<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode One: Bee - Wang Du Defense Battle

□ ■ Wangdu Althea and downtown

At the time of the breakdown of the reconciliation conference in the border zone, the Wang du was in havoc by a bee human suddenly attacked.

Bee Humans poke and kill people with poisonous spears, and when they die, they can also be called murderous biological weapons that blow themselves up and involve their surroundings.

Fighting such bee humans, guards from all over the city and staying < MASTER > also responded, continuing interceptions while evacuating residents.

However, bee humans are powerful enemies who outperform subdragon classes even on single rides.

In the kingdom tien, that's tough to deal with alone if not the Kingsguard Knights.

In fact, the guards are dealing with the whole thing at one party.

And, but the situation is tough.

"Mr. Riser! These guys, they're pretty strong and they're gonna blow themselves up! Melee combat is tough!

Lang, a member of the [Disease Cavalry] on Hippoglyph, calls that to the person beside him.

'Notify other members as well. Firearms, bows and arrows, and magic to continue the fight. Those without means of ranged attack may use the [Gem] of Clan Reserve!

By his side, driving a motorcycle, a spill from the drife, was the owner's proxy for the < Babylonian Combat Regiment > in the sixth place of the duel...... [Disease Cavalry] Masked Riser.

While calling on clan members to do so with communications magic equipment, they themselves fire rifles at bee humans from the bike's car.

He had his own Helmose damaged in the recent raid on the Krono Crown and is still unusable. That's why I'm riding a spill motorcycle.

It should be noted that the motorcycle, once named Blue Screen, was bought by Riser for what was flown to the market to raise funds.

(... you were right to keep him treated)

Physical damage inflicted in the battle with [Ra's God] is fully healed by the magic of Moon and Night.

Thanks to this, we are able to fight without any problems, except that there is no Embrio during this raid.

(But the power is tough)

Not so many are able to cope with this raid in the current King's Capital.

Duel Rankers are mostly in desperate penalties for a dark fight yesterday.

Even for the clan, the first place and the second place are attending a harmonious meeting.

The third-place < K&R > also lacks two super positions of dominance.

And even for other ranking clans, there are many clans based in different cities from Wang Capital on the grounds that they are based in.

As a result, only a handful of clans are able to handle it, including < K&R > 's remaining battle power and < Babylonian Combat Regiment >.

(Crusade Rankers...... Many are absent, but few are suitable for fighting downtown in the first place)

As is the case with the # 1 [Destroyer King] Shu Sterling, crusade rankers have many owners of great firepower suitable for massive monster crusades.

Therefore, it was a different story whether we could use our power in downtown, even if we were in the Wang capital.

"Kuh! I knew you were tough, Mr. Riser! Now this is a gold and silver corner drop!

Was Lang thinking the same thing again, mouthing such a weak sound?

In contrast, Riser utters words as an owner's agent as he swallows his anxiety.

"Still, the cinnamon, the incense car, and the walk remain. Let me show you what I mean."

"... Copy that!

To Riser's words, Lang regained his mind.

"I don't see any bee humans around here. I head to the east side of the city. Lang will rendezvous with Bravo and head west."

"Copy that!"

Leaving the west to Lang, Riser headed to the east side of the city as he drove his motorcycle on a cobbled path.

◇ ◆

When Riser let the bike run for about a minute, he went to the barricade blocking the road and hit it.

On the other side of the barricade, a building is built inside a multi-built public hall in the Wang capital.

The synagogue seemed to host the inhabitants who had evacuated, and the barricades were meant to protect that people.

There were moving shadows around the barricade, all of them equipped with guards from the Wang Capital.

"You are... a masked riser!

As the riser approached, the guard who was building the barricade called out.

In addition to its characteristic mask, Riser is also widely known to Tian for being a long-acting dueling ranker.

"What's going on around here?

Riser got off the bike and asked the guard.

"I defeated the first and second waves... so there's damage here too. The third wave could come too."

"This is where they're after you," he said?

"Oh. And they're targeting a lot of people as a priority, not just here."

Bee Humans seem to be raiding people unreasonably, and their fruits are moving efficiently.

Efficiency means attacking more humans.

That's all I think about, attacking people, and even if I die, I get involved by suicide bombing.

"Besides, according to other sources in the correspondence,... the bee man also uses his hands."

And there was also a troublesome problem due to the nature of suicide bombing.

"Report! A new bee human has emerged in the refuge of the Church of the Nation! Involve the people around you and blow yourself up......!


The guard captain, who was providing a guard in front of the congregation, cursed at reports made from the rear.

This is not the first time such a report has been made.

Bee humans are not the only ones who have already emerged, but some who transform from a person's appearance into a bee human in an instant.

Especially when you get into a densely populated shelter of people dispersed by the people you evacuate, reveal who you are and blow yourself up.

Efficiency in attacking many humans was... terribly good.

(There is no reason not to accept the evacuees who have fled. But it's hard to identify....... annoying)

Even The Nursing, I can't figure out who a bee human is.

Name and just a low job level that doesn't match the status.

Unlike monsters, they don't even have overhead name displays.

That was the proof left of being human, no matter how alien it may be.

Yes, but therefore, we cannot see through until we show ourselves who we are.

"What are they in the first place! Some tribe in Legendary?!?"

To the words of the captain of the guards, Riser thinks.

(If it's not a monster, it could be common sense... no)

According to members of the Babylonian Combat Regiment, who obtained a job in the researcher lineage, all post-transformation bee humans are "demonic worms" of their species.

Even pedigrees similar to insects should be labeled "human" if they are human subject organisms, but now they are "demonic worms". That won't happen if you live naturally.

Or like the [Great Necromancer] who makes man undead or the [Ghost Martial (Auga Samurai)] who makes him ghost, the possibility of an acquired race change by Job was also conceived, but... I did not have such a job as far as I confirmed in The Nursing.

(And even if it's a job, there's an explanation for its ability to transform or status that doesn't match the level... No way)

Another possibility he has in mind is that humans are transformed by < Embrio > or < UBM >.

However, it is unlikely that there will be any planned terrorist attacks to this point, and the answer is unlikely to be anything other than the work of Embrio.

(Stupid......, does anyone do that...?

But Riser didn't want to admit it.

What that means... is that there is a Master who will replace Tian with a human weapon.

Riser's position was that of the worlds, and that's why he didn't want to think about it.

"... in any case, the attack on the shelter must be prevented"

Even if the opponent is formerly Tian and the changed ones, if they want to take the lives of innocent people, they must be defeated.

Its determination and readiness have already been consolidated.

What we need now is a means of distinguishing between refugees and bee humans.

But none of the current members of the Babylonian Combat Regiment has the potential to solve this problem.

When it seemed like I had to keep turning backwards like this,

"Oh, um...!

Risers in the barricade in front of the shelter had a girl to speak to.

"Hmm? You just..."

Riser looked familiar to the girl.

One of the rookies who was in the central arena during a former Franklin incident.

And as acquaintances of the Rays, the girl I've seen face to face several times before.

"Death Period, Kasumi, …"

The girl's name is Kasumi.

Although he belonged to < Death Period >, he was not able to log in yesterday for real reasons and was a member who did not accompany the harmonious meeting.

Beside her, there was also an array of Io and Fuji who were unable to attend the harmony conference for similar reasons.

'Oh, I remember. You guys stayed here. "

"Yes......! Um, there's something I want to tell you...!

'What do you want to tell me?

When Riser asked, Xia nodded cocklessly and held the board in her hand...... she showed Tykyokus, Xia's < Embrio >.

"Mine, Tykyokuz... I know where and how to reach it...!

Tykyokus used to know only the position and form of reach, but since evolving into the advanced TYPE: Angel Arms, apart from the Master, the position of the Embrio can also be displayed arbitrarily.

'What the hell is that... no way!

Riser guessed what she was going to say.

"Um, it's all from bee humans......" "", "Super Embrio" reacts......!

It was embedded in a bee human body… the reaction of a certain < super embrio > split.

Tykyokuz was detecting it one by one.

"< Super Embrio >... no, more than that! You mean you get it! There's someone who's still human!


That was good news.

One of the most devastating at present is the bee humans who are dispersed by the refugees and enter the shelter.

If we can prevent that, we can contain the damage.

Can you tell me where it is?

"Yes......! Sign (...), I will...! So tell me about it...... tell them!

When Xia says so, she peeks into Tykyokuz and fingers the surface.

It follows the numerous indications marked "" "as if they were written in one stroke.

And she declares,

"Tykyokuz…" Marking… "

Immediately after the declaration, slight changes occur in the surrounding scenery.

overhead of one man, among the people who were on their way to the shelter.

There - there was an inverse triangle cone floating around like you would see on a map app.

That's an indication of identification.

It is the granting of a landmark (…) to an opponent who has been shown the form of arrival of "" throughout the city.

"... it's that person!



Immediately after her words, Io and Fuji move out.

The local attribute magic of Fujidan, who became a senior position [Black Socialist "Landmancer"], restrains the marked man.


At the same time as being held captive, the marked man transforms the figure into a bee human.

But shortly afterwards, a huge axe swung down from overhead - Gorin, Io's < Embrio >, broke the captive bee man in two.

There will be an explosion at the same time as death, but no damage has been done because there are no people around.

Neither did Io reach the blast much due to the enormity of the golin, nor did the golin itself frighten.

"Hey, what was that...?

"The landmark..."

Guards vexed at the sudden spiral of the situation, and beside it Riser learned that the status quo had improved.

Kasumi's skills are not skills that contribute directly to combat.

However, by this… the signs of those who carried out the suicide bombing attack on the shelter could be obtained.

'... can I think of this as landmark for all bee humans in the city?

"Yes! Inside the king's capital, Tykyokus can cover it all. … However, the five “ “ ” found inside the royal castle were too fast to be touched... ”

"Royal Castle..."

Bee humans are powerful, but not too fast.

(So you're saying that "" "in the royal castle is separate from bee humans? Or... but? No, what needs to be done now......!

Though the doubts are endless, Riser remembers what he should do and takes and executes the communication magic equipment in his hands.

"Communicate to each member. Tian, marked overhead, is a bee person. Just in case anyone makes any restraints and shows up who they are, they're powerless! Communicate this information when you find the < K&R > troops!

"'Copy that!

Connected to the Babylonian Fighters scattered throughout the Wang capital and contacted them with the necessary information.

By the Riser, the guards seemed to be making similar contact throughout the city.

'Thanks. Thanks to you, the situation has improved considerably....?

Riser conveys a word of thanks to Xia, but Xia at the time has not heard it.

She is... tilting her neck as she looks at Tykyokus.

'... please, did you?

"Here, take this..."

That's what she says, she points to a point of Tykyokus with her trembling fingers.

Riser and Io and Fuji peek into it too.

It is a square of fountains that also serves as a savepoint, on the boulevard south of Wangdu.

There - there was a massive swarm of 'cumbers'.

The numbers overlap too much to know the exact number.

But probably never less than a hundred.

Undoubtedly the largest number ever appeared in one place.

"I wasn't there until just now..."


If you had been there from the beginning, you would have noticed at the time of the landmark earlier.

Then it really appeared suddenly there.

Where those who were hidden, those who were hidden, appeared.


'Or is this the source of bee man (...)...'

As it is, bee human raids will continue.

If you don't say no from the source, all of them are jilli poor.

Therefore, Riser makes a decision.

"Communicate to each member. Something appears near the fountain in Wang Dunan that seems to be the culprit of bee humans. Anything rapidly possible, gather around to deal with this. I'm on my way, too!

That's what he told the communications equipment, and Riser crossed the bike again and headed to his destination.

Xia and the others looked at each other in such a manner of riser and... nodded.

And they also rode [Landwing], a horseman, and drove him to the fountain in the south.

◇ ◆

After a few minutes of driving, the risers reach the south fountain from the north side of the street.

I still don't see any of the other members of the Babylonian Combat Regiment, but if they're on the move, they should be circling in and sieging from another direction.

"This is..."

The sight in the fountain square was a strange one.

More than 100 bee humans were aligned on the spot.

Yes, they were aligned.

Maybe, like a trained army.

'Oh. Oh. Oh. Ohohohohohohohoho'

From beyond the aligned bee humans, the laughter wooded.

It was a voice as if it were to stir discomfort, like a mixture of people's voices and worm feathers.

"Be the first, congratulations! For the first time in this king's capital, you have been honored to see the eagle. I'm delighted. So delighted!

Bees A sound that makes sense as a person's word, not unlike human ringing.

The Lord of his voice was soon found.

The Lord of the Voice was gracefully sitting on the edge of an aligned bee human...... fountain.

No, I might not say I was sitting back.

The Lord of the Voice...... had an even more twisted body than a bee human.

It's like mixing a bunch of busty women with a bunch of bees... an incongruous body is not exactly hip.

Even the characteristic abdomen of a bee is stuck to the body more than once.

Compared to that, even bee humans can't be called grotesques.

At first glance, Kasumi suppresses her mouth with her hands.

'You are... who!

"Who! With whom, ask a beautiful eagle!? Well! How ignorant!

It's a golden sound, and it sounds like a feather, but it conveys what made anyone uncomfortable.

'But let us forgive you. This is the kingdom. The mysterious thin land of Fairy Town. Therefore, even if you don't know the eagle, you can't. Let us forgive you. I don't know. So ignorance is not a sin. "

"Fairy Home..." you say?

Riser realized that there were words in his opponent's words that he could not miss hearing.

Fairy Home...... there is only one country that it points to.

'Yes. The eagle's name is E. Tern Palais! who once held a wing of the military as [General Worm (Bug General)] in Legendary. And by the obscure queen and her givers, those who pursued the country and called it a rebel!

'... Huh!

The person who named himself E Tern Palais said he was [General Worm], the General Position of the Devil Worm.

But more important information was in the words that went on.

"And now! Acknowledging the correctness and beauty of the eagle, he gave a new soldier, [Apis Idea] with [Soul Sales] La Crima! He who obeys the IF to which he belongs!


Among the words vomited intoxicating were the most important.

Riser also knows the name.

A criminal clan made up of.

One end of the answer to what was hiding behind this incident was in this statement.

'And... oh, and...!

E. Tern Palais overlapped his words to deepen his intoxication,

"The name of the eagle now is [Regina (Queen)] [Regina (Queen) Apis (Bee) Idea (Modified)]! Make it the queen of bees, the true queen of fairy land!

Name your own name, which has been modified proudly,

'The eagle will be even more powerful throughout this battle, and all of a sudden they will free their homeland, Legendaria, from obscurity and misconceptions! To make my beloved homeland no more misleading......!

exalt your desires,

'No for that matter! Let's sacrifice you first!

- I turned my [Apis Idea] to the Risers.

To be continued

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