<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode XI: Situations in Neighbouring Countries

□ Gideon Branch

That day, Elizabeth woke up in a strange room, no longer a familiar reception hotel.

It is a private room for a few hypnotic sleeps in the Gideon branch of < DIN >, a room that brought in Elizabeth who fell asleep in the middle of a consolation by the women's group (except Beasley) last night.

At the wall, to protect Elizabeth...... Marie was asleep standing.

If Ray was there, he'd say, "Is sleeping standing up a covert skill or something?" and might have put in a penetration of doubt.

But Elizabeth never cared, and left the dormant room to keep Marie awake. Marie, who had made it possible to wake up if anything, but Elizabeth's natural hidden form outweighed its perceptive abilities.

Elizabeth leaves the hypnotic room and moves to the washroom to wash her face.

When I moved to the washroom relying on the information on the rooms and walls, there was a visitor there.

"Hey, are you awake?"

That was a girl as tall as Elizabeth.

Elizabeth didn't know who it was for a moment, but realizes she knew each other with her bloodless, blue-white skin and gizzy, tooth-lined mouth.

"Xuan Yu? It's been a long time."

The Phantom, nearly four metres tall, had shrunk its height to roughly a third.

"Even if I stretch my hands and legs here, it stinks of disturbance. behaved."

Tenaga Asinaga, Xun Yu's Super Embrio, is a prosthetic leg type.

But that doesn't replace the living body like Cor Leonis in Figaro or Nun in Zex. Since the raw swift feather is only worn like a magic hand or high waste, it can also be removed as necessary in this way.

It's not the same thing.

"Well, you can't even wash your face with a mark like that."

He usually hides his face and also removes the big symbol he wears to change his voice, so now he's in a state where he's not hiding his real age-appropriate face and voice. The verbal intonation has also become a natural one.

"You wash your face. Next door, it's empty."


Elizabeth lines up in the sink next to Xunyu and washes her face.

"Shin Yu is worse than Shin Yu."

"I guess."

Elizabeth chuckles at seeing a side of her long-time friend that she hasn't seen since Franklin's incident.

Then they washed their faces and made their way to the conversation room where the vending machines were set up.

Xunyu appropriately bought a drink and handed it to Elizabeth, sitting side by side in a bench.

"I slept through the night. Are you calm?

"... um"

Last night. My sister was told to marry Tsanrong and go to the Yellow River, and I was not allowed to disagree with her while being cold. I was shocked by the sudden events, but after one night I also settled down.

That's how I calmly remember last night...... my sister's eyes seeping in tears somewhere behaving cold.

Or maybe even as a sister I had hesitation in ordering it.

Still, did I have to do that much I ordered... or for Elizabeth?

"Maybe it was Dancho's idea to give the frizz away."

"Amputation. Well, maybe."

I still don't know why.

If you don't ask, I don't know.

However, if my sister was also trying to send me out in a hard way, the feelings Elizabeth holds will also change again.

"If I go back to Konban, I'll try not to."


Talking about that,

"Your Highness, are you here!

It was Liliana who accompanied Elizabeth to this Gideon branch as her escort, who raised her voice a little in a hurry.

"What's the matter?

"There's that one downstairs... there's a third Prince Tsanrong"

To the answer, Elizabeth and Xun Yu looked at each other and tilted their necks.

After being heard of Tsanron's visit, Elizabeth returned to her room once to get dressed. The other person is the other person, and you can't go face-to-face with them sleeping rolls.

By the way, I was going to do everything in my power to run away from home, so I'm bringing out an item box with solid clothing and household items.

Escape... was too handy to run away from home.

"Good morning. Your Highness Elizabeth."

I changed - I also wore my hands and feet as far as Xunyu was concerned - and when the two of them and Liliana, and Marie, who was woken, went down to the ground floor, there was the figure of Tsanrong, the third prince of the Yellow River.

Elizabeth has already met Tsanron.

Last night's dinner was with me, because my troubles with my sister happened afterwards.

"Good morning.... What have you come to do so quickly?

While hiding on Marie's back, Elizabeth asks.

I'm guessing Tsanrong is not a bad person, but I'm still alert because he's the one who thinks he's the cause of getting married and going to the Yellow River.

Towards such an Elizabeth, Tsanron... bowed his head.

"I apologize for disturbing His Highness Elizabeth's heart this time because of me. I wanted to apologize for that, and with all due respect, I'm here."

The reason Tsanron came here was to apologize.

"... Mm"

But if they apologize that way, Elizabeth also has trouble coping.

In the first place, Elizabeth thinks Tsanron is the cause, but she doesn't think Tsanron is bad.

It was the emperors of Ultimia and the Yellow River who decided between the two marriages and to go to the Yellow River, and Tsanrong is here again due to those circumstances... because he is, so to speak, a person in the same position.

Therefore, even if they apologize, I get in trouble.

"... on the other hand, it's not Tsanlong's fault."

Elizabeth had the best chance to say that in a whisper as she turned away.

"But with my presence in Gideon..."

"It's okay! If you say it's not my Tsanron's fault, it's not Tsanron's fault!

Tsanron, who doesn't feel like he has caused a grudge among his sisters because of himself, and Elizabeth, who feels indescribable anymore.

Liliana and others look at the two statements with harrassment.

Such a fold, Xuan Yu invites Liliana and Marie for a moment.

And not to sound like the two of us talking, I said this.

"Those guys, let's make a date Ze"

"... huh?

"... please wait a moment, Xunyu. Um, which one of you is going to follow that story?

Ask Xunyu with Marie's face, "I wonder what this kid is talking abruptly about".

"I've been thinking about this since yesterday, but in the end this is the beginning of the story of 'Elizabeth leaving the country and dowrying in a distant foreign country in a way that doesn't go according to her will', lo? Then you just have to be a 'shape to your will', Lo. Going abroad in a romantic marriage or something. Normal. Zo. That's why my mom moved to Singapore, Sy."

"Oh, yeah, what...?

"In the first place, we were talking about matchmaking, Ro. That was the negotiation between the Emperor of the Yellow River and Elizabeth's sister before the two parties knew it. That's a muscle difference. For one thing, these guys make out... let's have a date and decide if we can see each other as married. Ze. So if we like each other, we can marry each other without worries later, Si. Besides, Elizabeth's sister doesn't have to think like," I sent my sister in a way I didn't want to, "Lo."

It was logical.

Yes, we were supposed to make a pageant.

As a result of all sorts of order reversal, sisterhood and obstinacy in this place have arisen, but if the pageant is now established, there is nothing wrong with it.

If it were strong and problematic, it would be that this rational opinion came out of the mouth of a girl elementary school.

"... what if we don't like each other?

"Let's think about that then Ze. Whatever the engagement is, it's our freedom whether we like it or not. If this turns out to be 'like each other', it can fit in circles in all directions, that's all, so sa"

"But even if you can't, the situation isn't as intransigent as it is now."

Liliana also endorses the words of Xun Yu.

She also thought, as a Kingsguard knight and as a friend of Elizabeth's sister, that if Elizabeth could have a happy marriage, she would never have gone beyond it.

Marie also agrees with reluctantly, bitterly, and sinister faces, "... well, for Eli's happiness, that's the best..." After that, he groaned, "... muggle."

So the three of them who were there first suggested to the two of them that they stop talking about Elizabeth and Tsanron and make a pageant to get to know each other.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ [Brilliant Cavalry] Ray Sterling

I'm still talking to Azrite after I've finished talking about Elizabeth's placement.

Content is another issue last night...... regarding Ms Hannya's visit.

"Came out of jail. Besides, when you look at people's love paths, you go upside down. I knew the unreasonableness of... but you've raised that hurdle by a step."

"My brother seems to be thinking of measures, but if there's a disturbance, I'm going to tell him."

"Thank you. It wouldn't have happened if I had gotten into such trouble without knowing anything. What a bad time during the Love Fight Festival..."

Azrite sighed and held her head.

"Speaking of which, I heard that the Love Fight Festival originated from the first [Holy Sword King]. How could a love festival be a festival?

Just fine, so let's ask Azrite, a descendant of the party.

"You know that before the first Azrites were founded, this western central was a time of war, when numerous urban states crowded, right?


"I found [the original Holy Sword Alter], a pastoral child but buried in the earth, and the first Azrite chosen as [Alter]. He will have various adventures before the founding of the kingdom and the unification of the centre...... One of the most famous episodes of this was" The Dowry Duel "here in Gideon."

"Dowry...... duel?

Why is dowry and duel one word?

It's like a match, it's like it's not...

"This dueling city has had the same connecting facilities as it is now before the kingdom was created, and the duel flourished. At the time, she was particularly famous for being the princess of Gideon during the Urban Nation and the dueling champion. [Superfighter] Framel Gideon."

[Superfighter]...... Same job as Mr. Figaro?

Well, if you're a dueling king, it's no wonder you're in.

"She was Gideon's strongest at the time and always continued to be at the head of the battle. And he said publicly that he was also a raw warrior, and only his wife was the one who defeated him in a duel."

A manly princess.

It looks a little azulite around coming forward from me.

"And always wear a mask in the battlefield."

Correction. Sounds so azulite.

"The first Azrite, who was already [Holy Sword King] at the time, had known Flamel since before that duel, and she would attract you. At the same time, she also wanted a duel with the [Holy Sword King], the first Azrite"

"... [Alter] can you duel?

"I can't. If we kill him now, he'll be in the junction."

That's right.

That's it...

"The day of the duel with Flamel. The first Azrite did not have [Alter]. Flamel turned her anger words, but this is what the first Azrites said. 'In this battle to be your husband, I do not use [Alter]. That's due to two beliefs', he said. Flamel said, 'What is that!' Ask."

As if it were a stage play, Azrite raises her voice.

"'I am not going to carve a wound at the beginning of a loved one. And...!

I feel the heat as if the first Azrites were on the spot.

That felt Azrite's own thoughtfulness for the occasion.

"'I do not intend to get your love... with the power I have picked up!!'"

After Azrite said that and cut the look, he was applauding if he noticed.

Azrite turned her back to me, blushing and turning her back on me.

"Do you like it, that story"

"... Mm, something I've been watching in Wang Du's stage play for a long time. We're talking about your ancestors..."

"Ancestors, that means"

"Yes, the first Azrite won the duel without the power of [Alter] and Flamel became his wife. According to the legend, we'll love each other forever."

I see. Happy ending. I don't hate it.

"There are still a number of anecdotes in the West where these first Azrites worked. Not only in the Kingdom territory, but also in the Legendary of the South."

Heh, was it enough that Adventure Tan spread to another country?

All the while, speaking of Legendary...... there were some things that bothered me.

"Speaking of which, Elizabeth's in there... how could the Yellow River have been the opponent? Geographically, you had a choice between Legendary, Cardina, and Gran Barroa, right?

All should be closer in distance than the Yellow River.

Instead, we can expect reinforcements in the war just for the lack of other countries in between.

Besides, I'm still in alliance with Legendary, and Cardina and I should have a trade treaty.

"Right. Legendary and Cardina suggested something similar. But in the end, it's erased."

"Erase method? Besides...... what about the gramballor?

"You can't sign an alliance by marriage over there. 'Cause you can't put your shoulders in any of the four major fleets."

According to Azrite, the great captain of the Grand Baroa, one of the candidates from the four fleet captain houses - the trade fleet, the military fleet, the pirate fleet and the adventure fleet - is chosen to take office.

That's the system, so when the kingdom's blood muscles enter one of the four fleet captain houses, the fleet is out of balance. Worst case scenario, Grand Barroa could be a civil unrest.

They didn't even have a check-up because they don't want any lineage.

At the same time, we cannot now make it an alliance that is not entangled in marriage.

He said the current captain of the large convoy is likely to replace him at an old age and not so far away, so he can't bypass the state's policy. They have not been able to unify the views of the Fleet Leader family either because of the kingdom or the empire, which they confer on them.

For the record, the Fleet Captain's house, which divides the pirate fleet, is the Grand Lea family and the home of Mr. Langley, the father of Liliana and the others. So depending on the roundabout of fate, Liliana could have been the candidate.

Well, I'm just saying that could have been possible.

"What about Legendary?

"We're in a coup over there."

The questions I kept asking returned answers that I didn't anticipate.

"A coup d 'état?"

"Yeah. That country was originally a constitutional monarchy. There are two heads of state, the head of state [the fairy queen] as a symbol (idol), and the prime minister who does business."

Oh, I remember seeing and hearing about [Fairy Queen] somewhere before.

But constitutional monarchy...... the point is, is it a similar system to Japan or the UK, Legendary?

"The prime minister is an elf... the chief of the High Elf tribe served for many years, but he died just before the last war"

Apparently the long-lived species familiar to elves, high elves and fantasies were also in this world.

"Life expectancy?

"No. It sounds like an assassination."

... not calm.

"It was also an unusual way to die from the neck down into a monkey."

"What's that scary,............ hmm?

I remember hearing about that case somewhere before.

Oh, yeah. Marie was talking a lot of time ago.

However, one of the Legendary super talked about using that kind of Embrio.


"Yeah. I can do the same, but I'm in Legendary. But no pursuit of sin has been made, nor has the culprit been found"


That's obviously weird.

If they looked it up and it was silo, that would be fine. There is also the True and False Judgment.

But not even pursued in the first place?

"When I heard about this case too, I did a little research. According to this, the Prime Minister's proximity tried to conduct an investigation, but it was stopped by another powerful man."

"... it is."

"Yeah. It's an internal war. And now, the Tians of that country are divided into factions, crucified by assassinations and betrayals. We can cross swords. There will be no civil war, but we are not even sure of our enemy allies. Truly muddy darkness. Under the influence of this, it is repeatedly said that reinforcements to this one are impossible."


It's a drool. The level of which is better than heaven and earth, where civil war is uninterrupted.

But I see. That Azrite also hesitates to send her sister to her daughter-in-law.

"The only thing that's gorgeous is around [the fairy queen] and the arena. Though many seem to be swallowing."

"You're not a fairy home, you're a demon. So, third...... why not Cardina?

I'll ask Cardina, wondering if she must have some kind of problem as well.


But Azrite's response to that was silent.


"... there are no apparent problems in that country."

That said, Azrite's face is the opposite of the word "no problem".


"What does Ray think of that country called Cardina?

The question was...... I was pregnant with a feeling of great anxiety in my voice.

To be continued

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