<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode XVII: Secret Service

□ [Brilliant Cavalry] Ray Sterling

"- Why did you do that?

After my inquiry, Dr. Mario inquired that way.

"About what," he does not delude, nor tries to seal his mouth.

I just want a reason.

Dr. Mario's blue eyes were trying to pinpoint me.

"As of yesterday's story, I had predictions."


"You knew the story of the [emerald] brilliant jade horse found in Drife. There's someone I know who's familiar with the data, but I didn't know that person as of yesterday either. So I was wondering if he was usually the one working on the drife where [Jade] was found."

"There's more, Deshaw?

"Yes. Now, there are only two countries that have been studying civilization for a long time: Drife and Grand Barore, right? So Dr. Mario, who's going to need a desk job at a research institute, is likely from one of those countries where he's doing a lot of research."

This is the first and second reason.

And the third.

"Besides, you said there was blood in the kingdom aristocracy, right? Because the kingdom and empire are now in a state of war, but they used to be close allies. Then I wonder if it's strange that the blood of the kingdom aristocrats is flowing."

And I won't tell you this, but I also have Azrite's attitude toward Dr. Mario.

She, someone's top detective in the kingdom, was alert to the scholar, Dr. Mario.

Azrite knew Drife was moving, and it was probably that reaction because people on the Drife's side were wary of coming to < ruins >.

"A Rating Death. Your reasoning is right."

High-rated? No, A-rated?

Looks like a big old grade-rating.

"You're right, I'm Drife's Human Death. Coming to investigate this < ruins > Masita. Depending on what is contained in this monument, the Empire also has a serious impact, Death."

"... So, what do you do?

"The Empire deems it unnecessary to secure the brilliant Jade Soldier found in this

That's what Dr. Mario replied to my question.


"Death because we already have something close. You know Franklin, they created [Marshall II]."


"The advantage of the Brilliant Jade Soldier is that the Autopilot System Death, if you look at the status quo, it only adds more enemies, Death. Deshaw, which takes a lot of time to master and modify the autopilot system. Prior periods of civilized programs came from Death, which is different from what it is today. If that doesn't happen, we can prepare a number, and then [Marshall II] will have enough mass."

Does that mean that the Brilliant Jade Soldier already has something close if he sees it as a simple weapon for the Empire, and he doesn't even have to be forced to get it here?

"On the contrary, what about what the kingdom gets? The autopilot system has also repaired the problem of attacking humans."

"How many years does it take for a kingdom without any know-how to overcome that problem?

"... I see"

In other words, the imperial side believes that a war settlement can be reached and the kingdom can be swallowed up before the kingdom can form it.

You mean we should also swallow and then slowly analyze the automated manoeuvring system, which would not have finished the analysis yet?

"What matters to the Empire is whether there is any unknown supertechnology here that has not even been obtained by the Empire. Or an instantly usable weapon rests, and that will not be used in war at the hands of the kingdom, Death. Without both, it makes sense to get your hands on it. From Masen. Just so you know, Masita? Lady Sun (...)"

To Dr. Mario, who says so looking in the direction of the day after tomorrow, not me.

"... but the verdict doesn't seem to tell a lie."

Azrite, who appeared from that direction, said so.


When was it coming back from the Count's mansion?

I didn't notice until Azrite spoke up.

"If the True or False Verdict has already been made, it's quick to talk, Miss Sun. No, should I say Sun, the kingdom's secret detective?... or of the Kingdom."

That's what you say.

Azrite cut the words there,

- You're not a scholar.

Moments later, a fleshy azurite swung through the blue sword at an unstoppable speed in his eyes.


I hallucinated the sight of Dr. Mario turning into two, but he actually escaped behind a few steps in time and was intact.

The moment we dodge that blade, Dr. Mario sees us with those blue eyes.

For some reason - I learned a lot of similar pressure from my brother and Mr. Figaro in that gaze.

"... what a noisy man, Death."

"Right. But there's no way scholars can avoid the blow now, is there?

... I see Azrite went to the slaughter in a pre-emptive attack to find out who Dr. Mario is... Wait, wait!

"... no, no, no, no! What if Dr. Mario was really a scholar!!"

It was a roundabout!?

"It's okay. This sword can't (...) cut now, so if you don't aim for your head, you'll have to crush the fracture."

"That's why you're telling me the idea is brain muscle!?"

Not as good as Mr. Figaro, though!

That guy's going to be out of his brain in chains for now!

"So, who are you, the Imperial Secret Service?

"Secret Service?

When you raise your voice of doubt to an unfamiliar word, Azrite answers it.

"Drife Special Assignment Soldiers. Commonly known as" Secret Service. "This group is made up of only those who have trained combat jobs to their fullest potential and those who excel in solo combat, such as super positions. Though I've heard that many people specialize in undercover missions."

A group of super and kanst senior positions.

... I wonder if the Kingsguard Knights were relatively close before the war when it was all there was to say in the kingdom.

"Yeah. So it fits, Mass."

"Isn't that Mario's real name, too? Most importantly, verbal intonation is too conspicuous on undercover missions. No, I guess not. There's something else you have to hide (...) and you're talking like that in camouflage?

"... by mistake Yes Masen"

Dr. Mario nodded about what Azrite had pointed out.

"But let me just correct one thing, Mass, and being a scholar is true Death. He also holds a Ph.D. in the field of archaeology, from Mass. Mario is not by his real name either, but as a scholar, he uses your name, Mass."

I mean, it seems true that it is "Dr. Mario”.

"Well, this is how I also deathed who I am, and this is where I draw death-ness.... Oh, yeah."

Dr. Mario throws something from his nostalgia.

When I received it with my left hand, it played a hard sound called Charin.

"What's this?

"Accommodation Expenses Death in Inn. I was just giving it to the general. Is that Mass? And," The meal is delicious, the hot springs are very pleasant, and I need a good time to get out of my daily fatigue, Masita. "

"... Yes"

Dr. Mario is an Imperial Secret Service, an infiltrated soldier, but... it didn't change that he seemed like a good man.

"... if it was a bomb, Ray would have been a ship again."


I wasn't thinking about that possibility.

"Ray's easy to fool."

"No, he said that's not true. I had a PK hidden from my buddy, and I didn't even know that my brother was the [Destroyer King], and Franklin swallowed me with mysterious drugs and slime along with restorative drugs."

"…… correct. You're so (...) gullible. This favorite."

Azrite looked at me with an indescribable face, and Dr. Mario had such a calm grin on our interactions.

"Unfortunately, it's time to disperse, Mass"

"You think I'll let you get away with this?

against the words of the Azrites unleashed with their swords pointed at them,

"He's already on the run (...)"

Shortly after Dr. Mario said so, Dr. Mario's appearance scratched off the spot...... only one little bird (...) remained there.


"... this bird is"

I looked familiar to the bird.

The skill used by Franklin in that Gideon case to reposition himself and his opponent - a modified monster specializing in "Casling". After that incident, Gideon's Master said, "Kiora's Wings" or something.

"Wouldn't it be surprising if a Drife soldier was paid for his modified monster?"

You shouldn't be able to fly that far in Casling, but there's also that unidentified person who dodged Azrite's sword. It'll be hard to capture again.

"You got away.... When you become a Secret Service officer, you could have planted something around here. Sounds like you need to find out who's good at exploring early."

"Do you think Dr. Mario, or Drife, is going to do something?

"Yeah, I do. Plus, I'm here because I assumed Drife would move from the beginning."

Is it because the drife moves that Azrite is here?

I was expecting Azrite to know something about Drife moving.

That's why I don't know what it means to have azulite.

"... Nevertheless, didn't you show too much to the Imperial Secret Service? And the mural pictures, but it's no wonder they missed or targeted the brilliant jade horse?

"Well, it doesn't seem strange that the original brilliant jade horse was targeted from anywhere"

Senior Beasley also said, "If you didn't know me on active PK, you'd be attacking me" or something.

"It's early or late for silver. More thankfulness for analyzing Silver's origins than that"

"Is that what's going to happen?

"In me. Besides, he's a drife guy, but I don't think he's a bad guy."

He also taught me a lot about civilization in the other period.

You could have told me a lie, but I guess from Azrite's reaction he didn't tell me anything.

I have the impression that even military personnel from hostile countries are not bad people.

"You're a really nice person... Although I don't deny the word because I have friends in the Empire too"

Azrite laughed bitterly at what I said.

"Does Azrite also have friends in the Empire?

"Yeah. Until before the war, I was an ally, and what I studied in the Empire.... Oh, not if we're talking back in the day."

For a moment, after a nostalgic eye, Azrite said so.

Indeed, there was a slight derailment in the story.

"Back to the story, what that agent is talking about, as far as the veracity was concerned, there was no lie, but you must be wary."

"Speaking of which, how long have you been asking? It's like I heard it all."

"Yeah, I've heard that from the beginning. If I wanted to speak to you, I'd start talking to that agent."

... I had no idea.

"I didn't lie about anything in that Secret Service conversation. But that's how you talk about hiding the truth without telling a lie. Initial avoidance of the True or False Judgment. Soldiers, if you're a Secret Service officer, you've mastered it and it's natural skill."

"Right. I don't think Dr. Mario's lying either, but I think he's hiding something."

Maybe it's about that mural.

Because when we were talking about that mural, I just felt a little uncomfortable.

"Possible possibilities…"

Drife said he didn't need that automatic machine, Brilliant Jade Soldier. That's not a lie.

But that is only Dr. Mario's personal opinion, and as a country called Drife, we also fear moving to take it.


"Aside from the Brilliant Jade Soldier - something (...) may be asleep in"

◆ ◆ ◆

■ Kalceratan/Yamanaka

"... there was no point in deceiving"

The man who had been named Mario - who replaced it with a monster for "Casling" and moved all over the mountain - said so to himself.

That intonation is gone, but this is how he's supposed to talk.

"It's about them. You must be aware of what I've hidden."

His hidden things.

That's in the picture of the mural he was shown by Ray.

With that mural wording...... there is a sentence that Mario did not decipher in front of Ray (...).

"Complete the mass production of Brilliant Jade Soldiers in this facility - and the development of the Showdown Weapon [Akra Vaster] for the“ Incarnation ”- and ensure that tens of millions of" Beast Incarnations ”are not destroyed at any given time."

Where I didn't dare read it.

There, the presence of weapons far more powerful than the brilliant Jade soldiers was hidden.

Most importantly, the fact that a powerful weapon was contained in the site itself was grasped within the context of the appraisal of items brought in by other searchers.

"The decisive weapon of civilization from earlier periods. [Emperstand] equal to or greater than…"

He sighs.

Being involved in something like that and not leaving it alone, no matter what.

"For the sake of the Empire... you can't put something like that in the hands of the kingdom, dude"

The Secret Service says so... see the buried mountain of.

The color of the eyes was bright blue, but its eyes are far from bright.

Ray criticized me for being tired on the inside. It was - like a dead man's (...) eyes.

As such, he retrieves items for communication magic from the item box and connects them to a predetermined number.

- Logan, are we there yet?

'Oh, I'm in a nearby mountain right now. And you?'

The person who came out was [Demon General] Logan Godhardt.

He is his collaborator, the only - and numerous (...) allies - in the operation to be executed.

"It was revealed that I was a secret service officer."

'... hey'

"Still didn't seem to know it was me. There's no problem."

"... in the civil unrest following the King's decision, the only survivor of the Secret Service was the current King (...). You are the only one. Well, is there no reason for the people of the kingdom to know about the empire's inner affairs'

"As planned, we will decide on the operation tomorrow morning. The goal of the operation is to capture or destroy the final weapon that will [Akra Vaster] sleep inside."

Copy that. But it's not a night raid? My devil has a good night's eye. "

"The identification of the place where [Acra Vaster] is still stored has not even been done on the Kingdom side. Besides... I need to be ready too"

"... I see, is that it"

"Oh, [Edelbartha (...)] doll. Not enough of what I brought in a few. From now on, with Marionette Platone Creation, we can have a thousand bodies by tomorrow morning, which is my limit of simultaneous operation. I need you to prepare at least two thousand dragon classes."

"... we weren't supposed to make it that far in our first plans."

"I decided it was necessary. There are also unexpected forces such as the brilliant Jade Soldier of the kingdom, the [Cat God] of the kingdom, and..." Unyielding ”. It's just too much."


Logan thought to himself, "This [demon general] alone is overpowering."

"The Kingdom's dueling second place, promising Rookie, where there were some machines, is no match for me at all," Logan thinks.

"There will be more fighting power but the operation will remain the same. As expected, I'll take care of the technical products. Logan is a disturbance in the kingdom's defensive forces."

But the inner thoughts are not in his mouth, and Logan accepts his proposal.

'Okay. Respect your judgment and accept the content of that quest - Gifted (...) - Barbaros (...) Marshal (...)'

To be continued

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