<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode XII [Cat God] Tom Cat

□ [Brilliant Cavalry] Ray Sterling

Thirty minutes of running silver from the hall where the giant crystal was, people other than us are already invisible around.

Still running silver at a rate that I can handle when people pop up in the aisle.

"So when you get to the back of < ruins >, what do you do first?

"Let's start by investigating the technology we're dealing with here."

"I don't know what comes out by, was it"

"Yeah. Plus there are two types. Two warehouses and a factory."

Warehouses and factories?

"The warehouse is where the items of civilization fit in the previous period. But even with items, there's no production facilities, so it's hard to acquire the technology itself."

"Although we may not be able to parse and partially obtain items," Azrite connected.

"In contrast, the factory was a production base for items of civilization in the previous period. If the equipment is alive, we can produce the items as they are, and we can find out how they were made even if they were broken."

I see. Though the hangar is easier for individuals to understand and treasure mountains, as a country, manufacturing plants would be more appreciated, I guess.

"I don't mind your intuition, but which one do you think this is?

It's a factory.

I told him to be sure.

"Yesterday, many of the items brought to Dr. Mario by people who explored this site were used as production materials, not as they were, such as artificial diamonds and steel plates. They are stockpiled production materials, and I think it's likely that this factory will process them into items."

That's the only way to get rid of the possibility of a warehouse.

"Oh, so the giant crystal in the first hall adds to the speculation."

"... I see"

There are practical examples of feminized seniors and national religious institutions holding down crystals of the priesthood lineage.

Similar to that, it is also believed that that crystal, capable of transferring [technicians] and [mechanics] to jobs, was distributed for the purpose of securing jobs for those who work here.

Or did you build a factory where there was that kind of crystal?

"From what I've seen, there's no corrosion on the walls of. If this is the factory, the equipment might stay unbroken. '

"Right. More than likely."

There are still factories that can operate over time on a millennial basis. The fact reminds me of the technical skills of civilization in the previous period.

Civilization itself is already doomed, but when this happens, on the contrary, I am also curious as to "why civilization was doomed earlier".

Previously I heard from Hugo that a single pillar of God and thirteen families were destroyed, but according to seniors, earlier civilizations have also perished at the same time.

There's a little hook there.

"Why don't you ask Dr. Mario about it this evening?"

If you're an archaeologist Dr. Mario, answer the questions around there too...... ugh!?


Moment - I saw something glowing behind the aisle.

I cover my face by flipping a [black wrap].

Shortly afterwards, there was a feeling that something had been sucked on the surface of the [black wrap].


"Safe! But there's something ahead!!"

Monsters who had never been seen before appeared on our path.

The two emerging monsters were very similar to the mechanical monsters that were attacking Shirley yesterday.

Including the fact that the names displayed overhead are completely unworthy of appearance, such as [Goblin Warrior] or [Pasilabit].

The hell is equipped with a firearm like yesterday's [Tealwolf] (tentative), but the other one has an extremely large head and a concentrated energy pipe-like tube.

"You're the guy who's been shooting the rays from earlier!

Accelerate the silver by judging on the edge and judging that it is not good to stay at a distance.

Bullets and shells are correspondingly fired from the firearm type, but avoided by wielding a silver compass and causing the silver to run the wall.

The ray type has set its aim here again, but the timing of irradiation was grasped by exposure, as was the case with the first bullet.


[Black entanglement sleeve] is applied to block the target's rays, and the rays are blocked.

That's how you break through your opponent's ranged attacks and bring them into melee combat,

"I have my revenge!!"

I punch "Vengeance is on me" into the head of the light type ([Goblin Warrior]).

At the same time, he double-crossed the firearms type ([Pasilabit]) with a skill that Azrite supposedly "laserblades" now appeared in the morning conversation.

The two monsters stopped moving with it, releasing light dust from the inside to stop the function.

"... Phew"

After a battle that began with abrupt surprise, I exhale relief.

"What the hell are you doing up here, shooting lasers all of a sudden?"

Yeah, I could have blown my head off if it weren't for the [black entanglement].

The Shining Dispair charge is up a bit now. Fortunately I'm unhappy.

"Is Azrite safe? Have you hit a bounce or a stray bullet?

"Yeah, I'm fine, too. Besides, this inexplicably named monster... is what I heard from the Countess."

Me and Azrite see the two monsters we destroyed.

The overhead indication has already disappeared and this monster is dead because of the dust of light coming out of the interior.

However, the mechanical parts remain on the spot in a damaged condition.

Same as yesterday to that point.

"This is the same shape as the one I fought yesterday. He was the one who helped Shirley."

"... does that mean that the monster inside is leaking outside?

It's not a strange story.

is not a naturally occurring dungeon or a divine dungeon in which the inner monster does not move through the entrance or hierarchy. Monster spills are possible.

There's a road somewhere besides the entrance where people break in, and it may have leaked from there.

So no wonder about that...... but this monster is still too unnatural.

"It's what I was asking... it's weird. I wonder why it stays when it's a monster."

Azrite seems to have reached the same question as me.

Normally, even non-living monsters similar to golems become dust of light if defeated. I have watched [Balloon Golem], summoned by Xia, disappear many times and there is no mistake.

In contrast, this mechanical monster has left its remains.

It is also different from drop items…. Because from what happened yesterday, this really leaves something broken intact.

Even if I try to pick it up, the window will only be labeled "Mysterious Machine Wreckage".

Or would Dr. Mario, who is familiar with archaeology, know what it is?

"First, let's take this wreckage home"

He nodded at Azrite's suggestion and turned the wreckage of the two bodies into an item box.

More than a dozen minutes from fighting a mechanical monster.

We were not surprised by the way the passage looked.


"Apparently, the two of them just happened to stay."

Because there are several broken machines rolling in our direction.

They are the same as the firearm and laser types just now... but there are enough of them each.

"Traces of destruction are new, and sparks are scattered from the cross section.... It hasn't been long since they defeated us."

As Azrite put it, the destroyed machine had a brand new scratch sooner or later.

There are various types of wounds, such as three parallel wounds, one wound that breaks apart, and arrows worn innumerably.

It's as if it's close after a system of fighters who get to handle multiple weapons fought.

Add one more thing.

"Is this... a trap"

Some kind of machine is forced out of the walls and ceilings, and is being destroyed.

Most of them are shaped like guns, but some of them also see devices like lenses that slide through the aisle.

... Is this the "trap of cutting people off with a laser” you see in an SF movie or something?

"There are signs that the trap was activated, too."

"I guess that means nothing fell through, too"

Tian would leave corpses and blood stains, but there are random drops of death penalties.

This means that the person who went through here will not be harmed by this many enemies and traps, but will be moving forward.

Anyone who seems to be able to do that,......!

"... Ray!

Respond to Azrite's call, nodding and answering.

"That sounds like a fight."

"Um, don't echo me from behind the aisle"

Beyond the corner of the aisle about a hundred meters away, there are signs that someone is fighting.

"Let's see."

I'll run the silver and run to where the fight is going.

Silver instantly reaches the corner and we see the sight that was spreading beyond it.

That was a space of the same kind as the room where that giant crystal rested.

A space with high ceilings, large areas and six sides covered in metal.

There - a mechanical monster was waiting for nearly fifty.

But none of them have seen us.

He sprinkles bullets and lasers at the floor, walls, ceilings, and something moving at high speeds.

In such a noisy battlefield......

"- Grimalkin in the Wave"

"- Grimalkin on a Windy Slimmer"

From somewhere, I heard people reading poetry.

In the noise of a bullet being fired indiscriminately, it reaches your ears with wonder.

"- Grimalkin with leaves"

"- Grimalkin thanks to the firepowder"

That poem is heard until the combat weapon releases a bullet.

As for aiming, releasing, defeating... something that is never captured.

It's - one guy with a cat on his head.

"- Grimalkin on the face of the stars"

"- Grimalkin in my heart"

Kingdom Duel Rankings 2nd and Prior Kings - [Cat God] Tom Cat was there.

Cat Eight Colours (Grimalkin)

When I say that word away, the trademark cat - Grimalkin - jumps off Mr. Tom's head.

Grimalkin lands on the floor with four legs, then walks on two legs.

On the contrary, he had stretched that back, put his body hair away... and was instantly turning into Tom himself (...).

Change doesn't stay with it.

The original Tom and Grimalkin changed Tom “proliferated” and the two Toms became four.

In addition, there will be eight four.

"- Goodbye, Grimalkin"

Shortly afterwards, eight Toms begin an attack on a mechanical monster.

I couldn't follow that move with my eyes.

I already feel the supersonic manoeuvres carried out by top dueling rankers, such as Mr. Figaro and Xuan Yu.

Thanks to repeated mock warfare, I am also used to its speed to some extent.

I guess Tom's super position [Cat God] is also an AGI-type super position that allows for supersonic manoeuvre, so if that's all you could still do, you could still chase him with your eyes.

Unless all eight of the grown (...) performed hypersonic manoeuvres.

Each of the eight runs the floor, runs the wall, and dances the universe.

Supersonic 3D manoeuvre by Tom himself and seven separate bodies.

None of those eight have any faint color in their movements.

The orbit of the eight identities creates remnants, and the remnants creates new visual identities.

Weaponry varies from those equipped with nail armor in both hands, to those with long swords, to those with bows and arrows, but each of them is visually swollen several times more numerous.

Finally, there are remnants of Tom throughout the hall.

Tom occupies a large part of this space.

And with the rush of ultrasound by division, the mechanical monster is instantly destroyed.

"…" Converted Cat Mansion ""

Tom Cat of "The Converted Cat Mansion”.

I've never seen it before. I also understand and convince myself of the meaning of those two names.

Too awesome ability to split.

Marie's [stunning] job skills are also not possible on her own.

But that will be half the status of the person as a whole, and that status will be reduced according to the number of identities.

With that in mind, I know exactly how horrible Tom's Grimalkin is when he creates seven identical abilities to the main body, even though he has a special skill.

You can't chase it off with my eyes at all.


"Right, top,... landing"

See how Azrite is next door.

He's moving his neck slightly to chase something.

It's as if he keeps capturing something with his gaze over the mask.

"Is Tom from the main unit still chasing you?


Are you supposed to be in a senior position but are you chasing it with your eyes?

After all, maybe Tian wins the battle technique better in parts that don't depend on status or skill.

... Well, there are exceptions like my brother and Mr. Figaro.

"Ray more than that. You know Cat Mansion from the way it sounds?

"Oh, just a little. You know Azrite, too."

"I don't know him. But there's no way you don't know a man who's stood on the throne of the kingdom's dueling king for years."

"Or so it is."

Until Mr. Figaro defeated him and left his seat, the absolute king of the arena was Mr. Tom.

Even Tian should know his name widely.

... Is that it?

Speaking of which, it was only when Mr. Figaro came first in the duel that he was still in the sixth form, and that should have been over two years ago even in this time.

And Tom...

"... ugh! Ray!"


When immersed in thought, he regains consciousness in the battlefield of Tom and the monster with the voice of Azrite.

The monster was almost wiped out and both wins and losses were already on the verge of deciding.

But several of them came out of the walls of space - objects like lenses fitted into the gun's muzzle.

It's a trap with debris in the aisle - a weapon of its kind called the Sentry Gun.

The Sentry Gun showed up in this hall because it belongs to a long time ago, or about half of it is working properly.

But that was enough.

- More than a hundred laser shots, even half, will instantly shoot Tom off his body.

How the speed of the laser and the number of sentry guns could not be accommodated even at ultrasonic speeds is shot through by the laser, including not only visual identities but also the physical identities on which they are based.

"... the main body's been shot too!


One point pointed out by Azrite in the visual and physical identities that disappear one after the other.

There, Tom, equipped with a nail armor on both hands, was shot out of his brain to become dust of light,

- He turned into a fat cat (...) and went away with a "Bunya" roar.

"That,............ eh?

"... aren't they identical?

"Yes, no, it wasn't, it definitely should have been the main body... that?

Looking at Tom again, his visual identity has disappeared and he's left alone.

But one of them grows to two again - soon after, Tom is lasered into a hive, even if he sees it from me (...).

But it's supposed to be the main body, but it turns into a cat again, rings "Bunya" and disappears.

And the third degree of proliferation begins with Tom, who is supposed to be a splinter.

Once again, he became the fruit of the eight, destroying the Sentry Gun while creating a visual identity by supersonic manoeuvre.

"... what, that"

I look at Tom with the eye that Azrite saw something incomprehensible.

But I know exactly who Tom is with his special skills.

That wasn't the skill to create identical abilities.

Skills in making multiple "Bodies”.

I'm sure the “main body" consciousness is for one person.

However, if the “body” on which the consciousness is mounted is defeated, the consciousness moves to the other “body”.

And the body that was supposed to be the "main body" becomes “split.”

Unless you defeat all eight before they grow, survive and begin to grow again...... a special skill that will never fall.

That's the power of Tom Cat, the previous king, Grimalkin.

"And Azrite, you didn't know?

All I knew was, "We're gonna split up.... because I never watched the game in person"

I see. I've never seen it before, too, so I'm in shock.

"Not so good at survival."


... I can also deduce the flow that Mr. Figaro won because of this ability.

Perhaps Mr. Figaro continued to endure that supersonic split onslaught.

And it is believed that the power of time proportional enhancement was used to the fullest to defeat it without giving it the opportunity to reproduce.

On the other hand, Juliette said that if Cashmere, currently in third place, wins with strength, he can't win with compatibility difference, because I'm sure there's no way to defeat that division by the time it regenerates.

For the same reason, I can't find a winner at all.

"It's so strange that it's not..."

We watched Mr. Tom sweep the room, feeling the nemesis snorted as a weapon in my words.

To be continued

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