<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode Four: Nail Marks and Promises

□ [Saint Knight] Ray Sterling

After I got my second generation [VDA], I took a trip to the Royal Castle.

I greet the guards, who I feel are more numerous than before, and creep through the main entrance, which has become new because it melted in the recent incident.

"You're getting used to climbing the castle."

"That's right.... and I think the castle guards have gotten used to the Lord's outfit. I'm worried that I'll be able to take care of the suspicious in the future."

Walking around talking about that, I could hear the construction coming from all over the royal castle.

Work is under way to repair the facilities destroyed by the terrorist attacks, but at the same time they are also in the process of redeveloping the previously defunct defence installations.

[Gloria] and that the magic position in the court was devastated and untouched by the war ahead, but that Integra's return finally allowed him to get his hands on it.

There's a lot more, and she's very busy in the castle right now, not just her.

"Azrite goes without saying. Liliana and the sick Lord Lindos don't have time to rest either..."

"I guess some of them are understaffed. Because of the royal castle, you won't be able to help as much as restore the city."

"I also have security and confidential information..."

It will take longer than the city because Embrio's skills are unavailable.

Still, it seems that the main gate, the face of the royal castle, managed to rebuild it.

By the way, this castle, seen directly from the top, has a large hole in the middle that penetrates from the basement to the roof on the top floor.

From what I've heard from Liliana and Integra, it seems to be a trace of the final depths of [the Flaming King].

Besides, the necessary magic wiring is also dimensioned as targeted, and certain sections are heavily contaminated and off-limits.

... When will this be fully repaired?

"Well. Besides, not only are the assailants causing physical damage, they are also causing human damage."

"... right"

By [Flaming King] and [Raging King], who attacked the legions and castles of [Bug General] who attacked the city, there have been more deaths than in the case of Franklin earlier.

It is also unclear whether the fact that all three of them have been defeated would be a comfort to the dead.

There's just one problem with this, too.

That means... there were two more raiders on the castle.

The first is a man who turns into a bat that Liliana witnessed at the front gate.

This bat man has no sign of someone destroying him. I mean, they say there's no indication they fought anyone just for sabotage.

However, for some reason Liliana was suspicious of breaking not only magic wiring, etc., but even castle paintings and furniture. Integra said, "I'm sure you were fighting furniture and wall floors, too?" Though Liliana was angry at me for tearing it up.

They said there was a third princess Theresia near the scene, but they only got an answer to the spirit of 'I know nothing because I was hiding'.

And the other one... is far more dangerous than a bat man.

That's, [Bandit King] Zeta.

temporarily belonged to the Empire.

Someone who was the key to the trap of trying to poke the blind spot of harmony by going through the Empire.

And at the time of the raid, he was engaged with Xuan Yu to destroy her.

The [Bandit King] is... at least not destroyed.

Because there's no sign of him going to jail.

At the same time, even the < DIN > branches in the Empire have not been identified.

There are two possibilities. You haven't logged in once since you were hit by a death penalty, or are you still alive and lurking somewhere in the kingdom in the first place?

It means that in any case, both of the raiders remain missing, threatening to lurk somewhere in this castle. That would also be why there are more guards than usual.


However, even in such cases of tail pulling still, the quick return of the seriously injured and the fact that Migliane and the others were safe would save them.

The Kingsguard Knights were mostly poisoned and seriously wounded, but recovered with the restorative magic of a female senior who took his life in Integra's first aid and returned to Wangdu. Everyone is back to work now.

And he said that Tsanron, Elizabeth's fiancée, collapsed during the incident, but now there's no scratch. It's a form I heard Marie talking to Elizabeth, but he was a special super position [dragon emperor] on the Yellow River, and thus he seemed highly resilient.

Among dignitaries, only the Marquis of Findle was seriously injured, but it is also recovering from the treatment of feminized seniors.

However, there is one problem with these therapeutic practices.

Seniors were following Azrite's instructions at the pageant because they were embedded in the vast form of debt made in Mr. Hannya's case and followed [the contract].

This treatment, too, Azrite was trying to make the debt reduction take place in consideration.

But just before that, the seniors paid the entire debt in their ears.

Besides, 'Hmm, now we're free. No, it was hard because the nasty princess was going to hang on to me. Oh, but don't worry, I'll take care of it when I have business in the future. Negotiation burns from time to time,' he incited.

Todome said, 'So, what are you going to pay for the treatment of the seriously injured? Ask for something other than money. Yeah?' And so they wandered.

They couldn't replace the lives of the loyalists, and as a result, Azrite was signed another contract that wasn't even Locke, and he seemed in a terrible mood even before I logged out the last time.

With his head in his arms, 'I was checking the movement of money in the country... and I'm impressed that he was whining about where he got all that money from...'

Was it also hidden property?

Or did you split the extrajudicial money instead of treating someone else?

Either way, the collar of the senior feminized student fell off. There may also be circumstances around here that are rushing to host Gideon's “tournament”.

"... hmm?

That's how I thought about the aftertreatment of the other day's incident, and I found myself in the hallway finding out.

With his face out of the hallway window, the flue...... the person flying puffy bubbles with a shaped chabon ball blower......

"Xuan Yu?

"Ng? Oh, Ray, ca. Konnychiwa '

To match the height with the window or shorter than usual, Xun Yu has greeted him with his opposite hand raised to hold a blowing device.

"I'm new in armor, Ka. Medium good performance, Na '.

The boulder is Xuan Yu. They grasped the gear skills of this second generation [VDA] at a glance.

"Oh. I'll always be in trouble when something goes wrong with my replacement gear. Quinn Yu, what are you doing here?

"Na in shabby hands. I help with security with my skills, but why bother with my spare time? '

"What's shabby? Maybe it's time to go home to the Yellow River with Elizabeth and Tsanron, so aren't you busy getting ready?

That's what I said when I told you before. I remember saying something like 'This might be the last time I see you, Na'.

"It should be...... or it was really supposed to be my way back to the Yellow River already, Na '

Saying so, Xunyu took the newspaper out of the item box and handed it to me.

The headlines on paper read: 'The intensification of clashes between Cardina and Grand Barroa', 'The most powerful of magic' VS 'human bombs', the biggest wide-area annihilation ',' The destruction of the lake city of Vensale ', etc.

"What is this..."

"Armed clashes da next door as well as the war over here. It's dangerous and you can't go home by land or sea. Yo. Me and Tsang, anyway, 'cause Elizabeth and the civilian suck, Na.'

“Magic is the strongest” and “human bomb" … I have heard from my brother himself that the ability to exterminate these two outweighs my brother.

The land passes through Cardina, where such people contend, and the sea passes through Gran Barroa, where the fighting may expand during the voyage. It's quite risky to take you on a journey.

"But even the kingdom is in a state of well-being now, but I don't know when it's gonna be like this again."

"Aha. So now I'm in a state of waiting for a pick up to fly out of my own country, Na. '

"Pick me up?"

"A guy named Gray Da. Gray Alpha Centauri of" Spiritual Turtle ", one of the same as me. His Laputa is a flying fortress. It's the perfect vehicle for times like this, yo. '

The Flying Fortress, the Raputa?

... It's a name that's going to fall with one spell.


"It was hard to move him because he stood out and other countries would stare at him. They got clearance from Cardina, so they can move around. Ze. Seems to be the result of the deal a '

"What's the deal?

"Ma, it's a bead tangle, Na. Tsang brings it to this country, and it's a bead that will be used in the next tournament."

"A bead, you know?

The beads. An item once [Dragon Emperor] sealed < UBM >, also known as Treasure Beast Pearl in the Yellow River.

You can use some of that power even if you keep it sealed, but if you unseal it and defeat it, you can obtain Perk Armor. Mr. Figaro has also fought and won the < UBM > once sealed in the beads. They say the result is that pale coat that always weaves its feathers.

Ten beads were sent from the Yellow River to the kingdom upon the marriage of Elizabeth and Tsanron.

He said Azrite had been thinking about how he would operate this and who he would use to draw in... but came to a conclusion after that harmonious meeting.

That's Gideon's tournament.

I'll go to Gideon for more information before double-checking, but to put it simply, I'll bet you the right to challenge < UBM > to collect a large number of < masters > and tie them to 'no hostility to the kingdom for a certain period' in a contract instead of a participation fee.

He thought of it from the existence of a sleeping group that came out of Franklin's terrorist attacks and later the experience of temporarily being able to control feminized seniors under the rule 'Until I Pay My Debt'.

By the way, besides the right to challenge, there's also a side award called 'Presenting Rare Martial Arts Passed to the Kingdom', but I'm involved there too.

I don't know... in the washer (...).

"What about the beads... no, speaking of cardina"

"Aha. That's the big problem over there now, yo. '

I've heard rumors about the incident inside Cardina over the beads, too.

Rumors like a giant maggots monster broke out in the big city of Cardina, or a giant metal statue or dragon appeared to fight it.

And most importantly, the heart of this dispute with Gran Barroa also seems to be its bead.

"The temporary lifting of restrictions on the internal movement of the Yellow River forces instead of the Yellow River waiving the rights of pearls flowing into Cardina. And then he made me promise to send an escort on request. '

"... Hmm. I mean, 'I'm not telling you to give me back the beads anymore. You can cook it if you want. Miss it without interrupting our dowry instead. Instead, help me.'"

"That's what I'm talking about, Na."

... the first cause lies in the Yellow River, where the beads were stolen, but in the form of waivers of their responsibility along with their rights and instead of having them facilitate it?

'Ma, it would be boring to tell Cardina to give it back, and if she doesn't come back anyway, it means she decides to give in to her opponent and stick with the other terms, Lo. You're pretty strong, our top...... whoa first prince'

"That's Tsanrong's brother, isn't it?

'That's right, yo. He's so weak. Someone who works burly on behalf of the emperor now. Da. It was also the First Prince Da who decided to give preferential treatment to the < Master > in the Yellow River. "

"Is Elizabeth's marriage to Tsanron also his suggestion?

"No, that seems to be the emperor's proposal Ze. I'm not familiar with it either. But it was the First Prince who put me on the escort, Na. '

Something's complicated, and it hooks up somewhere.

... Though I may think too much of the kingdom itself even conceive of talking about the royal family of the Yellow River in all sorts of troublesome circumstances.

"But then there's no one named Xunyu and Gray in the Yellow River, either. Aren't you in trouble?

"They smashed the domestic mafia the other day, Na. The situation in our neighboring country is not so good in Cardina, and heaven and earth are in the midst of a civil war of normal driving. I don't even need manpower, Na.... the two remaining are peaky, but as a force of war, they are tattooed da '

"Yellow River Four Spirits, but we're still in the big category, yo."

Mr. Gray manipulates a speedy feather that seems to win anything, and a substandard Fortress of Flight... a very popular category?

"What about the other two?

'... too peaky na. Both have a limited form of battle to specialize in. But one of the two... depends on the circumstances. About [Destroyer King] or [Beast King] Yabeyo'

... A country called the Yellow River seems to still have hidden balls.

"Well, that's my situation, but Ray, why are you in the castle? Elizabeth's sister is not over here right now. Zo. And Liliana, and your sister, Na. '

Well, I thought it might be.

You'll have to move to Gideon on a schedule to get ready.

But not this time.

"Oh, it's not the two of us today, we're meeting someone else."

Before I logged out the last time, they were asking me if I could stop by my place before I went to Gideon.

I'm here today because I was given a few dates and times and they said I could do anything at that time.

"Who are you meeting, Da?

This time, the person who called me...

- It's Integra.

Integra Sedona Clarice Fragman.

Someone with the same surname as the person who left his name on many relics of civilization in the previous period, including the silver I drive... I was called.

To be continued

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