<Infinite Dendrogram>

The Epilogue A kingdoms.

□ ■ Site

[< SUBM > [Tripolar Dragon Gloria] has been crusaded]

[I elect MVP]

[[Figaro], [Dependent Moon Night], [Shu Sterling] …]

Soon after Shu crusades [Gloria], such an announcement begins to flow.

But there is not much to receive that announcement.

< UBM > Only those elected to the MVP and their party members receive the announcement of the crusade.

No Figaro, no moon or night already, and Shu...


Close your eyes...... [Stun] and you were falling out of the air.

In the first place, it was strange that we had remained conscious until now.

A fierce battle that reduces nerves with [Gloria], who has a breaking status above the mechanical giant god.

In addition, at the end of the day, he is seriously injured all over his body by running in the middle of a space fracture.

Before the person's will, [bleeding] or physical damage caused him to lose consciousness and [pass out].

As such, it has been thrown out of the body into the air with the disappearance of [Gloria].

If you fall with a seriously injured body and no reception, it's no wonder it's a death penalty as it is.

But it didn't.

Shu's body floats flutterly on the verge of clashing on the ground.

And slowly, he was lowered to the ground so that he could sleep in the futon.


one person shu lying on the ground...... no, the whole being is overlooking.

Its presence looks like a woman wrapped in a membrane like an egg shell.

It was the Management AI II Humpty Dumpty.

She was looking at Shu's sleeping face with an opaque look at what she was thinking to the rest of us.

"This one thing. I'll write you off for deliberately removing you."

It's about choosing when Shu was absent from the kingdom when [Gloria] put in.

In response to that fact, which was also questioned by Shu herself, she felt slightly disenfranchised by Shu.

That is why he fulfilled his liquidation within himself by saving Shu from the death penalty after the battle.

Though she herself understood that it was only her own heart that would be somewhat clearer with this.

"... oh"

Humpty realizes something and moves his gaze.

"You're here, too, Dormouth."

At the end of his gaze, a giant hamster with closed eyelids... approached him on foot with Doe, the pet of Third Princess Teresia.

Most importantly, Teresian pets are like tentative figures.

In fact, it is his real role to manage AIVIII.

Speaking to Humpty, Doe starts talking in a low voice that doesn't look good.

"At Teresia's behest. If Shu is still alive and unable to move, he is asked to carry him to the castle before anyone else finds him."

"That's completely irrelevant to your rep, right?

Starting with Alice, the rest of us at Avatar probably love it. I'm just enjoying my easy pet life. This is also a guy called One Freedom. Well, I don't know about Rabbit-like imitation. '

"I have no choice. Arr, bad personality stuff. It's just like a bad Javawok or a bad bunder snatch."

"Ha-ha-ha. So you just said you were mean. I've always said he's like a kid who pranks on a kid he likes. '

"I'll crush you, won't I?

'Excuse me. Excuse me. Give me a break.'

Daw laughs bitterly as he apologizes to Humpty, who has genuinely stared.

"... well, fine. If you want to carry me, can I take care of it later?

"Uhm. I'll take care of it. I'm still used to carrying people on this'

"Sounds like you're really enjoying your pet life."

Anyway, thank you to Humpty.

The kingdom or < master >, who immediately perceived that the battle was over, comes to investigate. I was thinking about what to do with Shu by then, so it was a boat to cross.

"Well, I'll take care of it later."


That's how Daw ran out with Shu on his back who was [fainting].

After I dropped it off for a while, Humpty disappeared from the spot as well.

As such, no one remained in the battlefield, and those who came to investigate would lean their necks as to what had happened in the collapsed canyon.

After this, there was a time of noise about who defeated [Gloria], but it becomes apparent that Figaro and the Dumbo Moon and Night, who returned from the death penalty three days later, had the privileged weaponry bearing the name [Gloria].

The [Gloria] crusade by the three < Super > of the Kingdom of Alter became well known because they also testified that there was a [Destroyer King] on the same battlefield.

After this, those who exceeded [Gloria] 's three necks, meaning the three top lankers representing the Alter kingdom, were to be called the < Alter kingdom's three giants >.

◇ ◆ ◇

■ Kingdom of Alter and underground cavities

[< SUBM > [Tripolar Dragon Gloria] has been crusaded]

[I elect MVP]

[[Figaro], [Dependent Moon Night], [Shu Sterling]]

[- [Zex Würfel] has been elected MVP]

[We present [Rebirth Organ Gloria δ] to [Zex Würfel]]

'... oh, looks like Shu won too'

Zex's voice wooded in the underground cavity.

He was also just finishing the battle against the Four Horns.

Therefore, the four corners are no longer extinguished from the scene.

But there's no Zex in the underground cavity either.

The voice, but neither his figure nor the figure of the slime exists.

"There were some dangerous occasions in this me (...). Even so, you mean Shu knocked down a third neck whose status would have been elevated. It's a boulder, Shu. '

What was there was a giant, pitch-black human form standing in the underground cavity (...).

Its huge man-shape with a texture reminiscent of black steel begins to shrink as soon as you know the battle is over.

Eventually, the human form was a plain young man with glasses...... back to the way Zex Würfel was.

"So [Tenryu King], the request has now been accomplished"

"Kukuk. Thank you for your hard work, Zex. Prepare a reward, but do you want anything? If you want [Dragon King] 's neck, I'll look at it appropriately from my subordination.

"No, I'll take care of it. I don't have anything I want right now."

"Well, then let me think about it here"

"Oh, excuse me. It's not a reward, but I wanted to ask you one thing."


"Did Shu become a death penalty in the fight against [Gloria]?

'No, he's alive. But [fainting] seemed to have.'

"Really? Thank you."

'What, it's this one who's thankful.' Cause it was a funny thing to do. '

"I guess so."

"Then I'll give you the reward sooner or later."

Thus, communication via undead with [Tenryu King] was cut off.

Zex, who is alone, intrigues the information received thus far.

"Maybe Shu doesn't know this I crusaded [Gloria]. And if I don't wake up from [Stun] until the announcement logs disappear... Oh, speaking of which, what perks did I get?"

That's what Zex says and sees [Gloria δ] that he's got now.

It is an accessory in the shape of an egg, the effect of which is….

"Oh, this is... what am I supposed to do?

It was unusual and confusing for Zex.

"It's a great effect indeed, but it doesn't make sense to this me...... Talk to Mr. Rascal later."

Questioning the meaning of the effect, Zex decided to consult one < super > - [Vessel God (The Weapon)] Rascal the Black Onyx, who, like him, is under nomination arrangements.

If he had an alias for "Ruin Killer” and was familiar with numerous items, he would know how to make use of this reward weapon.

"Well, let's go home"

Zex puts [Gloria δ] in the item box and returns his own body to slime.

He entered the crack of the underground cavity as liquid and returned to the ground.

Underground cavities in the Kingdom of Alter.

There, there's nothing left at the earliest.

Does anyone know that there was a backup of [Gloria] or that a new threat was buried in darkness by a more fearful threat?

It was... more than a year ago to know that the world had this battle and the horror of what [the King of Crimes] had won in this battle.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ Dueling city Gideon/Central Arena

That was the upper part of the building reminiscent of the central arena, the Roman Colosseum.

In that place, where people would not enter, Figaro, who had returned from the death penalty, was lying on his back and looking up at the sky.

There was a little cloud floating in the sky, chasing it with his eyes... it seemed like he was looking for something.

"Hey Figaro. You were here again?

Tom Cat has asked such Figaro as he did that day.

Tom crouches down and meets his sleeping Figaro as he puts his < Embrio > grimalkin over his head.

"What's the matter? I think I'm worried about you again."

"Earlier, Sharka came"

"Sharka...... oh, of < Babylonian Fighters >"

"He's quitting the subowner and going on a journey"

[Super Granting Artist] Sharka, a sub-owner of < Babylonian Combat Regiment >, had come to Gideon to thank Figaro for his [Gloria] crusade and to say goodbye.

According to him, the < Babylonian Combat Regiment > was to be suspended.

He said it was because it was harder to keep the clan going like this, such as the retirement of Fortesla, the owner, and the devastation of Kremyr, which was the home.

"He said he wouldn't serve as the owner himself, and he himself said it would be hard to stay in the Babylonian Combat Regiment. So they give the remaining members their subowners seats and just ask them to keep the clan"

Sharka had decided to leave the kingdom and go around the countries.

I remember too much when I was in the kingdom, but I told Figaro.

He would be responsible for maintaining the clan with the remaining members, but his representative was Masked Riser, also one of the duel rankers.

He himself stated that he would only 'keep it,' and while waiting for Fortesla and Sharka to come back one day, he decided to defend Gideon instead of the crawmill he couldn't protect that day.

Hearing the story, Figaro also asked Sharka.

"When Fortesla returns one day, will you come back, too? ',.

Sharka returned the question, 'I hope so,' and embarked on a journey.

"Oh, so what? Besides Fortesura, I was wondering because there were so many duel rankers missing from the Babylonian Combat Regiment.... I'm gonna miss you."


They look at the posting of the rankings in front of the Central Arena and now they recall names that are no longer there.

Fortesla's name remains because he hasn't gone through the process... but I guess that will also disappear from the rankings if he continues to be undefeated for a while.

"But I'll stay. Ever."

Looking at the rankings, Figaro speaks of what he is determined to do to his heart.

"One day, until Fortesura returns... I'll be the dueling king"

"Yeah. Me too, I think that's a good idea."

One and two of the duel rankers exchanged no more words.

Seeing the changing names of the rankings under the flowing clouds as they changed shape, Figaro decided, 'I'll wait here, as I am now'.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Level up -. I thought it was going to be a little easier, but surprisingly, it's hard."

[Lady Pope]... No, the [Priest] 's moon and moon night of Ansau, together with his own secretary, the moonshadow, were trying to level up while traveling to the Tomb Labyrinth.

I chose < Gravemark Labyrinth > because if the moon and night try to regain the level of more than 1000 lost in this one case, that's what the ecosystem has to hunt to distort.

The hunting itself is easier with the moon-night Kaguya and moon-shadowed Errkenich combo, but if you do poorly, you will go around wiping out all the creatures on the kingdom's map.

In that regard, it would have been easier if God's Made Dungeon's Tomb Labyrinth had ignored the ecosystem and auto-repopped it.

However, there is still a problem.

"Using Kaguya's skills also reduces MP and SP. Long-lasting."

The moon and night are now low in level and naturally low in status.

Caguya is Maiden and at the same time a territory series TYPE: Invasion World's. Unlike Gardner, etc., he consumes his own MP and SP on the moon and night to exercise his skills.

And you can barely use Kaguya's skills, which are Super Embrio, in the current status of Moon and Night.

If you debuff all the monsters around you in the lunar dividing kingdom, a significant amount of experience should flow in depending on your contribution as well on the moon and night when the moonshadow defeats the monster, but now that's hard to do in the first place.

"I don't know if I'll be back to my original level in a year."

"Ugh," sighs the moon and night.

I don't regret using the final depths, but I was prepared that rehab would likely be prolonged.

"I wish this could have been used for monsters at least."

What the moon and night took out was a short cane with an eye design.

It is a super weapon equivalent to the neck of two horns [immortal evil eye Gloria beta].

"Level 100 or less is limited to human-category organisms, so power down too much... Instead, we'll retain full defense against attacks from out of bounds."

Most importantly, if it can be applied to a monster as she says, it can be lightly killed in combination with Thin. "I overtly adjusted and ate" is the valves of the moon and night.

Or because it was impossible in terms of the output of super weapons, it may have directly allocated resources to reproducing defensive effects rather than immediate death effects.

"Ah. But we're pretty safe with this. Sometimes they come so close because they always have to protect them from the shadows that are unrivalled at medium distances. More defensive perfection in the shadows of Kaguya night and Erlkenich."

"Right. As long as you don't use a brace of light that wipes out the night or the shadows until the moon and night at a rate faster than me."

"I'm frightened of too specific an analogy..."

With such chatter, the two continued to raise the level of rehab on the moon and night for a long time.

For the record, the moon night of the dependency will be defeated by Figaro in a year and a little later in the flow as the moonshadow stated.

To be continued

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