<Infinite Dendrogram>

For Epilogue A Empire

□ [No General] Gifted Barbaros

…… ……

Open your eyelids and realize that you were passing out.

Since when the hell have you passed out? My memory is broken and I don't know for sure.

... No, I remember until the moment [Acra Vaster] in heaven and earth was destroyed by them and the air battleship exploded.

Apparently, that's where consciousness took its limits.

"Is this...?

At first I thought you were caught on the kingdom side, but it doesn't look like it.

From the spectacular vibrations, I realize that this is the vehicle… it is also in the tank from the interior.

The Empire is the only country that operates [Geist], a chariot type.

I therefore thought that it had been recovered by the Barbaros tank unit... but no.

This tank has a different interior than an existing tank, and it's too spacious.

This tank is not [Geist]. Something completely different.

If this is...,

"Oh, have you noticed? Marshal."

I doubt it. I can hear someone.

Look, there's a man sitting in the car captain's seat in the tank.

military uniforms and cloaks as if they were even going to war in the desert.

I add a fine cigar to my mouth, and my beard grows insensitive just to say that I dare to leave it along the jaw line.

I know the man.

"[King of Car Riders, King of Chariots], Colonel Murdoch Martinez (...)? It's been a month."

"Yeah, it's been since I took office. Marshal."

[King of Car Riders], one of the < Super > recently employed by the Empire.

When he hired, besides the money, he asked, "Would you give me the rank of colonel of the Imperial Army? I have made an unintended demand."

"The military has too many seats available, so I don't mind Brigadier General?" He is the man who responded oddly to the King who suggested, "No, you look good because you're a colonel (...)".

"Why are you here?

"On a mission. Come on. No, to tell you the truth, Your Excellency the Marshal is going to screw up, so I'm ordering you to pick him up."


"The [archdeacon] told me that the [demon general] boy had lost. 'If you stay like this, your uncle is in danger too. You can't lose your uncle, so pick him up.' His Majesty asked me to direct you."

"... you mean that"

The speed of the information would be satisfactory to that Franklin.

In addition, it can be said that this man has arrived less than an hour from the Imperial Capital.

If this man drives the fastest and strongest tank.

I only feel a slight vibration in the car... but it should probably be traveling at a speed far above the speed of sound. In a few dozen minutes this body will be back in the Imperial Capital.


And then I look behind the tank so that they pull my hair back.

Regardless, I can't even see it being held back by the tank walls... but I thought of the carcellatan that would be ahead of me.

"What did you do? Yeah, I found that expensive red doll. It's loaded."

Apparently [Faldreed] has been recovered safely, too.

"Or have you forgotten something else? Do you want to go back?

Forget something, huh?

I see, when it comes to forgetting things...... maybe so.

"... Fine. Sooner or later, I'll go myself."

When it's all over, let's go see my family again...

"Really? But that city, a little worn out, but it's a good city with lots of greenery. By the time the city got back to normal, now I want to go for sightseeing."

"Must be. But, Colonel, that city is closed to smoking."

"Hahaha, I'll be careful when I do."

[King of Car Riders] laughed as he shook the cigar fire that was hanging over him, and I too... thought I would visit my hometown again someday, smiling.

◆ ◆ ◆

■ In three days' time, the suburbs of the Imperial Capital and the home

"Franklin!! Where is Franklin's guy?!"

Early in the morning, the third day after the incident of Karcherathan, at the home of Clan < Triangle of Wisdom >, [General Demon] Logan Godhardt, with the Great Sword in one hand, brought in an army of demons, punched in.

The face was filled with anger and hatred, and it was easy to realize that the reason I came here was retaliation for Franklin.

Regardless, Logan's loss to the far inferior Ray was the reason for his anger when he was flushed online in its entirety.

Logan now puts his finger on the trigger of his pistol, like he's putting his strength to the critical. You'll do enough to destroy the home of the Triangle of Wisdom with some kind of applause.

But when it comes to the members of Setouchi's triangle, "Ah, my lord" and "Despena dawn" are not particularly rushed.

And for some reason, they all seemed to sleep badly.

It's early morning, so they didn't wake me up where I was sleeping, as if I'd been doing some work so far.

"Get Franklin out!!"

"Oh, I'm keeping a letter from the owner asking you to give it to me when your Excellency arrives"

That's what Tian, who's in charge of Klan's affairs, says and gives Logan a letter.

The letter presented a brief sentence, "I'll wait here," and coordinates.

It would be a kind of fulfillment.

"Just what I want!!"

The angry-headed Logan rode straight on the devil's back and flew to the specified coordinates.

But when I left the Ajito, I noticed that it was inadvertent.

(What? This smell)

But never deeply concerned, he rode the devil to the designated point...... < Hard Winter Mountains >.

"Good morning. Wow, 30% more miserable than usual."

Shortly after Logan left, one clan member logged in.

In his eyes he sees a large number of colleagues who have been dead all night.

Well, if it's 30% less, it's a daily sight.

"Oh, I've had a lot of tests just now..."

"Oh, did you build a new weapon again? By the way, do you smell weird? It smells like after I pull the trawl net up."

That's the smell you can't normally smell in the Imperial City, an inland city.

The smell of the deep tide (...) somehow drifted to the home of the Triangle of Wisdom.

"... alle"

That's what the clan member who had said and was falling pointed at was... something huge parasitized by fuzzy bumps and corals on the surface.

If you look closely, the silhouette doesn't even look like a giant reptile's hands and feet, but you can see it from the gap between the fuzzy bumps and the coral. I can tell it's rugged and not an organism.

"What is it, where did you pick this up from?

"It's the sea, the sea. The owners have been salvaging from the waters of the north of the continent."

"Huh? But now the Empire has formed a navy, and we're holding each other back with the Grand Balor... You've been out in the ocean a lot."

That's news even in the Imperial Capital, which tells the story of friction between the Empire, which formed an unprecedented navy looking to enter the ocean, and Gran Barroa, which has vast territorial waters.

We've been talking about this for about a month now.

"The other way around. The owner wants to salvage this, so he asked the upper management to build a Haribote navy."

"... Huh?

"I gathered Gran Barroa's ears in the Navy and the owner used his own aquatic monster to salvage them alone in that gap. If Granvaroa had found out, we would have made a deal."


Members were impressed to hear that it was a very large camouflage.

"So what is this? There are fuzzy bumps and corals on the surface..."

"Brilliant Jade Dragon (...)"

".................................... what?

Members belonging to the Triangle of Wisdom knew the meaning of the word, which was answered in part.

One of a group of weapons supposedly created at the end of earlier periods of civilization.

It is the name of a phantom weapon that supposedly has the equivalent of a mythical < UBM >.

"His Royal Highness Claudia's [Emerald Great Storm] was found, and you had the materials that were discovered together. There was also data on the crash site of the brilliant Jade Dragon, [Rugged Ravage" Rapis Razli Trumple "], which was previously lost during the war at the end of civilization. That's how the owner went to salvage and found it."

"... can you use this?

"Looks like it worked. I've been immersed in sea water for 2,000 years and my function was 90% alive. I can't seem to do that now that I've removed the parts."

"Parts removal?

"Oh, you can use the remaining limbs for our research."

As the saying goes, the only weapon left, called [Rugged Ravage], is his hands and feet.

It's as if they even ate something else...

◆ ◆ ◆

of Drife, and in the north of the continent lies a land called the Harsh Winter Mountains.

High altitude and thin air mountain ranges and ultra-cold zones below zero forty degrees Celsius. Furthermore, it is a super dangerous zone where monsters of a level in the depths of a divine dungeon roam.

It is not the territory of every country, but, by reason, if it passes there, it can travel without passing through the country to the east and west of the continent.

However, it is considered impossible to tread on a person's feet, to the extent that those who have ever gone beyond there are also sufficient with the number of fingers in both hands.

Now and again, people are inhibited from entering by blizzards that cut their bodies out.

One < master > in white stood in the middle of the first mountain in such an extreme cold zone.

I know you're equipped with cold resistant accessories, but some cold outfit.

But Mr. White... Franklin looked like he was having some fun and was waiting in the snow storm.

"Are you here?"

Shortly after Franklin muttered so, countless shadows descended into the mountains breaking the snowstorm.

It is Logan and his army of demons.

Most importantly, a significant number had fallen out of this natural environment.

"I found you, Franklin! You! What do you mean!!"

"What do you mean, what do you mean? You don't know enough words, my lord."

Like some little fool, Franklin asks Logan back like that.

"That video! Why did you flush that stuff!! Thanks to me...!

Logan remembers.

That video is only about the battle between Ray and Logan and only looks like a one-on-one loss to Rookie. In fact, it was significant that the number of demon groups had been reduced by Berdolbel and the [brooch] had been crushed, but viewers could not possibly tell that.

Thus, the majority of the comments on the video were to admire Ray or deride Logan.

Sometimes this wasn't very popular with Logan as the dueling king because of the style he originally gobbled with mythical demons. It's more like a heel to be glad to be defeated.

But whatever the reason, I can't stand Logan for being the subject of mockery.

"No, no, as far as I'm concerned, I've been monitoring you to see if you can even hate Ray Sterling's weakness. I didn't know this was going to be such an interesting video...... kukukuku"

It should be noted that it is true that it was aimed at Ray, and the subsequent battle against [Acra Vaster] is well documented.

However, it was only in the fight with Logan that I streamed as a video, and for another reason.

The reason for this has to do with what is going to happen.

"Dear Sir!! I'm sure you're ready!! I'll keep killing you, just like you always did to your miscellaneous fish!!"

"Oh. That happened, too. But I don't think you can do that."

"Let me out!! Do it! Demons!!"

Under Logan's decree, the devil flies and presses for Franklin to be torn to pieces.

Among them is also a mix of [Geeganite], the legendary demon.

But in non-combatant Franklin, there will be no single death penalty.


"No, not a demon like that - it's not even a test."

- All of the demons who tried to kill Franklin blew up in an instant.


The moment seemed to Logan.

Beyond the blizzard, behind Franklin… something like a missile (...) flew in and destroyed the demon approaching Franklin.

The tiger child's [Geeganite] also melts in the heat ray-like light.

"... right! Have you handed out modified monsters in advance... cowards!

"Hahaha. No, no, I'd rather not be on guard. I've been waiting here, so I'll put it down. Hey, pawn."

Behind Franklin, ahead of a world blocked by snowstorms...... something.

Only that silhouette is shown in the snowy scenery, while leaking sounds that can't be made of engine sounds or squeals.

That was Franklin's handkerchief that crushed Logan's army of demons.

"By the way, my lord. This is one of the reasons I posted the video... I already gave you my reward weapon just before Despena."

"What's wrong with that!

"So, yeah. Now you don't have to dedicate it anew... you can call it, mythical"

Franklin's words are correct, and points are retained when he dedicates his privileged weaponry, even in an attempt to become a Despena.

Now I can summon mythical demons that I couldn't call in that battle.

"How dare you use the mythology class!!"

"Use it. Otherwise, my lord (laughs) because it would mean a complete defeat of miscellaneous fish not only to Rookie, but also to non-combatant positions. Yeah, 'cause, of course, we're recording it this time, right?

"...!! I'll kill you!!"

That's how Logan performed the chant,

"-" Call Devil Zero Over "!!"

Once he defeated [Heavenly Knight] Langley and summoned the most powerful force - the mythical demon - that pushed him to the top of the arena.

It was in the form of an extremely discerning demon.

A thing with bat feathers on the head of a goat and four thin arms.

But it was huge, and it was as big as seventy meters.

The status far exceeds [Geeganite] in everything, with the exception of the LUC, which has a status of 40,000 over.

Furthermore, the all-powerful demon uses so much magic that it is even comparable to the depths of the Magic System Super Position.

That's [zero-over], Logan's trump card.

"" Boosted Devil Strength "!" Boosted Devil Endurance "!" Boosted Devil Agility "!!"

There, moreover, Logan overlaps his enhancement skills.

As a result, [zero-over] status rose to STR, END and AGI all to over 120,000.

"How about that! This is what this is my true power!! All I lost to that mutton fish was my cowardly surprise!! I am the strongest!!"

"Even if they say it's the strongest..."

Franklin has a grin that is neither bitter nor ridiculous.

Franklin's right eye glows blue and the Analytical Eye of Wisdom is activated.

The analysis was also completed in the time to date from the summons, because the current [zero-over] status seemed clear to Franklin.

"That status hasn't reached [Beast King] yet, has it?

I spoke frankly of the results of determining the figures.

"......, kill me!!"

Whether the words touched the scales, Logan flaunted his strongest hand [zero-over].

More than twelve times the speed of sound.

That move that is never captured by a non-combatant Franklin.

Whether there is an equipped [brooch], it is instantly sharpened and death-penalted in an attempt to transfer damage to the distribution with LifeLink.

That was what nature was all about.


"Athletic (AGI), good"

- The [zero-over] assault had been grabbed and stopped by different giants.


Logan didn't get to see the whole thing.

That's because of the blizzard that blows all around us, and also because of the giant that surpasses [zero-over].

But having a rugged head whose enormous alienation mimics a dragon.

And I understood that dinosaurs - no, with monster like limbs and tails - were only mechanically made monsters (...), to say the least.

"What, this guy...?

Logan's grunt contains double thoughts.

I don't know who that is, so I doubt it.

And...... I feel in an enhanced mythical demon and a presence that has demonstrated quintile speed and power, fear.

"- [M (Mechanics) G (-God) D (Dylan)]"

Franklin responds with a grin to the words leaking out of Logan's mouth.

"I finished my masterpiece the other day. It's just too much of a masterpiece (...)... the battle test just doesn't have a good opponent."


"Originally for vs. [SUBM], and vs. [Beast King], so half the opponents don't have enough supplies. Come on."

…… You, no way......!

Logan notices.

Why, did you post that video?

Why did you say that being able to summon [zero-over] is one of the reasons?

Why, did you provoke him to invite him to summon [zero-over]?

It was all - to make my [zero-over] a test opponent, he said.

"It's a secret weapon, my lord, so I can't put it to a duel you're good at. Hey, I'm glad you lost at a really good time. Would it have been easier for you to use it?

The words seemed provocative… and at the same time seemed sincerely so.

"I knew I had to keep an eye out for you, so hey. If we're going to crush Ray Sterling more than we expected, we need to be complete enough to easily kill the reinforced mythical demons."


Like that, Logan loses his word.

Then it's like treating yourself as a litmus stone to defeat Rookie, who is super.

In fact, you were right in Franklin.

To that, unprecedented anger springs up in Logan.

"Don't lick me, Franklin!! I'll tear that crap apart and make you regret insulting me!! My [zero-over] can't be worse than your crap!!"

Raising his mind, Logan instructs [zero-over] to destroy [MGD], and two monsters clash.

Beside that clash, Franklin utters words with a thin smile.

"Right. Your status doesn't vary much."

The voice is small, distorted by snowstorms and clashes and not transmitted to Logan.


"Something like that... Now even though it doesn't matter (...) (...)"

That word was the very reason... to dictate victory or defeat.

Thirty minutes later, a single monster takes his lord down the mountains.

The monster with the rugged head - [MGD] had his right arm falling off.

But that's all. I haven't received a single fatal injury.

In contrast, [Zero Over] became the dust of light in the Lord and in the Hard Winter Mountains.

Logan became a death penalty as he watched his strongest get smashed from the front.

And the battlefield was empty, like a tomb - a big hole through the mountain (...).

"Cancún May, my lord, sometimes helps. [Ravage cannon (...)] could also be tested"

Franklin was satisfied with the results of this test, including that they took [MGD] 's right arm.

Above all, it was a harvest that the weapons [Rugged Ravage] in particular had been fully activated after two thousand years.

"But they took one arm, because that means there's still room for improvement. We need to finish it by the war."

Think of the sight ravaging the rays with a more enhanced [MGD] as you work out your retrofit plan.

That's how Franklin dreams of the moment with great pleasure.

To be continued

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