<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson 8: The Rabbit Leaps in the Dark Part II

□ Wes Kaido

Time for the sun to go down. One car was driving down the road leading to the border zone.

But since it is this kingdom where mechanical technology is not very popular, it was in the form of a car, not a machine.

"I'm sorry, Tomika. Why don't you take the time to send it?"

"Fine, Mr. Wolf Cherry Blossom. I'm sorry it's such a good time to send you."

Wolf cherry blossoms, ranked fifth in the duel rankings, were also one of those requested to be escorted and were going to move by the village near the border within tonight because they were in use and could not log in the next day at Dendro time.

She was on her way to the border zone where the pageant was held in Tomica, a member of the < K&R >.

Tomica's Oboro Grumma is a multitude of people and can drive long hours at speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour.

It was also an automatic driving car that would not cause one accident even if it continued to run at such speeds on the ground because it also had the ability to avoid obstacles in autos.

"If Darling can log in by the pageant, please do the same."

"Yes!... but the owner is faster"

"Because darling speed is a sprinter. Tomica's the most convenient way to get around."

"Eh heh, thank you"

With that conversation, Wolf Cherry Blossom looks out the window.

It's dark at night in this country with only star lights, and if it's normal, I can't see a lot of scenery or anything.

However, Build's Wolf Cherry Blossoms, which acquire surprise raids, including dark nights, can be viewed around like midday by means of their "Dark Vision" skills.

"Nice view. Let's go on a date with Darling next time."

"... uh, won't it be a picnic for the clan outing?

"Which one is better compared to the pattern: Atashi, you and Darling?

"That way, please!

"Ah-ha. I'll tell Darling next time....... hmm?

Unexpectedly, the wolf cherry moved the wolf's ears pickly.

The ear itself is not very different from that of a person's hearing just because of its appearance. However, wolf cherry blossoms also acquire the passive skills of "Hearing Enhancement" for ambush, so they can capture a lot of sounds even if they are not as good as wolves.

"Mr. Tsubaki?"

"... combat noise? No, he's not."

After the wolf cherry blossom notices the sound, the following changes in sound can be heard many times:

Moving sounds. Dragon cars, brilliant jade horses (replicas or [second models]), or moving sounds on foot.

Attack sounds. Most occur only for a short time with one or several attack sounds from time to time.

Silent. The moving noise disappears.

Wolf cherry blossoms are well aware of this series of sound changes.

This is an ambush.

I realize right away because I am a wolf cherry blossom, a master of surprise attacks.

This is done when someone ambushes someone else on the move, and after cleaning it up, they are on their way to the next prey.

The lords of the moving sounds were headed for the border zone as were the Wolf Cherry Blossoms. Perhaps it was some sort of ranker hired as an escort, just like the wolf cherry blossoms.

Then the Raiders...


That's when I saw something odd in the eyes of the wolf cherry blossom.

Oborogluma side mirrors.

There was a shadow in the rear view shown there......

In an instant, the boy gave birth to a raven ear about the same length as their owner, Cashmere.

But after that moment, there's nothing in the mirror.

- Something sounded landed on the roof of the oboro gurma.

"Yeah, yeah yeah!?"

"Tomikaa!! Shake it off!!"

Wolf cherry blossoms speak up and instruct Tomica, surprised by the sudden shock.

Wolf cherry blossoms knew.

That boy, who I saw for a moment, said he was the raider.


Tomica slashes the handle big enough to spin the oboro gluma.

So Oboro Grumma never rolled over, but something in the roof was shaken off of Oboro Grumma with it - not.

The blade was breaking through the roof of the oborogluma, preventing it from becoming an anchor and being shaken down.

"Hey, what's this!?"

"Tomika......, sorry but I'll smash it!!"


Regardless of Tomica, who raises many startling voices, the werewolf cherry blossom takes out the spear - his < embrio >, Gashadokuro,

"-" The World Kills!! "

It unleashed the depths of [Fushihime], exercisable only for the first blow to the target.

A situation where the opponent has his foot fixed on the roof of an oboro gurma.

There is no way to avoid that blow, which is unleashed with the power of a special attack.

- But it doesn't hit.

On the verge of a direct hit, the opponent disappeared from the roof, and only the roof of Oborogruma was blown away by a direct hit of the depths.



Wolf cherry blossoms think.

She is extremely simple when it comes to tactics, strategy, but things. She has what can be called a wild sense of smell when it comes to combat.

And I'm already guessing.

The enemy's aim is to be himself.

"... Tomika. Atashi will come down here."

"Ha, yes, no!?"

"Use your special skills and run straight to the King's Landing."

"Huh!? Oh, yeah! But then too..."

"That's stupid. Then we'll follow him to the King's Capital..."

That's why I'm going down here, Wolf Cherry Blossom said.

Here, to intercept enemies targeting themselves and let Tomika escape.

"I don't know where one day... but no, at a time like this, 'when I can't attend a harmony conference when it's a death penalty'.... I guess that's what I'm saying."

"Ah, Mr. Tsubaki?

"Go, Tomika! Go and tell the other members... Darling about this!

That's what I said, Wolf Cherry Blossom kicked open Oboro Gurma's door and jumped out of the car running hundreds of kilometers an hour.

"-" The soldiers are the tracks of dreams (Gashadokuro) "Wow!!"

At the same time, it consumed pure dragon-class dokuro - enveloping its entire body with a stat-enhanced exoskeleton.

"Oh, Absolutely Safe Driving (Oboro Grumma)" ah!! "

Tomika also uses her special skills to transform Oboro Grumma and herself riding it into a look like Kasumi.

Again for Tomica and Oborogurma like that, an adversary who appeared abruptly tried to jump on board - but slipped through it.

Runs like a ghost floating and out of contact with everything outside the vehicle. Because that's Oboro Grumma's special skill.

Therefore, the enemy was also unable to touch Oborogluma and had no choice but to drop Tomica off.

"I'm not just looking at our member's ass. Wow!!"

A wolf cherry blossom wrapped around a giant exoskeleton on such an enemy adds an attack.

But just before the hit, the enemy scratched out and stood apart.

"I thought you were a mediocre senior who wasn't even a ranker, but you have some interesting skills."

Enemy - The boy who pushed Riser and Bishmal to death penalty in Wang Du said so with a laugh.

Yes. He's the same person.

After defeating them in the Wang capital, they caught up with and raided the werewolf cherry blossoms who were heading to the border zone at several hundred kilometres per hour.

"You... of the Empire?"

"Come on, what do you think? But I don't know who it is... you don't have to tell me, do you?

"Oh. Not at all.... you are going to be knocked down here so come on!! '

Shout and scream, the Wolf Cherry Blossom Giant storms the boy.

"It's late. Looks like a turtle. But with a shell that thick, it's hard to cut meat"

The boy, as he envisioned, put his right hand wrapped around his long sleeve against his chin,

"Well, here's what we'll do"

Shortly after he shrugged and the boy disappeared again,

- A bomb was installed in the gap called the gap in the exoskeleton of the wolf cherry blossom.

"Become -!?"

Moments, the explosion chains.

At close range it even bounces off the exoskeleton formed by Gashadokuro, making decisions and exposing the flesh of wolf cherry blossoms.

"Thus shall the tortoise's armor be stripped,"

In that gap, a blade of boots poked like guillotine and wore a heart.

A fatally wounded werewolf cherry drops his neck in dismay.

"- Oh, because I already know that"

Shortly afterwards, a werewolf cherry blossom transferred to the rear of the boy due to the effect of a substitute benefit weapon - his neck was amputated with a blade released like a spinning kick.

…… ……!!

Speaking in regret for his voiceless voice, Duel Ranker No. 5 “Bone Eater” Wolf Cherry Blossom became a death penalty.

"I was headed to the border, is that all of it?

The boy shrugged and disappeared,... leaving nothing on the night lane.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ Near the border zone and the village of Welmina

That night, in the village of Welmina, as close to the border, two women were talking looking at the stars.

The word air pollution and the unrelated < Infinite Dendrogram > sky show them without sparing the stars of heaven.

"Speaking of which, Japan seems to be in advanced season already, have you made friends?

"... my dark allies. Those who have enough are absent from this world."

"Wasn't it good?"

It's all about child-faced women dressed like pirates - duel ranking No. 8 “Vagrant Golden Sea” Chelsea and girls dressed in pitch-black Gothic dress armor - duel ranking No. 4 “Black Raven” Juliette.

We both plan to get ahead of the village of Welmina during the day, close to the venue of the harmony conference, and wait for Ultimia and other < masters > who are supposed to come tomorrow.

"Juli is a good girl, hey. 'Cause it's a little hard to tell at first."

Juliette can talk hard and hard, just like Infinite Dendrogram in real life.

Although she herself is aware of that being seen oddly in real life, she speaks of it. Or I'm getting sloppy for fear of it.

As a result, I was unable to speak well with others in real life.

In that regard, Dendro was able to speak more casually than in real life thanks to Tian, who accepts that "such a roll is also ant" or who perceives it as "so I guess it's a little different", and he was able to get extra friends.

Chelsea was one of the friendliest of them and a rival to incite in the arena.

"None of the problems. Because I've already gained allies in my hometown."

"Right, I'm Juli's friend. But even outside Dendro, I have to make friends.... Well, I have to make a boyfriend like that too... ha"


I should have been comforting, but Chelsea had clouded her expression more.

Previously, Chelsea never cared that she didn't have a lover like this.

But the fact that it was completely outside the mosquito nets in the romantic uproar that caused the break-up of the clan was, on the contrary, causing her a sense of crisis.

"Uh, I'm only twenty, so don't you have to worry about it?


Juliette comforted her friend with vegan language, but Chelsea remained more and more of a face.

"Uh, next time Gowcon (?) But do?

"Welcome? Yeah, he said it was popular in Japan a few decades ago. It used to appear in Japanese romance comics. But there's no man."

"Mr. Riser, Mr. Bishmal,"

"... no, that's no different from the usual dinner party. And I don't see those two as boyfriends."

"That's right..."

"If you're in the face of a dinner party, I guess Ray should still be there. It's going to be close."


When Chelsea said that, Juliette looked stunned.

Chelsea pulled on Juliette's cheek like that... rather than.


"Just kidding. Ray's not gonna be a boyfriend candidate because he's out of line with me in Ray. But if you're gonna look like that, why don't you just approach me more?

"That's not true. But..., it's amazing, it's good, it's easy to talk to."

(... I think the best fit is fashion sense)

Chelsea had the sentiment of being 'super perfect' alongside the Gothic dress armor girl in front of her and the hellish messenger-style youth she remembered.

"The build is also brilliant and lovely with holiness and death..."

"... [Dead Soldier] was surprised by the boulder. But, Juliette. No matter how nice it is, do you know [Dead Soldier] is useless when it's a duel? If we lose HP, the duel's over, right?

"It's okay... It was more of a blind spot...... I can't believe there was a job with [death] in it besides [reaper]."

Apparently, it's the name that counts.

"Ha... If your hobbies fit that well, you should have put me in Ray's clan. You were invited, weren't you?

"Yeah...... Nice name too."


Among Chelsea's memories, it was a no-comment about a clan name that was extremely bad for the top class.

"But now is fine. Take a little more time to think about it and then answer Ray"

"Yeah. Well, I guess that's okay. It's youth who's worried about love, I'm sure."

"So... that's not it...!

Juliette swelled her cheeks and turned that way, and Chelsea followed that cheek with a laugh.

Such a fold - the sound of metal and metal colliding from outside the village sounded.

"What is it?

"... it's supposed to be Roadwell and Heindack coming to this village besides the Atassis"

Roadwell and Heindack took on the same escort request as they did.

Each is a tenth-ranker in the duel and a more powerful < master > of what falls a step than a single-digit (more precisely, a fourth- to ninth-ranked ranker).

They said they would kill time by hunting monsters in this neighborhood, etc., until the harmony conference.

"That sounds crazy right now. There shouldn't be any metal monsters around here."

"So, an unusual monster...... fighting < UBM >?

"... or maybe PK"

Roadwell is a defense-oriented build wrapped around his entire body in metal armor. If someone attacked him, he would make a metal noise.

Shortly after they thought so, … one explosion sounded after another enough to reach the village.


"... the sound of a chain explosion. It doesn't look like a brace."


"Ay, come on! I'm coming, Juli!

The two Rankers call and call their own Embrio.

Juliette, who had grown pitch-black wings, held Chelsea, who had taken out the great axe of gold, and flew in the direction of the explosion.

When Chelsea reached the scene, there was no sign of a ranker that she had found out there, and instead one boy stood on his back.

"Oh, I thought I'd go out this way. Thanks for saving me the trouble if you came from over there."

Chelsea becomes more alert to the boy in his ears who does that while turning around.

From the trail of fighting around him, he guessed that the boy had taken on Roadwell and Heindack and beat the two rankers completely on top of it.

And from what I've said and done, I'm targeting Chelsea next.

"... by the way, where's Juliette? I thought we were together."

The boy also knew Juliette was accompanying Chelsea.

But as the boy says, there is only Chelsea on this occasion.

Juliette's appearance is not in the boy's sight,

"-" Dead Eating Bird (Phrasewerk) "!!"

The voice - heard from above.

Immediately after, a pitch-black tornado blows from the sky to the ground.

Needless to say, its source is Juliette, who melts black dress armor and black wings in the darkness of the night.

Juliette and Chelsea were meeting before they could get to the scene.

Whether it's a PK or a monster attacking Roadwell and Heindack, if you're a strong enemy, you have to take the lead.

Thus, Juliette, with low night visibility, rises to the sky, distracts Chelsea by leaving in front of the enemy, and shoots off her preemptive special skill.


"-" Golden Bull Tsunami (Poseidon) "Huh!!"

Chelsea unleashes her special skills again.

The double-edged axe blade she had in her hand disappeared and liquid gold overflowed through the holes in the resulting space.

Black raven in heaven, gold sea on earth.

A dark tornado that chops life and a golden tsunami that crushes the body.

Synergy of a wide range of Special Abilities that fill the heavens and the earth with surfaces.

Both up and down their range of attack, impossible to evade.

The boy was out of time to dodge when he failed to notice Juliette's first Special Ability Activation and was distracted by it to allow Chelsea's Special Ability Activation.


To be precise, there was still a gap between the Golden Sea and the whirlpool of feathers as to whether a person could pass, but it was also something to the extent that it would be filled in half a second.

Even hypersonic manoeuvres don't have time to escape.

There's no time for anyone to get out of here.

"- ■ ■ to the right (■ nos), ■ ■ to the left (■ los), mastered by

- It should have been.

I heard a little noise in Chelsea's ear as the Special Skills clashed with each other.

I have a light feel for the pirate hat I was wearing, tilting my neck slightly......

"... Huh?

- Two [gems] fell in front of her zero from the edge of the hat.

Immediately thereafter, [Gem] starts.

That's the depths of [Red Lotus Artist], [Gem] of "Crimson Sphere".

Of all the [gems] that are out in the present world, the ones that excel in firepower.

Therefore, its activation sharpens Chelsea's HP, which must be super.

Hardly withstood the fire contained in the build, but the second [gem] was also activated due to the time difference.

Now the [life-saving brooch] activated, rendering that blow powerless......

- When the flames of the Red Lotus went out, countless bombs were installed beside her.


The next moment she breathed, the bomb exploded in a chain to swallow her.

Mixed with blast flames, the dust of light disappeared into the sky.

"Cher, no...!!"

Juliette watched the sight from above.

The bombing took place in just a few moments.

But even to her, who was supposed to have witnessed the whole thing... I didn't see it.

In her eyes, suddenly [Gem] appeared on Chelsea's hat, and then it just seemed like countless bombs had sprung up.

The moment it was installed, it didn't even look like she was capable of hypersonic manoeuvre.

If you realize it, they're killing you.


Juliette bites her teeth.

The enemy… convinced that the boy had evaded his special skills and killed Chelsea.

"This, the enemy... which (...)!?"

But on top of that, from his rule of thumb as a ranker, Juliette narrowed down the enemy's means of attack to two types.

The first possibility is spatial manipulation.

Evade the attack with a teleport and, conversely, send a bomb next to the opponent.

However, the spatial manipulation hurdles are significantly higher with this Infinite Dendrogram.

That's what it takes, like Xunyu's Tenaga Asinaga, to transfer space once, even with special skills.

Still, a continuous transfer may be possible depending on the properties and resource allocation of < Embrio >, but if it's just the first evasion or [gem], it's still... I've put too many bombs after that.

It was hard to believe that so much continuous metastasis was possible.

The second possibility...... pure speed.

That's why he moved so fast that he didn't even look like Juliette, the supersonic speed, dodged the two special skills and set up the bomb at an unseen speed.

Juliette knows from a good opponent named [Battousai] Cashmere that so much speed exists.

If the other person was the latter, that was like cashmere......

(... but no. Cashmere and this enemy have a big, big difference...)

When Juliette went that far with her thinking,

"- If it's on the sky, it's safer, don't you think?

From behind the flying Juliette, I heard such a voice.


"Sounds like you've been thinking about something, but it's no use. My power... is something no one can ever escape."

"Huh...!" Karsd Faranx Disorder "!!"

Juliette doesn't listen to the boy behind her.

And I have no hesitation.

Attack the enemy behind you, using your own power, against those who hurt your friends.

"hahahaha, slow slow"

However, a cursed weapon that is supposed to track a target by a curse does not hit the opponent with a single shot.


"- You guys are really too blunt. Looks like a turtle."

That's how the boy groans and shouts Juliette's spine once by boot.

My neck hurts and raises the blood splash.

The boy lays multiple slaughters on the steeple as he overlaps.

Juliette's HP is diminishing, and eventually the activation of the [lifesaving brooch] leaves her in a spicy state of survival.

Even in the meantime, the curse weapon continues to target the boy.

However, Carsd Faranx Disorder, which was supposed to be automatic homing, continued to be circumvented with minimal movement.

The cursed weapons are easily avoided by the boy, and at the end of the day, the weapons smash into each other.


Finally, [Brooch] buried a blade of boots in Juliette's neck, which was broken.

It was the moment Juliette's HP lost everything.

"- Huh!"

Moments, from Juliette - and intense intimidation emanates from the surrounding space.

The boy, who buried the blade halfway around Juliette's neck, looks around.

(feathers...... and fragments of the cursed weapon crushed by it?

Fragments of the crushed weapon crossed with black feathers, surrounding Juliette and the boy on the verge of expiry.

It's like - a spherical cage.

"No way......"

It was Juliette's cloth stone that broke the curse weapon.

It alters the orbit of the cursed weapon with the power of its own phrase Verg wind, continuing to float further crushed fragments around it.

- No matter how fast the boy moves, he'll never get out.

(No, how come you're still alive in the first place...)

The boy doesn't know.

that Juliette recently put her hands on some of the builds.

That I was switching one of my junior positions to - [Dead Soldier].

Last Command.

After he died, he had acquired the skills to move his body for a certain amount of time.

"... ahhh..."

Juliette, whose neck has been cut off even halfway, cannot speak.

Being cut off my spine wouldn't even allow me to move down from my neck.

But I didn't need a voice for that skill.

Just think about it.

Just think - her trump card activates.

"... no... Yikes...!!"

And the skill activates.

[Fallen Heavenly Knight] is the final depths (Final Brow) - "Dark Requiem".

Convert all your own flesh into a cursed bullet and eject it in all directions - it is a suicide bombing skill.

"...... ugh!!"

Countless blood bullets and bone blades will kill the boy many times. Equipped with [brooch], it cannot survive.

There was no escape for the boy in the cage of black feathers and curse fragments......

◆ ◆ ◆

That was an odd space.

Of all the giant cylinders that I have overthrown, I would be closest to saying.

However, the cylinder is extremely huge and the distance from end to end may be further than the horizon.

Its cylindrical diversity is not just about scale.

Surprisingly on the walls… it is also significant that countless cylindrical installations are located.

That would be without gaps, hundreds of thousands...... or more.

The facilities are many empty... but some contain contents.

It was a wide variety of people, or part of it.

If the contents of that cylinder were arranged step by step, it would have been as if they were making a human body little by step from the top of its head.

Strangely enough, the finished human body wears a wide variety of gear.

And all of them... there was a crest on the back of my left hand.

Yes, everyone in the cylinder.

No - it was exactly that avatar.

The name of this cylindrical space is Avatar Space.

It is the space that governs the reconstruction and preservation of the avatar, managed by the management AI I Alice.

The Death Penalty Avatar is rebuilt here.

It is also a mechanism that is forwarded here and saved once when logged out.

At the deepest end of such a space, there were several special cylinders placed.

Whereas other cylinders were affixed to the wall without gaps, these cylinders were centered.

It has fifteen units in all, with numbers from 0 to 13 specified. (Only eleven were divided by the symbols α and Ω and two groups were present)

Some of them did not appear to have been used from the beginning, but some of them also contain contents.

One of the contents - 12 capsules opened and the avatar inside went outside.

It was Juliette and the others... the boy with the ears who was darkening the rankers of the kingdom.

"Oh man. Danger. Danger. I almost lost my avatar if I kept taking that stuff. I don't want Alice to tell me May."

The boy, who glanced at clothes and hats filled with holes in Juliette's last attack, says so and laughs bitterly.

Such a thing... is the final depths Juliette unleashed with the thought of death.

That was something that none of us, even boys, were likely to dodge......

(Unlike their avatars, our avatars don't have a waiting time (...) to store (log out), so we're lucky to have them here before the avatar loses everything)

Logging out requires a period of 30 seconds with no contact with anyone, no confinement in the junction, etc.

This was a common rule for players to restrict their behavior of doing some act and then logging out and running away immediately... but it doesn't apply to this boy.

Because this boy - he's not a player.

(The [brooch] was broken by the time I got my avatar on the boulder, but I don't mind. Of the top rankers who accepted the Kingdom-side escort, all the people who were logged in did. And then there was the guy who wasn't in it. And [Destroyer King] or [Queen Pope], around it?... that's not my area)

"- No. 12"

As the boy was counting his fingers, a voice was heard from somewhere.

That has a mechanical effect on it and the distinction between men and women is uncertain.

Still, the boy called number twelve knew who he was dealing with.

"No. 0 (...). I've said it many times, but don't call me that when I'm using Avatar. Now I'm [The Rabbit] Chrono Crown. It's a famous PK belonging to the Empire."

Boy - Chrono Crown, avatar of the management AI XII Rabbit, said so and asked Machine Audio - No.

Yes, he's an avatar of managed AI.

Like [Cat God] Tom Cat, the kingdom's dueling ranker, and the twin presidents and Alisnes who work for < DIN > … it is a tentative figure for the management AI to act as a human being.

On the operational side, therefore, there is no waiting time or condition for logout (avatar storage) in his avatar.

If he wasn't even on the operational side...... Juliette's last attack would have arrived too.

Or if there were other witnesses, we wouldn't have been able to execute that escape method, but there was only Juliette left on that spot who blew herself up, and her consciousness was interrupted by the suicide bombing.

"Even you wouldn't want to be called 'Hey, No. 0' when you're naming that name (...), would you?

"[Rajin] Chrono Crown. About this one. '

"Whoa, don't complain, number 0. I just did my job."

That's what Krono said so as to block the words he tried to say No. 0.

"Because what I undertake besides time management is' Fighting Enbrio, who has reached the sixth form '. It's about fighting me and encouraging them to evolve. And this time it was just a series of battles with the occasional (...) request to escort him in the kingdom. Wouldn't you?

Rather than an excuse, Krono said so with a mouthful that he was sure was "so no problem".

"That's the end of the story, number 0. The day after tomorrow...... no, because I'm also taking on escorts for tomorrow's pageant meeting. I'm busy, I am."


That said, he unilaterally cut the story off, and Chrono left Avatar Space.

Krono realizes his condition as he leaves the avatar space and moves to the room where the transfer facilities to the Empire are located.

(... the avatar has a condition anomaly)

My avatar has been granted a status anomaly of [Unable to change gear] - a curse.

The last "Dark Requiem" Juliette released was a life-threatening attack, while at the same time a chunk of curse.

The curse could be chosen by Juliette herself before activation, and at that time she was releasing her final depths by concentrating on the [non-gear changeable] curse.

(What didn't make it a lethal curse, concern the Resist?

The curse of fatality is powerful, but there is also a risk that it will be nullified in [Brooch], as was the case with the former [Gloria] Endangered Realm.

Plus, accessories that reduce the curse can weaken the effect.

Krono was therefore convinced that he used an auxiliary curse that was difficult to resist.

A curse that focuses on a single point at the price of the death of a superior is strong. Moreover, although the curse itself is a small (...) thing that does not involve life or death, it can therefore be said that it is impossible to resist or decurse the effects.

In the future, this curse will not be lifted until the avatar is reconstituted.

The [brooch] that was equipped was crushed by the damage, but could no longer be put back on by the curse.

The clothes were also full of holes, but this one is not a problem as it has been granted equipment skills to repair automatically.

(After all, the only problem is that [brooch] can no longer be applied? Well, there's no problem. Anyway, no one can attack me unless they use those hands. Curse is next time Alice is in a good mood. But let's ask her to reconfigure her avatar)

Determining his own curse as no problem, Chrono switches his mind.

(Now, is the next job a reconciliation conference? If there are more new advanced Embrios, that's the target)

It is his basic job as a Chrono Crown to fight and destroy the advanced… and even more limited to the sixth form.

That is as I said earlier in No 0 and does not detract from his duties.

But that's not all he wants either.

(I don't even know what the Empire is up to at the pageant, but if we cut the kingdom's power, we'll get around it well)

He hides his mouth with a sleeve of clothes, even though no one is watching him.

(The Empire is worried about the consumption of… food and funds of resources. So for the Empire, the best outcome at the Reconciliation Conference is the most low-cost instrument. A waste of war should always be avoided if possible)

And distort the hidden mouth.

(I'm sure if we move to what the Empire thinks, there will be no war (...))

Dream that the situation will change, as he wishes.

(You don't have to increase my work (...). Such a hassle to waste my resources, yes, I can't do it again and again)

Not as Chrono Crown, but as time manager AI Rabbit...... he hated the War Realm.

Because it was the one that most devoured his processing power.

If there is a war, it will accelerate this entire < Infinite Dendrogram > time much faster than usual, making him a system that focuses only on time acceleration.

I can't work with Avatar, and his own thinking skills will be reduced to the extreme.

He himself neglected that it would come to that.

That is why... he arbitrarily targeted only the kingdom and set up the PK at this time just before the harmony conference.

(We don't need to start a war. Even in the last war, it wasn't during the war that the [Archprofessor] pandemonium evolved, not after the war. War only adds to my hardship in vain. Better not)

That's how Krono reached the transfer facility to the Empire, then grumbled with potpourri.

"There will be no war... we just need the kingdom to be annexed"

That's how he was transferred and disappeared.

To cross over to the Imperial Guard and go to a harmony conference.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■


"What we need is not war, it's triggering evolution"

"Fighting irrational enemies can also trigger"

"Therefore I will not stop the action of the twelfth."

"The purpose of the current phase is to align 100"

"But we haven't been able to identify a trigger to < Super Embrio >"

"Everyday, Struggle, Love, Hate, Anger, Sadness, Appetite, Laziness, Hope, Despair... Thousands of Discrimination"

"Therefore, the management AIs that led to the infinite need to explore the triggers in their respective plans."

"Wait for 100 bodies to assemble."

To be continued

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