<Infinite Dendrogram>

FRAG.2 “Tournament” - Day Six & Ether ■ ■ Return

□ ■ Dueling city Gideon/Central Grand Arena

“Tournament": Day Six.

Prize Eligible: Unknown Name (Estimated: Dragon (Dragon))

Capability characteristics: occurrence of tornadoes, thunderlights and explosions (uncontrollable during the bead phase)

◇ ◆

The “tournament”, which runs 10 times over all ten days, was also halved as of yesterday.

It was unusual for < Death Period > to control the "tournament” until Day 3, but the members who took part in Day 4… Io lost the qualifying round and Day 5 did not take part in the first place.

And even on the sixth day, which takes place today, they were not participating.

There was that, and the sixth day of the game was, in a nutshell, 'proper'.

The reason for this is the second place in the duel, [Battousai] Cashmere's participation in the war.

Instead of a useful fifth day, it somehow generates flames and thunder… It was on the sixth day of the prize that the beads of the heavenly attribute magic effect of diminished specificity were joined by one of the kingdom's finest powerful men.

Those who thought the fierce would not even aim here completely missed the reading.

As a result, Cashmere, who truncated his opponent under a sword, made it to the final in 'proper'.

(I thought many things were inferior in technology than Tian, but there are exceptions.)

Many spectators watched how his victory was, but there were those among them who were disputed and not human.

It is a technician who worked in the name of Chris Fragment in Cardina, whose identity is also known as the Mass Production Brilliant Ball Man [Crystal Moderator].

After the incident on the luxury passenger ship Eltram earlier, he had come to the kingdom separated from his sisters to assist Integra, who was in the kingdom.

Now I collect information in lieu of Integra, who can't leave the King's Capital.

I found the [Ice King] 's cauldron that I ended up at the “tournament" on the third day, but so far, I have no notable information about this.

(The assessment of the kingdom's power. It's also essential to control the situation in the future. The imperial side would be done by Splendida, who was invited to dive in)

Reminds me of being my own business partner and selling all sorts of information.

He said he headed to the Empire on foot after that incident, but I guess it's time to get there.

Chris takes a concentrated MP recovery potion while watching the semi-finals second game.

He is a [Crystal Moderator] who succeeded in mass production of the Brilliant Jade Man, but clearly inferior to the five bodies made earlier.

It's a lack of magic due to the quality of the core.

It is not an unpleasant specification such as enlargement of the fuselage or ecological partitioning of organisms, like the Huangyu soldier, who was a mass production type before them, but still has problems.

Their core is lower than the original self-sufficiency of magic, and they cannot fully use their uniforms unless their biological parts consume potions regularly.

All this was difficult to obtain the material itself and the flagman could not be cleared.

But they think there's nothing inferior about it.

(Well, is it finally the final)

Cashmere's opponents are also decided, and the tournament will soon be over for the day they were watching.

Cashmere of distinctly different degrees of strength will win fast and decide to win.

In fact, in the final, which began shortly afterwards, Cashmere's victory was decided in a short time that could not even be called a second kill.

After the award, the challenge to the beads begins after excluding the audience for safety.

(Well, in a way, confirmation over here is more fatal today than < Master > 's power rating)

As I expected or not.

If it is as expected, the plan will require a significant rethinking.

(Witnesses to history that the country itself wants to cover up, as well as warrior issues. I don't think I'm going to offer it to another country, but there's also a risk that it's really lost transmission when you look at the treatment of the left half (...)

While Chris was thinking, the award ceremony ended.

She also takes a seat as the audience leaves the venue behind.

(Will there be ghosts or snakes?... Well, if it's the dragon as expected)

Leave a small drone about the size of a bean grain instead of your own.

Prior to this “tournament," drones of the same kind were placed around the kingdom.

(Well, I hope you get the information you want)

◇ ◆

Cashmere stood on the stage of the Central Grand Arena after the audience left.

I am waiting for the time of challenge as I confirm several swords of my own handling.

There are five < K&R > members around him.

It's a form of soliciting and partying for the hopeful.

It should be noted that behind the “tournament” on the sixth day, Cashmere has no reason to know that there was a fierce dispute over the seat of a party member with only five frames.

Needless to say, the aim is not a perk, but to party with Cashmere.

"Darling, why did you pick this guy?

A wolf cherry blossom, naturally in one of the party members, asks Cashmere.

She herself entered the game on the second day, but lost after a rematch against Beasley in the final, and the perks of < UBM > were also taken to Beasley as they were.

So there were several reasons for her to participate, including depression, helping Cashmere fight, and fighting the missed < UBM >.

But I have no idea why Cashmere wants these beads.

Cashmere's answer to that is......

"It's an investigation."

It was very simple and for reasons that didn't seem to exist.


"Yes, somehow, but I felt that today's < UBM > was the strongest (...)"


Among the beads whose rank is apparent, the mythological class refrains from doing so on the last day.

But Cashmere chose today.

"Besides, this kid's gonna fall out in some cases this time."

With that said, Cashmere strokes the large red sheath knife he sits on his hips.

Even wolf cherry blossoms don't know what that machete is like.

It was something we didn't have when we were in heaven and earth, something we had acquired until Cashmere ran off and reunited in the kingdom.

I think it would be a privileged weapon, but the "Appraisal Eye" kind is played.

But this is definitely one of Cashmere's trump cards.

"Ready for the junction, ready"

Officials dealing with the boundaries of the arena report after finishing the coordination.

From the junction that covers the arena, cut the settings to restore the state at the end of the duel.

It is set to seal only when escaping from the interior to the exterior, and is adjusted specifically for strength.

Plus, outside the junction, I can see Shu and Hanya...

If they break the line and try to ramble in the city, they will be committed to the crusade too. Also, I don't see him now, but in the holding room, I also refrain from second and subsequent challengers.

If anything happens, break the format, but crush it before there's any damage to the city.

Most importantly, < UBM > has never escaped for five days.

Then a bead on a pedestal is brought to the center of the stage.

It was the prize of the sixth day, the bead of an unknown name.

'After the countdown, destroy the beads with a remote detonator. Ten, nine...'

Cashmere and the others take their place in the words.

Already buffed by support positions, cashmere is also in a knife extraction position.

Wolf cherry blossoms also use their special skills with STR and AGI specializations, concealing their appearance and entering the use posture of "Kill in Heaven", the depths of [Princess Fu].

Two quick-attack quasi. Together, it would be settled at the moment of liberation.

"Three, two, one,... ignite!

The pedestal on which the beads were mounted blows up and the beads smash and scatter.

At that moment, cashmere and wolf cherry blossoms were on the move.


AGI of Cashmere, which entered the knife extraction motion and was numerically increased to 500,000 by the Divine Drain.

That's why in the instant the beads smashed...... there was time to see (...) the things that appeared.

Appeared < UBM > was not a dragon

The body is covered with a pitch-black dragon scale, but the shape belongs to a person.

It is also… a human body with only the right half (…).

Over the head of it came the name - [Ethereal ■ ■ Return haylon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■].

Even when viewed as < UBM >, it carried too many inexplicable brands.

My body, my name, it's like I left half somewhere...

But if it's bent and manly, it's so much easier to slash for Cashmere than for a dragon.

It is Cashmere's regular way to stay close and slash his neck.


But Cashmere stopped pulling the knife.

Instead of the unusual appearance of < UBM >, his own intuition interrupted the knife extraction and stopped him from approaching.

But wolf cherry blossoms can't stop.

"-" The World Kills "!!

Having already activated her depths from a state of surprise, she has jumped from behind to < UBM >.

Superimposition of Special Skills and Deep Righteousness.

The amount of damage dealt is enormous, and most of the damage can be matched by that blow.

And the < UBM > that emerged from the beads has just emerged and hasn't grasped the situation, there is no way to notice or look back at the wolf cherry blossoms. One blow as it is will determine the battle.

And in fact... the battle was a blow.

- A wolf cherry blossom looming from behind was dusted by pale thunder.

◇ ◆

"... are you serious?"

Shu, who was witnessing the offense from outside the junction, leaked his voice out of consternation.

Thunderlight is a counter by UBM.

He intercepted the werewolf cherry blossom without looking back, wondering if it was unresponsive.

But Shu's surprise isn't there, after he was intercepted.

The point that the werewolf cherry blossoms...... she is really dusty (...) with a double means of avoiding fatalities.

I mean, it wasn't a one-time interception.

Describe in turn what happened in this instant:

Even if the werewolf cherry blossoms are struck by lightning, they survive and attack without stopping the depths while damaging the [brooch].

In contrast, < UBM > immediately emits a second thunder.

Still, the werewolf cherry blossoms survived with the privileged martial arts substitute they had, and moved themselves further instantaneously.

But even the destination was captured in an instant, and the third thunderstorm turned the wolf cherry blossom into dust.

A pale thunderbolt with the power to kill off wolf cherry blossoms with double means of lethal evasion in one blow and the ability to kill them all in a row.

Ability to be emitted at an inevitable lightning speed and death confirmed at the moment of approaching.

([Ethereal] and [Return]. The part you're seeing by name...... is that what you mean)

Shu guessed about his opponent's abilities in the current offense.

< UBM >... [Haylon] definitely hadn't noticed the wolf cherry blossoms. I can tell you that I didn't know the situation and I was confused.

Even in that state, he was activating his skills against approaching werewolf cherries.

(fully automatic counter (...))

The pale thunder light was emitted by auto, not by [Haylon] 's own free will, and struck down the wolf cherry blossoms.

Repeated until death, not a blow, will continue to activate as long as enemy targets are in constant distance from themselves.

(Thunder strike difficult to avoid. At least a melee only-armed avant-garde is hard... is that condition-specific? But from that power...)

Shu analyzes the power of < UBM > while standing outside the junction.

A mannequin, but too incompatible in cashmere.

Worst case scenario, think we have our turn.

◇ ◆

Whereas [Haylon] killed the werewolf cherry blossoms instantly, members of < K&R > increase their alert. Or you can rephrase it as frightening.


Only cashmere in it is calm and doesn't seem to move.

He is replacing the machete in his hand with a red sheath.

I figured out the opponent's power as well as Shu's, so in other machetes... I figured it wouldn't even extend to mythical metal delicacies.

Put just a little effort into your fingers and see if the carp cuts.

Then, without much resistance, the great machete of the red sheath peeked into his body.

In other words, he admitted that this blade is enough (...) to kill the target again.

Otherwise, you can drop the target's neck.

Cashmere was trying to identify the moment to slash [Haylon] while maintaining the blade pulling attitude.

However, a slight abnormality was observed in [Haylon] at the end of his gaze.

'.................. ah'

The only < UBM > on the right half was...... Reached his right hand to his left half (...).

But as you can see, there's nothing there, so the right hand cuts the sky.

"Ah, ru, meh... la..."

I look around, call my name and look for my half... there was no way I had that half here.

There's only [Haylon] here.

[Haylon] confirms that fact with his sense of reality.

"... where are we..."

As well as checking the facts, [Haylon] 's consciousness gradually becomes more focused.

Noticing the change, Cashmere slightly distorts her expression.

"... screwed up"

Cashmere understands.

It stopped slashing (...), and.

Not because the other person uttered a human word.

Until earlier, when consciousness was blurred, and now that consciousness is focused, the quality of the signs felt is as if they were different.

I immediately realized that there was more power to be afraid of than a fully automatic counter or something like that.

What I drew behind my brain was the sight of an enemy attack shooting itself through.

I'm not actually putting up any action.

The opponent's abilities are not visible except at the counter.

But after a moment, I was convinced that the sight would be a reality thing.

In contrast, [Haylon] also understands.

This can kill me (...), and.

The red sheathed machete in Cashmere's hand was supposed to be able to drop his own neck, which could not be helped if it were an ordinary blade.

There is as much power in the machete as it can achieve, and there is as much skill in the cashmere as it can achieve.

The knife has not actually been pulled out.

But after a moment, I was convinced that the sight would be a reality thing.

In each other's hands, little is revealed.

Even so, we've already read each other's special opponents.

That's what I understood, like the holders of divine ingenuity.

That is why [Haylon] did not choose the path to fight Cashmere (...).

"To you... for nothing..."

With words, [Haylon] 's body is wrapped in light.

Keep your palms open...... with your right arm overhead.

Moment after moment, - a pure white hotline (...) was released from the right hand of [Haylon].

At the same time it reminded me of the "True Fire True Light Blast Dragon Ha" once released by Xuan Yu, it was a glow of calories far surpassed.

An unknown glow for Cashmere and for Shu.

But or other dueling rankers on this occasion...... I would have associated one name with Figaro or Riser.

- - [Tripolar Dragon Gloria].

It is not released from the [Gloria alpha] held by Figaro, but a hotline comparable to the original "Ultimate".

Against a light that was powerful enough to appreciate that, the boundaries of the arena set for intensity specialization lasted less than a second... and were soon torn.

Had it been unleashed on the horizontal giraffe rather than directly above it, Gideon would have been devastated by it alone. The hotline would have stood a pillar of light in the sky.

Everyone moves to the anomaly of the collapse of the junction.

Shu switched to Kamikaze and Hanya called Sandalphone.

Those who watched feared that after this, or that the battle might begin enough for Gideon to collapse.

But it didn't.

After a few seconds the pillars of light disappeared, … because [Haylon] 's figure was not there either.

It was clear that he would have broken the overhead junction and flew away like the wind in an instant.

The prize of Day Six, Pearl's < UBM > - [Ethereal ■ ■ Return Haylon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■], fled Gideon.

◇ ◆

Thereafter, the arena became noisy.

Naturally, the connections that never let the whole < UBM > escape made no sense, and they escaped.

It can be said that many problems and challenges have arisen, such as the search for the escaped [Haylon] and the need to take action in the “tournament” after tomorrow.

But the only people who could understand that this was the best choice at the end of the reading, and the best result... would be Shu, who was in security.

Can you use the light to escape?

Use the light to attack to destroy Gideon, - and let Cashmere drop his neck instead?

That pillar of light was the result of those choices.

Even if it wasn't Cashmere, it would have been possible to kill [Haylon] if it had been Gideon's power.

In it, [Haylon] chose to escape.

Gideon is safe against [Gloria] Class Attack, although he was escaped as a result. I can tell you that this was fortunate.

The problem that remains is where [Haylon] flew away... but no one could tell that.

Because even [Haylon], who ran away, doesn't know where to go.

- Because you don't even know what's waiting for you before you fly.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ Site

It was once known as the Novest Valley.

The battle between the former [Gloria] and the three giants completely destroyed the ecosystem, and even the terrain disappeared in the death battle between Shu and Zex.

There is no longer anything… it is only a site where enormous amounts of energy have blown away.

A single < UBM > flew into such a place… [Haylon].

[Haylon] had given priority only to leaving Gideon and was flying away without setting a direction.

Therefore, it can be said that it is by chance that we have come here.

... or did you unconsciously think that if this land had signs of a flood of great energy, it might also have its own half-body clues to eating energy inexhaustibly?

But [Haylon] 's body has not visited the land.

It is a complete emptiness and there is no longer anything here.

- No.


There was someone in the landscape to be confused with.

He wraps his cloth-like gear, immerses himself in sand and dust, or even looks like an old Sayamako.

But it was a human man.

The man doesn't let it be slight while standing alone, he's looking up diagonally for some reason.

I'm not looking at the sky.

It was as if we were looking up at what was once there... the illusion of a giant dragon that was once conquered here.


[Haylon] didn't find the man oddly intimidating.

What I conveyed to myself was a sense of anxiety.

It was as if the invisible faults at the bottom were opening their mouths.

"............ who?

With words, a man turned [Haylon] around.

The man's face was exposed, and - [Haylon] saw a true fall in both his eyes.

My gaze captures [Haylon], but I haven't seen it.

Sending footage into your brain doesn't make you think anything about it.

Neither does [Haylon] 's alienation, nor the enormous amount of power he has accumulated, seem to care.

I didn't feel anything, I saw a nothingness in my heart.

"...... < UBM > or even looks like Tian.... I don't care."

Really, they saw it as wholeheartedly irrelevant.

"...... eh"

I was once sealed by [Dragon Emperor], or even before I became < UBM >... I've never been turned that gaze since I was a human (...).

Neither positive nor negative is recognized for [Haylon].

You don't run away for fear, you don't attack for perks.

As soon as I wake up, I don't even turn my guard against them, like those who oppose me.

Like just part of the landscape, I was watching [Haylon].

"... why are you looking at me? I don't look as distinctive as you. Haha."

The man only laughed a little about what was wrong.

A slight change in the reaction of the man who preceded himself was somehow horrible to [Haylon].

"- Huh!"

Is that why?

If you notice, [Haylon] was - shooting a white hotline out of his right hand.

A hotline that allowed Gideon to break his boundaries easily.

It is also comparable in power to The Ultimate, which once burned and annihilated the land.

A statute that is not bearable to a single human being, and that he also leaves only shadows to disappear.

"- Oh. I remember something I didn't like."

Except that's if he's helpless.

At some point, he has a single sword in his hand.

That's his half -.

"- Nailing (...)"

The characteristic inscribed on the name "Embrio" is - "Above".

Things that outweigh themselves outweigh... transcendental righteousness.

"-" End Breaker "

As the sword murmured in the girl's voice, the man waved the sword - amputating the rays with enormous calories (...).

Yes, we broke the hotline of power comparable to the Ultimate.

Even the flesh of [Haylon], which was at the end of the hotline, is engraved with deep wounds.

'but ah......!?

[Haylon] felt the pain for the first time in hundreds of years.

Being a human being, being < UBM > with his half body, all he felt was fighting [Dragon Emperor].

Now I don't have a defensive half... [Almera].

Still, he who cuts and breaks his attack and showers the blade, etc... has never been alone before

[Haylon] finds out that his own fear was right, along with the pain of the wound.

I shouldn't have gotten involved with this man.

This was a life-threatening trap.


The man looks at his own sword jizzily.

Then we look at the traces of [Haylon] 's hotline... after they've been amputated, at the traces that melted everything on the ray.

[Haylon] 's offense and his own counterattack, as if he had something to think of both.

"... well, fine"

"...... eh"

The man begins to draw his sword closer to one hand, and [Haylon] retreats.

The man is about to kill the half of what he once called an Irregular with just one blow.

Even if he had no half body and was weak with a long seal, it was a terrible thing.

The hotline, which is currently the largest attack that can be unleashed, was easily prevented.

On this, to what extent does the lightning on the fully automatic counter also pass?

Leave half a body and imagine yourself breathless.

It was more fear than a long-standing seal or being killed.

"A Me...... Almera aaaaaaa!!

Only when, [Haylon] was screaming his half-body name.

I was making a call to the half of you somewhere that couldn't even reach you.


But the call stopped the man from legging.

With a sword in one hand, the man stops and... asks.

"Is that a woman's name?

On that question, [Haylon] nodded bewildered.

"Yours, my love?

For the next question, I nodded immediately.

I didn't have to worry, my body was answering.

"............... right"

The man who saw [Haylon] react, think about it for now...

"- Go (...)"

The sword pointed to the horizon on the other side.

I told him I'd miss him (...).


[Haylon] remained puzzled.

But I followed the man's instructions to connect my desire to meet [Almera] alive.

Fly to the sky, as you escaped from the arena.

So I fly away somewhere.

To look for half a body.

To never encounter that horrible, void eyed man again.

◇ ◆

The man was dropping off [Haylon] as he flew away.

That being the case, the sword got out of his hand.

The sword turned into a particle of light before becoming the figure of a late teenage girl with a red ponytail.


"I'm not the captain anymore"

The girl who is herself… the man denies the words of nailing.

"He, < UBM > but... can I just leave him alone?

Once upon a time, he would have crusaded.

Not just to get privileged weapons. Dangerous as releasing a hotline before words...... would have fought to drain < UBM > that could have harmed the people of Tian.

But he dared to miss it.

If he had been, he wouldn't have.

"Perks, weapons, tragedies, it doesn't matter to me anymore."

But he told me he wasn't who he once was... himself.

Nailing, too, is understandable.

Now the Master has a different form of mind than he once did.

And so am I now... not what I once was.

Now the nailing is -.

◇ ◆

There are many uncertainties about the evolution to Super Embrio, and the evolutionary conditions are assumed to be unclear.

That's the management AI...... I don't even know.

Because we don't seem to have a common denominator.

But instead of not knowing the common denominator, there is a hypothesis that triggers (...) may differ depending on < Embrio >.

Except for the absorption of resources starting with combat activity, it evolves some sort of mental activity of its own as a trigger.

What that mental activity is is is different in the individual.

Some go to the end of the death fight, others because they want to be lazy.

Some vanity comes to be fulfilled, others by self-denial.

It's not definitive, but if it is, I'm convinced of the differences in evolution.

That is why the management AI, which considers that hypothesis correct, causes disaster, including < SUBM >.

Because I know there are positive and negative various emotional movements in disaster.

To protect, or... to lose.

◇ ◆

Nailing's 'trigger' was despair (...).

The last wall was exceeded because of the despair of the Master who lost everything.

Today, when I logged in for the first time in a long time... my evolution to Super Embrio began immediately.

One end of that power is… as already shown.

With this power, I would have even let [Gloria] 's "Ultimate" rip open.

If he wields the blade now, he can repel the calamity that once struck the crawmill.

He got the power to protect what he wanted.

- After we no longer have anything to protect.

So it doesn't make any sense anymore.

I never find value, nor rejoice in evolution.

"Regiment...... Master, what are you going to do now?

He was logged in to the King's Capital because the savepoint on the Kremyr was gone.

Then, instead of Gideon, who once competed with his friends, he took everything from himself to the land of the dead.

"... go to the site of Claymill. Give him the flowers... that's it"

Hand flowers to your late wife in a city where nothing is anymore.

He finally got his temper back to the point where it was possible, he logged in... only for that reason.

I believe this is the last login.


Nailing doesn't deny it.

I haven't seen him in a long time. I can't hold him back.

The reason he did this was he wasn't strong enough... because he thinks he's the one who couldn't make it.

That's how Nailing and her... [Sword King] Fortesura left the site of the canyon.

"- Found it. You can be an incarnate hostile.

- That hindsight, without knowing that a small drone sees it as much as a bean grain.

Episode End

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