<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson 20: The Realm of Heavenly Death

□ Dueling city Gideon

"Ru, Mr. Luke! Oh, is that...!?"

Xia is frightened by the appearance of a giant sandalphone at the heart of Gideon.

Luke circles his thoughts as he leaves and shelters in front of such a sumptuous.

(That matches the characteristics of Ms Hannya's sandalphones that I had heard beforehand. Ray said the conversation was going to proceed peacefully... sounds like something happened)

In an attempt to contact Ray and Shu first, Luke took out [Telepathic Cuffs]... and heard that scream.

It was abrupt to hear that scream.

I didn't hear it from anywhere in the city, but a sudden scream just around the corner.

The scream was emanating from people fleeing (...) who appeared suddenly (...) just ten meters in front of Luke and the others.

"Huh? That!?"

Luke falls off the path of the fleeing people, embracing the baffling Xia.

People seemed puzzled, too, but they flee at a glance to get a little away from that sandal phone.

Looking around like that, Luke accelerates his thinking.

(Human population metastasis? Some kind of skill? What that sandal phone caused?

Luke and the others, who had heard about Hanya beforehand, have not even been informed of Sandalphone's skills.

Even Shu didn't know that in the first place... and so did Figaro.

In Figaro's case, you would have known if you'd asked Hanya, but you didn't do it.

That's why I thought it was unfair to find out first in the hands of the dueling opponent.

(... but it can't be. How much does it cost to have the skills to move this many people around instantaneously on a massive scale?

To the best of Luke's knowledge, instantaneous mobility is a costly skill in this < Infinite Dendrogram >.

Summer's Tykyokus instantaneous travel is exclusive to her monsters and increases the cost exponentially the longer the distance. Franklin, who is also a super, also produced a number of monsters specializing in short-range placement substitution skills, Casling.

Unconditionally able to travel long distances instantaneously is as good as Tenaga Asinaga's special skill, which is < Super Embrio > as Luke knows.

There is no mistake in seeing this phenomenon as a sandalphone from Super Embrio.

But if it were to be moving so many people together and instantly while holding that giant...... obviously the performance was abnormal.

(If you're still able to do it, it's either with some complicated condition or it's not pure instantaneous travel in the first place. Or, the composite....... reminds me of her < embrio >)

It was Hugo and Cuco, once relative, who crossed Luke's brain.

Cuco's Hell Gate instantly kills superior masters, including the ranker Bishmall, under limited conditions.

Luke was feeling signs similar to the phenomenon Sandalphone was causing.

(There's a difference between Maiden and Apostle, but they're both Chariots series)

Unlike Cuco, which had to be the core, Sandalphones formed that giant on their own, but it can be said that it is the same series.

(But what I'm doing is close to the territory line. In the case of Maiden or Apostle, only the characteristics of the hybrid destination remain about the shape? Or are these two exceptional? Either way this phenomenon should be considered due to the characteristics of the apostole, not the Chariots series......)

Something about the properties of the apostol is too little data to be deduced by Luke either.

Therefore, I now endeavoured to grasp the identity of this skill.

(If instantaneous travel is not possible in cost, another phenomenon? For example... hallucinations?

Luke's first thought was the possibility that he was deluding this feeling, as in the case of Super Embrio, which specializes in his relative cover-up abilities the other day.

Guess people fleeing are just showing off the looks and voices of people somewhere else.

Luke ordered Liz, who simulated it on his coat, to thin thread some of Liz and let it flow into the wind.

The yarn touched the fleeing people... it was a real person, at least in Liz's perception.

(It's not sensory deception. At least, you can't possibly be sensory deception of that class after extensive deployment. And if this vision isn't sensory deception, people are just as popping out of space with nothing all over this boulevard....?

So, Luke realizes.

This boulevard...... that's the path that leads to hundreds of meters in a straight line.

But there are only a few points where people pop up.

The bill is 100 meters in front of Luke, 110 meters in front of him, 210 meters in front of him and 100 meters in front of him.


Luke stretched the yarn, now in eight directions.

Then Liz reacts.

[Beckonion at Toru]

Liz was also moving like people.

Besides, only at the tip of a thread stretched over a certain amount.

Luke also visualizes the moved position, calculates and understands its distance.

(100m square (...), square (...). Out of this range, we're moving to another location)

Range separated by a square of 100 meters on one side.

In that schematic, Luke recalled what he saw just before he saw the sandalphones.

"Excuse me, Mr. Xia. Show me Tykyokuz again...... that one?

"Fuki-ku ~ ………"

When Luke spoke to Xia, Xia was about to lose her mind by turning her face bright red.

Luke hasn't spent a minute reasoning so far with his accelerated thoughts, but vice versa... Xia was held by Luke for nearly a minute.

Xia's head was about to boil.

Without a choice, Luke peeks at the Tykyokus that Kasumi kept in his hand.

There was a gideon in the sliding block puzzle state, similar to the one I saw earlier.

Combining that map with Luke's memory, Gideon's North Gate is supposed to be about ten meters north of here.


Luke took his steps to the point where people popped up to ascertain his thoughts.

On the way, I'd kick a pebble, but that just rolled a dozen meters without anything.

"... I see. Because there is no way the lifeline has been dimensioned, just the organism, … just the organism and its belongings, or"

Luke whines to confirm as he sees the people appearing in their clothes and in their baggage.

"In addition, based on the reaction of Tykyokuz..."

Then they move in the wrong direction with the people coming into the avalanche.

After a few steps, the place where Luke stood was not the previous boulevard...... the North Gate (...).

"... you know, skills"

After demonstrating his own reasoning, Luke began contacting Ray and Shu.

To convey the answers I found (...).

◆ ◆ ◆

Time goes back just a little bit.

"Labyrinth Formation (...) - Closed Complete (...)"

Sandalphone squeaks like that right after he uses his special skills and opens his eyes.

One treasure ball fitted into each of the two towers' ceilings was the eye of today's sandalphones.

Another view is visible from the left and right treasure balls.

The view on the right treasure ball is the same gideon as before skill activation.

People travel momentarily whenever they travel a certain distance.

The view on the left-hand jewel is Gideon stirred in pieces like a tile pattern.

People are moving on (...).

And for people, it was the view you see on the left-hand jewel that was Gideon now.

This phenomenon is due to the properties of TYPE: apostole, as Luke has been tempted to speculate.

As Maiden excels in Giant Killing defeating the strong, Apostle also has its own propensity for ability.

The name of the property is Dominator.

The pair of Maidens who focus their power on one point and defeat the mighty.

The power of a ruler who partially masters this world (...) and transforms it into a world that benefits him.

Instead of dyeing the world at night in your own world (world), like Caguya in Maiden with Invasion World.

It separates, dominates, and alters parts of the world like a boxyard.

Just as apostoles nesting in “prisons" produce monsters of another world to feed the world, Sandalfon alters the law of movement in the world of the ten chilometers quadrilateral in his possession.

The Heavenly Death Realm (Sandalfon) changes the connection (...) of space per 100 meters only with regard to the movement of organisms, their possessions, and < Embrio >.

Sandalfone shuffled to pieces...... stay the view you're looking at on the left treasure ball.

The power in Judaism inspired by The Archangel Who Closes His Angels.

Only some of the poles, including Sandalfon's own vision, the ruler of this enclosed space, can grasp the stirred world correctly.

It remains a difficult labyrinth to escape, with a view that is no different from that of many.

That's the power Hanya wanted.

Power to betray yourself and let the escaped rock panthers - never let them get away (...).

Used to hunt down a rock panther who ran away with tears and piss, and used it to trample on fine dust.

That was now used for another person.

"Optical Exploration - [Superfighter] Figaro"

Sandalfone searches with both eyes for the person of interest - the one whom the Lord wants.

Sandalfon looks around 360 degrees as he walks one step at a time, searching for Figaro.

Sandalphones are walking on and on, confirming the stirred world, but from around them it looks as if a giant double tower is traveling momentarily every step of the way.

This is the mysterious identity that spun around behind Figaro's back the first time he met him.


At the top of the deformed sandalfone, Hanya stared silently at the city of Gideon.

There was a mixture of different emotions in its eyes, but in the end sadness, anger, and madness were smearing everything.

"Dear Hannya, Deformation and the deployment of the Heavenly Death Realm have been completed. Optical exploration of the target is also in progress. '


There is no answer to Sandalfon's report either.

But Sandalfon knows.

That Hanya's emotional rampage, which is her master, has two stages.

The first stage is anger that is commonplace.

Anger that is furious from the bottom of my heart, but that strikes eight with no clear goals in front of me, shouting emotions at goals and things that are highly similar.

Once, she was looking for a rock panther who betrayed Hanya in real life.

And the second stage, pure impulse.

A destructive impulse that does not utter any words and does not stop with words or power until you find your goal and the flames in your chest are gone.

She once found out what a rock panther looked like here and found it in Legendary.

Sandalfon experiences that this second phase is much scarier than the first.

Because Hanya doesn't care about anything anymore at this time.

Anything but continuing to hit the target with anger disappears from consciousness, and in the first stage, none even takes into account the surroundings that remained only a little.

Sandalfon, Hannya's murder weapon, knows better than anyone that Tian's victim was just lucky when he retaliated against Rock Panther in Legendary.

And needless to say...... Hanya's runoff now was a second stage.

(I'm sure this city will disappear)

Figaro is not like rock panther.

The difference here is not humanity, but combat power.

But Sandalfon was treading that this gideon has a higher formula for disappearing than crushing Figaro, the powerful one.

(... I have no choice. Because that's what Hannya-sama wants)

Once, Kaguya called Apostol a "product of a sense of purpose" against Nemesis.

That is not a mistake.

They Apostle are the tools to fulfill the wishes that must be fulfilled, and they will not pinch any objections or objections there as to what they want.

Therefore, they are messengers (apostoles) of the rulers (< masters >).

When Figaro showed up, Sandalfon thought it would all be over - over.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ [Brilliant Cavalry] Ray Sterling

"That feminized senior will do extra for the book!!

I spit out my inner emotions as I ran around Gideon's sky in silver.

On my left hand side is a newspaper... an article that seems to be the cause of this commotion is squeezed.

I woke up in the morning and I read this newspaper that was put in the inn, and I said, "Isn't that bad? This is the situation right after I thought."

"... if a man who refused to eat because he had errands was in close contact with another woman naked in his upper body, he would also explode. It's the same with a fire arrow."

"I don't think Mr. Figaro would have felt this way either!

Finally, Senior Feminized Student and this newspaper would not have had the hairy intention of causing this, but the results are as they stand.

[Reiji, how's it going over there? Did you get to your feet?

My brother contacted me at [Telepathic Cuffs], so I respond.

[No! Running around doesn't follow just the view switching!

[According to Luke, the space is connected to pieces in 100 meters. Besides Hanya is in the middle of a move. It depends on your luck to encounter it. I haven't even found Luke or Super Kill yet]

The fragmentation of that space was also applied to the sky.

Besides me, I saw a few people flying in Tame Monster, but they look confused.

[... haven't you found a senior feminized student yet?

[You're not here. You may not be logged in the first place]

If you are a senior feminized student, it will be the man-made sea tactic of the Moon Life Party, and I thought that extensive debuffing would keep the damage under control, but can't you do that too?... Where have you been when it's the cause, that guy!

[What about Xun Yu?

[They can't use their special skills. "Observation information and actual targeting are fragmented and cannot be targeted," he said. Only the organism and Embrio seem to be the target. Optical and magical observations and discrepancies, I guess.]

Then if you punch magic into a visible goal... can't you?

The opponent will come off, just as he is traveling momentarily every step of the way.

Given that the stray bullet falls into the city, it cannot be attacked in a detour.

The same goes for my brother, Baldor.

'Cause they have feet as long as a kilometer. A 100-meter journey is all you need to do.'

Luke solved the Sandalfone skills themselves quickly, but there are few tactics.

... Or can Azrite's [Alter] kill this skill itself?

No, is it not a good idea to bump [Alter] with even more irrational cleavage capability into an irrational situation that is only being recreated with regard to the movement of organisms within Gideon? I can't predict what will happen.

I've already told the Azrites what's going on.

They'll be working on the response over there, but the situation hasn't changed yet.

[... brother, what about Mr. Figaro?

[Not connected. I'm not logged in yet... maybe I shouldn't come]

Or I thought Mr. Figaro would be able to convince Mr. Hannya, but my brother denied it.

[Hanya is just using her sandalphone skills to take a slow, expansive walk through the city. Maybe you're looking for Lord Figa. But when you find it, the situation moves]

[... in what way?

[There are two things I can think of. One is conversation. Another is unquestioned offensive behavior]

... two choices where life and death were too clearly divided.

[In the latter case, it sucks. Hanya will use the Bar Circle skill of the Mad Warrior lineage. Sandalphones with increased STR and AGI rumble around as Lord Figa steps and vandalizes around the city]

[... it seems to me that the situation is far worse than Franklin's.]

[So I'm telling you it sucks]

Absolutely. My brother hasn't used any bear tails since just now, which proves the unsavoriness of the situation.

"... of. I just realized, instead of trampling rough, isn't it catastrophic that it just fell? '

"Oh. So... even if we stop it, we'll have limited means"

Convince him to stop, or... make Mr. Hannya a death penalty in an instant and turn off his sandalphone before it collapses.

My brother was probably trying to rely on Xunyu because Tenaga Asinaga's special skill was the only one who didn't collapse that sandalphone and could line up only Mr. Hanya promptly.... In fact, Sandalphone's special skill has made that hand unusable.

So now we're aiming at the foot of a sandal phone.

In direct contact, to stop Mr. Hannya.

But suppose, like the stories of the past my brother was talking about, he no longer listens to anyone...

"… do we have to defeat Hanya?"

Yesterday, I remember Hanya looking forward to her appointment with Mr. Figaro.

I'm sure if nothing had happened, they would have had a peaceful day.

Bad aftertaste... why is this happening!

[... Reiji, there is good news and bad news at the same time]

[... What happened?

with anxiety to his brother's tense voice,

[Lord Figa logged in]

I understood that the situation would move undeniably.

To be continued

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