<Infinite Dendrogram>

Epilogue A I, III, V

□ Wangdu Althea

Riser woke up with a slight fever felt on his cheek.

Brighten back the blurred vision and focus your eyes slightly.

When his vision is thus clear, he is looking down at the royal castle from above the king's capital, from which the Yangtze rises to the sky.

It had no color, unlike flames, just enormous heat distorting the air.

The heat is also transmitted to him, but that is not enough to harm the human body.


"Ah! Mr. Riser! Did you wake up!

Turn your face to that voice and there was Lang's face, a member of the Babylonian Combat Regiment. So finally, Riser realized he was taking it like a waste on his hippogriff's back.

"... Since then, what's happened?

"Yes! Mr. Riser defeated that bee human parent. Then bee humans all over the city stopped moving, and when I went up into the sky, Mr. Riser just fell down, so I caught him!

"What about that fire pillar?

"I don't know, I started out a while ago... but the people in the castle seem to be fine"

"... right"

Then the riser was relieved that he would have managed for the first time.

So much less, Hippogriff, who put them on board, went down to Fountain Square, which was a battlefield with...... [Regina Apis Idea].

The state of the city was no different from when the risers flew, and the damage did not seem to have expanded.

Were you seeing a descent or those who remained in the fountain square approaching them?

"Mr. Riser... you're safe... so...?

Xia tried to speak, but noticed something and tilted her neck.

That was Io and Fuji, and so did the others.

"What's wrong with you?

"Mr. Riser...... right?

"Oh. Why ask... hmm?

So finally, Riser noticed the discomfort in his head.

Touch your head a few places with both hands and be sure.

"Oh. You lost your mask."

His biggest feature, the full-face mask, was shattered by an attack in the air, and now he was (albeit avatar) in a bare state.

It was a face like before the transformation of a feature hero over half a century ago, but the upset was spread over the fact that his face was visible before his face was shaped in the first place. Even members of the Babylonian Combat Regiment cannot hide their agitation.

"Is that the face of Riser... I've never seen that before"

"Did he have a face..."


'I wonder what the hell they thought I was,' Riser questioned deeply.

"Mr. Lang is surprised... isn't he?

Only Lang, the tense person who picked up the maskless riser in the air, didn't look surprised in his face either.

"Oh, I saw it when I took a bath with Mr. Riser before."

"" "Ofuro" "

The three daughters align their voices with Lang's words, and Riser recalls, 'That happened, too'.

When I went to Kalcherathan with Lang, when I went into the Inn Baths.

They are looking at my face because I wasn't insane enough to take a bath with a mask on the boulder.

Though I didn't mind being seen because most Risers just keep wearing masks in their policies, and it's secondary to hiding their faces.

"... the two of us"

"Naked dating men"

"You're Lylan! Welcome!"

"" Rylan?

It was at the same time that Riser and Lang leaned their necks against Io's unintelligible words and Fujidan slammed a body blow into Io's flank.

"Ugh......!? Ri, that's unreasonable......! Fujino said something critical and dangerous, but no...!

"Io is too direct in his remarks"

"Ugh...! But the collection is better..."

"Declared war and received"

"Awww... both of you... let's not..."

When Riser laughs bitterly at their interactions like that, he laughs zero from all around him.

It gathered in the square… including the voices of Tian other than

After the incident, to the calm people appearance...... again Riser thinks.

"Now... could you protect me"

I shrugged to confirm the words I said before I passed out...... again.

◆ ◆ ◆

■ Underground evacuation compartment

[Flaming King] After Supernova by Fuel Rasburn was prevented without collapsing the Royal Castle or the King's Capital, only the pouring sound of water is echoed underground.

Not only were the Elizabetes who had already evacuated and the disappeared Fuel, but there was also no [Great Sage] Integra, who had passed out [Dragon Emperor] Tsanron, who had moved to earth with him severely wounded.

From the hole in the wall, the groundwater veins flow slightly towards the entire evacuation section, and from the large hole in the ceiling, melted by the heat of "Supernova", only a little sunlight on the ground enters through dozens of meters.

In such a space...... a figure of one woman bandaged all over her body appeared.

"On the verge. We almost collapsed to our next plan"

That's what Zeta groaned as she soaked her lower back into the groundwater.

Fuel...... for her, the rampage of [Ignis Idea], a modification of La Crima. That nearly collapsed from Claudia to the plan C that she undertook, he said.


Inside, I also question La Crima's arm.

Except for [Apis Idea], which is a mass production type, the modification put in this time has been modified leaving the personality of Tian, who becomes a modified body.

That's a good way to take full advantage of your combat experience as a Tian. It is also extremely important in terms of your ability to act on a stand-alone.

La Crima can also make a type that doesn't leave its personality, but that's because it wouldn't function properly without a command tower like La Crima himself or [Regina Apis Idea].

For those who have difficulty reinforcing their personnel, modification is an important force of war.

Temporary power can be substituted with Logan's demonic summons, but then there is a shortage of pawns to move against the board surface that will increase in the future.

But if it gets out of control like this one, Zeta thought the downside would prevail.

Like [Ignis Idea], only the problem remains if there is a frequent occurrence of 'Operation and suicide bombing regardless of everything with enhanced minutes of magic', etc.

(You need to file a report on that with La Crima)

Even if it was [Ignis Idea] that caused the problem, it knitted so much magic because it had its own after being modified. The balance of pros and cons is very dangerous in the manufacture of modifications.

Most importantly, there was no such thing as' Tian is the material 'on either plate of the balance of its advantages and disadvantages.

"Migration. Now let's move on to preparation under Plan C"

She walks through the evacuation compartment, which is being filled with water, towards an empty hole in the wall.

Watch the groundwater pour in as you take out white accessories mimicking whales from your nostalgia.

"... abundant. Still, you really have plenty of water and air."

Zeta shrugged so as she poured through the wall and touched the groundwater that soaked her own lower body.

That's what I once said when I first stepped down to Grand Barore, where she belonged.

If you try to be the real girlfriend (...), you don't even want enough water to take a bath.

That was also why I chose that country first.

"............... jealous"

So my heart leaked just a little bit.

Her heart felt jealous and hateful of < Infinite Dendrogram >, where there was as much water and air.

It's jealousy and hatred because you can't have it.

She knows better than anyone that < Infinite Dendrogram > for her is just an evacuation from reality...

And at the same time, I also understand that this can't be just a game because she can evacuate (...).


Zeta looks over her head slowly.

I can't see the sky or anything, blocked by the ceiling.

But in her mind she could see the sky at the end of the ceiling and its further other side (...).

"... I guess there weren't any people here... who reached out to a world out of reach"

Zeta leaks a word that won't reach anyone.

Unexpectedly - I lost that vision.

It is thrown into a pitch-black vortex as if it were a starless night sky, without a glimmer of light that is uncertain before, after or even up or down.

(What's this?

Darkness that doesn't show anything when you open your eyes.

Ugly, he tried to deploy a compressed air barrier in Uranos, but a mild impact rocks her body sooner than that.

At the same time, the darkness disappears and her sight returns.

And as she looked down at her body, a foreign arm stretched out between her breasts...... grabbing her heart.

For a moment, I think of [Corpse Immortal] Xunyu, who I buried myself, but this is different.

Unlike that prosthetic hand made of metal, this black arm is biological.

He strikes backwards with Uranos' compressed air bullets before turning around, but the black-armed owner pulled his arm out with her heart in his grip and took the distance in an instant.

I lose my heart and Zeta's body is about to fall... but I control the air with Uranos to support my own body.

But the wounds received are deadly. It was an unintentional blow and, in addition, it could not prevent [the brooch] because it had been crushed by the swift feathers.

And see the person who inflicted the fatal injury on himself.

"... wespel (...), tirio (...)..."

That was thought to have died because of the reaction of Idea Split Lost [Wespertiglio Idea]...... it was Motor Cortana.

The snatch of Zeta's sight was due to the Dark Realm given to him by La Crima.

But that's crazy.

There are no more Idea Splits to connect and stop the modified body.

Even so, the motor's body remains connected.

No, it's more sophisticated as an organism than it was when it was connected to Idea Split.

Drawn in a Japanese comic...... its like a man with a demon in him.

The current identity and the arm that took away her heart without her noticing anything.

Obviously, it was separate from the motor until then.


Soon HP runs out and control of Uranos is at its limit and Zeta falls into the water and sinks in.

As Zeta's avatar disappeared underwater, she thought.

... I still have to complain to La Crima,.

◇ ◆


I saw Zeta disappear underwater.

And Zeta disappeared without a trace, and the sound confirmed that it was not like an optical camo.

Then, the motor says the words without opening his mouth.

"It's me. The original owner is dead."

'... yes. Well, I'll call you when I have business again, so I'll be waiting for you in the king's capital for a while.'

'... oh'

I had such a conversation with the girl, my new owner, who is not here right now, and Motor hung up on me.

Yes, now he's a girl...... kept alive by Theresia.

That's when Theresia forced me to make a choice... and Motor chose to live again.

It could have been worse than it would have ended there if I had lived.

But still, the motor thought.

'I don't want my life to end here. I haven't done anything yet'.

He was not like [the Flaming King].

Unlike a man who died for the meaning of his life, he chose to live because he was not yet convinced or satisfied with the meaning of his life.

He accepted the [evil god's] "family degeneration" instead of the Idea Split, and was reborn.

He's not a person now, he's different from a monster.

All the Jobs because they are no longer people...... even the Super Position [Surprise King] has gone away from him, but the same power still remains in its body.

In pure power, even the ancient legendary < UBM > would surpass it.

The power of the family over and above the power gained by the modification.

But he had no intention of liking the power, nor of drowning in it.

There's only one thing he thinks about right now.

"... you didn't make the wrong choice next time, did you?

The man who stopped being human and became a reformer, and even stopped being [evil god] 's family, grumbled so with thoughts from the bottom of his heart.

To be continued

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