<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson 35: The Third Person

□ ■ Border zones and platforms

Behemott's onslaught around [Gray Test Top] is even more intense.

While driving Ray, a visible target, he sometimes releases a molecular vibrating hotline cannon of his head into the surrounding shadows, literally trying to burn out two hidden people.

Ray holds one crack of the double-wing sword in his left hand, which is part of Nemesis's fourth form and black-wing water mirror, while still concentrating on dodging.

Spiritually avoid pursuits by non-physical nails that were continuously equipped after wrapping around [Gray Test Top], as well as trajectory hotline cannons that try to involve Ray as well.

There was a rush on Ray's face to do so, not just due to an imminent attack.

"Ray! This is three minutes from activation! Damage counters have gone awry!

Ray responds to the nemesis he calls upon in his readings.


The active skill, Chaser, consumes the damage counter only for the same value as the status tuned every minute of activation.

It absorbed about 200,000 Behemott attacks when it was prevented by Counter Absorption, but it still drains quickly because it is in tune with Behemott's AGI, which boasts a figure of 37564, even if divided.

I bet they burned and melted my right arm with a molecular oscillating hotline cannon and it increased again, but that's not as big as it is because it only has a value about eliminating one right arm portion from Ray's HP.

"There's a little over 20,000 left! The Pursuit will expire before the next decision is made!

(Hey, there's something wrong with the diminution in numbers. 350 256 in four 375 64s... at least one less time!

"There would have been a time when the subject of the current divestment had changed to STR! Apparently the judgment for that matter was deducted by the average in time! I didn't know that because I wasn't fighting someone whose status would change dramatically!

"I see... na!

Unexpectedly putting it in his mouth and responding to Nemesis's report, Ray avoided the vibrating waves that could plunder him.

While doing so, the agitation becomes even stronger.

(... I just have to get attacked again and build up the counter, or what!

"But the opponent's attack is a triple hit of Tiger Scratch... can you prevent it? In the fourth form, you can't even use Counter Absorption.

Unlike the first shot, we can't disarm the Pursuit now.

If the Counter Absorption can be used, there will be no hitter due to the speed difference.

So Ray's chosen hand was... not that.

(... to be received at the brooch)

'Impossible! Excessive Damage While Continuous Strikes Can Be Crushed! How many times do you think I have judgment!?'

Ray's current HP is just under 20,000.

If you are attacked by a behemoth worth 200,000, the brooch will be judged damaged at least ten times.

To withstand all damage from a triple hit, you have to overcome your 10% bet 20 times.

Chance of breaking before the third blow is more than 87%.

Stranger odds to expect to get over it.

(no... only bet twice (...))

That's how Ray answered Nemesis's words... with his mouth clasped the pattern of his left wing sword.


Ray had his free left hand in his own pocket.

Between those ray movements too, Behemott packs the distance.

Be alert to Ray's strange movements, but don't loosen the attacker with it.

'Well, that hand... But that's what we're talking about. "

Nemesis figured out what Ray had done and guessed its intentions.

(I know a hundred things. Hands I can't use twice on top of my luck, but this would be the time to use them, including [brooch])

'Okay. Then I can no longer say anything about it. Besides, it might be the best thing we have at the moment. Increase the time of the "Pursuit" when attacked by the opponent. That's all Kumanisan can do if you buy time......'

After taking damage, Nemesis argues that the same speed should be utilized to buy time.

But Ray shook his head slightly and denied it.

(- No, the damage is knocked back with an impact counter)

Impact immediate response. Ray's polished technique to hit back at the same time as being attacked by his opponent and beating that damage with "I'm the one to avenge it".

But that means draining the damage counter to the attack.

'Huh!... right'

Nemesis is surprised by the statement, but accepts Ray's words without denying them.

'But you still can't beat him. Whether or not you can crush that armor at your best... probably won't lead to destruction'

(That's fine. Either way, if he changes his maneuver and targets Senior Suzuku, he'll be out in a couple of minutes, no matter what the damage counter is.)

Even after wrapping around [Greatest Top], Behemott is not after the moon and night.

Are you wary of her bills or are you having any thoughts about not targeting the moon and night first, which is what is causing her to divide AGI?

But when that thought changes, it doesn't necessarily target the moon and night.

In that case, besides being unable to keep up with the speed of the behemoth, other than the ray, that ray will also soon be out of gas due to rising numerical consumption.

Therefore, Ray decided that the only way to lead to victory was to set it up here.

"What happened after the shock reaction?

(The fourth form of Revenge, which is supposed to be fired two shots with two swords, can now only be used one shot at a time. Continue "The Pursuit" on the half remaining counter and turn to Marie and Senior Lunar Shadow support)

'I understand.... don't die, Ray'

(It's still too early to die (death penalty))

That brings us to the imminent limit of the next judgment of "The Chaser".

I cannot go beyond that determination as it is.

If the limit passes, Ray's speed will return to what it was meant to be, and he will also not be able to capture the figure of the divided behemoth.

But earlier than that, Behemott was packing his distance from Ray.

Ray also responds to that......


I stopped myself (...).


To a stationary ray, Behemott shows a slight surprise, but the movement never stops.

A two-shot Tiger Scratch is also imminent so that the right non-physical nail is swung down to the ray and followed.

So when the first blow hit,


Behemott felt a strange lack of response.

Even the second hit that followed, that's the same.

At this point, Behemott thought it was strange.

Given the opponent's HP, it shouldn't be strange if the [brooch] is crushed in the determination of excessive damage.

But the answer was immediately known.

From Ray's nostalgia, something falls zero.

It's like a crushed accessory. It's not...... [brooch].

It was like a dragon scale.

Behemoth naturally knew that.

(- [substitute dragon scale (...)])

Instead of crushing with the bullet, accessories that make damage one-tenth of the time.

Ray used to use it in the fight against [Demi Dragworm], and from experience at that time, [Brooch] was prepared as well.

To the sight of it falling in two pieces, Behemott perceived what Ray had done.

(reduced the number of judgments...?

By turning 200,000 damage into a tenth, 20,000 damage.

If you compare it to Ray's HP, the [brooch] determination will only take two.

Even if you can't exceed 10% 20 times, twice, it depends on your luck within common sense.

(The behavior just now...)

Earlier, I missed my left hand in order to take [dragon scale] out of the item box and equip it.

But still, the time that Behemott would have equipped himself before attacking should have been one minute sophisticated.

Then what happened to the other one?

I never wore it from the beginning. If that's the case, it should be crushed by previous shocks and fine damage.


(Immediately before the bomb, "Instant Attachment"...)

One manually, one with skills.

A third blow hits Ray when Ray guesses Tane equipped with two [dragon scales].

Only [dragon scales] have ever crushed and fallen...... [brooch] is alive and well.


The third blow is taken by Ray with his own body… disabling by the unbroken [Brooch].

At the same time, the winged sword that remained covered was right beside the behemoth.


Behemott knew that Ray would use counter tactics.

After reading it, I was going to use the continuous strike on my left nail to cat it.

"Vengeance is..."

But if the speeds are the same...

- To me.

- than Behemott's left nail, which was moving for a continuing attack -

"- Yes (Mine)!!"

- It makes sense that Ray's blade, which was moving at the same time as the bomb, is faster.

Ray's [Brooch] will now crumble due to excessive damage, and I will be the one to avenge it, released by the Winged Sword, will burst in Behemot's right neck.


After a burst of fixed damage, Behemott's body leans to the left.

This is the second time Ray has used Revenge with his sword, or he could have hit a smaller target.

The series of attacks with Behemott's left hand, which he tried to release, missed Ray's body and scratched where his already lost right arm was.

But even with a direct hit and a broken attitude... Behemott is alive and well.

"... oh, not yet!

Nemesis also answers the words of Ray, who released his wing sword from his mouth.

'Oh! It's not crushed, it still didn't seem half enough!

Half of the damage counter around 600,000 accumulated in a triple hit.

Taking the blow that multiplied it has not led to the destruction of… [Greatest Top].

The entire right half of the body is still covered with armor from the direct hit part.

Super metal, the hardest metal in the world than it was.

The tough extremes that Behemott used Leviathan's special skills to keep beating and finally to destroy.

Even if Revenge deals hundreds of thousands of fixed damage regardless of defense, it's not just a one-time crushing endurance.

But... I went in.

"One more blow... don't crush it"

The damage counter still has 300,000 left.

While Ray takes his distance, he replaces it with another winged sword that hasn't consumed the damage counter yet.

While clearing the fourth judgment of the visiting "Pursuit," Ray gazed at the opportunity to strike the next blow.


Behemott overlaps his thoughts as he rebuilds his attitude.

That's about the shock-responsive reaction you've received.

Behemott knew the technology existed, but he couldn't handle it.

That can't be done.

An opponent of the same speed as Behemott releases the counter on top of each other while being attacked by Behemott himself.

I can't even handle the motion behemoth.

No, I haven't even had to do this before.

There are few opponents or anything like Behemott who can get out at the same speed, because even if they were there, they never lived under Behemott's triple hit.

But Ray exchanged it with his own skills, albeit as a result of the moon-night dividend.

Therefore, this is an unknown sensation even in behemoths of war.

(I can't do it anymore because I don't have a [brooch]? No, you can still do it)

Ray has - "Last Command".

My own HP will be running out, moving my dead body and releasing a shock-responsive counterattack.

Ray's advice on wolf cherry blossoms, which was the deciding factor in choosing [Dead Soldier], is also in anticipation of the combo.

(... I wasn't insulting you, but my assumptions were exceeded. Wow, that's awesome)

Perhaps turn your inner praise to Ray for the greatest damage he has ever done to Behemott.

Behemot contemplates himself at the same time.

(The rest... three minutes)

Even the time extended by the ultrasonic manoeuvre is approaching the fitting limit of the [Gray Test Top].

There is no earliest respite, and there is even a glimpse of defeat rather than the exposure of shortcomings.

The behemoth, therefore,

(Insurance, let's do it)

I changed the operation.

At the same time - I turned the head of [Greatest Top] to the moon and night.


The move was the least I wanted the Rays to do.

The biggest factor that the Rays are fighting well against Behemoth today is that somehow Behemoth didn't aim for the moon and night.

But if Behemott changes that policy, it's not the story.


The head unfolds and the molecular vibrating hotline cannon captures the moon and night on its target.

And the moment the invisible hotline is released,

"- Dear moon and night. Excuse me, sir."

The moonshadow popped out of the rear shadow of the behemoth, carrying out at the same time two actions to be taken by himself.

One is to move the shadows to grab the moon and night and keep them moving from the range of attack of the hotline to the safe zone.

The other thing is to cut your own trump card to defeat Behemott.

The moonshadow throws down his own weapon, a black-painted double sword, to expose his own bare hands.

Behemott also knew that that was the behavior required for a certain skill (...).

(... Coming)

“The strongest physics” [Beast King] Behemot.

However, Behemot's most feared opponent on this battlefield is... [Assassination King] Yung Shiran Tsukisha.

Because Behemot knew.

That he is the one with the closest moves (skills) to his death on this battlefield.

The final depths of [Assassination King] - "Phase Death Offset" can also be killed by a single blow by a behemoth opponent.

"Phase Death Offset" can always be killed by contact if the target is a human organism.

Behemott is a four-legged beast because of his appearance, but that's just a snail of avatar made out of character making.

It is a human-category organism, subject to skill, and can be killed as long as it comes into contact.

([Four Bitter Wheel (Bulldrim)] 's equipment skills (Four Bitter Robust) can resist even fatal state abnormalities caused by viral and curse systems. But if "Phase Death Offset" is neither of those things... or powerful enough to go beyond the Resist... I don't know)

I know about "Phase Death Offset" because it remained in Tian's hearsay.

However, it has never been done in previous history, such as a detailed analysis of skills.

Because "Phase Death Offset" dies (...) itself after being used as consideration (...).

Moreover, the resurrection magic of the priestly lineage also has no effect.

Who in Tian's history validates such skills?

Alternatively, Behemoth doesn't know that the Master holds the [Assassin King], although he may also have validation data for his skills.

(... No, it's not. That's right. They know more about Phase Death Offset. He must have even grabbed the information on my [Four Hardship Wheel]. Because you use them after you know them... that you think they'll arrive this way!

To the point of that answer, Behemot maximizes his vigilance.


The opposing moonshadow exposes his own bare hands by letting go of his favorite black painted double sword.

Conditions for use of Phase Death Offset are bare-handed contact with the target.

Touch the other person's flesh and die together.

His death (death penalty) has been decided.

But it's not a big deal for him.

Because if we defeat her here, the moon and night will fail again, and her wishes will not be fulfilled.

Moonshadow is determined to give up his life here.

".................. ugh"

But in order to fulfill his assault of death, there was a problem that could not be accomplished without clearing it.

The activation condition of Phase Death Offset is the contact of the opponent with the flesh (...).

With the behemoth covered in super metal, it cannot be used.


"Just one thing. Shatter (...)"

"Copy that!"

"Screw it!

Two voices responded to the words of the moonshadow.

One, Ray.

The other was Marie, who jumped out of the shadow opposite the moonshadow.

Rays that crack [Gray Test Top] and still have the means to deal fixed damage are not the only ones.

She also said she would try to crush the strongest supermetal.

She says that she will finally crush the supermetal that she was able to defeat with all the strength of physics.

That may be the word that came out because I don't know it, and I would say that if the rest of us knew, there was no way we could do it.

But her words - not without vanity.

She had the confidence to shoot and shatter...... she was proud.

Marie points an Arcane shell at Behemott that deforms into a Special Skill Use Form (Large Caliber Single Gun).

And she speaks her own trump card.

- use of six colors (...) - special bullets, and.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ About a character

Marie decided to use that power to shoot out her comic book character after her own Arcane Shell gained special skills.

“Daisy Scarlett of Bombings" in two colors: red and black.

“White princess of poisoning" in two colors, blue and white.

“Pierced Wolvetia" in two colors: green and silver.

Blue, black and white in three colors “Upashikamui of the Cripple".

“Fanatica of annihilation" in three colors: red, green and silver.

That's how I portrayed my comic book characters, nostalgic kids.

But she had only one character... who couldn't shoot out of drawing.

That's no other comic book protagonist...... Marie Adler herself she rolls.

Drawing her in six colors of paint doesn't make her move in the Rainbow Illusion Gun.

No matter how many times I repeated it, I couldn't.

Marie Adler, who had stopped moving in her manuscript, never even moved in the power of Embrio.

'I'm sure she won't make a move until she gets the answer,' she gave up.

It remains her mind's homework, and it continues to remain.

But even if you put it down, the biggest trump card as an embrio... a special six-color bullet needs to be prepared.

But these six colors are Marie Adler's colors, and no one has used these six colors in plenty in other characters. For the record, some colors were not enough for Marie's appearance as an avatar, but some were not enough for Marie Adler in the comics.

When she was going back to real life and reading back her own work, wondering what was wrong with her.

"... ah"

Only one person fell under these six colors.

When I evoked it, I also convinced myself about why it didn't come out of my memory drawer.

But in a way, considering there were no more candidates... Marie chose her for a six-color special bullet.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ Border zones and platforms

For Arcane Shell, and for Marie, a six-color special bullet is a last resort without a hindsight.

Consistent with her special skill limitations, all “paint” will suffer the disadvantage of being unavailable for a full day in itself.

But at the same time - it's also her trump card, which even once shot down.

The most powerful special bullet (character) I've ever spent on all of her now.

His name is...

"Rainbow Fantasy Gun (Arcanshell)" - "God Killer La Gravel"

Released from the barrel was a woman with a huge sword made of the bones of a beast and her eyes hidden in a green cloth.

Its name is "God Killer La Gravel".

In her painted comics, the most powerful killer.

While it was clearly stated that he was stronger than the protagonist, Marie Adler... in the magazine recess (...) the series ended (...) with the strongest character (...) without a fight.

Therefore, only Marie, the author, knows her ability to mimic this special bullet now......

- Kill.

- Just once, only wielding a weapon.

That's faster than Behemott right now...... and a strong blow.

"It's just strong," he said, a blow realized by injecting resources from all six bullet species in the character he had set himself.

Usually, Marie doesn't use this special bullet.

Where I used it, [Brooch] took the damage and I just stayed.

In this battle, I kept waiting for the moment to be hit by a steep spot because on the contrary, I could not sharpen the HP of an oversized behemoth.

But now, wherever you go, if you just have to crush [Greatest Top]...... Marie doesn't have any more hands.

A blow that gambled on everything she was told.

That's... splendidly crushed the supermetal.

From the right side of the cracked head to the part hanging on the elbow of the right forefoot.

[Gray Test Top] was crushed and stripped to expose the behemoth to life.

Though her all-powerful blow was cracked... it exceeded her strongest metal.

Witnessing that - Marie's neck was flying.

“La Gravel”, which devoured a blow, has also disappeared with its body amputated before natural extinction.

Because Behemott, aware of the inevitable attack on himself, gave priority to the destruction of "La Gravel” and Marie, who shot it out, over to lighten the damage.

([Brooch] is...... Oh, just like Luke did, "Tiger Scratch" serial attack?)

Marie had such a thought as she let her head dance in the universe.

(... Which way, there's nothing I can do after using all the bullets. I'll leave the rest to you, [Assassin King]....... and Ray)

That's how Marie's head... became dust of light before it touched the ground.

◇ ◆

The moonshadow is diving into the shadows again.

Behemott with skin exposure now.

If you can touch it there, they'll take you on the road in Phase Death Offset.

(No problem...... I guess)

If it was a riot, it would have been difficult to avoid an ambush from the shadows.

But now, it can't be a riot anymore.

There are already three of us left.

And Ray, who can withstand if he can't even hit the wrong spot, and the moon and night danger of lacking direct combat power is low, and he's not powerful enough to reduce Behemott's ability to respond to surprise attacks.

Whatever AGI's division is, so is the one-on-one with the moonshadow with the deadly beating.

There is no element to beat Behemott.

- Around, until I can get my black and purple temper in again.


To the sight, I doubt it.

(Ray was losing his right hand. So I'm not supposed to be able to use Hell's Qi... right)

Think that far...... behemott realizes.

Because Ray and the others were also packing up information in advance.

Above all... because Sole (...) had defeated me.

(The hell were you there already...)

Aside from Ray, there's just the hell... she knows there's someone else who can use this skill.

And Sole was... found right away.

Behemott rear...... near where the wreckage on Ray's right hand was falling.

There was no armor painted on the blood vapor that should have fallen there,

Instead, a ghost of a virgin with red copper skin - [Gardranda] stood.

"He who wraps one crack of < SUBM >...... Interesting......"

[Gardranda] said that with a little pleasure, looking at Behemott's entangled [Gray Test Top].

To be continued

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