<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode Four: One day I met a Dark Knight ([Saint Knight]) in the woods

□ [Saint Knight] Ray Sterling

"Severe and disastrous equipment...... Suspicious, it would be a natural outfit if it were also a bad guy who attacked a girl he wanted from the height of the day."

"Attack...... Bad Guy!?"

The masked woman, who has suddenly been slashed by people, has developed a terrible difficulty.

It is a factually groundless proposition.

"It's a natural outfit. You're telling me my outfit is a scoundrel!

"... the statement is a mistake, but I don't want to agree with you about the outfit."


Why would you say that?

[Confused] But you are!?

"Rather, I wonder every day how many [soothing panacea] Ray's fashion sense will heal."

It's a matter of taste, because I feel like I have an abnormal mental system condition, so why not just [soothing all-purpose psychotropic]?

... not... but why would that be?

Even though it's a worn mustache, naked upper body, twelve alone, and not a four-metre tall johnsie or a fucking white coat.

Don't take fashion as a benchmark!

... makes sense.

"But nemesis. No ghost armor, no corpse boots, no light swallowing cloaks, no red and black composite armor, none of that supposed to be all that weird gear, huh?

"Holy shit! Hmm! Buh! Come on!? Can you really think about what they all mean to stay on board?!? '


All in all............... sounds a bit like a villain to you?

'Hey...... no, good. Just take a step forward. "

Nemesis has apparently settled down, too.

Now, speaking of the masked woman in front of you, keep your sword up and look at this one. I won't let it be slight.

It's called a reference to my outfit, and you look more alert to me than you need to.


"I don't want someone dressed in a suspicious mask like that to say this."

"I... I'm just hiding my face as a servant of one of you! I'm not like a very badly equipped bad guy like you!

"This equipment is also privileged weapons (pickup) and [VDA] (gift). In the first place...... not so bad as they say this?

"I'm already saying I don't trust the sensibilities that tolerate it!?"

"... it's a dodgeball of conversation. Or should I say a catch ball full of dead balls? Really, why are you doing this?

I don't even know why I'm having a conversation with a stranger in the woods about fashion.

So I tried to speak out "let's settle down for a second"......

"I can't leave a horn on a rabbit, a bad guy attacking a woman! I'll leave the details behind, make them irreversible, and slap them out into the government constitution!

"Don't put the details down!?"

And you said you couldn't get back together or something!?

Is this guy a brain muscle, too?

"The encounter rate with the brain muscle is gradually increasing."

I guess the most recent one is Wolf Cherry Blossom!

But a masked woman pointing a sword at this one is worse in nature than a wolf cherry blossom in some ways.

I glance at the back of my left hand, which is dewy, but there is no crest. I mean, it seems to be Tian, not < master >.

I guess she's pointing her sword at me because she really mistakes me for a dangerous person and is trying to protect that fainting girl.

... You just seem to be mistaken, and you can't do too much absurdity.

I don't think he's going to have a hearing ear.

It's very troublesome in that sense.

"You know, so just stay..."

"No questions asked!

"Let's ask!?"

Deform the Nemesis from the Great Black Sword to the Black Circle Shield to prevent the masked woman from waving a pale blade.


That's a subsonic range, and it's still slower than the duel rankers, including Mr. Figaro and Xunyu.

Conversely, he continues to emit a sword flash at a rate that is equivalent to theirs while being Tian's.

In addition, it is due to swordsmanship acquired, or there is more acceptability than speed.

It's the same reason my brother, who studied martial arts, is hard to avoid the blow.

You won't be able to prevent it unless it's a black circle shield specializing in defense.


It is a sword to be afraid of, but... it is also uncomfortable.

That's not as damaging as I assumed.

Sometimes it is prevented by a black circle shield, but there is a huge difference between sensation (...) and actual damage.

The feeling is the intimidation you receive from that pale sword.

Clearly, the intimidation I feel from that sword is stronger than the masked woman herself.

That's the same level as Mr. Figaro's [Gloria alpha] I've seen several times...... or (...).

Saying it's such a sword, I'm not that damaged. There's too much difference between intimidation and aggression, it's a strange sword.

But even if the sword is weaker than expected, his sword flashes sharply.

The most brave Tian I've ever met was Liliana, but it definitely surpasses that Liliana.

The outfit is odd, but as a swordsman it's definitely a first-rate move.

A speed and number of swords wielding a single sword very similar to Liliana in a row, but...... even harder to prevent if there is a difference in original status.

"............ hmm?

There was one realization that came to mind on my own.

Liliana. Yes, the sword sword sword of a masked woman is very similar to Liliana's.

At least not as much as I can feel "I guess it's the same genre sword".

But Liliana's swordsmanship is not a knightly swordsmanship widely known in this country.

A unique mix of pirate swordsmanship brought in by her father, Mr. Langley Grandria, from his hometown of Gran Baroa, and the knight swordsmanship of this country.

The only person who deals with such special swordsmanship is now the late Mr. Langley himself and Liliana, who learned the sword from him.

If there are other possibilities......

"[Heavenly Knight] Langley Grandria"

"Is your sword master Liliana's father?

Someone who learned the sword from Mr. Langley, just like Liliana, is all that's possible.

"Liliana's...... do you know Deputy Grand Leah?

The masked woman distance herself with her sword, but the attack on me had stopped.

He finally figured he'd listen to me over here.

"I'm Ray Sterling.... for once, I'm a [Holy Knight] too, and Liliana is my friend"

"Ray...... Sterling?

When I name it, the masked woman thinks of this one as a surprise.

I put down my hood to prove it and show my face.

You knew that face, the masked woman looked up hah.

…… It was on Gideon's relay. Um, one-armed!

"Yes, I am."

Not the other arm because Senior Feminized healed me, but he seemed to know about me anyway.

"............... why is one of those case resolution actors attacking a girl in a place like this?

"That's why I didn't attack you!?"


When I defend against her mistakes, she looks surprised.

"I was just trying to take down the monster that was trying to assault her and embrace the child who passed out"

"... Huh?

Listening to my words, the masked woman spoke blushing as she looked around at what was going on around her - me and the trees hurt in the [Tealwolf] (tentative) battle earlier, etc.

"... why don't you say that first?

"You didn't have to ask as many questions as you wanted when we tried to excuse you earlier!!"

"So you can say that before you complain about my mask!!"


I see, that... I had a problem with that too.

"What! You were slaughtered before you exchanged words in the first place!?"

"Kid, I thought it was an emergency!! The teacher said the emergency was a must win first!

Indeed, if I were in the same situation, I might have preempted the attack first...

"No, whatever the monster is, don't hang on to killing a guy dressed just a little bad at first sight"

"... I wonder if there's a mirror somewhere! I'll make sure my outfit fits" a little bad "!

"Oh, then it's in the item box."

And, you thought there was no need to be alert to the masked woman anymore, and Nemesis is returning from the Black Circle Shield to the mannequin and starting to fish the item box with gossip.

Mr. Nemesis, why did you say one thing or the other earlier?

"... I was a little happy to finally have each other to mention the Lord's fashion. The usual face stays through."

"... my gear, is that it?

"So I'm looking for the mirror"

And in response to such a question, the masked woman looked a little surprised by the nemesis that had changed from weapon to human form.

"Turn into a person. < Embrio > …. That parasite... is the same Maiden as the [Empress Pope]."

Feminized seniors, they're calling me a parasite...

Well, it spreads a lot of notoriety. It doesn't.

"Um. My name is Nemesis. This is Ray's. Look, a mirror."

"Thanks. My name is... Azrite. [Swordmaster] Azrite."

[Kensei], the senior position of someone with a little difficulty with the swordsman system?

But you're Azrite. It's a good name for blue hair though.

"Well, I repeat, your gear, black on top of the design, is a disaster. [Fallen Heavenly Knight] is also bright blue."

"No, Juliette's gear will be in a different direction again. It's gothic over there. Mine is... hey wal?

"Don't you look like Rasuichi, the villain of the Four Kings?"

"I remember the costume I used to see in the opera as [Rage Demon King (Lord Ila)]. Although worse than that."

... When they say that much, I also say, "That? I wonder if this looks so bad".

"It makes me anxious enough.... Well, that's about it for the fashion story. My daughter is going to wake up when she's fallen all the time while the lords don't have to."

That's what they told me. When Azrite and I turned our gaze, the fainting girl who was the cause of our battle almost woke up.

I woke up. Her name seems to be Shirley.

She is the daughter of Calcherathan's Inn and is thirteen years old. They stepped into this little forest to pick mushrooms and mountain vegetables to use for cooking.

They also use monster avoidance items, and low-level monsters near here usually don't come by with that.

But the monsters that wrapped the machine around us didn't work, so we came where we were being hunted down.

By the way, she also remembered that I was here to help her before she passed out, so I totally solved the misunderstanding from Azrite here.

Well, congratulations.

Well, I decided to send Shirley to Kalcherratan because it doesn't necessarily mean that a monster with a machine like that just now won't come out again.

We're looking for a calceratan, too, so that's fine.

So, speaking of the remaining Azrites, she's headed to Kalcheratan, too.

"Me and Nemesis were found in Calcherathan. We're looking for it. Does Azrite have business with Calcherathan, too?

"… I'm also investigating"

Apparently, Azrite had the same destination.

Well, what a story I've never heard within the kingdom, so will all sorts of people gather?

"Really?! Then make sure your stay is in our inn! I will discount you as much as I want because you are benefactors!

You heard us, and that's what Shirley said as he held his fist in front of his chest. He seems kind of uptight.

"No, I..."

Azrite probably tried to make a statement like, "Because I'm not fighting monsters".

"When you get home, tell your father and mother what's going on, and then ask Lefty to strangle the chicken for dinner. Speaking of which, the quiche I made during this time was popular with customers, so this evening..."

but it looked like Shirley was so uptight that she couldn't say it while opening and closing her mouth.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Azrite tried to help that kid, okay?

I was the other guy, but, well, nothing happened and it would be trivial.

".................. ah"

Shirley says you'll get to Calcherathan on foot in less than an hour.

That's why I'm not on silver either, and the four of us are walking towards Calcherathan.

Thirty minutes after I started walking like that.

Me walking in conversation with a healthy Shirley, but I've been worried about something for a while now.


Always feel the gaze from Azrite behind me as I walk.

I don't have that hand skill, but it would be a definite level of perception if there was one.

Why are you spying on me? Is there anything suspicious yet?

Walking around thinking about that, he grabbed the end of the [black wrap] from behind.


What I was grabbing was Azrite.

I don't see her expression in the mask, but she keeps her mouth shut while she leans down.

"What's wrong," she opened her mouth first.

"I'm sorry. Suddenly, it took me a slash..."

"... oh"

Apparently, Azrite was looking for the right time to apologize for the sudden cut.

Well, you missed the timing earlier with the buying words to the selling words.

But now I have received her apology.

I can't seem to apologize anywhere, but I felt she was sincerely trying to apologize.

"Fine. 'Cause they're both safe, and Azrite's done it trying to protect her."

"... but"

"That's okay. Just don't judge me by my outfit from now on. My outfit is a little wacky, but there are some people in the world who dress too badly and are sweet."

When I said that, she laughed cously about what was wrong.

"Ok,............... oh, thank you"

That's what I said nervously, seemingly unfamiliar than apologizing.

To be continued

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