<Infinite Dendrogram>

Hell, Murder and the Pluto, Part VIII.

■ Commercial city Cortana Bazaar

Zhang and the others were in Bazaar again as Hugo and the others talked looking for Emily and the others.

Accessories have already switched the appearance. This time, both Zhang and Emily are set to look like Tian.

And now, Zhang was holding one eye with his hand in the corner of the bazaar.

(He's the culmination of the western Necromancer [Pluto]... the "immortal” Benetnache.)

Zhang shared the sight of the bird Johnsy, whom he serves, and monitored the battle at the mayor's residence.

[Pluto] The information that Benetnache was in Cortana had been communicated by correspondence from Rascal earlier.

Therefore, he had flown Khonsy to the mayor's residence in advance and was scouting.

It should be noted that Zhang's johncy is not resentment but a magical undead just like Benettonache's, but he does not have free will. It is an undead like a machine, powered by an external brain called [symbol].

Behavioral inhibition in sunlight can also be reduced by adding [symbols] other than for operational use.

Sometimes only the behavioral pattern engraved in the [symbol] can be taken as a drawback, but there is no particular problem with the amount used for monitoring.

(At least, is it inferior to the quality of undead? Even I would be tough when the Five-Star Hungry Dragon was alive)

Looking at Aragorn, Zhang calmly decides so.

If you want to fight, when Zhang was in the service of "Five-Star Hungry Dragon," he put his life on the line and the fight is the limit.

Zhang, when he had the beads of [Dunguy] to win alive, is the realm of fighting to the best of his ability and finally. Even then, it is unlikely that we can defeat Benetnache himself.

(As Rascal thought, the strong are coming together...?)

Zhang has unspeakable anxiety about it.

“Immortality” came to one of these cortana beads and “Ethereal Princess" who tore herself apart.

Then how many forces will gather in this cardina in the future to contend with each other?

(... Whatever happens in this city, maybe that's just a preface)

With that in mind, Zhang pulls his mind together.

I think what I need to do now is support Emily and gather data on my power, and encourage her to do the job.

That Emily, speaking, was looking up at the huge cage placed in Bazaar.

Inside there is an upper pure dragon class warcraft crawling belly called Horned Lion...... [Tauras Leo].

From the cage there is the smell of [Tauras Leo] drooling manure, so many people pass by avoiding it.

But some lined up before the cage.

"Grandpa! Why are you doing this instead of [Jewel]?

While pointing to the cage, Emily is strangely tilting her neck.

Like Emily said, it's normal to sell Tame Monsters with them in [Jewel].

Otherwise I would also go outside to show quality, but not in a cage.

But this is how a monster in a cage is sold for a reason.

"Because the monsters in the cage are not Tame Monsters yet"

Yes, the monster sleeping in the cage, hasn't been taemed yet.

Sometimes merchants are brought in untamed for conveniences such as not having a good [exorcist] on their side who can tame that monster.

In that case, it is mandatory to suppress the movement with medicines, etc., and to put it in a cage that cannot be destroyed by the status of the monster.

Naturally, if you have skills such as blowing a fire, you need to take care of it.

Some would think, 'If only I could make a request to the guild to get it that far, and have it taemed and then sold,' but some vendors don't do that as much as rare monsters on guard against taking away by the [exorcists] after taems.

It is also significant that cases have arisen in the past in which < MASTER >, who has a savepoint in another country and does not hate death penalties, has done it after [the contract] has been exchanged and has duly escaped the rare monsters of what has become a death penalty with the nomination arrangements.

"Includes Tame by buyer, set lower than market price. Rather than selling it in the name of 'Tame Challenge Rights'."

Often it is a time system of 'I can only try Tame for ten minutes' rather than a number of times.

"What if I could get a taste?

"The money won't come back."

"Hmm. Then you want Tame to stick with one of your shows."

To Emily's dawn crystal clear words, Zhang nods inside.

According to the sign next to the cage, no Tame Successful has been out for weeks now.

Zhang also took it for granted. In addition to chemicals to curb movement, Zhang could see that items that interfere with the spirit are also used to inhibit Tame.

But now challenging Tame by the cage [the submissive master] seemed unaware of it. You don't doubt success, your face is also loose dreaming about the moment you get [Tauras Leo].

"That's gonna fail."

In fact, [Tauras Leo] in the cage seemed to be repeatedly failing Tame, and I saw a rush on [the submissive] 's face.

"You're freaking out."

"Sometimes a monster who fails to Tame gets busted. I have a cage and medicine now, so I'm fine."

"It is. Well, I'll see you soon."


When Zhang questioned the words, Emily pointed into the cage.

"It's ticklish, it's beautiful. That's a creep. It's a pretence."

"... what?

"Later, it's the jicumbi that's mingling. I'm sure you'll want to be discharged."

Zhang thought about why he could tell so much, but that's not the problem.

Because, as Emily said, [Tauras Leo] got himself up and started hitting the cage.

(But it should be an unbreakable cage with that monster status...... no!

Zhang witnesses the repeated plaid of the cage distorting slightly from the bottom and coming off.

Look, the strains off the lattice were rusty.

In addition, the smell of drifting around showed why.

(... faecal urine!! You were degrading the cage with your own urine and watching for an opportunity to escape!

Monsters that can be placed in cages are commodities based on careful examination of status and possession skills, such as Nursing.

But even those skills... can't even measure the intelligence of a monster.

The gesture that the medicine is working and the task of degrading the cage one by one.

Moreover, the merchant side's use of items of thyme inhibition had given [Tauras Leo] time to degrade the cage over a long period of time.


And now [Tauras Leo] broke the cage and jumped out to Bazaar with a roar.

He eats and kills the [exorcist] who was in front of the cage at first, and then he hands the employees of the store who sold the 'Tame Challenge' who was nearby.

It was a rambling way as if to clear up the depression we had been trapped in.

(... what do we do? Using [Dragworm Kyonsey], which keeps you waiting outside the city, you can control it, but if you stand out here, “Ethereal Singing Princess” and his people too...)

While Zhang thought, [Tauras Leo] finished eating and killing employees who were nearby.

After turning the perimeter into a sea of blood, set a goal for the next prey.

That's not Zhang and Emily......

It was a little girl trying to escape the scene and her parents, with parents and children.


[Tauras Leo] roars and rushes to his next prey.

Instantly trying to turn three humans into flesh.

The girl was crying.

Parents at least shelter their daughters in an attempt to protect them alone.

But it should have been pointless for [Tauras Leo], such as the walls of man's meat, and parents and children would instantly become meat chunks...... it should have been.

But just before that, a small figure broke into [Tauras Leo] 's path.

Zhang was surprised by the way he looked.

Emily, who was supposed to be next to herself... because she was standing there on hypersonic manoeuvre.


[Tauras Leo] naturally tried to attack Emily as a prey too,

"- Negative"

By Emily, who moved into automatic killing mode, he was instantly broken limbs and neck and out of breath.

[Tauras Leo] died instantly. There was also the intensity of the damage, which instantly became dust of light, leaving only the drop item on the spot to disappear.

Later, only Emily stood wet in [Tauras Leo] 's return blood.

"... Emily"

Zhang didn't understand.

Why, then, did Emily pop up?

Emily at the time of the jump was still not in a state of killing the enemy.

If so, it means that he tried to help his parents and children, staying with the original Emily.

Why did you try to help parents and children you didn't even know you saw?

Zhang didn't know that.

I waited for Emily's automatic killing mode to solve and thought about asking.

But before that,

"Hey! You killed our monster!

A badly obese man appeared with jarring jewels on his clothes, well said, just the right width, to put it badly. Behind me are a bunch of inflexible men.

The obese man apparently was a merchant selling [Tauras Leo] 's' Tame Challenge Rights'.

But that attitude was not something that thanked Emily for the disturbance.

"How dare you ruin our product! Why don't you get your ears together and make amends!

Zhang and the others who were watching around him said, "What is this guy talking about? I had a common feeling."

You can say that the merchants are responsible for everything, including the management of cages, medicines, and thyme inhibition.

Even so, the merchant is asking Emily to pay for the damage she did.

"Wait. That would be tyranny. This time."

"You're his parent! If you're a parent, you'll pay for it responsibly! Nine million lil!

When Zhang spoke, the merchant curled up so much.

This merchant wouldn't have come out so strong if he knew who Zhang and Emily were either, but the two of them now look just tian due to their disguise.

"There's Mayor Douglas Coyne behind me! I can arrest you guys and enslave you!

Hearing the words, Zhang pioneered.

Zhang, who lived a few years in Hermaine, one of Cartina's cities, was familiar, but Cardina has many of these arrangements.

There are many arrogant people in the bourgeoisie because much of things are determined by gold, and some try to get gold by illegal means, like the chimps in that alley.

Hopefully a city with a purifying effect, Cortana is now an extreme relic of the mayor himself.

I'm guessing this merchant, who brazenly says the mayor is on the buck, has also held others back with power and financial power so far.

(Although this is also something that is likely to be dropped in the election in obvious corruption.... No, but in the mayoral election five years ago, all but the current mayor's candidates fell out)

Obviously there is a back, but I guess no one can impeach it in this city where the mayor's power has laid its roots down to the judiciary and the gendarmerie.

(Hermaine, who I was, was a casino-funded organization in many countries, and vice versa, balanced and political form was clean.... Well, crushing the casino didn't just win a hustled candidate)

Zhang sighed that some of the stories were ironic, but the merchant didn't seem to mind the attitude.

"Chip! I guess you don't have any money or anything anyway! Hey! Get these guys!

Orders two captives to the benign escort who had refrained behind his back.

"Hey! Wait a minute!

"The kid stopped your monster from rumbling!

"That's right! People are dead, too!

Citizens who were around too many merchants speak out in protest.

"Ahem? The only people who died were customers who exchanged [contracts] with our employees in advance with 'We won't hold them accountable no matter what happens'. Then the only problem here is that our monster was killed. What if some of you guys pay instead?

That's what they say, and citizens won't be able to carry on two sentences either.

Zhang also thinks in the meantime.

(Nine million lil is a lot of money... I guess it's getting a lot more water. Well, what do we do? Is it quicker to talk about this place being compensated for with the activity funds deposited by Mr. Rascal? Or forcibly break through and escape...)

Now “Ethereal Princess” and “Immortal” are in battle, but we don't know how long that will last either.

In sight via the bird's johnsie, he somehow stops the hand of attack.

Zhang really wants to leave this place in case he comes here.

But here Zhang was making one mistake.

The time limit he had in mind was until either of the two < super > arrived here.

The actual time limit was - beside him.

"Get him now!

Following the merchant's instructions, an escort moves to capture Zhang and Emily.

"Wait. The money..."

"- Negative"

"Pay... what?

Zhang looked next to him for words other than himself caught between his words.

There is no one there,

"... Kohiu?

One of the guards, who was trying to capture Zhang and Emily, had been axe broken from throat to chest.

I did it... needless to say Emily.

As the escort man attempted to check his condition in a strange way, Emily waved another axe and smacked him in the head from the brain

When the man axed - Jonalde Paztri ate something and it turned into dust of light, Emily was slamming the axe on the hips of the other guard, breaking both her upper and lower body.

At the end of two tragedies, the surroundings finally caught up with the anomaly with brain situational awareness.


"Sa, it's murder. Ahhhhhhhh!?"

People who were gathered around them scream and run away.

Bazaar is wrapped in the same or more confusion than when the monster in the cage was rampaging.

"Bye, you bugger! Hey! Just kill him!

That's what the merchant man said.

"- Negative"

With the axe Emily threw, the man was rounded off his head from his sagging cheek, holding his breath.

The men of the remaining escorts were pointing their weapons at them, but they are equally easily killed.

Thus, the merchants and the escorts were all killed.


In that tragedy, Zhang loses his word.

(It was far-fetched. I had a low estimate of Emily's likelihood of recognizing him as an enemy. You mean not just pointing weapons, saying intent to kill...?

Either way, the situation rolled in a bad direction for Zhang and the others.

We have to leave this place as soon as possible because the noise has grown too loud.

But then, the three < masters > rush over to Emily's side.

"That's it. Drop your weapon, calm down!

"I was watching the situation. I can understand your resistance. But please, put the spear away."

"I'll testify to the gendarmerie from us, so it's convenient here..."

Apparently, he moved in good faith to clean things up.

Zhang figured out how to get away from them,

"- Negative, negative, negative"

Emily waved the axe three times.

The two shots had cost the HP of the two < MASTER > all and the blow had activated the remaining one [lifesaving brooch].



To the bewildered woman, Emily waved down the axe of her hands many times silently.

"Hey, stop, stop...!

Even as she pleaded, Emily did not stop attacking, the [life-saving brooch] was destroyed, and the woman was smashed to death penalty until she became a piece of meat.

"... what do you mean?

Zhang is confused by the sight.

It is in Emily's actions to.

They were moving in good faith.

Nor have we taken any obvious hostilities.

Even so, Emily recognized them as enemies... and killed them.

It was a little strange at the time of the murder of the escort who moved out to capture him in the first place.

When I was a chimp, they were pointing weapons at me with the statement "kill".

[Tauras Leo] was also on the verge of being attacked by the opponent's killer.

Compared to that, the hurdles in killing an escort or < master > are... obviously low.

"... No way"

Zhang felt a nasty chill with an icicle stabbing him in the back.

In the meantime, the disturbance expands.

"Stop that girl!

"The status you see in the Nursing is a disguise! There's something about who you are!

In addition to the three of us, a number of Masters have gathered to try to deal with Emily.

Emily put it in her sight,

"- minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus"

I kept vomiting those words out of my mouth.

Usual Emily is an innocent and innocent girl.

Basically a girl who is nostalgic and often likes people more than she dislikes them.

Therefore, she only switches to automatic killing mode when she recognizes as an enemy if the other person has a reason to do so.

But not after switching once.

Emily in automatic killing mode has a far lower hurdle of enemy perception of non-allied opponents than her usual (...).

What tries to bind her, who tries to make her throw down her weapon, and who approaches her with strong power.

Unless you are someone you have known as an ally for a long time before switching, like Zhang or < IF >, Auto Kill Mode treats everything approaching you as an enemy.

If you try to stop her, those who tried to stop you will also be enemies to her.

And the “enemy” for her... keeps growing.

That's called a “chain” for members, including Rascal.

A phenomenon that once devastated a giant clan, the Pentagon Caravan, annihilated all combat jobs in one city and destroyed one species of worm (...).

Until the hostiles can disappear from sight, slaughter runoff (stampede).

It just activated in this cortana.

Emily jumped to the corner of the gathering to intercept Emily.

Step 50 meters distance in that step and pay as you cross the axe at the same time as you land.

Shortly afterwards, one of the < master > 's necks blew away.

"Huh! You said it was supersonic manoeuvre!?"

"Shyaaa!!" Storm Stinger!! "

Immediately after the sacrifice of one of the [Gail Lancer], who was nearby, unleashed his depth on Emily.

Accelerated by the effect of Deep Righteousness, the blow of [the disease spear] emitted at supersonic speed completely pokes Emily's gap,


- Emily's, only skin defense (...) can take it.

The tip of the spear was only slightly stabbed in Emily's body.

"Fool...... WOW!?"

Shortly afterwards, Emily's attack made [the disease spear] a death penalty.

In the meantime, [Musketeer] 's < Master > fired a bullet, but it was bounced on the body surface and didn't do any decent damage to Emily.

"What the fuck, Coz!?"

"Physical resistance to abnormality...... this guy is not Tian! Probably a master specializing in physical defense!

"Then it's my turn!!"

Immediately starting to analyze Emily's identity, a [Red Lotus Artist] wearing a robe comes forward.

Emily correspondingly heads to the [Red Lotus Artist],

"Zero Charge!" Crimson Sphere!! "

Its [Red Lotus Artist], with its specialty in magical high-speed activation, also responded to Emily attacking at supersonic speeds, activating magic, which is deep.

In an instant Emily's vision is stained with red lotus and her whole body is engulfed in flames.

"Yay.............................. ze?

Shortly afterwards, Emily's little hand, which had broken through the sphere of flames, grabbed [Red Lotus Artist] 's neck... and crushed it like a dead tree.

At the end of the effect time the flames were extinguished, and there stood Emily, the Five Bodies Satisfied.

But the gear isn't.

The bespoke dress that was given fire resistance was not burning, but the fake accessories given by Rascal couldn't resist the heat and melted.

So Emily standing there now was not a disguise...... she was herself.

And its appearance, which was arranged for nomination.

"... lying, right?

- Even that status.

Emily Killingston

Occupation: [Murder Princess]

Level: 528 (Total Level: 928)

HP: 8056 (+36550)

MP: 350 (+36550)

SP: 1980 (+36550)

STR: 3050 (+36550)

AGI: 4356 (+36550)

END: 1680 (+36550)

DEX: 687 (+36550)

LUC: 100 (+36550)

To Emily's name, low compared to that level… and high status, the surroundings are upset.

"Emily...... [Murder Princess] You said it was Emily!?"

"What, this status... what the fuck!

It was an unusual status.

The original value is too low for a superposition and the modified value is terribly high.

But that's natural.

Because that numerical fix is the pinnacle of [Murder Princess].

The name of that passive skill also comes from her two names, The Corpse Mountain Blood River.

To the depths of [Murder Princess], the source from which [Murder Princess] is [Murder Princess].

To all statuses - 'Apply status fixes equal to the number of human crusades (...)' skill.

Together with Tian, whom Emily has killed so far... 36550.

All of that is evident in her status.

The more you kill - the stronger Emily continues to be.

To be continued

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