<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson 42: Conflicts and Conflicts/Conflicts and Conflicts

□ ■ Northwest Alter Kingdom/Plains

[King of Car Riders] 's strongest tank, [Torhammer].

In that car manager's seat, Murdoch shrugs as he touches the panel installed in the car.

"Kata acts arbitrarily. Perhaps he set up an ambush on the kingdom."

That's about reports coming up from other masters.

(Well, he's been moving for his own desires since the beginning, too. He's a my-paced guy, and should I throw him in rather than strengthen his poor collaboration? Apparently they're coming this way. [Destroyed King] remnants of the machine and as long as it reduces some kingdom fighting power)

The observation and detection system, Embrio, is also on the imperial side.

It also grasped that it had thereby dropped nearly sixty aerial forces in earlier shelling, and that the kingdom still maintained a force approaching 500.

It was almost a total mobilization of the war-participating clans that were waiting around the Wang capital, led by < K&R >.

(As combat personnel, there will be many veterans. However, with the exception of super positions, the land battle of < Infinite Dendrogram > is basically a mid-range battle. If you don't use weapons like ours, you have to do so at the time of job specification)

In < Infinite Dendrogram >, not many excelled in long-range combat.

Even if it is a unique element of the individual, many evolve to adapt to it if the battlefield of the Master is medium or near range.

(That's why it's more advantageous to be able to unilaterally attack them from outside their range)

Murdoch's [Radio Battalion] can execute long-range artillery fire on optically observable targets.

An open plain of vision. Reduce your opponent's battle power before they approach you with long range shelling and decide to win or lose in medium or close range fights.

That is the basis of a tactic that has been going on for hundreds of years.

Even with the exception of [Radio Battalion], in numbers, the Empire puts in more people than the kingdom.

(Lancaster's Law. Even if there were some individual battle power differences, you could win if this number was significantly higher when you hit it. The problem is [King of extermination], but he's easy to kill if it's a mass battle where a wide variety of means of killing exist. In the worst case, I...)

"Captain. go report itasimus"

One of [Torhammer] 's crew reports to Murdoch, who thinks about winning muscles.

"... the kernel. So, what's up?

'I knew you had a problem with your ability to learn,' he asks the crew.

"Rain Death"

"... the weather forecast is supposed to be clear."

[Torhammer] is equipped with a mechanism that does not cause rain grains to tap armor.

However, he checked the information after his subordinates' report and assumed it was not a false alarm.

"It also rains more gradually. Is this guy... noticed and (...) hit in the hand?

The rain that has fallen on Russia soon intensifies, and it is no longer an exaggeration to say Skol.

(There are three guys who seem to be able to do this with kingdom power. It would have a wide variety of privileged weapons [King of extermination], [Storm King] of human weather weapons, and...)

While Murdoch thinks about the cause, the Black Three Ghosts contact him.

"Colonel!? Look at the sky!


Murdoch moves the [Torhammer] optical sensor from the horizon up.

On the sky......

- Eye of the Storm?

- A jade cloud (...) with huge eyeballs was overlooking the Imperial Power.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ Three minutes ago Northwest Alter Kingdom/Forest

"So, what are you going to do about it?

Wolf cherry blossoms run down the forest path, asking the concurrent ground dragon - Luke, who sits on Marilyn's back.

"Those troublesome guys were taken on by the risers. It's a problem here, too. Enough or so more out of this forest... I can see them across the horizon. When your sight opens, you'll be shot in with an idiot."

"Yes, we need to seal that shell first in order for this one to maintain its power and get there."

"I'm listening to the means. Is Despiri here with a mechanical effect?

"Hate and you don't have those personnel. It will be rare."

There is exactly one such figure in Ray and Beasley's acquaintance, but his figure is a member of the out-of-ranking clan.

Besides, even if he was, the [radio battalion] across the horizon would be out of range.

"But I've already figured out the flaws of the shelling over there."

"... heh"

Wolf cherry blossoms perceive that the statement is stated with certainty, not with glory or a large bath.

"And I'm also asking for reinforcements that I can deal with. … should arrive soon."

However, the words that followed were a little mixed with anxiety.

The reason is, it's not what we planned.

(That guy was around Chiora. But if it's that guy's travel speed, he should be able to get here by now.)

Someone who should have been able to rendezvous.

But even now that we are about to enter the distance of engagement again soon, we have not yet arrived here.

(What do we do...? Stop before you get into the target's visual distance...... no, that was two dances earlier. If this move stagnates, they will fire even if the hit rate is low. Then to Mr Alberto in the worst case......)

When Luke thought that far, the rain grain slapped him on the cheek.


Until the last minute, it was clear weather with no clouds, but how long had giant clouds overhead and let light rain shake. It's a strange rain cloud.

Eventually it gets confused by the rain grains... something comes down from the sky to Luke.

Luke notices that too and grabs it via Liz.

What came down was... paper wrapped in stone.


Open the paper with caution…… look through the contents written in the letter (...).

It was an awkward letter and suspicious grammar, like a child had written.

"Arsi Kosenchu. Toho Eungu. Texin, is it bad? '

Luke immediately figured out what it meant, though it might not make sense at all.

"Mr. Catherine (...)..."

That's - a response from someone Luke asked for reinforcements.

Second place in the Kingdom's crusade, [Dungeon] Catherine Vajra.

She was the one Luke asked for reinforcements in this chase, and this is the answer to that.

- Lord, in battle.

- Our side, reinforcements.

- Enemy line, disaster?

(Mr. Catherine, too, is fighting someone. It's also a situation where you can't use communication magic. But he sent her in there. This letter is her autograph. she asks for instructions on whether to attack the enemy)

Luke, who understands so much, remembers one question.

Who the hell is engaged with Catherine Vajra? Is it true that there was enough imperial power between Chiora and this northwest to stop Catherine from moving?

"... now, put"

Thoughts accelerate...... but I decided that's not what I need to do now.

And Luke, raising his voice to the sky.

"Please! Emerada (...)! To the enemy... heavy rain!

The clouds of the sky in his call......

"- Lyoshaw."

- I repainted myself in jade and responded with the sound of the wind heavily.

[High-end Disaster Elementary], Emerada.

Catherine, as the corner of Vajra's "Four Great Underworld," the biggest monster of all Tame Monsters set in motion.

It precedes the kingdom forces, causing the scowl to descend from the overhead of the imperial powers still invisible to them.

"That Okamamodoki Tame Monster. Is this your plan?"

"Yes. This should have sealed it. And then..."

Alberto, who was aboard Marilyn, stands up before Luke continues his words.

"Mr. Alberto."


Alberto was silent, but lets try to thumb it up against Luke.

Kata-fed arms have subsequently used and restored the Gamma Star in the form of Marilyn's cooperation to gain resistance to physical shocks.

The remaining resistance gains and resurrections are four more.

But that's enough.

"Gentlemen! The opponent's long-range shelling has been sealed! Mr. Alberto is launching a wide-area extermination attack against the enemy!

During Luke's call, Alberto takes one perk weapon out of the item box.

It's a glider-like machine with only wings and jet engines on it, and Alberto gets in while standing on it.

Epic Benefit Armor, [Ascension Mobile Black Diver]. It is Alberto's only special gear for high-speed travel and his privileged, military-like and disadvantaged substitute.

"Get close to that gap and bring it into the White Soldier War against the Empire! We're breaking the line of defense! Super, we're going after Igor Ronak!

"Leave it to me. If you're a tanker (Murdoch), I'll take care of it with you."

The werewolf cherry blossoms respond to Luke's words, and one voice after the other.

"Thank you, everyone!

Luke thanked the kingdom for its power of war,

"Now...... we will begin our attack on the imperial defensive line now!

At the same time Luke announces the decision of the operation, - Alberto flew high in the air with an explosive acceleration.

◇ ◆

Flying Benefit Armor, [Black Diver].

There are two disadvantages to redeeming for its too much advantages: the simple one.

One is the short length of continuous flying time and only enough time is available to fly in a day.

It resets at midnight, but twenty minutes of flight is the limit no matter how you scratch it.

But you don't have to worry about flying time like that if you're supposed to.

Because the second disadvantage is the speed of flight, which is five times the speed of sound.

Disadvantages, not pros.

You can't fly later than that.

And while flying at that speed...... there's no mechanism to protect the pilot.

There is no safety device, and there is no magical wind protection like that held by a brilliant jade horse.

In short - it's a plane that flies exposed to life during hypersonic flight.

Crush the walls of the air with the shock of breaking them alive. Die.

It is inflamed by heating by insulated compression.

Normally, each aircraft crashes after either of them.

This stuff, it's just a suicide device with hands on it.

Unless it's Alberto who handles it.

Physical shock. Heat. Alberto has already gained resistance.

Thus he runs through the sky at supersonic speed, staying immobile on his wings.


Alberto flew away from the enemy formation in an instant without even knowing the clash against Skoll, capturing the enemy's position and current position.

And as he returns to the enemy formation on his U-turn, - he's carrying new weapons on both shoulders.

I don't care what that looks like...... it was a missile launcher.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ Northwest Alter Kingdom/Plains

"Optical observation, extremely obstructive"

"I guess."

Intense scours are uncertain about even the sight ten meters away.

Needless to say, the horizon is invisible. Optical observation artillery fire can be said to have been almost sealed.

The only thing is that if it's empty, it can also be seen at a distance, and I can still confirm the creepy clouds in jade.

"Rain Elementary...... no, storm elementary. Can there be wind and thunder besides rain? Well, whichever one comes, [Radio Battalion] is fine..."

Essentially, vehicles covered in metal are resistant to such natural phenomena.

Unless it's submerged, but it won't get that far to the boulder.

"Can you shell it in the sky and knock it down?

"I can't."

Murdoch answers the Black Three Ghosts question instantly.

"It's obviously a non-entity elementary. It's called positioning, it's not fundamentally the power to engage [Radio Battalion]. I said, the Empire is weak in air combat... It depends on Logan's mythical demon, [King of the Beasts (Behemoth)], Juba's sasori, and Igoronak's hidden bills."

But most of them aren't on this battlefield.

Even Igoronak, putting it forward here is foolish.

"In the first place, yes. If I shoot them, they're out there alive. Sucks. Unlike [Tolhammer], the rail guns of [Radio Battalion] are far from being fully protected against leakage."

Electromagnetic projection cannon emitted by high power.

It was [Radio Battalion] 's main gun that solved the power problem that became the neck and almost copied real electromagnetic projectile technology.

However, the [Radio Battalion] is not fully blocked, as the air tightness measures taken by Magingear were not sufficient.

This is also why the discharge phenomenon and the release of the optical camouflage after firing.

"If I let it go in such a wet state, it would leak electricity and cause damage over here.... That's why I set up in a sunny area on this day."

"They know that!?

"I'm pretty sure someone noticed a flaw in the first shelling"

Fully automatic outrange supersonic artillery weapons group. [Radio Battalion] close to first sight, but I really didn't expect Murdoch to see it through a single shelling.

While sealing your sight and limitless accuracy of long-range shelling, you must be alert to electricity leaks and make shelling itself easier.

This rain was arguably the best shield against Murdoch with a long spear.

"Better than that... get ready"


"If you crushed our interception means - the extermination of the area over there will come."

"Report. Immediate superfast object passage"

Immediately after Murdoch gives his guess, the crew raises the report to affirm it.

That's Alberto's reaction to flying away over the Imperial Power in Skol.

"[Destroyed King] 's attack is coming."

[Destroyed King] Alberto Schwarzkaiser.

Among Cardina's < super >, there is a lot of information exposure, and the numerous fights in the “tournament” the other day remain as video records and are up on the net.

In that “tournament," [Destroyed King] Alberto was defeated by [Superfighter] Figaro.

But his power is not all that battle.

A bunch of unsafe perk weapons he has.

However, all of the items used in the tournament still added or subtracted power.

Because involving the audience - no, I didn't go to destroy Gideon (...).

◇ ◆

Above the flying [Black Diver], Alberto sets up a missile launcher-type reward weapon.

Ancient Epic Benefit Armor, [Restored Dust Dust To Dust].

It is a privileged weapon held by [Destroyed King] - for the extermination of wide areas (...).

The missile's warhead is a vaporized bomb.

At the moment of landing, it exerts ultra-fire power that turns radius 200 meters into dust.

Eight shots left and right together. We have more than enough to destroy the formations of the Empire.

Needless to say, the drawback is that if you shoot something like this, you get yourself involved.

Also, is it going to take a week to replenish one shot?

But there's nothing wrong with shooting it down from the sky in this short-term showdown.

"Lock on -"

Alberto turned to the density of enemy lines he grasped in his first pass,

"- Termination Begins"

- They fired a series of weapons with firepower that also destroyed the city.

◇ ◆

Eight missiles fired from fighters and objects flying over the sky.

The Imperial Power also understood what that meant.

Some put up their own shields, but did not rely more than on crippled paper in front of the supposed firepower.

One could not escape because he was in the middle of a scowl, a form of Emerada attack, attempting to log out of the scowl.

Murdoch maximized the output of the electromagnetic barrier mounted on [Torhammer], in case of worst.

The Black Three Ghosts grip the joystick of their own love machine,

'Please. Apollo, [FSC]'

Call two names to pray.

And when the missile landing was imminent,

"-" Buckler Planets Special "!!

- With the cries of the Black Three Ghosts, countless discs piled on the back of the fuselage flew into the sky.

Countless discs spread at equal intervals in the air, creating a force field between each.

Eventually, the missile landed.

A flame of explosion that is just powerful enough to annihilate the Imperial Power - completely different inside and outside the force field.

The name of the Black Three Ghosts' fuselage is [Marshall III · Full (F) · Shield (S) · Custom (C)].

Various defensive mechanisms introduced by Franklin to [White Rose], [Fleur Divere] and the Bouclier Planetter. Based on these data, the engineers of the Triangle of Intelligence are fuselage equipped with a larger output and large-scale barrier system.

Regardless, the drawback of [White Rose], which was fatally poor as < Maggie >, remains... No, it's getting worse.

But he would... the Black Three Ghosts could use it.

A box-shaped computer mounted on the cockpit of his driving fuselage - his < embrio > exerts its power with the emission of light.

'The accumulated magic... this is the time to use it Apollo!!

Black Three Ghosts', TYPE: Arms [Total Chi Intensive Apollo].

It is inspired by the Apollo plan, whose characteristics are - resource intensive.

You can store and use MPs of others with your consent.

Due to its ability, the Black Three Ghosts are able to maneuver for the longest time and maximum output... which is why he is now at the head of the test pilot.

[FSC] Mounted Apollo has an enormous MP for a mechanical production job that specializes in... MP for non-combatants during the war preparation period.

He himself is a [high-ranking pilot].

However, the magic of the Triangle of Wisdom, aggregated in Apollo, maximizes the power of [FSC],


- I tried to protect my people from Alberto's widespread extermination.

Some things that have reached their limits Disc...... the shield burns and falls to the ground.

Still, there was no damage to those who were inside the shield, and [Dust to Dust] was only able to burn down a small amount of fighting power and tanks that were at the edge of the position.

"Did you think we were the Zako that would blow up with the extermination of the area...?

While the Black Three Ghosts let their breath out while pointing their fuselage camera eyes at Alberto flying away over the sky again...... still.

- Don't lick it.

- The man who prevented the annihilation of [the King of Annihilation] said so with his own insistence.

◇ ◆

Due to the rough weather, the shelling accuracy of [Radio Battalion] decreases.

[FSC] also prevented the widespread extermination of Alberto.

The crushing at a distance here is sealed......

- to direct combat between the two armies.

To be continued

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