□ Her dreams

She was dreaming.

"Father! Are you sure you want to go to battle like this?

It's a dream that evokes past events.

It hasn't been a year yet, it's too new for my memory... the sight.

of the day she was destined to lose much, three days ago.

"Why don't you hire the Master by offering a huge reward like the Empire!

She - the First Princess of the Kingdom of Alter, Ultimia A. Alter, was desperately complaining.

The person to sue is Eldor Zeo Alter, father and king.

Eldor, who looks younger than his age with a gentle look, said this to his desperate facial daughter.

"That's right, Ultimia. Because this is a time of change."

As he gently tells, Eldor continues his words.

"There used to be only a very small number of < masters >, but they started growing rapidly a few years ago. There will already be over 10,000 masters in the country."

"So if we use < master > as a force of war......!

is an immortal being, with the extraordinary power of Embrio.

Only some of them can participate in the war, but none is better than them in the war.

Because they are much stronger than the vast majority of Tians, and their lives are not lost.

But Eldor denied her words that < master > should be used as a force of war by shaking her head slowly.

"Ultimia. Then it's like they decide that...... more was to fight (...)"


"< Master > increased. It will continue to increase. The world should change by them from now on. It is my view that they are transformers of the times the world has sent them, and that their special power is also a force for that. But using them for war is never a good thing for the future of the world. The kind of world where they are only seen by Tian as a tool of battle and they also prescribe themselves as an instrument of battle is too... desolate"

Eldor grumbled out the window worrying about his spoken future… to see the world itself beyond it.

"So there's no way you can distort their will and imitate them inviting them to battle with a huge reward like Drife"

After affirming so strongly, Eldor smiled.

"... but the fact that there was a Master who stood up to protect this country with undistorted will... no words of gratitude"

On this day, Eldor recruited a Master to participate in a defensive battle from the Empire.

I didn't go for the rewards for the aforementioned reasons, but some of them still stood for me to protect my country.


But the number and the quality of the force were... significantly inferior to the < master > who stood on the Imperial side.

That's what Ultimia will figure out.

And what Eldor himself knows.

"The kingdom will be defeated as it is......! If you have no chance of winning, reconcile..."

"I can't do that"

Eldor denied it in a much stronger tone than when he denied the idea of offering a reward to add < master > to his power.

"Ultimia. The present king...... Reinhardt is dangerous. If we don't keep it here, even the world is in danger."


Ultimia once also studied in the Empire when the relationship between the Kingdom and the Empire was friendly.

In doing so, I have spoken only a little bit to Reinhardt, the current king.

But at that time, I didn't think he was that dangerous.

But Eldor's face was very harsh.

In that nasty manner, it seemed to him that he had reason for the rapid deterioration of relations between the Kingdom and the Empire to a state of war.


"... it's okay, Ultimia. Even I used to fight with Langley as a [Holy Knight]. Besides, there are teachers... [Great Sage]. There's a lot of them over there, but I'll try to bring them to a truce at all costs."

"Father...... then"

To my father, Ultimia tried to suggest something.

But Eldor controlled the words of his daughter, who tried to go on from there, in words.

"Besides, Ultimia. Same goes for Master, but I... I never want to imitate what I want to fight just because I have the power to fight."


"So, Ultimia..."

Where my father was about to say something, Ultimia woke up from a dream.

My dream now is the dream of her and my father's last conversation.

It's already a dream I may have had many times since the day I lost my father.

"His Highness Ultimia! The Marquis of Findle has come with urgent news! Please come to the office as soon as possible."

Outside the door, she heard a close call, the cause of her awakening from her dreams.

"... I'm going now"

Wiping the tears that were spilling from her chin while she was asleep, she changed into abbreviated clothes and headed to the office.

"Is that solid information?

That's what Ultimia was asking back against the minister in her own office.

Its minister's name is Marquis Findle. He is in a position to put together the Kingdom's intelligence services.

And tonight, the intelligence services he commands were getting some information.

"Sincerely. North of this king's capital… Found in the Karchelatan territory with a border with the Empire"

"... yes"

Listening to it, she leans down as deeply as she can think of something.

Because that's all that matters.


To briefly describe its existence for Tian and < Master >, it is a dungeon left over from earlier periods of civilization.

A land of numerous relics from earlier civilizations, now doomed, that boasted a better magic science civilization than today.

Given that it was originally a fort, a research facility, a castle, etc., you could call it a kind of naturally occurring dungeon.

Previously found are the foundations of Drife, the first to seventh Grambells discovered at the bottom of the sea, and countless Cardina names.

A number of technical products are discovered that cannot be made now.

Many of the magic machines that Drife prides itself on, as well as Gran Barroa's shipbuilding techniques, were fed back by analyzing the techniques found in those ruins.

At the same time, it brings benefits… Sometimes it becomes a box that spreads disaster through runaway technology. It is not uncommon for dangerous < UBM > to live there.

It is unclear whether it will be a disaster or a blessing, but in any case, the existence of < ruins > changes the power of the nation dramatically.

What is important is that a new < ruins > have been found in the territory of the Kingdom.

The problem is that it is the Kalcherathan territory where the drife and the territory are bordered.

It wasn't a battlefield in the last war because Drife invaded from another territory, but it's not necessarily the same next time. This is an area that is likely to be at the forefront.

In a land like this, where both armies still have many soldiers stationed in nearby fortifications... the < ruins > have emerged that shape the future of the country.

"This information...... what about the Empire?

"I'd like to pray you don't know... there's been intelligence biting for minutes."

Then it depends on your unique skills, such as eavesdropping and thousands of eyes.

Ten or eighty-nine, Drife should have also determined that he had grabbed the information on the site.

To that fact, Ultimia looks bitter.

Depending on the technology in the site, it could trigger a resumption of war.

"Your Highness..."

"... No, I'm fine. More than that, it's an imperial move now. Have you been able to grasp the army's movements?

"There is no movement in the army stationed near the border. There will be no re-invasion on the occasion of the discovery of…"

"Then it is possible… an ambush by a few and the robbery of the technical products of"

"Yes, as in the case of Gideon, it is believed that the Hand of the Empire moves"

Gideon's case.

That was a massive terrorist incident last month caused by Franklin, the < super > corner of Drife in Gideon, the kingdom's premier city.

The kidnapping of the Second Princess, the destruction of the city and, finally, the extermination of Gideon by monsters outnumbered those put into war were also planned.

Fortunately during his misfortune, the plot was stopped by [the Master], the Kingdom's < Super >, and countless monsters and Franklin himself, who created it, were defeated.


I remember that incident I heard in the hospital bed of, and she sinks her expression again.

The First Princess cannot forgive the result that a massive terrorist attack was carried out by the < Master > who moved as the power of Drife, and that it was the power of < Master > that prevented it (...).

Ultimia is the only one who knows who the thought was directed at.

"Why then," she thinks... shaking her head and switching her thoughts.

"... let's hit this one too. Send in personnel to conduct an internal investigation and serve as a counter to the imperial gestures entering simultaneously."

"I understand. Now, through your Alliance, nominate a Leading Master for quest."

"It won't be"


Ultimia denies the most appropriate current handling of the difficult case: the request to

"Send in the person I chose. In addition, transmission to the Master or Adventurer Alliance shall not be required. In the Adventurer's Guild and in each Job's Guild, interrupt quests related to"

"But if Drife sends in, there will be a confrontation other than..."

"It's a decision to represent the king."

"... Your will"

That's what the Marquis of Findle said, and he took an attitude of acceptance.

"Back off. And a few days more than this, I may also be unable to respond to address this situation. I'll tell the rest of the department."

[]/(exp, adj-na) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)

The Marquis of Findle thanked him and resigned from the office.

After the Marquis leaves the room, Ultimia rises from her chair and stands in front of her appearance.

"I can't fight Tian against... I know."

Ultimia whines to herself as she reflects herself in her appearance.

I look into the eyes with myself in the mirror and remember those who died after losing to the < master > of Drife.

There were many of them who were dear to me.

Eldor, my father, also lost to < Master > and died after being eaten by a monster with < Master >.

"But don't rely on this situation involving the trend of war…, < master >. Do not use the presence of" Master "as an instrument of war."

The First Princess connected her words as she touched her appearance… whispered.

It was a conversation with my father, a revulsion of words repeated many times in my dreams.

< Master > is a transformer of the times.

It should not be used in human (tian) battles.

That's how she understood my father's words.

That may be a slightly different form from the will of the Father.

But she was deciding her mind.

And another thing, she has something to think about.

At the end of that war, the Empire had many masters for rewards.

In contrast, the < master > of the kingdom rebelled against his father, who did not offer any prizes, and far fewer entered the battle than the Empire.

As my father said, there is nevertheless gratitude for < master > in the kingdom.

But there was something that really occurred to me.

hatred for many < masters > who joined the Empire.

resentment towards many < masters > who did not join the kingdom.

Anger at the kingdom's < super >, which demands a consideration that can't possibly be fulfilled.

In the first place, without the Master... I wonder if there would be any confusion right now.


She also knows by reason that it is war and it is the will of the Empire that made it.

But she lost too much by...... Super.

Therefore, distrust of the Master is deeply rooted.

".................. but"

Nor was there such an event to ice-cold her disbelief.

When the Wang capital was sealed off, a vigilante was organized.

At the time of the epidemic, there were people who went around holding the sick without seeking profit.

And Gideon's......

"But now..."

What is going to happen now is that it involves war.

Whether her feelings are in good or bad, she does not rely on < master > by her father's will.

Therefore, other hands are used.

"... it's Azrite's turn."

He was the Marquis of Findle, who had resigned from the First Princess's room, but a little while after leaving the First Princess's room, he took something out of his nostalgia.

It's a magic item for communication magic, and the person he manipulated and connected to belongs to his own subordinate, the Intelligence Department.

"It's me. Instead, request that information on the Karchelatan territory be circulated within the Kingdom. Oh, that's all I need. Related quests in each guild are frozen as ordered by the Princess. And then... they move of their own free will"

That's all I said, Marquis Findle cut off communication.

"... Your Royal Highness said so, but you should still leave the opponent to the Master"

Even if you don't ask for direct defense, if Drife's Master raids you when the kingdom's Master is investigating, he'll respond.

Besides, if the < master > of the kingdom tries to get some kind of technical product in < ruins > and replace it with gold, it's likely the kingdom's market.

If it is valuable, you can negotiate it directly from the state and give it to them for consideration and give it to them.

The race does not consider the risk of life much, but moves with curiosity and return to the unknown. Then the Marquis of Findle thought it best to deal with it in this way.

"But... No, I can't help thinking about this."

That being said, the Marquis turned to his own office.

Because there was a lot that had to be done in this case, in addition to the instructions given earlier.

Thoughts strongly held from the will of Ultimia's father.

What to do in view of the current situation of the Marquis of Findle.

Do not use < Master > as a force of war.

Thinking of < master > as a force of war.

There is a correctness that I believed in both, and I cannot say enough that it is an error.

But even if neither was wrong, and which was more right... it doesn't make any sense.

There's no point in sending Drife if he's much stronger than he is on his way to exploring.

◆ ◆ ◆

■ Imperial Royal Palace of Dryfe [Throne Dryfe Emperstand]

Vanderheim, the Imperial capital of Dreiffe, has two sides.

relatively modern urban aspects.

And the super-scientific aspect of mechanical rigging.

There are two representative facilities for the latter.

One is a large research facility on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital, such as the home of the Triangle of Wisdom.

The other... is this royal palace.

Located in the heart of the royal capital, the Royal Palace is a stretch of streets that resemble modern cities for most of its appearance.

But the center of the center... the deepest part is different.

That in a nutshell...... a mechanical giant fortress.

Some part keeps moving all the time, a gear castle.

That castle is the [Throne Drive Emperstand].

The most powerful weapon at the heart of a drife that has remained for a long time.

And it's called < Irregular >.

In the [Emperstand], which is a weapon but also the residence of the king, there is also the office of the chief minister.

In one of those rooms, the two characters were talking across a chessboard - a playboard similar to it - and pinched it.

"Recently, we confirmed the appearance of the monument on the kingdom's Kalceratan territory with information from a far-sighted master."


"Could you send a [demon general] to that < ruins >?

"... why don't we ask. Prime Minister Vigoma"

One of the two is Chancellor Nobrome Vigoma, who heads the interior affairs of this empire.

And the other...,

"It's a simple story. Because that's the most certain...... Marshal Barbaros"

"............... right"

The empire's mightiest tian, as the commander of this country's military.

[Zero General] Marshal Gifted Barbaros.

[General] and Marshal. The difference between a job and a position is common for Tian in public office.

There are no [generals] or [commander-in-chief] in the superior positions in the first place, so this is something I can't help.

But while he has the highest rank in this country, he is still around thirty years younger… most importantly he was the chief military officer but without hegemony.

Tell the entity, half my eyes are dead.

"He's a marshal. Talk to me from you..."

"... Me and him just keep the road the same because the means are the same, that he doesn't belong to a faction.... but okay. Let's get along."

I still don't have the energy for those answers either.

His mind doesn't even seem to feel anything, even in talks conducted by two of the top men, known as the Marshals, the Chancellors and supposedly dividing the forces of this country up by three minutes.

I'm just unmoved to exchange words and move the pawns on the board.

But Chancellor Vigoma has no feelings about how he is doing.

That's because I've known him since I was just a little girl.

Most importantly, the lion he sleeps with...... no, because he knows it's horrible beyond comparing to a lion and that if it's normal time, it's better not to wake him.

"Still, that's surprising. I thought I'd get more questions and refusals about asking [the Demon General]."

"... is free. It is not something that can be tied up in a class or faction. They follow their minds. Life comes second."

".................. right"

Chancellor Vigoma agrees with Marshal Barbaros' words while saying, "That would be you, too, wouldn't it? I thought," but I never put it on my face.

"Besides, I'm guessing a lot of things. Requesting Logan is currently unavailable to Franklin, whom you are sponsoring. No, because you can't use it."


"Franklin's strength is the strength of diversity and accumulation. He lost his power in the previous incident and is now being pursued for new development and mass production for the next war. This project is important, but the long-term goal is to acquire technology. It does not contribute to the recent trend of war itself. Then there is no way of releasing here the forces we are replenishing for war, and now we must let them focus on accumulation. Besides, the [King of Car Riders] and [King of Bandits] who joined the Empire the other day remain suspicious that they will still be used in your eyes. I agree with you on the latter. I have a close contract for employment, but I am a wide area nominee."


"So how about the two remaining ancient ginseng. [Beast King] is strength completed alone, absolute combat power that requires no cost or preparation. But on the contrary, it's too strong (...) to even damage. Logan needs cost, but he can deploy instant combat power, and adjust his power easily. If you had the cost, Logan would ride too. Therefore, Logan is the best fit for the current Drife to request this assignment. Thus, assumed."

".................. no"

With his dead eyes, his own speculation on the stand with all the water...... stated what Prime Minister Vigoma had in mind almost as it was.

He holds the position of Marshal at this young age because of circumstances unrelated to that tactical eye.

But still, he was an excellent soldier, and this much speculation was easily made.

"Hehe, if you know that much, you don't need any more explanation."

"… then we will soon set up a meeting place with Logan"

"Yeah, thank you. Marshal."

That being said, Chancellor Vigoma offered his hand in search of a handshake, and Marshal Barbaros also responded to it with his half-dead eyes.

"Nevertheless, the same is true of my guess right now, because you have enough power, don't you have to leave the operation of the army to the staff?

"... I still understand why I'm a marshal or something, I'm just a soldier. It is not suitable to move people (...)"

"Ho-ho-ho-ho. You know, I sometimes wonder why I'm the Chancellor, too."

Chancellor Vigoma laughed and then sighed.

"You were only the highest among the few military and civilian men who had shouldered each other..."

Marshal Barbaros sighs heavily on Prime Minister Vigoma's words, too, as if he had felt there for the first time.

"With the royal decision and the chaos that followed, you died too much..."

"Yeah, but I'm really glad you and your men stayed."

"I agree."

Prime Minister Vigoma and Marshal Barbaros, plus the three who added the present king, say the forces of the Empire are divided into three parts.

That is true.

Because the king, the supreme power, is immersed in machinations, workouts, and suspicions, and Prime Minister Vigoma and Marshal Barbaros think the best way for the Empire is different.

But that doesn't mean the Chancellor and Marshal are against each other in equals.

I don't think so. But the purpose is the same.

"Best Results for the Empire", "Passing the Will of the King".

Those two things are their common purpose.

Therefore, when we should cooperate as in this case, we will cooperate without obsession.

Not a single rock but in the same direction it is oriented, that is the prime minister and marshal of the empire.

"Prime Minister. I want to confirm one thing"

"What is it?

"Did you say that there are carcellatan territories?

"... Yep"

"Right. Then I'll send one of the Secret Service."

"Marshal, that's no way..."

"... a good person, isn't it?

And their flexibility and collaboration brought in the worst case for the kingdom of < super >, and yet another (...) big war dispatch.

◇ ◆ ◇

As a result, the Kingdom and the Imperial intentions were intertwined, and a new case was about to begin staging on the Calcellatan territory by betting on the < ruins >.

But now at this time... everyone in Tian and everyone in < Master > was about to make a move that they didn't assume or understand.

◇ ◆ ◇


"Previously on Civilization was discovered at Point A-05 in the Kingdom"


"Tian and < Master > have found what was exposed to the surface due to crust fluctuations"

"There have been a lot of earthquakes in the kingdom lately. But there wasn't a leak in the grasp?

'Apparently, it's a pretty late facility. Therefore, advanced exploration blocking techniques seemed to have been used. You look a little like Redking's prison. "

"Then it's a question of what's delivered."

"If you are like a brilliant jade beast, there is no problem. But... worst of all, there may be warfare weapons buried beyond the brilliant Jade Dragon or the Throne. If it is used here and now for wars between kingdoms and empires, it threatens to upset the balance '

"I just want < master > to break the balance... this is what I'm trying to say to Javawok, too. But... Yeah, okay. I'm going to investigate. Including that, chores aren't my job."


"And if so, I'll apply for the use of the main unit."

"Let's hear it from me."


"... be careful."

"Yeah. Well, come on."

Open Episode [Left Hope]

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