<Infinite Dendrogram>

Prologue a certain man and woman

□ ■ February 14, 2004

"To Figaro.

Hannah, I'll send an email to the address you gave me.

Could it have arrived properly?

I'm writing this e-mail, fighting anxiety that I might have been given a lying e-mail address.

What would you do if you believed it had arrived but you hadn't?

I'm on my way to Legendary based on information from your friends in Infinite Dendrogram.

If I could trample my ex-boyfriend and thief cat, I'd go see her again.

I'm going to bake the cake and bring it with me then, so stay tuned. '

"To Hanya.

It's Figaro. I'm getting an email.

I look forward to seeing Hanya again, too.

I like cake, too.

My brother often buys me cakes for souvenirs, and my brother bakes them himself.

I don't like stimulants in real life, so I like something relatively sweet. [M]

I'm looking forward to Hannya's cake. "

□ ■ February 15, 2004

"To Figaro.

I have an unfortunate report...

I wish I could have trampled my ex-boyfriend and thieving cat in Legendary, but then the guys who came together despenned me.

Then, it seems that the savepoint is no longer available due to the fact that nominations have been arranged.

I'm in “jail” now.

Looks like it'll take more than a year in real life to get out.

...... sorry. Going to see you is way ahead of us.

You can't wait that long, can you?

"To Hanya.

“Prison”? I've never known anyone in here before.

Yeah, you can take over a year to get out. I'm sure I'll be here a year from now.

So I'll wait (for the duel) forever for Hanya to come out.

Oh, we need to be strong enough to keep up with Hanya's strength by then.

Hanya's gonna be stronger, but I'm gonna be stronger too.

Next time, there's a big game as a duel ranker. "

□ ■ February 16, 2004

'Thank you, Figaro.

I'm so glad you said you'd wait for me (for love).

I'm sure I'll go see you in the < Infinite Dendrogram >.

Speaking of which, Figaro was a ranker. Awesome.

By the way, though you mention my strength. Is Figaro better off getting stronger because of me raising the level or evolving Embrio?

"Off course"

'Okay. I'll be stronger in “prison," too, and then I'll come out and see you.

Yeah, but I can't wait to think about that then.

I miss you so much, I can't wait any longer!

'Yeah. I'd like to see Hanya (for the duel), too. I hope we can get out of here soon.'

□ ■ April 18, 2004

"Congratulations to the Dueling King, Figaro!

I saw your duel on the video site!

I knew the result, and even though it was recorded, it was very harrowing when I watched it.

But when I won, I was cheering in front of the screen too!

Congratulations, Figaro!

'Thank you, Hanya.

Now I can finally be a [superfighter], too.

I'm a super fighter, so I lined up with you at Job. [M]

But if I can evolve into Super Embrio like your sandalphone evolved last week, I'll line up with you (in a duel).

I look forward to seeing you out in a year. [M]

'Me too, Figaro.

I'm really excited to be shoulder to shoulder with you. '

□ ■ June 1, 2004

"To Figaro.

(on June Bride) You've had a great season!

By the way, is Figaro Christian (the wedding style) after all?

I don't care if I'm a god.

"I guess I'm Christian for once.

I'm a British Protestant.

Well, I can't go to worship or go inside, so I'm not even that keen on being a Christian.

I'm not particularly bound by religion like that... but I might be a little bad at it.

> I don't mind if I'm a god.

Oh. A god like the old story (duel) would be nice too.

But I don't know if it's in the kingdom for a second.

'Oh, right. It's a western-style country.

(Then I guess the wedding is a church. I have an admiration for white wedding dresses, and of course that's still good. Oh, I wonder how many people should I call a wedding. I'm pretty much the only one in "prison” who knows Dendro, right? I can't ask her out because she doesn't have any friends in real life, and she's cut off from her family... "Me.” Figaro is strong and gentle, so I wonder if he has a cup of friends and has nothing to do with me. In a flower-dancing church, blessed by Figaro's friends, the exchange of rings and the kiss of vows in front of the priest...... shh. ♪ If I marry inside Dendro, I have to marry even in real life. Oh, I also have to go say hello to Figaro's parents...... gotta go])

Either way, I'm very excited about the wedding.

'Right. I'm looking forward to the duel too. "

□ ■ November 11, 2004

"To Figaro.

I heard about the monster called [Gloria], and about your friend.

If there's anything I can do, tell me.

Although there may not be much you can do by email.

...... oh. I wonder why I'm not outside at a time like this......

'... thank you, Hanya.

□ ■ February 14, 2004

"To Figaro.

It's been another year since we started to communicate.

I cook in “jail” every day, I cook a couple, I cook the person who made the uncalled for remarks.

The desire to see you is growing stronger every day, though fulfilling, and irreplaceable.

Yeah, well, that's what you used to care about, but there's been a lot more "prison" lately.

In addition to me and Fuuta and Zex, who have been around for a long time, you're a boy named Candy.

Candy was a little annoyed to spill a virus in “jail," but if me and Zex did it, I'd get a little grown up. Looks like he's been in a dungeon lately.

The kid has a long prison term, so maybe he can't come out while Dendro's service lasts.

Well, I can tell you that to everyone but me. '

"To Hanya.

You're still family.

Thank you. I was just wondering about the sudden disappearance of Super.

After all, as rumored, I wonder if the other PKs knocked me down.

I may already have that information in there, but I'll try to get it out later.

I have had a particularly unchanged day. [M] In the end, I couldn't even join the war last month.

As I've written before, Shu seems to think a lot about it. Given the circumstances under which Shu was unable to enter the war, I can't help it. Now I'm on a journey, raising levels and collecting rewarding weapons.

... Oh, yeah.

If you care about days when you can't replace each other, you'll make a little difference from me.

My name is Vincent Myers.

Strange, isn't it? We've been communicating like this for a year, and we didn't even know each other's names.

Hanya, I hope you don't mind... why don't you tell me too?

What's your name?

'.................. thank you, Vincent.

My name is Four Seasons Winter Son.

Will you call me Fuyuko?

"Off-course (of course), Fuyuko"

"... in April, we can finally get out of here.

I'll see you soon (to marry you) to the kingdom. '

"Yeah, I'm waiting for Fuyuko, too."

Open Episode: Eye Catfish

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