Roman reading if it is to the laws of other letters, or "oh" in the sense of the fifth, and "ho" in a lot of letters as well.

I wagered quite a bit of time before I understood that as the real killer's mistake.

There were several mistakes like this, which bothered my mind for a while as to whether the mistake in itself meant anything, and the frustration when I realized it was in the end a pointless mistake on the part of the real killer was more than when I was relative to that young lady in the earlier case.

This killer is dishonest about making cryptography.

It's under a cipher that's willing to let you solve it, but failed to confirm the method to solve it.

However, I have found out that I have solved dishonest cryptography.

For the real killer, this cipher doesn't matter.

So many mistakes, and what it said:

"Today's Lunch is Hamburger Lunch at Tricerous"

"Today's sweets are pudding parfaits from Cafe Mizuna"

That's all there is to it.

These stores are actually in this gideon, so I thought there might be something behind them, so I also took a leg.

But there is nothing suspicious in the store or to the store owner.

So I guess that cipher just purposefully encrypted a record to the point of writing a word to the SNS.

It is only content to stroke back the human nerves that have been painstakingly solved, completely independent of the case.

".................. ah"

Right, that's the thing.

I can never solve this cipher for Tian because I use several languages of the Earth.

And the only other person who could possibly see this card besides Tian... is your brother.

Your brother tries to crack this cipher in order to prove his own innocence... go to this content.

It strokes the nerves back.

I'm sure, I'm angry.

"Is that what you're after?

Sin your brother and stir up anger with this pointless cryptography.

That's how pissing off your brother is the real killer's aim.

There's something you can see from the damage done to your brother staying there.

As it was in the posting, your brother's name is down.

Right now, the only people who know your brother is being caught as a suspect are your brother and officials in the official constitution, personal acquaintances like me and Marie, and the real killer.

This is unlikely if resentment towards your brother is the reason.

Assuming, for example, that Franklin disparages Mr. Ray or his brother, who is an enemy, for wrongdoing, Gideon will flush about it all over the kingdom at the time of his arrest as a suspect...... no.

Then I also listen to things I've never had in the past, and I also utilize the internet to thoroughly discredit them.

If you denigrate it with grievances out of resentment, it's not surprising that you do so much.

But it doesn't.

Neither the wrongdoing, nor the dishonorable release ahead of it, nor even the mystery of cryptography, will make your brother angry, but it will not lead to ruin.

It's not resentment.

I won't even let it ruin.

I just flirted.

"Where in that would it benefit the killer?

It's money that's easy to understand.

But if you just wanted money, I wouldn't leave you a card.

Although your brother went up to the suspect because he left a card suggesting a relationship with your brother... otherwise he would be in an unknown labyrinth.

So it makes sense to have involved your brother, to flirt.

This killer... wants the fact that he "flirted with your brother"?

"It's like showing someone that your brother... [Destroyer King] is to the point of dancing on his palm"

... No, I guess the other way around.

This case cannot be concluded without your brother's strength or strength as a super. I can't lay down my sins.

So rather, the purpose is to appeal to such a strong man that he is beyond himself?

"To tell someone who knows he's the real killer," I can take even [Destroyer King] in my hand, "huh?

It's like "selling in.”

"... although this is not necessarily the right answer"

It's only an uncertain inference yet, because the idea has leapt step by step.

However, this possibility applies to the current situation.

Most importantly... Kang says, "That's the right answer".

Let's look for the killer in this direction.

◆ ◆ ◆

■ Last night ■ ■ ■ ■

In one of Gideon's apartments, I write what I have as I head to the stationery.

It's a 'I am unknown' card on the surface and a cryptographic card on the back.

Me - This is the third time the real killer in a serial robbery murder makes a card.

I'm also used to making ciphers, and finish writing the code 'Club Sandwich of Flalpan for Breakfast Today' early.

So often I close my eyes - look inside the stuffing (...).

My sight...... the thing that conveys the footage to my eyes moves through the stuffs where knights and official Constitution agents go and arrive in the room of interest without any obstacle.

Inside a thick door with plaid windows, the bear's attire slept gooey like a japanese character.

Without even logging out, I tongue the bears dressed asleep in a barren cell.

Because now I can't make a case today.

"At least if you're logged out," I resent the bear's attire.

Breathe and open your eyes - I was stunned.

While I was closing my eyes and connecting my sights... someone was coming in the locked room.

The intruder had an odd wind.

He is glue-wrapped all over his body with a black and purple bandage and wears a treasure-like ornament on its exterior.

Intruders like buried mummies have their physique covered up and hidden by thickly wrapped bandages, and they don't even know the difference between men and women.

I knew this mummy was suspicious enough to run into all over the city in the graves.

[Bandit King "King of Bandits"] Zeta.

He is a member of the clan to which I belong and who was told by the person who invited me to the clan that he would "come face-to-face soon".

From what I've heard, he's a substantial subowner of the current clan.

"Question. Are you ■ ■ ■ ■?"

Zeta is bandaged and the distinction between men and women is also questioned in an obscure voice.

I accept the question.

"Confirmation. Verbal and" Nursing "confirmation that you are


I can't help being "nursed" by the name.

I have a scammer lineage that specializes in assassin lineage and pseudonyms, but both are senior job stops. If you are a superior [Bandit King], then the Nursing is also easy.

That's what's irritating about being seen from above.

"Question. I currently know about the incident you are making in this city, which is a candidate for the plan. Why did you make such a case?


I've been thinking about it ever since I joined the clan.

My Embrio should be the strongest.

Even so, none of the face-to-face members look up at me.

... On the contrary, he seemed to scorn me except for that dangerous [murder princess].

I guess that's because they're super positions.

So, you're looking down at me in a senior position.

Indeed, I am not a super position. [Assassin King] has already been filled, and super positions in the scammer lineage are unclear about any of the conditions in Lost Job.

But with all that triviality, I'm being seen downstairs.

Such a trivial thing makes me lurk in a city like this... waiting for you.

My Embrio is supposed to be the best in combat... with such triviality.

"To prove."

So, prove it.

Once, by knocking down [Destroyer King], the cause of clan owners getting into conflict and being sent to “jail”.

By flirting, mocking, and overthrowing on top of it with my power...... I prove that I am the best in the clan.

"I will try to prove my power by defeating the [Destroyer King] who was the owner's hatred"


Zeta, wrapped in a bandage in my words, put his arms around him and thought,

"Correction. For the owner [Destroyer King] is not a hater...... no, fine. You should just keep going. In Your Way."

I tried to say something, but in the end I admitted it my way.

But the sight of seeing a troubled child backstrokes my nerves.

... I don't mind now.

But I won't forgive you after I've accomplished it.

"Advice, but only one thing to say"

"What is it?

"Chronic. Freshly, many people are intoxicated and impotent by the all-powerful feeling. We'll never forget it."

"... thanks for the advice"

It's the only time a senior can stab an undisputed nail.

"Farewell. Then I'll excuse myself for this. I'm supposed to be in Drife for a while, so I'll probably see you again if you're okay when this case is over."

"............... Really? By the way, can I ask you one question?"

"Answer. Go ahead."

A way of saying things that are premised on failure is an obstacle.

So, in return for my interest, I decided to ask one question as well.

"Who am I?"

…… Answer. You are [the killer] ■ ■ ■ ■. Exclusive clan of nominees, newcomers to


It is not.

Such information is not the answer.

From now on, only the following words are good for those who know my power to define me:

- I am unknown.


There are no more two names I am looking for.

Not only to prove my own worth, but also for those two names...... I defeat the old “Unidentified" [Destroyer King].

And I make it “unidentified” and name it “the strongest”.

Watch, all the others.

To be continued

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