<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson XVIII Thoughts and Consequences

□ Ling Er, the bird

May 6th, 6pm.

When I got home from my parents' apartment, I logged in to < Infinite Dendrogram >... I didn't.

Looking into the information on the desk PC... waiting for the time to pass.

I would have liked to log in as soon as possible and be more prepared about the war two days later in internal time, but it took a stop from my brother and seniors.

It seems that since it was three days ago in internal time for everything, the crushing between the two sides is starting to overheat.

For this reason, I am told to wait for the login at least until I can secure the King's city.

There are several reasons.

First, that I'm apparently being targeted. There were many things with the Empire, and it's not super, so it seems to be the enemy of the eyes.

Next thing you know, I'm incapable of succession. Many of my trump cards are multiplexed. Each of the Princess and Shining Dispair can be used properly once, and recovery during the war is difficult.

Not only do I stock Counter Absorptions for my Nemesis skills, but my own damage is also exacerbated if I deal with strong enemies. The number of times I can give my all and fight an opponent more than the same...... I can't do it and twice is the limit and now they tell me to refrain from logging in, assuming a pre-war battle.

And the third reason... is that I must not die in this war (...).

"... when it was morning over there"

I haven't heard from my brothers yet, so I'll continue to collect information online.

Looking at dendro-related bulletin boards, there is also the topic that the material staging area on the imperial side was destroyed by [the King of Light] and [the Jealous Demon King].... what are you doing with that interviewer.

Not for the kingdom, but also for my own coverage this time I guess...... I have to be careful not to get shot in the back if [Light King] is going to interfere.

"I guess I can log in after dinner.... Will it take more?

In internal time, the Xunyus are leaving for the Yellow River tomorrow, so I'd like to log in by then...

With that in mind, the doorway chime rang.

…… Yes. "

I head to the doorphone while I say that in my habit even though it's soundproof.

"Who is it..."

'Long time no see, it is. Mukudri Sun'

Standing in front of the door was... Mr. Francesca next door.

It's been since we got back from the department store face-to-face, but what's wrong?

'Dinner, overcooked. If you like, will you eat it?

That's what she said, and let her lift the pot she had in both hands.

The contents visible from the lid of the heat-resistant glass look like cream stews.

"Huh? Is that okay?

'Yes. Instead, if you don't eat it, it's excessive, I'm in trouble'

With a gentle smile, Mr. Francesca said so.

'And, see. I said I was going to make dinner, and I was there. Try it, taste it.'

On my way home the other day, I did also talk about that.

I was on my way to tea that day and I felt like I was upset... was that my fault?

"Okay. Thank you. Now open the door."

I walk away from the doorphone to the front door and open the door.

Mr. Francesca stood there.


"Yes. Good evening. This,"

Mr. Francesca handed me a pot with stew, so I grab the handle on both sides with caution.

There was a lot for hemming, and there seemed to be three servings.


"Long time no see, I made stew, I made too much"

I don't know how much this quantity... I don't know how much I made.

"But it helped. I was wondering what to do for dinner..."

"Nutrition, too, is well thought out, But don't eat too much at once,"

"No, no. He said you can't eat this amount in a single boulder. It's not a nemesis..."

"... ugh. Tomorrow morning and eat separately."

I accidentally said something about nemesis.

I thought Mr. Francesca seemed strange to me... but he doesn't look particularly concerned either.

Did they even think you didn't know Japanese?

"Then when you're done eating, please return the pot"

"Yes, thank you"

That's how Mr. Francesca went back to the next room.

It's called the department store thing, I guess he's a caretaker.

Whatever it is, let's just say I appreciate the stew.

Cook the toast in the oven while warming the pan over the fire.

Then I poured the vegetable juice into a glass and arranged it, and it turned out to be a good looking dinner inside. I have a particular stew presence.

"I'll have it."

That's how I get my stew on quickly.

It contains a lot of mushrooms, aromatic herbs, vegetables, etc. that I have never seen before, with medium complex flavoring but delicious.

"Ah. This isn't meat, it's beanberg"

Milk is used, but no meat.

Though I was told overlapping about nutritional balance, this stew is healthy and delicious.

... Could you have made it for me to eat, not hemmed?

I really appreciate it. I need to thank you again next time.

That way I finish a delicious dinner and wash the dishes.

However, doing so... makes me very sleepy.

"Are you tired..."

Maybe I'm a little tired of moving from my parents' house over here or gathering information while I wait to hear from them.

I haven't heard from my brother... yet.

"… take a nap once"

Maximize your ringtone so you can wake up when you hear from me.

Don't oversleep if you make a mistake...... and......

◆ ◆ ◆

■ Francesca Götier

I was able to hand him a sleeping pill stew safely.

I didn't come back until today, so I thought I'd keep logging in from my parents' house... but that was worrying.

What I planted in the stew is not that effective.

Or actually a kind of mushroom or herb, not medicine. They were not illegally purchased at imported grocery stores, just mixed in stew as ingredients.

It's pretty good as a sleep introducer, but it doesn't work like letting you sleep for a long time.

Even if you eat and sleep for dinner, you should wake up first by morning.

However, based on the amount of stew I gave you, I would still eat stew in the morning. I also induced him to do so.

So it would be easiest if you slept twice after breakfast and overslept the war.

Even if I can't, I'm supposed to sleep after dinner... so I can cut prep time.

No matter how you scratch it, the performance you can perform at war at the time you eat it should be degraded.

... [MGD] Thinking about it, should we stop there?


To tell you the truth, I wanted to do a little more stepping in jamming.

But there's also the mention of the other day... and I can't take much risk.

That's not a problem. It's not certain, but it's also low risk, not necessarily deliberately targeted.

Because if you eat it, it's a minimum obstruction.

"... Though I don't think there's a case for not eating"

Although that stew, other than mushrooms and herbs, is based on what I studied to make for you vegetarian yu... could it fit the mouth of a Japanese college boy?

I figured you should make it meat, not beanberg?

But to mislead mushrooms and herbs, the dish itself had to be a one-of-a-kind thing.

... would you eat it properly?

I'm saddened by the boulders if they dump me without eating that other people's food makes me sick...

"... no, no, no, no! I don't know what I'm worried about! This is a tremendously disgusting development, depending on how you receive it!?

Forced to bring the lol one and get back to sanity.

It was dangerous. It took me a long time to make it, so there was too much heat in the dish.

... let's cool our heads.

I'll take a shower and get some sleep once.

My preparations are complete. [MGD] is complete. The accompanying legions of monsters were also aligned.

All you have to do is wield your power in the war... and beat Ray Sterling.

"... besides him, I'm not going to lose"

He beat me many times and made me bend my way of life the weakest and worst (...) enemy.

But I'm not willing to lose against anyone else.

Knock it all down with [MGD] of the greatest masterpieces...... I move on.

your way of life, without being able to bend.

◆ ◆ ◆

□ ■ Wangdu Althea

On that day, one of the parties belonging to < LotJ >, a threesome who excelled in covert operations, was infiltrating the Wang capital.

The purpose is Ray Sterling's raid. Death penalty if possible.

The client is Royal Sister Claudia.

Ray Sterling nursed an imperial side plot at that pageant, a man who had been an obstacle several times before.

Like Franklin, Claudia attached great importance to his presence.

That's so much more specific weight than < super >.

Instead, I'm treading 'If it's super, I can take it down', but I'm very wary of Ray, who kept grasping the unintended consequences.

That's why Ray Sterling was certified as a first-rate target for destruction rewards and was also the greatest prey for the Imperial < masters >, who were tasked with sharpening rankers and quasi < super > just before the war.

"Check the tail."

Two of the three speak face-to-face in a hiding place.

"We moved the out-of-ranking guys to the Yang Dynasty in Wang Capital and Gideon. Tell him to explore Ray Sterling."

"Huh. And when they're all gone, the kingdom will mistakenly assume that the assassins are stopped, right?

"Oh. In that case, Ray Sterling, who seems to be evacuating with a logout, will also come in relieved. In the middle of it, we'll kill him. Big Venus."

As they speak, a third person who had a comms machine reports to them.

"It's information from. I hear Shu Sterling logged out two minutes ago."

He is a < DIN > customer and has a direct comm. This time he had asked me in advance to pass on Shu's logout information for the day.

< DIN > is basically neutral and can be obtained depending on the money except for blocked information.

Shu, also a < DIN > boss, pays money to block much of his own data, but still wasn't even blocked until his logout sighting.

"I guess to get in touch with Ray Sterling that 'the raid has subsided'. I'm talking about brothers."

"The savepoint of the guy now should have been the fountain of the king's capital. Finish the moment you log in."

To that word, we both nod.

"If you don't mind, we have a minute."

"Kukukukuku, my Hanakosan, is not recognisable from the outside as long as it's inside! Even if you set it up by the fountain square and explore it, you can't even find it!

"Oh. That's awesome... Except for the point of a toilet type (...) castle."

Yes, it was... the bathroom they were hiding in.

It is a toilet built inside the fountain square but not noticed by anyone.

"... hey, I've been thinking, are you some kind of trauma in the bathroom?

"Oh, I thought so too. You want to do something without anyone finding you?

"Don't read personal from < Embrio >! Mr. Murdoch also said 'stop because it's a violation of manners'!

"" Shh, sorry... "

The toilet they were holding... Hanakosan's Master said so with indignation.

By the way, Hanakosan is about the size of a spacious multi-purpose toilet.

... Still, it took patience for the three men to keep coming in.

They try not to think of the bathroom as a toilet and stick it up here.

That's why the western potty was invisible with the box covered.

It should be noted that six hours have already passed since the start of the stakeout in the unpopular middle of the night.

It was a patient party.

"Fair enough. Ray Sterling will be here soon. Finish that with a series of special skill fights and you'll get a reward even if we become Despenas."


"Huh, I'll take care of it"

That's how the three of them watched Fountain Square and kept waiting for Ray to log in now.

Three hours later.

"... hey, why isn't Ray Sterling coming in? Didn't I hear from you?

"I hear Shu Sterling is back..."

"Don't panic...... it's only an hour in real life. Something's going on and you're probably just late for login."

Six hours later.

"... hey, seriously, I'm not coming? Could it be a different savepoint?

"That shouldn't be..."


Nine hours later.

"That's crazy! This is absolutely crazy! Aren't you sleeping, Leista?

"Stupid! In view of the personality I had heard beforehand, I don't even think I'm going to sleep over this emergency!?


"Hey, what's up? Greasy sweat. Wow."

"Is that a condition anomaly?

"... I want to go to the bathroom, in real life. I've been announcing this for three hours..."

The two remaining respond with amazement to the words of one who tells with a painful expression.

It should be noted that the stakeout was fifteen hours ago… even five hours ago in real life.

Real physiological phenomena were the limit, even with patience.

"Wait!? When you're gone, Hanakosan will be released!?

"The infiltrators other than us are wiped out! If the kingdoms find us, we'll only slap them!

"Shh, sorry... it's the limit... log out..."

"" Run away! Only you!

I suppressed him trying to process the logout, with the two of us clinging on.

"Ya stop!? Although I wouldn't be able to log out if I was in contact with someone else!?

"Let's give up...... shame"

"Oh, even if you were to expose your family to shame, now is the time."

"Don't be fuzzy, you guys!?

I argue with the dotard in the bathroom, but the disturbance does not leak externally due to the properties of Embrio.

But it is also only if the skills of…… are valid.

"I can't help it if this happens......!


The < master > of the toilet slaps on the wall like a gibberish and declares.

"Unskill! Storage!"

At that moment, the toilet's perceptual camouflage was released and the toilet itself disappeared.

Only three rubbing men were left where there was an uncognizable toilet.


Against those three, the gaze of the kingdom that was around the fountain gathered...... it became a death penalty, largely irresistible due to the simultaneous firing of special skills.

It should be noted that his dignity, which he was able to log out, seemed critical and protected.

◇ ◆

Then five minutes later. Ray, who has woken up from his hypnotic sleep and logged in, said to the tragedy of the fountain square where his special skills were used, "... what happened?" He tilted his neck.

To be continued

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