<Infinite Dendrogram>
Episode XIII: Forbidden Boxes
□ [Saint Knight] Ray Sterling
The [Great Necromancer (Rich)] 's body, which has lost its head, becomes dust and collapses.
At the same time, my body became sharply heavier and I fell to the ground without even being able to take my passivity.
"Done, or not"
The status windows show [Violent], [Paralysis], [Death Curse Proclamation], [Weakening], [Degradation], and state anomalies that also make counting Etocetra ridiculous.
But I can be sure I did take him down because the state anomaly I received from the hostiles is now eroding my body.
"Reversal is like a Flying Flag".
Reverse the effects of state anomalies from hostiles...... Nemesis's Second Form Black Flag Axe Spear Inherent Skills.
On the other hand, when an adversary dies, activation stops.
In other words, the status quo where the state anomaly is in effect is proof of his death.
Shortly after I was beheaded by a child who seemed to have been manipulated by him, I changed my nemesis from a great sword to a black flag axe spear and activated Reversal Like a Flying Flag.
I saw a state anomaly indication to prevent it.
When a skill is activated, [Bleeding] is increased, [Violent] is restored to HP, and [Paralysis] is replaced by improved physical ability.
The first decapitated damage recovered while lying on the ground with a [fierce poison] reversal. The indication of [bleeding] had disappeared when the neck wound blocked accordingly.
Then, the amount of extra state magic he unleashed on me turned into a buff as quickly as possible. At this time, some state abnormalities were not felt reversed, but no negative effects were received.
The difference in strength with him had been reversed as a result of numerous buffs attached.
It would have been compatible.
It is significant that Sacred Another Silver Light was the [Great Necromancer] who is an Undead Special Effect Granting Skill and whose opponent is also an Undead.
Plus Silver's legs helped me chase the guy who escaped.
Of course, I haven't mastered Horseback Riding yet.
That's why I'm not on it.
I followed him as Silver dragged his legs to the ground, leaving him to run.
There was continuous damage to the legs that were grounded because it was very different from being pulled around by the horses that were common in western plays.
but it was also deluded by [fierce poison] 's reversal of HP recovery.
Out on the ground, the last magic he used was also prevented by Counter Absorption.
The pressure was much greater than [Gardranda] 's flame, but it withstood.
For a moment, he was about to take his body in abnormal condition, as he is now, but soon Nemesis reshaped it into a black flag axe spear and reactivated Reverse, gaining nothing.
Then I sealed his movements with a black flag axe spear...... I stopped my breath root with this fist.
Until we get to this result, we're on the loop.
Several elements piled up, and I could take him down.
Looking back, this battle was all fitted in.
"... you must have been lucky"
"I know Tane, but I have to think so."
Or was fate on your side in order to inflict heavenly punishment on that outer path that continued to kill your child?
I look at my hands jiggly.
The feeling of crushing his head still remains.
It felt like crushing a dead tree, either because it was undead, or because of the influence of Silver Light, but it does.
He is an unsaveable villain, but he killed Tian for the first time.
If I feel Maiden's < Master > feels the same way about this place as it does in real life... will this hurt again?
"Thoughts are good to worry about, but don't now"
Nemesis, who at some point was back in his human form, says as he looks down at me.
Nemesis pointed to some of the status windows, [Death Curse Proclamation].
If you look closely, there is an indication of a timer next to [Death Curse Proclamation], and the count that says' 362 seconds' is down on the dong.
I have seen similar count displays in retro RPGs.
... If a frog with a knife gets to 0 to use, isn't it a countdown to dying?
"Sometimes Master, what about the medication for the abnormality?
"... I bought in the [antidote] kind, but I just don't envisage such a condition anomaly"
Bad, very bad.
I eat death penalty as it is.
I'm relieved the kids have Hugo and the Bandits seem to have been devastated, but tomorrow's promise to Marie and the others will be in vain.
That's troublesome.
"Yeah! Those horse zombies! Put some extra souvenirs on me. Whoa!
"... what shall we do"
My body only moves my mouth because of a multiple condition anomaly, and I can't even hold my head.
Nemesis is looking for something in the item box to replace me. Silver, who remained out, looked down somewhat worried.
At that time.
"If you're on drugs, you can take this"
and the unexpectedly hard feeling hit my mouth.
If you look, an ice robot - I see a broken [Marshall II] on the transparent inside - had a Hugo on my mouth that came down from it.
When I swallowed the contents of the medicine bottle, my body became as light as a lie.
Then Hugo sends another bottle to my mouth.
When I finished drinking that too and looked at the status window, all indications of state anomalies had disappeared.
"It's healed!
"Oh, thank God, Hugo!
"You're welcome."
"What about the pills now, by the way?
"[Soothing All-purpose Psychotropic Agents (Ericsyl)] and [High Spirit Water] to De-curse"
"Are you sure?
"I don't mind. Anyway, it came out of the opponent's item box I knocked down."
Hugo said so, pointing to the bullhead hanging at the gate.
If you look closely, there were a number of items rolling around the body.
Some of the items are the same bottles I drank.
"How is that item rolling?
"Because the item box broke on the clap of the attack.... a little too much"
Speaking of which, Chesha also said during the tutorial that if the item box breaks, the contents will be sprinkled like this.
It seems that the shock of release often breaks the contents, but it is also the easiest way to take possessions of others.
For this reason, some villains attack wealthy people and scatter their contents.
For the record, other than breaking an item box, they also have "Theft" skills for the bandit lineage that steals items directly from the item box, as well as "Robbery" skills for the robber lineage that alters ownership of the item box that they took.
When I found out about it, I remembered thinking, "These two, you don't have that many different systems..."
"Mmm... that's"
The [Great Necromancer] item box I defeated also fell to be buried in the robe he was wearing.
Mine was bag-shaped, but that was a black box of squares.
I guess he was trying to take the money out of that one last time.
So if you break that one, you might get the money he was talking about or the rare items he owned.
"I don't even want to touch what he left behind."
The only thing I can take from him is my life.
Besides, it's not hard to imagine by what means that contents has been getting.
"I agree. I feel like I'm going to get dirty on this one."
"I see. Then you can leave me alone. One of these days whoever wants to pick it up will pick it up."
Most importantly, the Gozmaiz Bandits have been destroyed and this is an abandoned fort.
I don't know if someone will step in again.
... If you tell the Adventurer Guild about this later, they will surely investigate as well. Do you want them to recover the treasures they left behind?
If they use it for welfare or something, it could even be a little pure wealth.
Even for the children who died.
"... yes, Hugo. I found the children caught underground. There are eight children alive. Probably magically sleeping. I'd like to split them up and carry them to the ground... Speaking of which, what about Cuco?
I haven't seen her since I got out on the ground.
I was out of the party frame before the battle, but the fact that I still don't see him is no way to a death penalty......
"Cuco will be safe. Just give me a minute. Cuco, over here...... oh, I don't mind"
I say that to [Marshall II], where Hugo wrapped up armor like an ice church.
Then the ice armor turned into white and pale light particles and diffused.
Shortly afterwards, [Marshall II] disintegrated the ice armor.
Hugo muttered, "... this has got to get the owner a spare plane," etc., but it's where the particles of light go that attracted me and Nemesis's eyes more than that.
Particles of light concentrated on a single point, forming a human form.
It was Cuco in white.
But now the back of her left hand doesn't have a tattoo that is proof of.
Besides, the particulate changes now are like different colors of nemesis changes.
"Right. Cuco, my lord... were they alike?"
"No. Really, you are."
"Similar… means"
Her identity is the same TYPE as that of Nemesis: Maiden's.
And you mean her < master > is Hugo?
"But the tattoo on my left hand that just happened..."
"TYPE: Maiden-specific skills," Crest Disguise. You can disguise your left hand, status display, etc. as the Master's. "
"Do you have that skill..."
"If Maiden stays people-shaped and has some combat experience, he'll be able to do it"
... I see.
I've never let Nemesis fight himself before.
I haven't mastered.
"But what's the point of that skill?
"It makes sense. and Embrio are ghost bills that don't know what their inherent abilities are. If you use Crest Disguise, you can mislead them into believing that there's a whole bunch of them."
Do you want to use it as a bluff?
There seems to be a lot more we can do, and we'll try to learn it next time.
"All right, let's get the kids in the basement out of here under the sun."
Copy that.
Me and Nemesis, Hugo and Cuco took each other down to the basement of the fort.
There are four of them, and there's some silver, so if you work hard, you should be able to bring all the kids out one round trip.
He might be awake from the effects of his disappearance, and we need to go and do it fast.
◆ ◆ ◆
"... have you been there?
"Oh, they went into the fort"
In the woods surrounding the abandoned fort.
There were five suspicious men in a depressing corner with denser densities of trees than the route Hugo had been running on [Marshall II].
"I didn't know the bosses could do it..."
They are the remnants of the Gozmays Bandits.
And he is also the five men that Ray and Hugo encountered in the city of Gideon.
Ray and Cuco beat him up and caught him by Gideon's guards.
But before he could be put in jail, he broke out at the behest of other people.
Then, as a hindsight of the carriage convoy, we alerted ourselves to pursuit from the rear and came back to the fort late… we came across the sight of our own Negijo being ravaged.
What was lucky for them was that the place where they were lurking was outside Cuco's enemy range.
That's why I couldn't find him and hide out.
"What am I supposed to do now?
"I don't know, I just have to run. Can you fight a bucket like defeating the heads of buckets?"
"Chip, do you have to leave the treasure of the fort behind?"
One of the men - a man beaten to death by Ray - tongues regrettably.
"... wait, huh?
But he squeals like he came up with.
"That's right, that's right, isn't it"
He's nodding yeah like he was convinced.
"What's the matter with you?
"That said, what?
The other four look at the man wonderfully.
"Now that they're in the fort, you can take as much money and items as you want from the heads falling over there. Plus, I can easily take the kid in the carriage. The kids can demand ransom, or they can sell it off at Cardina. You can be a souvenir to join other bandits who are rooting for the border!
"That's a good idea!
The men respond with great joy to what is convenient for them.
"Then before they come back,"
"Whoa! Just retrieve the item and the kid. It's Tonzla."
The men split up to pick up the item and connect the live horse to the carriage of the child.
But one of the men...... the man who suggested collecting the item and re-kidnapping the child was leaning his neck in front of the corpse of a dusty maize.
"What's the matter with you?
"Maize, the head item box isn't broken."
That was the black item box that Ray and Hugo decided to leave earlier.
"Ahem? Then you can break it. Everybody's already dead from robbery, so that's all we got."
There were also several people with "burglary" and "robbery" skills like the Bandits, all of whom had been murdered by Hugo's Running [Marshall II].
"Right, then I'll break it"
The man shook a dagger in his hand and stuck it in the item box.
The item box bursts and spits out what was inside.
"Uh-huh! Wow, that's a lot of money!
"Kolya, don't you have to bandit anymore to live in luxury enough?
"There are kids, and [slavers], but let's get started!
In front of the legacy of maize, they had spoken of selfish dreams.
What lies before them is enormous wealth.
There is no lie in what Mays told Ray, and the money in his possession exceeds 70 million lil.
There were also large quantities of other rare gems, equipment, and material items.
With them, dreams like the ones they have spoken can come true.
It would be more certain if we could carry out the idea in their bellies of "how do we get out of the other guys and get to ourselves".
Most of all... it was absolutely impossible.
"Is that it? What is this?
One of the men picked up one of the items that was rolling on the ground.
That looked like a chicken egg if it was just a silhouette.
But the color was red and black, with only one "lid” on the surface.
At first glance, it is not distinguishable from other material items that Maize had that were [Great Necromancer]... but there was a difference.
The man who picked it up possesses a high level of appraisal skills and can appraise the entire item.
Still, I didn't see any appraisal results for that egg.
The man wondered if materials and monster eggs should show the appraisal results.
But it was natural not to see.
That's a monster egg if not an item...... not an organism either.
It was just... a "curse”.
Along with the audio heard from the entire surface of the egg shell, the egg opened its "lid”.
The man is surprised and tries to let go of his hand, but his fingers suck on the eggs and he doesn't leave.
"What's up?
The fellow man looks at the screaming man and speaks up, but his face was still a face with a lot of money in his hands.
If I dare say, if I had detected an anomaly at this time and fled immediately, I might have helped, except for the man with the egg in his hand.
It's impossible.
If they had that much hazard detection capability in the first place, they wouldn't have imitated fishing for maize artifacts.
Mays was the finest user of Necromancer in the Alter kingdom.
He was a man who prepares himself around to become an immortal [Necromancer King] and uses people in an unexpected way.
Now, a man who throws even the [Grieving Crystal] needed by [Necromancer King] if he is to live his own life forever.
Accumulated property and would have given it to Ray without a back heart if he could survive.
Suppose a man who was so adamant about his life by then would be killed and deprived of his inheritance.
Do what?
“How far”?
The men were packed at a time when the end did not come to pass.
"Check item box for damage"
"Owner: [Great Necromancer] Maize's Magic Wave Search"
"Confirm the extinction of the [Great Necromancer] maize"
"Robbery and Presumption by Hostiles"
"Retaliation Ceremony -" Gludge Undead Creation "
After the audio, the egg began to inhale from the tip of his finger, which was touching the man.
As if sewage were flowing down the drain, the human body enters a small egg as it raises a blood splash.
"Ogyo! Tu! Eye-"
What was a man disappeared into an egg, leaving a scream that didn't even seem to belong to people.
The eggs were enlarged and about the same size as the ostrich eggs.
"What, what, whoa!!"
The companions moved to the sight and turned their backs and tried to escape with us first.
Shortly afterwards, a tube similar to a blood vessel erupted from the egg and pierced the back of three of the four escaped.
The eggs sucked everything out of the men, as if drinking with straw and even juice.
"GUY! Jasana!? Yikes!?"
"Oddie - Ubaaaa"
How much pain they had experienced, the men disappeared with words that were not in the sane world.
The only survivor...... the man who suggested picking up the head legacy slipped his hips and lagged back as he leaked the small water from his groin.
He naturally thought the egg would stretch the tube, too, but it didn't.
The eggs stretched their tubes against other objects - bodies scattered around them.
There were as many bodies as there were.
There was the body of all the Gozmaids Bandits who died in the attack on [Marshall II].
An egg tube pierces the body scattered with shells, the body broken with a knife, the crushed body, the head of the goz hung on the gate.
Not only that, but an organ similar in shape to a funnel looms from the surface of the egg, and something invisible from the atmosphere and the ground - it begins to absorb resentment.
Among them, flesh became dust and vanished, but only untrained and hateful was the resentment of maize that remained.
And absorbed countless meats and resentments, the eggs swelled up.
A sphere with a similar immensity to a gas tank and the danger of rupture like a balloon.
The only survivors of the Gozmays Bandits had already suddenly lost themselves to the sight of winding up in front of them.
Eventually, a crack enters the entire sphere.
And with the rupture - the ugliest bucket was born.
The Gozmaids Bandits, their accomplishments.
It was no exaggeration to say that the dead meat and resentment of the bad guys came together cut off the sight of hell.
Hundreds of dead meat combine like pieces of a puzzle to shape a bull-headed human horse.
Flowing instead of blood is resentment.
I wonder why there are living people when we are dead.
It moves an alien body with a dark sense of vengeance that tries to keep everything in the world on the road.
Regardless, the object of that resentment is.
"Ah... uh... oh?
It was also directed to the only survivors of the Gozmays Bandits.
Dead meat arms move and grab a man.
He grabbed both arms of the man with his index finger and thumb of both hands and slowly, gently, slowly, pulled to both sides.
Slowly, but never stopped, he was pulled by his fingers and one arm of the man was snapped.
Then we start the same thing on both legs this time.
That's how the man's hands and feet disappeared, and the bull-headed human horse opened its huge mouth.
The surviving man, who was losing his sanity due to pain, also understood that.
That was because it was a sight I had seen many times in the Gods Maze Bandits.
"Oh, me, dessert oh...?
The man, chopped like a feather, was slowly chewed up by the cowhead.
And - the Gozmaids Bandits are one.
Not metaphors, they became one.
Only words look sublime - nauseating enough to be nauseating.
That's how the ugliest undead was born.
◆ ◆ ◆
* Player Unnotified Announcement
[(< UBM (Unique Boss Monster) > Monster occurs after completing certification conditions)]
[(Confirm that there are no similar individuals in the history. < UBM > Notify the responsible management AI)]
[(Notification of acceptance from the person in charge of management AI)]
[(Subject certified to < UBM >)]
[(Grant capability enhancement and post-mortem benefits to subjects)]
[(I name the subject anecdotal - [Grieving Cow Horse Gozmaize])]
To be continued
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