<Infinite Dendrogram>

Workshop and Play Part IX

■ Modification

Hermeln unit.

It is a modified unit conceived and created when La Crima was operating in Cardina.

At the time, La Crima was trying to put the slave trade on track, but the collection of vegetables was both financially and laboriously, and had limits.

For this reason, we created a modified unit to recover (...) a child that is easy to use as a primitive body, among other things, a "stray child who has no problems with being gone", which is not uncommon in Cardina.

At the core is the transformation of three senior positions and privileged possession of weapons.

Two general-purpose mass production models were also applied as support.

He is also a test individual for autonomous behavior. It moved independently, collecting the primitives and putting together a routine to deliver them to La Crima.

It also imprinted a behavioral routine as an acrobatic regiment as a cover, a mechanism to retrieve floaters with perk weapons as they circled the city.

That went well, and while La Crima was in Cardina, the body of vegetation arrived frequently, and La Crima converted into a slave for sale to increase its assets.

But the clouds also change.

If you say what the opportunity is... it's Isara and Manigold.

Manigold, the biggest bourgeoisie, became Isala's sponsor, supporting her to expand the orphanage to all parts of Cardina.

As a result of the increase in the number of stray children protected in orphanages, the rate of plasma recovery of the Hermeln unit decreased dramatically.

That is so much so that La Crima crosses to heaven and earth with their presence in oblivion.

It continued to operate independently afterwards, but did not reach the results set as pre-targets.

That continued to load the set behavior routine of the Hermeln unit.

Also, the remodelers, who were stand-alone and did not have a split Idea...... start to go slowly crazy due to lack of maintenance.

As a result...... they loosened their hoops slightly.

That's the expansion of the subject.

From "Floaters You Don't Have to Be Gone," to "Floaters Recognized Around".

From "Floaters" to "Children in Orphanages".

And finally, he broke directly into this [Dragnomad] orphanage, recovering the plain body… and dared to abduct the child in large numbers.

◇ ◇ ◇

□ [Armored Pilot] Hugo Receps

I couldn't comprehend the things in my sight in an instant.

Children who don't move while standing.

Until earlier, they were supposed to be human, but men who would transform their appearance while they watched.

Two lizard-like monsters.

The whole thing is a monster of steel juggling many giant blades.

Furry monsters keep blowing giant whistles.

And a big-mouthed... amphibian-like monster aimed at me.


It was awkward.

The junk in the item box was released as a wall against the large mouth approaching the eye.

A reproduction of what the master was doing at the Hermaine casino.

It played kung fu and the big mouth that was about to swallow me is inhibited by junk parts.



It was at the same time that Cuco merged to call in [Marshall II], which I had borrowed from Mr. Caluto.

Normal type [Marshall II]. Boarding has been since the battle with those Gozmaids Bandits.

"Hell Gate"...! Start < Master > not eligible!

Squeeze the target so that the LS on this spot or Mr. Manigold, who sensed the situation, does not [freeze].

The kids don't have to worry. They're not covered from the start.

'Uh-huh....... ah'

But leak a voice like Cuco noticed something.

"Hoorah, Hatgaa del YooOOOOOO!!

But sooner than that confirmation, an amphibian monster swells up to about 80% of [Marshall II] with a crazy voice looming.

"Come on, Motor Slash."

At the counter, release a slash by the right blade.

There was a blunt airframe response compared to [White Rose] and [Marshall II modified], but it was still an orbit that definitely captured amphibian monsters.

"Kazgah, fueruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

What held it back was a steel monster juggling.

A blade thrown in the air (boomerang) inhibits Motor Slash along with the pressure as if there was a handshake.


[Marshall II] 's sensor camera captures the blade that prevented him from slashing.

The camera with the function of "Appraisal Eye" displayed the name [Steel Rolling Sharp Star Satellite].

"Benefit Martial Arts......!

At that time, an amphibian monster with blade cover reaches this way.

I'm going to stick around as I spread my mouth wide enough to swallow this one.

In its mouth, a huge black bag fits to overlap the mucous membrane.

The sensor camera also reacted to the black bag, and the name [Prisoner Bag Prismere] was labeled.

"This guy too......!?

Two monsters, each with a perk weapon.

I mean... these monsters are monsters, but humans.

It brings back memories of the former Gozmaids Bandits.

"Hugo, I Can Tap"

"... I won't let you!

Operate the console and throw the smokescreen bullet that was mounted on the waist into the mouth of the amphibian monster.

Not a special smokescreen like Smoke Discharger, but amphibians who have been expelled large amounts of smoke in their mouths have a big loose coughing power.

I manipulated [Marshall II] into that gap and kicked it in the abdomen and pushed it wide open.

"Guerro! Guerro, porn, ooo!

Amphibians are coughing heavily, breathing out smoke.

A steel monster stood in front of the amphibians sooner, even as they tried to strike back at the defenseless amphibians.

For a moment, I'm about to launch an attack with a firearm... but I don't think I can use it because of the children around me.

That's how I was born with a slight adhesive, repartitioning.

In the meantime, take a look around.

Many children on the orphanage grounds.

They... they don't move as one.

He is staring into the sky and opening his mouth to the void.

"Is this...?

"Probably a psychotic state disorder... a special state disorder similar to [hypnosis]"

The voice I hear is from LS.

But moving the sensor camera in the direction of his voice, LS was falling backwards on the ground.


"I'm sick, too. Hmm, [mental dormancy]... you're still in a special condition abnormality. Looks like your spirit's gone and your body can't move. Well, in the case of Master, my spirit is safe, so I can talk too... but my body won't move properly."

Although the tone remained unchanged and there was no appearance of panic, the body really didn't seem to move.

"The cause is the sound of that whistle."

Take the word LS and see the furry monster in the rear.

It was no different than when I was turning into a person, and I still kept whistling.

"By letting him listen to the performance for a certain amount of time beforehand, he drops it into a state anomaly without letting it resist. It doesn't seem to be a privileged weapon."

'Well, that whistle...!

"Then I'm aware of that. Even the Appraisal Eye, that was just a whistle.... Oh, I see. Chest."

To the words, gaze into the chest of the furry monster.


The chest had a grotesque face to be embedded.

And your colors are also whistling.


In other words, even in a human condition, he made it look like he would normally blow a whistle... and he would actually have blown a whistle hidden in a different chest color.

To make what you're blowing look like a normal whistle, to lure you off guard.

I, too, would not have been able to move in the first judgment without the [cameo] I received from Mr. Manigold.

It was a shapes specializing in deception and... a way to do it.

However, direct combat is not low.

With that steel monster at the head, there is more than equal strength compared to this [Marshall II].

If we're going to fight, we're going to have to go for [freeze] by Hellgate,...?

"... Cuco"

'Yeah. I know what you want'

They're not frozen at all.

Cuco said he didn't know which was right with the LS that was confused with the kid because they had so many counts of them.

If so, it would be strange if it hadn't been [frozen] at the time of activation or the time that has passed during this attack...

"Those guys... the count's gone to zero"

I guess that's what Cuco was about to say at the start of the fight.

"I mean again (...)... is that what you mean?

Even though I don't like it, I ask Cuco, recalling the battle he once fought in Gideon.

- They're not human anymore.

- Race change.

With the transformation no longer human, the number of human fellow crusaders stopped exchanging meaning.

Same as when Hellgate can no longer be effective against a chimeric opponent.

... the difference from then is the lack of charge for airframe performance and Purgatory Flash?

"... Since then, there have been more patterns of Hell Gate being honestly unusable"

"I like it. Give up? '

"Huh, no way"

The situation is unfavorable.

But if you want to give up to an unfavourable degree...... it's not me.

Respond to Cuco while consciously setting the tone to that of Hugo Receps.

"To this extent, there is nothing compared to previous battles."


Fighting Luke and Ray at Gideon.

Fighting relative Emily and [Imperial Glory] in Cardina.

Not yet, not yet.

"Besides, it's not as bad as I said."

This is [Dragnomad] … the capital of Cardina, on the knees of < Sephiroto >.

Even if it's not popular around this orphanage, there are a lot of masters in the city.

Well, Mr. Manigold is on his way here.

With some time to spare, reinforcements should rush.

"Buy time while keeping the damage under control. Even with this aircraft and us right now... that much can be done!

"Uh-oh, mam."

And the situation moves again.

An amphibian monster, who finished spitting smoke and smokescreen bullets, storms again.

Again, dare Motor Slash.

But now both hands are at the same time.

Prepared to be jammed by that blade again, he also strikes a single machete at an amphibian monster.

But contrary to expectations, there was no obstruction next time.

The two blades break the adhesive skin of the amphibian monster and reach the meat,

- Stop there.


With an eating blade and impending flesh, I guess.

My body was swollen more than it was during the previous assault.

Earlier, the perversion to this figure was not yet complete, as I say.

What's more, the flesh has the ability to regenerate, and the wound starts to close with the blade buried... I was restraining both of these arms.


It's an inflated body to the equivalent of [Marshall II], packing the distance from this one to zero.

Amphibians trying to crush icing armor with giant jaws.

The hand you can hit...!



Undo the blade of ice that reaches out of both hands and release the restraint.

He knocked down the fuselage with the opponent's thrusting momentum as it was and threw it backwards with Judo's Tomoe throwing guidelines.



And in the rear…… carry out a pursuit with a firearm against an amphibian thrown in the direction of the absence of children.

Blood is blown out of the whole body, amphibians are depressed.

"Do it, Hugo."

"It's the first time I've practiced it"

I used to not be able to operate this precisely... but now that I have increased my skill level for Piloting, I can.

As one of the cross-range oddities, it was also a move that had been heard by the master.

However, to redeploy the blade that I've solved, I need to disassemble it once with Cuco.

"But the gap... doesn't look like it!

Turning from the amphibians, a steel monster was attacking me to replace him.

Approaching [Marshall II] from all sides with a separated blade.


Because the blade is unavailable, intercept it with the [Battle Knife] provided for the fuselage.

Align the [Battle Knife] with the approaching blade while avoiding assault.

However, I noticed when the blades were aligned several degrees.

"Weapon destruction is the aim...!

Offer The [Battle Knife] blade already has blade damage and… corrosion in sight in the attack with the weapon.

It will not be far from destroyed as it is.

Apparently, some toxic substance has been added to the surface of the blade.


In the meantime, amphibians who have completed the regeneration of the damage caused by the shooting are moving.

Two on one. Can't you see in the current situation of restricted armaments......!

But the amphibians don't come towards me.

Away from [Marshall II]...... headed for the orphanage.

If I put the camera together over there, each of the two lizards that I didn't think were moving held something.

It was... children who had lost consciousness.


Lizards wield their children and amphibians begin to open their mouths wide.

It was obvious what to do.

Behind the brain, the battle against the once bull-headed ghost flashes back.

"Something to make you, huh!?

A steel monster prevents me from pointing a firearm at an amphibian in an attempt to stop it.

Multiple blades devoured the firearm in his hand and exploded from the inside.

A steel monster approaches the fuselage of the blast and is pushed into an unfavourable position to respond with a [battle knife].

In the meantime, the lizards threw the child into the mouth of an amphibian.


Trying to make it stop, but I can't move because of the steel monster.

In the sensor camera, the child disappears into the mouth of an amphibian...

- It's an intercept.

- Those who jumped from the sidelines scratched the child in the air.

The little figure who caught the child lands lightly, putting the child to sleep gently.

"Mmm. You touched it. But it's an emergency, so there's no choice."

Needless to say who that is.

I should have been unable to move due to a condition abnormality...... it was LS.

"State anomaly solved?

"No, not at all? You still have [mental dormancy], don't you?

Then I wondered how I could move.

"Curse of Marionette"

LS mentioned one skill name and took that as the answer.

"A spell skill that imposes a [puppet] with an abnormal restraint/curse system condition on the subject and moves the body as intended. If you hang on yourself... well, your body won't move if you want to. My resist is expensive and I've had a lot of trouble with it."

LS that overwrote (...) the state anomaly with a state anomaly and deactivated it...... [The King of Spells] snorted like that without even looking at the lizard monster.

Conditional abnormalities don't just call themselves mounds.

"That's why I'm in the war, too - Well, Regression to Preschool (Little Return) doesn't work for them. Even if I try to rewind it, my current state is in its infancy, like?

If you rewind the flesh as an organism, does that mean that the current state of the race has just changed is the state of the child for the people?

"As far as I'm concerned, that would have been nice if it would fit in a little more peacefully. Thank you, they're my purpose."

I wonder what that means.

"I've been looking into missing children all over Cardina. You read from the route that there's going to be a case in [Dragnomad]."


Ms. Isala said that LS had other purposes for beads.

And myself, I came to this orphanage with suspicion that LS might be involved in yesterday's incident.

As a result, the conversation was the opposite.

"And well, I was actually trying to eat a child. If you can't even put it back, this is no longer..."

The lizards are moving behind the LS we've been talking about for a long time.

Hold a spear on each one, LS hang it and fly it from behind......

"- There's only one way to end it (...)"

- - It became dust.

It's not the dust of light like when a monster disappears, but... it's like the old days are scattered in the wind.

In an instant, it's disappearing from the world.

"Did I look weak on the outside or in the tone? However, you have a lot of combat experience."

Laughing thinly to mock himself, LS turns around slowly.

"Whatever… there are too many criminals in Legendary (our country)"

That's how the LS as a child - looks at the three monsters who remain with a gaze that includes killing.

"- Don't lick the [Demon King] enemy in Fairy Town."

With that word...... Legendary's < super > started the fight.

To be continued

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