<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson 14: What This World Needs

□ ■ Royal City Fourth Floor Corridor

(What the hell is going on?

A motor capable of sensing magic noticed that this castle was in what could be termed an anomaly by circling from the beginning.

The first anomaly is the huge magical reaction that emerged underground.

(We'll line up with [King of Fire] 's grandfather. What the hell is this castle...)

The motor has no reason to know, but that's Tsanrong...... [Dragon Emperor] Ao Long Man Vietnam's reaction.

But I can sense magic... conversely, the motor mess is huge because it can only be sensed by magic.

(Of the bucket, the nest?

He thought so, as if he had admitted to himself the 'truth' of the light mouth he had leaked earlier.

The second anomaly is a group of monsters that have been attacking him.

Obviously odd looking at those against him. He fought and destroyed all of them.

But after you destroy it, it's a problem.

None of the monsters I defeated became dust of light (...).

With despair, they had… turned into broken armor, shattered walls, broken flowers and torn paintings.

It's like there's no monster or anything else, and all I'm saying is that it was just a thing there and he just rammed and broke it.

There are obviously different signs than when I left it as a drop item.

In addition, the motor does not have the same experience.

If it's a regular monster, it's impossible.

(The kind of illusion... Impossible)

Regardless of the other person, even in a blind state, he can freely act as a modifier… [Wespertiglio Idea], illusion and so on do not hang on him.

There must have been a monster.

Even if it's a monster who doesn't obey the laws of a monster.

(... and the biggest problem at the moment)

The motor stares at the magical reaction of the door in the front of itself…

There's the third anomaly.

Pretty powerful...... magical reaction.

(Are you saying that the cause of this anomaly may be at the end of this door?)

The magic reaction that was roaming around this fourth floor is now relative to the motor by pinching a single door.

It's as if you're waiting.

(I only have a bad feeling... Running away... I can't do that either)

Motors resent the split of ideas that still exist in their bodies that inhibit their escape.

This Idea Split is a human modified by Idea… a connection that maintains the modified body.

It is also a collar that takes the lead of the body when it tries to act against an order.

If you take the lead, you will be acted upon in an order, in a motion far inferior to what the motor itself moves.

Then what awaits is a higher probability of death, and he has no other path but to obey orders.

(If you remove it, you die, even if you defy it, it's over. Fucking specifications......!

Even if you like the power gained from the modification, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

(As Zeta instructed, we have no choice but to set this magic bearer up)

He thought so, as he had noticed, and remembered the conversation when he was accidentally instructed.

'Important. The important thing in this request is to launch an attack on a strange person (...)'

'Strange, I would say. Including all the strange people in the city. "

"Heavily aware. I know that. So all you have to do is attack every city '

'... what?

'Directive. [Regina Apis Idea] orders destruction throughout the city. In addition, the other three raided the Royal Castle. Attack the suspicious while destroying the castle. I don't care about the life or death of the target.'

"Are you insane?"

"Sanity. It's sanity to be here. That's what we asked for. To add, even for my own ends, disturbances should be flashy '

'You and that guy... your head wiring clean?

"Not sure. I don't know if it's a normal spirit. myself, and my client. But if you're limited to your client, you may have more important matters than you have to hate this sacrifice. The client said, 'What this world needs.'

"... I don't want to hear too much about things that are going to be expenses."

'Agreed. I therefore hope to complete my work'

They then raid and the motor is here following particularly suspicious magic.

(Weird guy, it's definitely the weird guy at the end of this door.... apparently I pulled a clam?

As soon as the door opens, victory and defeat are decided.

The motor understands that this is so much of a situation and makes sure in his heart that he does what he needs to do.

(Kick through the door and launch the built-in function Dark Boundary. At the same time, the opponent loses sight of me and ends with a blow by smashing Saddon Death, the depths of the [Surprise King])

The Dark Crossing was built into him by La Crima. It is a junction that absorbs light and electromagnetic waves in the surrounding area for only a certain amount of time and forces it to crush vision.

"Sadondez" is the depths of [Surprise King] that can only be used without the opponent seeing himself.

Triple hit with Ignore Defense, Endurance and Resistance. It doesn't even activate the [brooch], which is supposed to be the lifeline.

In addition, he also rides "Triple Damage Correction for Undiscovered Conditions" from Sneak Reid, a basic skill in Raider Systems.

If you release it with your modified present body, it will leave no trace of humans or anything else.

Even an opponent with a huge amount of HP can do enough to erase the lethal site.


But even if you think so with your head, your soul, your experience, makes you step on two feet.

The illusion as if a pocky and big pit were opening your mouth in front of you.

Still, if you're afraid, what you're waiting for is forced manipulation by Idea Split. It is only time to look at one's own body going to die.

Otherwise, they might set us up first from the enemy across the door.

Therefore, the motor had no choice.

(... Well, you have to believe it. I'm a super job, a handful of transcendents. Besides, I don't care if it's a fucking specification or a ton. They keep my body.)

And he's ready...


He remains silent, but ready to kick through the door.

At the same time, launch the Dark Crossing and wrap the surrounding area in darkness.

But even so, his hearing, mixed with a bat-shaped pure dragon-class monster, captured the appearance of the enemy.

(Two enemies......!? Right, you're going up there!

The distance between the two was too close, and Magic Sensing saw them as one.

- Or maybe one didn't have a magic reaction in the first place -.

(Four-legged monster down there, up there...... pretty small but human!

At the moment you grasp it with your hearing, the motor defines its aim.

(Aim... the guy up there!

In accordance with Zeta's directive of "attacking strange people," he fleshes to a small person who has set himself as his aim while making several leaps on the floor and ceiling.


(- "Sudden Death")

He waved a blade-like nail down the back of the little man's neck as he declared his skills in his heart.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ Conversation of the teacher

"Studies from earlier periods of civilization said, 'This world exists to aspire to what lies further ahead of the extremely super-job'"

"Super position, further ahead..."

"Infinite (Infinite) beyond super (Superior) … I was aiming for something like that by the standards I knew. Perhaps the administrators before this world... those who created this world were the same. Various functions… were considered to exist of dimensional differences with powers"

"Who created this world..."

"It might be hard to believe in this day and age when it's natural to believe in a system called Job, not a specific being."

"If it's the master's word, I believe it."

"Right. Now, the theory once said, 'They have created this world in an attempt to increase their fellowship, but they have cut out for this world because too few of their kind are born'"

"It's... how did researchers at the time come up with such a theory?

"Before the struggle against" incarnation, "there were anecdotes describing them... and many myths. Besides, there were ancient dragons with information back then, and there were other providers of information. Archaeology at the time was full of romance exploring the truth about this world from the past. My specialty was the development of machines but I also enjoyed talking to the archaeological experts...... Now I have to laugh because the first things I left behind are the main object of archaeology."

"... you're going to miss it"

"Oh. Strange stuff. Even though I'm not experiencing it right now, I can remember the first time without fading. This feeling, any of which Integra will know."

"... Yes"

"But these studies and beliefs were lost from the world after that“ incarnation ”invasion. After that battle, other than the [God] series, such as the presence of God, it became unbelievable, and the myths communicated with nature were extinguished. There was no convenience for those who cut us off from the past to come back because it was our crisis..."


"Let's get back to it. The creators of this world created a basic mechanism, a monster that manages jobs and serves as a source of resources other than the killing of human beings. But besides those... we also had special provisions"

"Special particulars…"

"There are two kinds of special cases, the first is about the high end"

"High end? Pure dragon or something?

"Close. The highest talented is the high end. And rarely do humans give birth to those who should be called high end. Full of talent, the suitability and limitations of Job's vessels are great, and he easily reaches the realm of masters, a broken talent such that the [God] series responds instantly. However, the human high end is far more rare than the monster's."

"… an even more broken talent than the aptitude of [the Great Sage]?

"That's right. A high end is someone who has enough talent not to have. The most famous high end in history would be that [king]. Though it would be about him and me to know that he was a high end.... [Dragon Emperor] at the time he competed with him, if not [Dragon Emperor]. Or it could have been a high end. Although the high end is a percentage of one in hundreds of years, it can also be said that the two high ends crossed each other because [the Dragon Emperor] was long-lived"

"Is there no high end right now?

"Well... the star is on. Perhaps, but there is no certainty. If that young man could get more than one super position, he'd be sure."


"A high end is' the most promising being 'for those who created this world. So when they show talent and bloom as high end...... the world discloses information. This is the first special case."

"Disclosure of information......?

"The Archetype System tells the high end what I'm talking about right now. In fact, some of my stories were previously conveyed to the world by the high end of civilization. Yeah, that was the high end of the day with the information provider I mentioned earlier."

"Oh...... I see"

"In other words, the high end is the most talented person in this world, and at the same time the one who has been informed of the truth of the world (...). The information that can be conveyed is the information that preceded the appearance of the incarnation, so there are a number of them now."

"The truth about the world......"

"The second special case is the most important piece of information in the world that the high end knows…"

"... I've only heard a few before"

"That's literally the end of this world. If you can't defeat it, the world will disappear. That one, Integra. It's a kind of foot-cutting device."

"A foot cut?

"As I said before, < end > is defensible with the power of Tian. Even civilizations have defeated it once earlier. A great deal of damage was done... but we were able to win. At that time, there was no shortage of special super positions, and the first weapons and equipment I built. Full membership."

"Master, it's amazing"

"It's not me, it's me first. But the result is never a good story."

"There is one nature to it. A dormant period of more than 1000 years before descending, but when descending… must be stronger than the previous (...) < end (...) >"

"... Huh?

"He's a full member of a special super position, some of my weapons, and still a victory with a lot of damage. It's also horrible to imagine how much the next. Whether or not the Final Weapon One arrives even when it's complete."


"In short, 'If you can't make progress beyond the higher hurdles, disappear,' says those who created this world. It's troublesome because it's alive even after you leave."

"... foot cut, right"

"But there is a way to deal with it. You know that, right?

"[Evil God]."

"Oh. [Evil Gods] are those who make themselves special super positions and sacrifice (...). Those who have the right to exercise some of the power of, but at the end of the day integrate as the brainchild of. The countdown of descent begins with the birth of the [evil god]"


"Some of the resources of those who have died in this world since [the evil god] was born are poured into the < end > bit by bit. It descends when it reaches a certain value. My predecessors [evil gods] were born after the Three Powers. Otherwise, < End > would have descended before [Holy Sword King] defeated [Evil God]"


"Yes. Kill the [evil god] before it descends, and the countdown of < end > will be reset. That is…"

"What this world needs - what the world needs to survive - is the life of [the Evil God]."

To be continued

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