<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 31: Infinite Growth

□ ■ About the legend

The world of < Infinite Dendrogram > still has strange legends.

The legend is that a mighty monster appeared so terrified that it would destroy the world.

Legendary monsters are called Level 100 Overs or SUBM or Irregular.

The monsters appeared many times in the history of < Infinite Dendrogram >.

Since the beginning of the period, they have been defeated by the hands of… naturally they have appeared more in the past.

An age when there are monsters enough to destroy the world and no man has the power to resist.

But this world continues indestructibly.

The reason for this is that the monsters disappeared as soon as they showed up.

The monster disappears at some point, and the monster's aftertaste does not remain in the world as if in the sky after the storm has passed.

What happened and every time such an event occurs, Tian in the surrounding area tilts his neck.

Nobody knows the answer.

However, some witness the truth very rarely.

That's what witnesses say.

- The monster was fighting something scarier (...), he said.

But that eyewitness testimony is often incredible.

"There's no way he's here," he smiles, such as a monster even more powerful than a monster at the limit of the threat.

When they say so, the witness also assumes, "I didn't even dream about it".

But the few who still believed in themselves wrote down the event in their books.

Books that are neither dreams nor reality that have been written down in that way.

Written in various times, on the other side of the world, they depict something scarier than a monster.

- Alien creatures that are similar to any beast but different from any of them.

- A cylinder bigger than a mountain that would also crush the country.

- A beautiful woman wrapped in a cocoon reminiscent of an egg shell.

- And countless legions of “beasts”.

Sometimes the monsters are erased, and sometimes the mysterious beings who fight monsters and destroy them.

I don't know who I am, I just finish my role and disappear.

A religion was also born that found out about their existence in the books left behind and worshipped them as God... but those religions somehow disappeared quickly.

No one knows that what they were forming is in accordance with the arrangement of Special Note III.

Later in the world...... I was collecting < SUBM > that I could control for after more.

And that he was exterminating an uncontrollable < irregular >... nobody knows.

◆ ◇ ◆

■ - The deepest part

"End of Battle"

[The leader of the wind chinos] declared so, while exothermizing the laser cannon.

The first intruder was eliminated.

But a seven-body intruder of the same type as a subsequent intruder or that intruder will soon arrive.

In case of that, [the leader of the Windsor] reactivates the brilliant Jade soldier who froze in the state of attack arrest.

At the same time record the data of the previous intruder and notify and engrave each Brilliant Jade Soldier not to receive the code from the applicable opponent.

Thus, upon completion of the measures against the next intruder,

"- There were many things in this land of Karcheratan that were close to me."

Such a “voice” echoed in space.

"Ray, on the most recent edge, it's you, but there's been more than one thing that's been associated with me since before."

Look for the source of the voice, but there's nothing there.

Voices are echoing from places that show no response from any sensors.

"The first is [lifeless army eyes Edelbartha]. You wouldn't know, but the original [Edelbartha] was a new pair of" beast incarnate ”weapons of mould over the brilliant Jade Soldier."

That was... where Tom disappeared the other day.

But his voice was a little different from Tom's.

"A weapon that generates automatic dolls from natural objects with magic interference, without the need for a plant. However, it was certified by < UBM > because the stand-alone weapon possessed such capabilities. It ran wild with self and was sealed underground at the hands of Flagman, the producer. It was lifted thirty years ago."

What can be stated on Tom's voice.

That doesn't make the same sense as what I told you last night at the Inn about [Edelbarsa, the Legion of Life] thirty years ago.

[Edelbartha] was certified to < UBM >... because it was nearly two thousand years ago.

Even the Marshal, the owner of the [lifeless army eye Edelbartha] and with his face as an archaeologist, has not traced the detailed birth history that Tom Cat has told us today.

"The baby who gained the power of [Edelbartha] in that incident and this I (...) are fighting more than ever in the plant of the brilliant Jade Soldier.... I wonder how ironic this is. 'Cause this plant... no, not you guys again."

So the Lord of the voice set between them, - and manifested himself from a space of nothing.

It was a cat.

You look like a white cat everywhere.

The likeness of walking on two legs and wearing a vest like a clerk seems to have strayed out of the picture book.

And the majority of them - they know about the cat.

Because when they first visit this world, they meet.

Yes, that cat is...,

"To defeat me (...), because I was made"

Integration of the management AI of the thirteen bodies operating < Infinite Dendrogram >.

- Management AI XIII, Chesha.


What can I say about the flurry of information that has arisen inside [the leader of the Windsor] the moment Chesha shows up?

It's similar, but mechanical, to a person's emotional twist.

However, if you put it in a nutshell, you will be satisfied with the phrase "this is it," its running.

Yes, this is it.

"This" is the reason why what I kept waiting for, what I could never leave behind, and [the leader of the Windsor] and all the brilliant Jade Soldiers were born.

The sensors of all the weapons present here tell us.

Everything but visual information matches.

The white cat in front of us right now is the reason - why they were born.

That is,

"" The Incarnation of the Beast (...) "- Sense!! All Brilliant Jade Soldiers, All Firearms Use Unlocked!!"

This white cat is one of those beings that civilization tried to defeat by betting everything in the previous period.

It is the “incarnation of the beast" that fills the earth, destroying their homeland, the Empire of Zweir.

"Attack initiated!!"

The entire uniform of [Leader of the Wind Shinko] unleashes the artillery fire and laser of 968 brilliant Jade soldiers, and the incomplete primitive firearm can't erase the enemy presence in front of them without leaving a piece of dust behind.

On the brink of that landing,

"I don't have to jump."

Chesha now declares once and for all the power exercised by Tom Cat, his own person (avatar).

"-" Cat 8 million colors (Grimalkin) "

Same skill declaration as the special skill used by Tom Cat.

But it's like something different.

In less than a long (...) time, such as seconds, an instant “beast” occurs and becomes a meat wall.

That number is not a small number, such as eight, and exceeds the capacity of 1000.

By fire and flash, the "beast” shreds and disappears, but a new “beast” overflows around Chesha from next to next.

The “beasts”, unlike lions, tigers and leopards, who can only be described as cat monsters, do not diminish in their total number, even if they try to extinguish hundreds and thousands with concentrated fire, … but rather continue to increase.

Grow, even filling plants that were supposed to be vast.

Tom Cat, who had limited functionality, and his body status, maximum number, growth rate, and all of that force that can't even be compared.

That's the nightmare I had with civilization last semester.

In the name of eight million (or greetings), an infinitely overflowing claw tooth disaster.

"You were asking me some questions. Let's answer."

Little by little Chesha walks toward [the ruler of the Windsor], protected by the “beast” that becomes the meat wall.

"Kingdom Duels Ranked # 2, [Cat God] Tom Cat"

That was his name fighting earlier.

An operator's class (avatar) created to serve as a wall for.

"Or, six hundred years ago, [Cat God] Schredinger Cat"

That's one of the names created to root the existence of Tian's history.

At the same time, a third absolute strong man emerged six hundred years ago to avert the re-collapse of civilization in total war.

"Or" The Incarnation of the Beast "two thousand years ago."

That's one “incarnation” of a “cross-continental ship” that fought civilization earlier.

Things that make brilliant jade soldiers hate each other and grow into tens of millions of beasts to fill the ground.

"And management AI XIII Chesha...... no"

That's his name now.

Miscellaneous person who leads numerous and assists with other management AIs.

And the entity...

"TYPE: Infinite Legion - [Infinite Growth Grimalkin]"

That's his true name.

Now there is an “infinity" crowned superior further by the late being.

The ∞ th form (...) reached, < infinite (infinite) embrio > in one piece.

"That's me. And now my role is to destroy you and the weapons behind you."

Chesha said so while following the “beast”, which no longer occupies more than half the area of the plant.


The opposing [leader of the wind followers] continues to attack.

But the remnants of the firearm that kept firing and releasing at all costs from the emergence of Chesha are pounding the bottom.

That's the same for the other brilliant Jade soldiers, [Windshinko's Fire] already turns a gutling cannon with no remnants, and some of the [Windshinko's Flash] airframes self-destructed by the laser's continuous irradiation recoil.

Even if you bump all the power you can have, you can't sharpen Chesha - "The Incarnation of the Beast”.

Ammunition will soon run out.

Now that we know that, Flagman didn't set a weapon on his successor, the [Edelbarsa] doll, but basically designed to fight with hand-to-hand air fists.

Because I knew that if I met the “incarnation of the beast," I would run out of weapons in minutes of things (...).


"- Continuing Combat"

Eliminate firearms and drop combat performance to less than half...... Still, the [leader of the wind chinos] will not retreat.

- For the sake of the world, for the future of men, destroy the incarnation of the beast.

There is no winning chance.

Still, however, it has not been engraved from the beginning, such as the logic of retreating to the [leader of the wind chipper].

Except accomplish the ends set by your Creator and the very way you are.

That's what an emotionless machine lived in - possession.

"For the world, for the future of people,? I wonder what time the world is and where people are."

Chesha sees such a sad and proud weapon with a slightly sad face.

Or that, with a mirror-looking face......

"Really stubborn, healthy.... you and I are just a little bit alike. It's like a different place to stand."

That said, Chesha softly raises her right hand.

To the trick, the "beast" reacts, making its eyes glow golden.

The “beast”, which has only ever been a meat wall - a herd of legendary Gardners, was about to enter the offensive posture.

If thousands of "beasts” move into the offense, the battle will be decided at that moment.

Still, there is no such thing as a retreating brilliant soldier.

Because they were born to fight the "incarnation of the beast”.

They have been distorted from the future anticipated by changes in the environment.

Still, they themselves do not bend their own way as a whole, nor do they deny it.

"You must have been waiting 2,000 years to fight the Incarnation. I kept waiting and preparing to do your part. It must be just like us. So... let's get down to business one last time."

That said, Chesha keeps looking at the brilliant Jade soldier in front of her - his right hand down.

"Goodbye. Left behind the pride of the Empire of Zweir - mechanical soldiers"

"- Continuing Combat"

To signal that, the brilliant Jade Soldier, led by Cheshire's "Beast” and [Windsor's Conductor], bumps into each other.

... a few minutes later, no shaped brilliant Jade Soldier remained.

◆ ◆ ◆

- "The Incarnation of the Beast," confirm.

- Commander's machine, [leader of the Windsor] vanished.

- Standby command, automatic disarm

- Check sequence

- Hull alpha, no abnormalities. Spatial fixation, no abnormalities.

- Hull β, no abnormalities. "Spatial dilution", no abnormalities.

- "Mutual Complementary Repair Function", no abnormalities

- Main uniform, accessory uniform, incomplete

- Conventional equipment as an alternative

- Compressed demon-guided heavy particle acceleration cannon not mounted due to unresolved energy problems

- Problem, a little less. Determine the launch with available conventional equipment

- We're moving to the launch sequence.

- Showdown Weapon III for “Incarnate”, [Acra Vaster]

- Departure.

To be continued

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