<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode XIII: Hands

□ [Spellman] Ray Sterling

"- - GiGiGiGi"

A scarlet [slur] that suddenly fell from the sky.

That looked just like the stuff I saw before I fell into my dreams.

The difference is a maggot-colored aura... with or without a Dreamland.

There's no eyeballs on our faces, but they obviously locked this one on.

Rubbing the blades of both arms together, he approaches them step by step, scattering a spark.

"... what are you going to do?

Answer the werewolf Gabella question by stepping forward.

"I told you earlier. I'll fight. Gabella, stay back."

She was damaged at the point before she fell asleep, and now she's not there.

Plus, I haven't been able to bring in any weapons.

Then I still have to fight.

But it's not all there is to it.

"I know!

Arms, legs and back.

Take a glance at each piece of equipment and think.

"The only way to use it here is to try it in action..."

"Don't take it with your armor! It definitely reaches the meat!

The scarlet [slur] increases its speed toward us exchanging words.

Not supersonic yet, but... much faster than me without silver.

In addition, this one still feels uneven in its senses in the world of dreams, slightly but duller than usual.

"Chi! Purgatory Fire!

While there is still a distance, activate the [armor] on the left hand side.

And the flames were unleashed.

After all, it was obvious that the willingness [armor] can also be used in this dream world.

A purgatory flame stroked the approaching scarlet [slur] surface.

"… GI"

- But I haven't done any damage.

"Not enough firepower!

"Mythological metal...... annoying!

I remember hearing about the properties of mythical metals while barely dodging the [slur] attacks that have been packing my distance.

It shall also have comparable strength to the status of tens of thousands of specialised super positions in END conversion.

Processing shall require special techniques by superior craftsmen.

And that the melting point is extremely high and difficult to reshape with heat.

So much so that they count the cases that have melted during the battle so far, about when they received that [Tripolar Dragon Gloria] brace, the [Hui Dragon King Dragflare] heat wave, and the [Flaming King] depths.

Especially with regard to [Gloria], the braces that evaporated every other object are so heat resistant that they were fastened (...) to melt.

In my [armor], I don't have enough firepower purely.

If we call Gardranda and hit the Zero formula, or maybe we can do damage...... that's unlikely to be possible (...).


"I know!... I felt my own wear and tear"

Usually, my MP and SP wear pays for the resentment accumulated by the [purple grudge walker] in my leg.

But now there's no sign of it being activated.

"[Purple grudge runaway A]... I hear you haven't come this way"

It still looks like it's attached to my leg, but as the ZZZ explains, it's turned into just what it looks like. In this dream world, where windows can't even be opened, you can't grasp it unless you also try to use equipment that might exist.

And [Purple Grievance A], even if it's a perk weapon, because it's unwilling, unlike [Xu Zhanjian]... I couldn't bring it in.

Some of my skills, including "Princess", are premised on replacing wear and tear with [Purple Grievance Armor]. By the time I can't do that anymore, my powers are greatly diminished.


The blade of [Slal] swings against the nemesis, which has deformed into a black circle shield.

Nemesis withstood the slaughter of the mythical metal... but the surface of the Black Circle Shield contains a large claw that cannot be ignored.

'Yes, you can't take it again and again!


This [slur] also has no special characteristics to attack...... simple tough hand.

inferior to the [Beast King] the other day, but [Geeganite] has outdone him.

"... Ancient Epic"

Words leaked from the mouth include two meanings.

Force assessment against the [slur] in front of you.

And about one of my hand tags that could take it down.

But... can you use it?


While I think about the choices I need to make, [Slal] 's movements change.

Scarlet on both arms, nose tips, and tail blade intensifies...... red-hot.

Heated attack that blew up Mithril's [slur].

thereby transforming its blade into a heat sword.

A rough business that can be done because it is a mythical grade metal with enormous heat capacity.

Its power is intuitive when it outweighs [Kensei] 's "Laserblade".

At the same time - even black circle shields are broken.


Swing both arms heat swords down from the top as if they were Mongolian chops.

You need to jump to either the left or right to avoid it, but I intuit it's a trap.

Either way, the blade of the tail that brought the sickle will poke through the gap.

That's why I jumped right.

The blade of both arms that plundered me creates a deep crack in the path of my dreams, while the tail of [Slal] is impending to skewer me.

"-" Counter Absorption "

However, the Counter Absorption can be used if the Black Circle Shield is in state.

Activation by Nemesis comes in time, and the junction of light sucks the damage of a tail blow.

Now [Slal] 's arms were buried on the ground, and his tail was sucked into motion by the kingdom.

Temporarily, the movement of the [slur] stops.

"- monochrome"

Don't miss that moment.

I call on the wrapped [black wrapper].

The first bet, the bet on whether to respond to my call - wins.

Even in this dream world, [Black Wrap] not only existed in sight.

Respond to my call and form a shell in your left hand.


"-" Shining Dispair "

- An ultra-heated light strip (laser) is emitted to the [slur].

The biggest firepower I can hold, Shining Dispair.

Still, it's a bet you can destroy the mythical metal.

Whether or not the calories of the laser more concentrated than the original have set foot in the area of [Gloria].

The result of the bet is...

"… GI……"

It was a victory, a defeat.

The "Shining Dispair", which was shot off, passed to [Slal].

I could have hurt my mythical metal body.

But shallow.

With [Slal] twisting himself, the blow that was supposed to have targeted his chest hit him in the left arm.

The left arm part is dictated by a half circle of fist size... that's all.

It's far from fatal.

The damaged left arm is slightly weak, but it seems to be able to move.

"It's working...! Shoot more......!

"Hate and I'm out of ammo in one shot."

"............... it's over. Wow"

Gabella was on her knees behind her.

I know you want to, but it's too early to give up.

"Nemesis, what about the damage counter?

Assuming the opponent is a mythological metal, "I'm the one to avenge it" can ignore the defense.

If you can punch into the head, chest, or lethal area, you have a winning eye.

".................. no (...)"

But... Nemesis's response was something I wouldn't expect.

"... nemesis?

"I have a terrible, distant reaction, but I can't even react to the dust in front of me."

What's this all about?

It's odd that I took it with the Black Circle Shield and even used Counter Absorption, but the damage counter hasn't accumulated.

Because this is the world of dreams?

Or another......


Without waiting for my thought, [Slal] comes wielding a red-hot blade.

Nemesis shifts from Black Circle Shield to Black Great Sword because he cannot receive it.

As I dive into my opponent's slaughter, I dodge... but I felt heat on my left shoulder.


"I know!

It wouldn't even be a return of interest, but I had a burnt laceration on my left shoulder.

Can't check status, but sensibly 10% shredded......

"What's the damage for now?

'Again, distant reactions are intensifying...'

... It's settled.

Perhaps the damage I took in this dream is accumulated in that Baku... [Lazy Demon King], not in the [slur] in front of me.

I don't know if the cause is the nature of the [slur] that replaces the hands and feet, or the nature of this < embrio > that converts dream damage into actual damage.

Either way, I can't use the counter against [Slal].

manoeuvre was sharpened significantly due to the absence of silver,

[VDA] and also lost viability because of the unmatched nature of accessories,

I can't call Gardranda because there's no [Purple Grievance A],

[Black Wrap] 's Shining Dispair is not lethal.

Nemesis counter skills are not available for Todome.

"... it reminds me of the battle against white clothes."

"Me, too."

I'm not willing to give up... but it's a middle road.

It's harder than [RSK] putting a meta on my opponent.

I knew it would be in your favor over there at the point of playing unintentional gear, but it's more than you can imagine.

As it stands, it is tantamount to having no means of breaking the [slur] with an integral body of offense.

"... no"

One... two, I don't have a hand.

But either way, it's a different color than a bet.

One is the bet of life and death at the point of execution.

The other is the question of whether it is feasible in the first place and the amount of damage counters, and….

"Buy me some time...!

Yes, we need to buy some time.

...... yeah?


Looking back, Gabella, distancing herself from the battle between me and [Slal], was calling for something with her chopped face.

"Because if you buy me some time, Aprile will get rid of that [slur] over there......! Buy me some time till then......!

Speaking of which, I was asking you that.

But I don't know. Even if the [slur] of reality is wiped out, I don't know if I can wake up as long as I'm relative to this [slur] in my dreams.

... If a scarlet [slur] dies in reality, will the [slur] in this dream die as well?

The two are obviously the same thing.

'One by one in reality and in dreams, two in total', 'the things of reality have entered into dreams' or 'the one exists in both reality and dreams' on this occasion now?

I don't know. As of now, it could be any possibility.

"I need more information."

"If so, I still have to endure it for a while now."

Either way, there's not enough damage counters for the second bet.

Attract and heal your opponent's attacks while peeking back at the opportunity to fight back.

... It's been a long time since you've fought like this.

"It's a battle with a missing hand tag. Let's get back to basics."


I set up a black sword nemesis and I concentrated on an attack from [Slal].

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ South-end and border mountain forests of the Kingdom of Alter

When the scarlet [slur] appeared before the Rays in their dreams.

Changes had been made in the battle between the weapons with the name of Brilliant Ball and [Slal].

"Object of Enemies… Remaining Count, I"

The [slurs] of the misrils crushed by the april were still in motion, even if crushed… they have completely stopped activity due to the passage of time and further crushing.

And all that remained were april and silver, the four of us who fell asleep, and...

"- - GiGiGiGi"

Scarlet [slur] in the same appearance as the thing in the dream...... only the individual ZZZ called Cardinal A remained.

The ever static Cardinal A still doesn't work.

But they rub the swords of both arms together and scatter sparks.

Is that a provocative action, or a preliminary action for some kind of attack?

"War Situation Analysis"

Aprile thinks.

During the battle, I did not wake up from using [soothing all-purpose psychotropic drugs] on my own owner, Zex.

From this, it is possible to speculate that it is due to special skills conditional rather than simple sleep.

Unknown phenomenon. Aprile is familiar with information about Job that she had previously grasped in civilization.

But with... I have little combat experience with a thousand different idiosyncratic abilities.

That's enough to count.

Zex, the owner, or a mock fight with Gabella. The other day, the Hungry Way led the battle against the Six Ways Chaos.

And her last battle in civilization earlier... only one battle against the "incarnation of the black vortex”.

In that battle, Aprile was completely deprived of her entire body of energy and went dormant, leading to her being recovered into an “incarnation”.

She was suppressed to become entangled in what seemed physically invincible.

To Cardinal A in front of him, and [Lazy Demon King] ZZZ, who would be in the back, Aprile was feeling similar signs.

"... Continuing Combat"

But no matter what threat was lurking, Aprile chooses to fight Cardinal A. To defuse the owner's crisis.

Step into a breath and capture and attack Cardinal A into the range of Material Slider and Wire.

"… GI"

The jade maggot-colored aura wrapped around Cardinal A...... touching part of Dreamland doesn't modulate Aprile herself.

After all, Dreamland has no effect on Aprile.

That's why the phenomenon was unusual after that.

An april wire was played to Cardinal A without scratching a single piece.


Funny, Aprile thinks.

Her Material Slider, which subtracts END and object intensity, is active.

It also gives the perimeter a subtraction of minus 3000, well above minus 4000 in the fight against < Six Ways Chaos >.

Conversely, her own strength is 5000 over in END conversion.

The clash between the two is like styrofoam and steel bumping into each other.

Even if it's mythical metal, there's no way it won't hurt.

But something is happening to Cardinal A.

"Guess. Intensity Increase with Grant Effects"

Aprile thinks.

By adding endurance enhancement to mythical metals, it may still retain strength that even the Material Slider can't sharpen.

But I have a hitter.

"Silver brothers. Stand back. It's dangerous. '

Give instructions to Silver with Ray on his back and let him back down.

At the same time confirm the position of the three men who fell... and decide that there is no problem.

If the opponent is still strong enough that the attack won't go through, there is one thing to do.

"- Unlimiter"

- More harsh, only lower intensity.

"Material Slider" … "

Turn it into Unit 2 of the Brilliant Jade Man and it is also Unit 1 of the Brilliant Jade Man for Combat [Vajra Killer].

The annihilation area of everything that does not have a physical defense, which is also the origin of the name.

The skill is named...

"-" Diamond Slay "

Moments, an invisible force field permeates her surroundings.

Excellent operation of a modified uniform that releases her own output to the maximum.

With the effect of her skills, the world around her collapses.

Stone trees can't even support their own weight as gray objects, and become dust as they break and crush.

Even the soil on her standing ground becomes finer particles… and ends up in the sand.

Even the wreckage of Mithril's [slur] turns into silver ash.

It is exercised against a radius of fifty meters - minus two million over ultra-debuffs.

Whether it's mythical metal, self-destruction is inevitable.

In earlier periods of civilization, there is no existence that could not be shattered with this effect.

I would smash and scatter before I could reach her, trying to get a bullet flying at sonic speed.

Under the influence of so many skills......

"... GiGiGiGi"

- Still, Cardinal A wasn't scratched one.

".................. outliers"

While recognizing the anomaly in front of him, Aprile wields a wire and performs another attack.

Cardinal A's body, which is brittle and should be brittle than a sand castle, still plays the wire of the apple.

As if to call it truly invincible.


Aprile understands.

The opponent in front of you maintains that body by laws different from physical strength.

Therefore… it would be a force of sorts that cannot be defeated by itself.

Assuming the worst case scenario, Aprile considers leaving the scene.

Calculate your specs and those of Cardinal A, and how many of the three you can take to leave safely.

In that case......

"… GI……"

Without a foretaste, Cardinal A's left arm was destroyed.

The part that hits both arms is chosen so that it melts semi-circularly.

As if... even the hotline received (...).

That's obviously not a trail of destruction by Aprile's Material Slider.

However, no factor was found anywhere in the surrounding environment that would cause such damage no matter how much Aprill calculated it.

Cardinal A was taking damage in an area unobservable to Aprile somewhere.


Aprile changes her decision and shifts her policy to buying some time now, not leaving.

To determine if you can figure out the invincibility of your opponent.

◇ ◆

As a result, those who opposed Cardinal A both in and outside the dream turned to see it.

Whether it's auspicious or vicious... they don't know it now.

To be continued

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