<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode XV [Legion of Life Edelbartha]

□ [Brilliant Cavalry] Ray Sterling

After we got back on the ground, we headed to the Adventurer Alliance.

That's to convey information about that machine.

And to request the destruction of the machine roaming the surrounding area and the surveillance of the < ruins > as a quest.

Azrite apparently also deposits authority over quest orders in the name of the Kingdom, which he talked about issuing as an urgent request.

Azrite was discussing something in a separate room with a seemingly top figure in Calcherathan's guild and was immediately executing it.

Crusades for the machines roaming around were ordered for an unlimited number of highly rewarded people, and those who were in the Alliance immediately ordered them.

The surveillance of appears to be carried out with the skilled Tian of the Alliance.

"That whole thing isn't a strong category if it's a senior combat system. If there were no automated machines roaming outside and gathering fuel, there wouldn't be any new automated machines running... now you've got time."

The damage caused by the machine is reassuring for the first time.

In addition, the search for a path leading to an internal factory was also issued as a quest.

That hall we reached is over there. Besides, there were no additional machines coming out on the way home.

The factory is likely on a different route than we did, or at the end of an entrance or exit other than that entrance.

In order to shut down the factory, we had to first discover the factory itself.

"Do you have to wait for me to find you?"

"Yeah. If the factory can be spotted by the end of the evening, we can issue a stop quest tomorrow morning to move personnel. We need to talk to the Countess about this, so let's head back after this."


Azrite's complexion was much better than when he was underground.

I guess there was a lot of hope that measures could be taken against the danger of and about.

After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, Azrite and I headed back to the Countess.

Now I went into the mansion with him and testified about the machines I saw in the ruins and their dangers.

"Yes... there were actually reports today from the surrounding area that" unfamiliar mechanical monsters were roaming "as well. They think it's homogeneous to what was found inside."

After hearing our report, the Countess also presented new information.

"You weren't the only one out there talking about Ray."

"Or maybe the few that were already in operation have secured fueled organisms, so the other airframes are starting to move. Keep it up and there will be more airframes running... wait"


I'm talking to myself, and I realize there is.

We got fuel, so we got more of them.

Yes, fuel... they can't move unless they take the organism inside.

If so......

"Hey, just after < ruins > showed up, how do you think the first airframe that moved was working when there wasn't a whole minute of fuel (...)?

I can't move.

But in reality, those guys made a move, and they're still getting a little more runs now.

Did you take in the creatures that occasionally infiltrated the site?


"Is there a guy who can move without having to use another organism?

For example... a guy loaded with the same original power furnace as Silver.

"Commander's plane, I wonder.... you think he's here?


I might be there.

There's a leader, not a mass-produced machine, that runs that machine.

For example, the difficulty of plant shutdown would increase.

that concern begins to make the field air heavier,

"Mockingbird. Polypoli"

... Nemesis next door eating the cookies offered without reading the air on the field.

"... nemesis"

"And you have no choice! I haven't even had lunch today because there was so much going on when I was diving in...!

Well, that's true.

"You had snacks at the tea party before you went in, didn't you?

"Here's a snack! Isn't it light!

... you, when you're here, you turn it into a right of appetite.

Besides, it's been steadily increasing in frequency over the past month.


And the Countess was laughing at what was so funny about our interaction.

Azrite is also smiling bitterly.

"Sorry about our big eater..."

"I'm not a big eater! She's a big food lady!

Ladies don't eat that much.

"No, it's fine. Nemesis also tried to change the air in the field."

I think it's definitely vegan.

"Ugh, um! Exactly!

Don't get caught.

"This cookie, it's what I baked, how's it taste?

"Very delicious!

Nemesis said that with a very good smile.

But cookies baked by the Countess? I wonder if it was something I was baking for the orphanage kids who were here today.

"Then I have one too... you don't"

There is no longer a single cookie left on the plate.

They don't even have shards left and can't even be sure if there was really a cookie there.


You're the only suspect in any attempt to whistle and deceive me.

"I still have the cookies, do you want to take them home?


Nemesis responded promptly to the Countess's suggestion.

... now share it with me, too?

Now, although the cont was pinched slightly, the report to the Countess is complete.

I hear the Countess and Azrite are going to work out specific measures.

Speaking of which, he wanted me to rest in the inn.

Some stories, like the conversation with the head of the guild, can only be done between the parties involved.

Well, speaking of how the inn is, the number of guests has been decreasing considerably since yesterday.

I guess this is because a lot of people are out there on urgent requests.

The dining room at dinner is also sparsely numbered compared to yesterday.

In that situation, there were two familiar figures in the talking room adjacent to the dining room.

One is Tom.

After returning from, he and Grimalkin slowly healed the fatigue of exploration in the hot springs and had dinner.

Now I'm sitting in a magic massage chair and I'm like, "Ah. It's a classic massage chair, but I can take a bit of daily intense fatigue -" he says.

And the other is Mr. Berdolbel, who met at the Count's residence.

He was also in the talking room with his own. When I asked her why she was in this inn, she was introduced to this as a recommended inn by the Countess.

By the way, Tom's Grimalkin and Berdolbell's horn don't keep flirting with each other for some reason. Is it because we are cats to each other?

"Mm-hmm. Too many customers say they don't need dinner. Is something wrong?

That's what Shirley asked me when I brought the service tea and treats along with the general and the lefties, so I answered by omitting details that "I guess I'm busy accomplishing that because a monster of machines came out of < ruins > and an urgent quest for a crusade was announced".

"Is that the monster when I was attacked?

"Oh, that's the same kind"

"That's kind of scary."

"It's okay, ma'am. That's why the Master is running for me."

I was reassuring Shirley, who was scared to remember that time, that's what Lefty said.

"But, well, it's nice that their crusade has become a quest. Too many things, those guys"

I was listening, and that's what Tom said as he sat in the massage chair.

He says there are too many of them, but Tom was almost alone breaking machines and traps to the big hall in the back.

He paved the way for us to get there, and we realized who he was, so Tom might be the biggest credit of the day.

"Looking at the inn, there are quite a few contractors, aren't there?

"Yes, the prize money for the crusade is high, and some of you said" I can sell this and make another buck "because the machine stays round. I also started buying in the kingdom and...?

Second, the questions raised in.

That's what Nemesis said, "What did Mr. Tom come to < ruins > for?"

At that time, Mr. Tom had not recovered the machine he had defeated.

When we met last night, he said he would work out again in preparation for a match with Cashmere and... explore for money making (...).

Today, however, the machine, the deliverable, was left behind as it was when it was defeated. Plus, I swept away the enemies in the hall and didn't even explore.

That just bothered me a little.

"Hmm. When it comes to a machine monster, is it something close to a human form?

And, conceiving of that, I received a question from Mr Berdolbel.


"Then maybe it's the same thing you knocked down before you came to this Calcellatan."

That's what Mr Berdolbel says. From the item box, remove the wreckage of the machine.

That was definitely that firearm-type head.

"Yes. This is it.... could you defeat it?

Even though Mr. Berdolbel is a non-combatant musician.

"What, there's something to do. And if you can't fight for yourself, you can't travel on monsters' wandering land."

"That's [King of Music], something like that."

Tom said that when he thought, "Is that true, too," to Mr. Berdolbel's words.

[Music King]?

"Hmm. Is that Nursing? I didn't feel any sign."

"Well, this is [Cat God], too."

"Oh, was your lord that“ converted cat mansion ”? Then introduce yourself again. Commander System Super Position, [King of Music] Berdolbel."

"Tom Cat, [Cat God] of Cat Specialist Super Position. Well, nice to meet you."

... I guess it's a cat-specific super job.

Battle style didn't have that much to do with cats, did it?

"Hmm. Two super positions, huh? Isn't this pretty reliable?"

"What do you mean, reliable?

To the murmur of Nemesis, Mr Berdolbel returns the inquiry.

I answered that question.

"That < ruins > keeps moving as we build that dangerous machine automatically. So you need to destroy the machine that's running now and shut down the factory inside. If we can find a route to the factory, we'll still be able to get into the factory in the morning."

"Nah, I see. I want that member. Yeah, if that's what you want to talk about, I'm in. It's a hippo."

That's what Tom said, and he agreed to join us happily.

"Hmm. I'm not interested in that adventure tan either, but it's a little bad tomorrow."

"Do you have something?

"The kids came to the tea party today. Tomorrow I'm going to let you play again. Anything, some kids couldn't come today because they're sick, but they really like music, and I'm sure they'd love to hear it."

That being said, Mr Berdolbel laughs calmly.

"Well, I appreciate these guys playing so much, and they're happy. It's not too bad to respond to an encore."

"Yeah, I think I'd like that, too."

I would appreciate Mr Berdolbel's help that it is a super position.

But I also thought the promises I have now were important.

Speaking that way, the general, who was distributing tea to the guests in the colloquium, said:

"Nevertheless, there are such monsters from... Will it be like [Edelbartha] again..."


That's an unfamiliar word, but is it some kind of unique noun?

"It's a monster that came out about thirty years ago. < Yu... > It seems to have been some kind of strong monster. I didn't remember it very well because I was a child at the time, and, uh... [Mm, mmm..."

"[Lifeless Corps Edelbartha]"

It was Tom who was sipping his hot tea in a cold way that picked up the woman's words.

"You know what, Tom?"

"Yeah. About thirty years ago, it appeared in the border zone between the kingdom and the empire. Rank is mythical. As a monster at the time, it was the worst kind. Ahchi......"

Mythology class thirty years ago.

Now it is time for the mythological class to be overwhelming, as my brother defeated [Kimunkamui].

Thirty years ago, there was no one here.

On the contrary, there shouldn't have been. (Marie said there might have been a beta tester after a while, but that would also be a very small number)

In Tian's only situation, the emergence of the mythical < UBM > can only be described as a disaster.

"[Edelbartha] was a group type. A monster that freely uses it as an ingredient and continues to produce puppet monsters for distribution, whether plants or minerals. Unless we defeated the core body, it was an endlessly growing troublesome UBM."

"Tom, you're familiar with it."

Even though it was thirty years ago in this time, it explains it as if I had seen it.

"Yeah, 'cause I know someone who knows < UBM >."

Do you even have a friend who has his own database, like a feminized senior for Senior Beasley?

"Yes, yes. [Edelbartha] was such a monster. That came out just as the Countess' husband and children were on their way to the Empire..."


"All I know is what I saw and heard from the announcements and newspapers at the time..."

Then the general told me about an incident that happened thirty years ago.

That seems to be what happened thirty years ago now.

The kingdom's Calcellatan territory and the empire's Barbaros territory were adjacent across the border between the two countries and had very friendly relations with many exchanges

He also said that the kingdom and empire were allies at the time, and that they were clustered in three Western countries, including Legendary.

Again and again, the two countries had envoys coming and going.

The head of the mission was the husband of the Countess Calcellatan. Apparently he was originally a diplomat in the kingdom.

He was also accompanied by the son of Countess Kalcheratan, who was then able to take him outside after a year of life.

She had promised to exchange marriages between the Counts of Calcellatan and the Barbaros Border Uncle in the future, so she also had a slightly quicker look.

It was a journey with a baby, but safety is high because there are no powerful monsters on the road connecting the two countries.

In addition, the kingdom wore the best guards.

[Sacred Ride "Sacrid Blazer"] Aslan Faldreed.

The fourth superior position in the kingdom, lined up in [Great Sage], [Heavenly Knight] and [Pope], was on its escort.

[Holy Ride] Aslan was a person who, while formerly a vagabond, was heavily treated as the direct minister of the king at the time because of his strength, integrity and loyalty.

That leaving him with escorts is also a testament to the importance that the kingdom attached to national relations with the Empire.

Aslan himself also wanted to accompany the mission.

That's because Ronald Barbaros, the next head of the Aslan and Barbaros Border House [Punch God (The Ram)], was a good friend and a good rival.

After accompanying him this time as an escort, he planned to compete in a duel facility in Barbaros territory.

Therefore, it was a road trip for good interaction for everyone and the future was bright.

- If suddenly a mythical < UBM > does not appear in the buffer zone of the border.

I don't know why that < UBM > appeared on the border at that time.

It is also unclear whether it was a coincidence or whether some intent was involved.

But for any reason, the mythological class - [Legion of Life Edelbartha] - was attacked by the Kingdom's mission.

Aslan stood at the forefront to protect the mission, slamming over a thousand doll legions.

But even with the loss of 1000, [Edelbartha] 's subordination still had a doll several times that.

Lots of passives.

The inexhaustible doll pushed over like clouds and xia, slipping through Aslan's holding space and approaching the mission.

The mission is wrapped in an annoying cry, and the damage expands.

Aslan also continues to drive the doll away and manages to discuss the main body, but my power difference was too great for him.

One reinforcement rushes from the Empire when they think they just wait to be brushed up like this.

That's [Punch God] Ronald Barbaros.

I've moved ahead of everyone and rushed solo to the crisis with my best friend and the mission.

That's how the two superiors joined forces and challenged a mighty enemy: the mythical class.

"... So, what happened?

"It was all over when the Barbaros Army arrived on its way to reinforcements... [Edelbartha] had been crusaded, but both Lady Aslan and Lady Ronald had died. In the announcement of the empire that conducted the investigation, the mission was also completely destroyed..."

... have you discussed it?

At the Tea Party seat, I had heard that the Countess had lost her husband and her son had gone missing.

That's not what the mythical < UBM > talked about......

".................. huh?

At that time, I tilted my neck as Mr Berdolbel noticed something.

"Did they say that [Edelbartha] would use a doll?

"Right. Create and manipulate dolls."

"Right. Then it's like... but thirty years ago... it's impossible"

"What's wrong with you?

When I asked, Mr. Berdolbel responded with a bitter smile.

"There's a Tian in Drife who makes dolls and serves by the power of perks and weapons. I was concerned about the similarity of abilities. But he's still young, and thirty years ago now... well he was unlikely old enough to take an MVP in the mythological class < UBM >. Must have come from another < UBM >"

"Oh, because some of them have similar abilities. Because there are privileged tools there to generate monsters and items."

The story of this matter came to a conclusion in such a flow.

I just wonder why.

This story made me feel like I was missing something big.

To be continued

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