<Infinite Dendrogram>

Ark of Death · ■ of ■ Part IX

□ ■ [Eltrame] - Special Hall

The virgin voyage of the luxury ship [Eltram] on the sand.

On that last night, a grand and magnificent ball is held in the special hall on board.

Not only the upper-class passengers of first and second class rooms, but also some passengers of third class rooms who excitedly obtained tickets.

However, it was strange that even dancing was a different group depending on nature and the rank of the rooms.

Well, this special hall is dominated by dance, of course, but at the walls are lined with food and drink freedom dishes and fine drinks, as well as the body of a standing party.

"Yummy... yummy... Long time no treat......"


And there was a girl with mogmogs and dishes in her stomach as she became a flower on the wall.

Whoever it is, it is Faye, the [Big Bandit] of Goblin Street. Now he comes to the party dressed in the dress he rented, and his face wound thinned with makeup.

Niara, who is also dressed in a dress, looks at her buddies with a grudge of food.

After watching that for a while then,

"... Faye. You, didn't you say 'Romantic if you could dance at a ball'? Why are you obsessed with eating without dancing?

I was so embarrassed while I was stunned.

"... because I don't have an owner right now. I'm not gonna dance with anyone but the owner."

Eldridge, the clan owner, is going around this special hall to find out.

I wish there was something in this venue that was relevant to their purpose, but I'm looking for it.

"So for when I dance with the owner, I'm going to feed my English. SP (Stamina Point) Refill"

"SP abbreviations are not stamina. Skill points."

"What? I don't know what you're using. Because MP is a magic point, isn't it endurance at the opposite pole? SP is under the impression that it uses a lot for physics skills, so I think it's extra."


Niara was impressed with 'Faye is an idiot, but you say something sharp from time to time'.

I can understand 'using magic' if you ask me, but 'using moves' is hard to understand.

Help says Momentum, but with what power is it actually distinguished from Magic? It's hard to feel anything but words.

(Well, it would be a setup reason for the game. If you single anything into an MP, you'll need to stretch the MP even in a physical avant-garde position.)

This is true of many of the former masterpiece RPGs, but Raw Hate and Niara had lower antennas to games other than < Infinite Dendrogram >.

"I don't care what SP is. Prepare for your destiny!

"... Really? Faye, by the way."

"What to do. Mogmog."

"If you eat too much, your body line (...) changes (...)?"


Said Faye looked down at his own abdomen,


He had a stunned, emotico-like look.

"To, Niara... When I rented a dress earlier, I saw that this dress was good..."

"Yeah. It's an attractive dress that attracts the lines of a woman's body. - If you haven't eaten too much and you're not hungry,"

Niara gave a slightly belly-black grin as she quickened up her glasses.

"You plotted it, Niara! I mean, Niara hasn't eaten anything!?

"For ladies, it's the same without food and drink at the ball. You won't be happy with the smell of cooking when you look at me in the dance, not just at my body line. It was common sense at the Lorraine College of Women I once graduated from, wasn't it?

"Guh!? I thought it was too late to stop today!? More like a lady appeal!!

The first thing I watched unstoppable was to see my rivals sink into the mud on their own.

"The owner is kind to us, so he'll dance with either of us. But then you smell of cooking in your pocky stomach and me just slightly perfumed in slim shape. Which would be a better impression, wouldn't it?

"Dirty! That's my glasses. Dirty!

Faye fights against a rival who brilliantly embedded himself (“ he embedded himself at will ”).

In Faye's head Niara was laughing "oho" like a villain warrant lady.

I don't actually laugh that way though.

"So, I'm gonna get you some Deodorant items!

At least to do something about the smell, Faye jumped out of the special hall and ran off to the commercial block.

Re-entry is possible with tickets tied to the person, but it is a battle with time to see if Eldridge can be ready by the time he returns.

Niara dropped off such a member's scratch, reflecting on "... have you been a little too bullied".

"Well, you're alone until the owner and Faye come back... oh?

When Niara somehow looked around, one of the participants in the ball caught her eye.

It was not unusual for < Infinite Dendrogram > to be a beautifully shaped man.

Niara couldn't figure out why he caught his eye, even herself.

(Different height. Different hair color. Different face. different gender in the first place)

Think with your neck tilted......

(Yet why did you associate Yuri (...)?

Niara - Nina remembered a student at the Lorraine College of Women, who she receives in real life.

A man in wonder - Hugo didn't notice that gaze.

Hugo was also a Hugo... because he was in the middle of a problem.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ [Armored Pilot] Hugo Receps

After exchanging information with the stars, he reported the matter to Mr. Manigold, who also gave him the material.

Mr. Manigold was also convinced of the information and apparently communicated it to the chairman in correspondence.

Also, when it came to my concerns about Emily, I equally came to "no hitter as it stands".

But he also said that being beside Mr. Manigold's beads was the only measure he could take, more than likely there would be disturbances around the beads this time around.

I was convinced, and indeed that was the best.


"Mr. Manigold..."

"Hugo, what's wrong?

"Emily might come after the beads," he said, right?

"'Might cause a disturbance around the beads,' to be exact. According to the chancellor, you simply can't be consistent in your actions if you're craving beads. What's wrong with that?

"… what's wrong, isn't it"

I am slightly irritated next to Mr. Manigold.

... That is due not only to Mr. Manigold's words, but also to the circumstances surrounding him.

This is the special hall of the [Eltrame].

It is the widest space on board, the stage for tonight's ballroom on board, and around us… irrelevant people enjoy the ballroom thoughtfully.

- Emily could raid us. By our side.

"More... Shouldn't you be spending some time in an unpopular place?

"Oh. Assuming you've been after me or the beads at this time, there's no future here other than setting the scene for tragedy"

Mr. Manigold said that lightly to my words.

"This ball is also attended by many bourgeoisies, celebrities and upper classes. The human damage to Cardina will be quite significant."

"Then why..."

"as a result of choosing a more average safety"


Average, safe, I'm not sure what that word means.

"[Murder Princess] If Emily or a group of them are after me or the beads, the people in this venue are the pathetic victims involved. But what if this place is attacked for reasons that aren't?

"Not... Reason?

"For example, the killing in Cortana. That may just have been a rampage in the big city of Cardina, independent of what beads are, depending on what you see. Or did it do damage to the country itself called Cardina or did it have other purposes"


"Then even if a party strikes here, there may be other reasons than beads. That is why, as I said earlier, the damage done at this ball will do Cardina a great deal of damage. Aim for it, we might attack this venue. When that happens, it's better to stay away from people like Hugo said. I won't be able to take immediate action because I'm not on the scene"

I see what Mr. Manigold is trying to say.

"Are you saying that it's not the best way to minimize damage, but second best from the start......?

"Oh. It's not an all-or-nothing nashing to completely zero or maximize the damage, it's (...) less damage than the worst no matter how you fall. That's the choice."



But...... it was an unconvincing choice.

That must be... because it resembles a decision I once made myself that I was lost in.

By martyring in your sister's “plan," you reduce the ultimate damage to the kingdom and empire… to your decision then.

Past and present emotions mixed and I only held my fist for how long.

"Mr. Receps. Don't look like you've come up with it. I'm sure it won't be a bad thing."

Isara, next door to Mr. Manigold, was kind enough to say so to me.

"It could end without anything happening..."

"Isara, don't waste your comfort. There is no only possibility of that (...)"

Mr. Manigold, with an unprecedented harsh tone, blocked Mr. Isala's words.

"... I have stated that I have gone too far"

Ms. Isara bowed her head and kept her mouth shut.

"Mr. Manigold. That's not possible, what do you mean?

"... this ball. To tell the truth, there are three reasons to participate. Firstly, the defensive secondary mentioned earlier. Secondly, that I wanted to personally participate as a memorial. … and the third biggest reason is"

"Is that... what?

'Cause the chancellor's been telling me to go to the ball.'

Mr. Manigold's face, speaking the words, seemed slightly frightened.

I'm sure his awe comes from the head of the chancellor...... Cardina.

"How much do you know about our chancellor?

"... the name is La Plus Fantasma. A woman who has been chairing the Cardina Parliament for a long and long time. So, the..."

It's called "witch" or “monster," isn't it?

Nod, affirm. Reputation communicated to the public is such.

But his ability as a politician did not seem to be in doubt.

"There are several aliases of the chancellor, but there's a definitive guy in there"



"Futuristic view, that's the master's < Embrio >... like Cassandra?

We can predict and avoid the imminent danger to ourselves… perhaps the only future to see < Embrio >.

That was the first thing I associated myself with, but Mr. Manigold shook his head.

"It's not like that color-bogged myopia (...). I'm afraid of later when I say old eyes (...), but the chancellor has a verse where I can see ahead in a longer span. It's the longest, yearly."

"No way..."

"Free movement works with hundreds of thousands. It's impossible if you think about it normally, but it's a fact. Place political opponents... or political opponents in a trap as you can see ahead"


It must have been 'political opponents or other countries' that Mr. Manigold was about to say.

Because I hear that the empire I was originally in was more like a muddy fit with Cardina's ploy.

Mr. Manigold may have remembered that I was from the Empire and cared to rephrase it.

"The chancellor, who sees so much ahead, just said, 'Get out to the ball'. I haven't said much on my previous voyage, but I came here and this is it. Is there any reason why nothing should happen?"

The words felt like fear and trust were combined.

"Besides, it wasn't until Dendro's service started (...) that the chancellor started getting ready to take in."


"It's impossible if it's normal. It's unpredictable for Tian, who doesn't know the real thing. But the chancellor does it. You know what that means?

"... the operational side, do you mean?

< Infinite Dendrogram > has a supposedly operational side, like Tom Cat in the Kingdom.

Even though Cardina's chairman is not a master, is he in such a position?

"There can be that line, too. We think we're more separate... but we haven't been informed, and we haven't even explored. Well, only Fatum (...) must know who he is."

"What is that..."

I try to ask what Mr. Manigold means by words......

- My voice was blocked by a sudden explosion.

That was heard from outside the special hall, and from inside (...).

The walls of the special hall are shattered, a blast of smoke blows in, and a huge shadow pops out of the smoke.

That was... more than ten [Marshall II] planes.

All painted in desert colour, the shape of the head and the cover of dust protection applied to the joints differ from the original.

In addition, they are equipped with firearms that are probably not made in the Triangle of Wisdom.

Dozens more infantry (some equipped with armoured) are accompanied.

The shattered walls and scattered flames, above all the swordswallowing atmosphere they emit, make the passengers at the venue understand that it is not a pastime but a real raid.

Around, passengers scream a wooden spirit. The venue panics with passengers trying to escape to the exit first.

In that, Ms. Isala stepped forward to shelter Mr. Manigold, who turned to me and said, "Like I said, you've been in trouble, haven't you? He had the expression."

◆ ◆ ◆

■ Before Enough - [Eltram]

Once upon a time, the construction of a sandy luxury passenger ship was extremely difficult.

The reason for the difficulty is not hard work. It is even possible to build faster than in real life so that magic and skills can be used when building.

The biggest neck in construction is the power reactor.

Super-sized sandships moving ashore rather than at sea had a huge loss of power, because it was impossible to cover MPs that could move them with manpower or storage.

No matter how you scratch the plan as it is, it can't happen.

Hence, a technician known for his name in Cardina… When Chris Fragment brought in the Tenryu type power reactor, the shipbuilding company raised its hands and welcomed him.

In fact, it was even provided with a design proposal to make it the ideal hull for power furnaces as aftercare. It was only natural for the shipbuilding company to rejoice in its good fortune.

Or maybe that's why Chris' words didn't lie or falsify even in the high-skilled Verdict, and he was able to put all his trust into it.

However, there is one problem at this point.

Chris Fragment...... the brilliant ballman of the crystal only looks human except for the crystal of her forehead, but she is a machine.

So much for lying, it's a high-performance machine.

And a "verdict of authenticity" is a judgment of perjury by the idea of an organism.

I can detect it because I have the idea that organisms spit lies. Detecting the remnants of false thoughts of the false and those who have put their hands on false material evidence. It also resembles the resentment of the dead.

Therefore, if a third party who does not know the truth does not consider a lie to be a lie, it does not react,

It does not react where the machine outputs' incorrect information 'as audio data.

The machine can fool as many lies as it wants.

It would be perfect if the machine had the 'ability to make itself look human'.

The lying machine becomes a man of truth who does not lie.

It is also a little-known blind spot, as only a very small number of machines exist, including the brilliant ballmen of the crystal, who can vomit lies.

That's how the brilliant ballman of the crystal cleverly mixed the excess into a design proposal that was false with necessity, and as a result the block of the hull was assembled while holding the excess...... odd containment blocks could be made at the bottom of the hull.

You can't know from the inside, and you can't get in without realizing that from the outside.

Then there are multiple points on board… there are even hidden elevators for lifting into the center of special halls and malls.

That just seems like equipment to store terrorists in secrecy and make them raid on board...... it's actually used for that now.

- Gentlemen, the time has come.

In a secret containment block, Curtis, a representative of the Dreiffe Orthodox government, said so.

They are secretly entering this containment block from the bottom of the hull and waiting for things to happen.

Fortunately for them, this containment block was lower than the cargo or power blocks.

Though it is not uncommon for those with a high number of fellow crusaders, I would have thought Hugo and Cuco would also be abnormal if that had gathered more than a hundred people in one place.

However, even though it is lower than the intrusible area, Cuco could not therefore be explored as far as where they were, nor could it be found beforehand.

"The guidance of our collaborator, Chris Fragment, allowed us to bring our strength to this ship. In addition to this, Mr. Fragment gave me a tune-up of the previous period's provision of firearms from civilization, Maggie. And at dawn, when he succeeded in taking the power reactor, he also promised to cooperate in the development of weapons using it."

Orthodox soldiers sparkle at Curtis's words.

"Mr. Fragment gave up his power reactor to the shipbuilding company before connecting himself with us. But Mr., a researcher of earlier periods of civilization, became the biggest proponent of knowing us as the successors of legitimate civilizations. He wants to recover this power reactor for us. There is no falsehood in Mr Fragment's words. In order to gain the power of the later Reinhardt overthrow, we should also have a power furnace...... get it back in our hands!

Those in the legitimate government do not doubt the words of the fragment.

Because the True or False Judgment did not respond.

In other words, the common sense is that 'if there is no lie in the True or False Judgment, the other person is not willing to fool this one'.

Because of the environment in which job skills exist to determine authenticity, I believe unconditionally if it is unresponsive.

The same applies to shipbuilding companies, as well as to the legitimate government of Drife. The vast majority of Tian will be.

The exception is about those who know that 'transcendental power has the means to deceive'.

They will therefore remain dancing to help pull the pull iron off tonight's incident.

Even if they are puppets danced to by mechanical puppets, the power they have is real.

They had the power to make a tragedy.

Except they don't know.

that there are numerous conspiracies swirling on this ship and that the raiders are not the only ones.

how many have more power than they do.

Therefore, their role in this case was dogmatization… they themselves did not yet know it.

To be continued

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