<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 45 [King of Car Riders] Murdoch Martinez

□ ■ Northwest Alter Kingdom/Plains

"So no!

Werewolf cherry blossoms continued to fight one enemy when half of the troops entering the Imperial position disappeared in shelling infinitely close to suicide bombing.

"Nooo! Don't do it! '

The opponent in front of me was riding the Machine Tiger, [Wuzhu].

But now he's not riding, he's armored and merged < Embrio > with special skills.

Wolf cherry blossoms are fighting as they successfully stand around against a fuselage that has become as diverse as the statues of Chinese samurai.

STR beats enemies, but AGI has minutes for wolf cherry blossoms. Bone armor wrapped in wolf cherry blossoms with special skill, and enemy planes will have the same strength.

"The others weren't used to interpersonal fights, but you look different!

"Foolish Question! I am the number five duel ranking in the Empire! I'm tired of playing against each other!

The voices emanating from the fuselage are young… rather they belong to young women, but the pride superimposed on the words was certain.


In her words, the mouth angle of the wolf cherry blossom rises.

"I didn't know because the video was different from the fuselage or form! Atashi is the fifth duel in the kingdom!

'Wow! Funny!

Wolf cherry blossoms diagonally flush the spear with a double-edged horse slayer knife swung down with the words.

"My name is Tiger Cherry (Huin)! The most powerful rider!

"Atashi is a werewolf cherry blossom! She's the strongest woman to ever be a sub-owner of K&R!

That's how we name each other and clash each other's weapons.

Oddly enough, the two of them had fun crossing the blades to their similarly rounded enemies...

((like rank, special skill, name... wearing all kinds of stuff?

I was just a little concerned about the character wear on the inside.

With those two elsewhere, the battle at the imperial position, which increases confusion, undergoes further phase changes.

◆ ◆ ◆

■ [King of Car Riders] Murdoch Martinez

Now, take a look at the status quo.

In the final struggle of the Black Three Ghosts, most of the enemy forces that broke into the position disappeared.

Best job ever. Some of my possessions [Radio Battalion] have also disappeared, but let's pour them into the water.

It's something you don't need so much in the first place, and a product you got with in-game money anyway. If necessary, you can also place a new order on the Triangle.

So if you compare my damage to him, this one is pretty good.

Still, the situation is nothing more than an imperial disadvantage.

Even if you erase the majority of the enemies in the position, you still have nearly half.

Well, it's only half of the people who were already in there. The more imperial forces are taken over in battles outside the position, the more enemies invade the position.

A real-time strategy game, or a tower defense game, would be a crying situation.

His power was almost mutual if he took me and [King of extermination] as a ton.

But the result is this. If you say what the difference is... well, it would be a head difference.

[Radio Battalion] had been rendered inoperable by the opponent's rainfall, poking at his faults.

If they were stupid, they wouldn't have noticed this flaw, and even a coarse head would have needed a little more time.

But after the first bullet that was definitely decided, he was immediately hit with countermeasures.

This speed of response crushed my advantages, and the tactics I had in mind that would favour this one were only minimally fruitful and unusable.

From there he was brought into a five-minute battle, tilted with a compatibility difference.

If my head was as good as my opponent's, I could have hit a different hand again.

But it's impossible. I'm only a gamer, and if I'm not a veteran soldier on Avatar Street, I'm not a genius soldier.

He's not like a real military man like Marshal Barbaros, and he's not like a smart guy if he does it on the kingdom side.

[Radio Battalion] is the tactic that I finally put in place with my head, my finances and the nature of < Embrio >. I only have one other measure than that tiger boy, and that way I can't overshadow the imperial disadvantage on this battlefield.

So, well, bad for the guys fighting under my command... maybe they're Despenas.

The position is already devastated, and the number of people fighting outside is considerably reduced.

I could be Despena, too.

Do the Igor Ronak guys in the rear have to be protected?

"But I don't... I don't want to fall yet"

I'm going to give up winning this game half way, but I have two things to think about.

One is, 'When I fall here, I fall first in the war < super >', etc., and that I may be called dishonorable for a while. That's a little regrettable.

The other... well, needless to say, 'I still want to play'.

Large stage with large crowds around the corner. Best situation I don't even know there might be twice.

I can't do what I want, and I can't finish without playing enough.

Still, I want to play with everyone.

Play with allies and play with enemies.

"The rain is clear, shall we?"

Mumble to yourself to confirm, wave your fingers in both hands.

- Nine of the remaining [radio battalions] knock rail guns into the kingdom's < master >.

Crushing scatters, penetrating and dying for two, enduring with [brooches], some even guarding with defensive < embrio >.

But they all look surprised.


"Stupid! The transmission line is already off!?

A transmission line?

Oh, you used it. Even if you need the option of having as many as a hundred rocks.

But, well, - if it's the number of fingers on both hands, I can wirelessly transmit power.

My Embrio, that seems to be one of the traits.

Now, reduce the number.

"Rail gun shooting, I'm coming!

"Is this guy out of power!?

Endless power?

Don't be silly, it's not that ridiculous. It just looks that way.

My four principles are power generation, storage, transmission, and charging. Needless to say, electricity generation, as you can see, the charge... is now an electromagnetic barrier.

So, that's why the electricity storage looks endless.

Anyway, I've only been playing around in my spare time since I came to the Empire, so I accumulated a little too much power.

So I have no problem using it. It won't go away until we're done playing. Don't worry.


While you're at it, your opponent's in a counterattack position.

Special skill or high-powered magic… I'm going to use Crimson Sphere.

"But hey..."

Special skills-eaten vehicles broke, but vehicles hit with "Crisfi" and its [gems] were alive and well.

"It's not working!?

"The intensity was exceptional just now......!?

You're confused. I won't bother telling you, but there's a good reason.

The armor of [Radio Battalion] is made of Mithril. I don't have a magic resistant coating, and I just got banged up in Crisfi.

But I can't do it now.

[King of Car Riders] is one of the super positions in the Eastern Pilot System.

Skills include Level EX Rides and Rides, Invincible Tanks.

Not as invincible as I say, but jumps up the strength and attack power of the tank I used as my special gear. That's a stand-alone & tank version of [Archdeacon] 's depths. The magnification is increasing.

Well, it's a stand-alone skill, but now it's hanging on [Radio Battalion] as well.

It looks crazy... but the gimmick is simple.

It's also why I let [Radio Battalion] be built on purpose as a drone tank.

Because [Radio Battalion] is - [Torhammer] 's auxiliary cannon (...).

It is a substitute close to what we call a real proximity (C) defense (I) firearm (W) system (S) that automatically targets and shoots out enemies. Though the range is long.

The system is linked to [Tolhammer], and I cover the energy of operation.

For this reason, it is also systematically recognized as a secondary artillery and falls within the scope of the effects of Invincible Tanks.

There is also the depletion of the Invincible Tank itself, so it is not suitable for long-term warfare, but from now on it will be enough to settle.

"Instead of one broken pair, the other,"

Switch the power transmission destination and return to the formation of ten pairs again.

Nine [radio battalions] turn infinite orbits and run the battlefield to each.

That's far from an undisturbed move......

So it wasn't fragmented and collaborative or anything happened.

But only prevent clashes and accidental firing between vehicles linked by the program, shooting enemies.

There's no longer anyone but me in the Imperial position. Currently, there's nothing wrong with that.

Wireless transmission. Electromagnetic projection cannon. Remote automatic piloting. And Invincible Tank.

"You hated the kingdom. I'm stronger than a hundred, huh?

... I thought you said it, but I figured I might have overmade both 100.

Because it's the first war, it's because of the tension.

It's not a shame, but let's reflect.

"Well, the overhead [Destroyer King]..."

The plane on it was too fast and temporarily past the sky, but it made another U-turn and came back to the battlefield.

And instantly he snipes both [Tolhammer] and [Radio Battalion] with a giant rifle like a cannon that destroyed the fuselage of the Black Three Ghosts.

The damage to the [Torhammer] prevented by the combined moves of the electromagnetic barrier and the "Invincible Tank" is minor, but the [Radio Battalion] also sinks with a breakthrough of the enhanced defense. Add both.

I knew I couldn't shoot the extermination.

I still use my rifle.

His extermination is a mess of scope. He's definitely not in the nature of involving his people, or of being able to engage and attack them.

... That's a good guy.

I like it better than the friendly fire guy who doesn't care. Other games are pretty good, and I'm angry. Much better than that.

"Well, if it's an enemy, I'll use it. Let's shoot the others as we approach our low-powered enemies"

While he was struggling to use his firepower to get around, I was aiming at [Radio Battalion] all the vehicles.

- With you.

- Lock on to the [Destroyed King] in the air and execute the shelling.

[Destroyed King] is a representative of the firepower that can destroy [Torhammer].

If you can aim, you're set to go first.


Nine impending rail guns, [Destroyed King] twists his fuselage and tries to dodge them.

"- Right here, right?

- At that time, the shelling of [Torhammer], which I anticipated the future position, penetrates.

Unlike [Shooting Down King] 's skills, I'm also good at targeting games.

The shell pierced the plane and [the exterminating king] himself flew a thousand cuts from the middle of his torso.

The wreckage of a fragmented machine pours down on the ground.

"Come on, you'll be back and you'll gain resistance."

... Wang Chang, he may be dead now.

He seems to be able to separate his core from his body, but you can't do that either while he's flying at that speed.

Core that I should have put back in my body. Some eyes were broken by earlier shelling.

Well, don't expect too much. Raise the Kilre.

"... hmm?

Unexpectedly, you hear an empty noise coming from above your head, and then the rain starts pounding the surface of the vehicle's body.

"Will it rain again? I don't mind."

While sprinkling electricity around, [Radio Battalion] releases a rail gun to a nearby target.

"Anyway, no one on my side is in this position anymore. Did you find out about the electric leak?... ugh."

... Uh, what is it?

I know exactly what you're doing, but I knew solos were easier to do.

"Well, I didn't want to admit it..."

Everyone wanted to enjoy this Tri Flags is definitely who I am.

Apart from that, my essence (...) shown by my < Embrio > is hidden.

What I needed after all...

I was thinking about getting a little distracted, but I find the overhead movement strange.

The renewed rainfall momentum is much weaker than just now and far from scowling.

This would also make it irresistible to inhibit the targeting of the [radio battalion].

Was that all the damage you were taking from the Black Three Ghosts shelling?


"Did you switch?"

Switching means of attack. I guess the giant monster covering his head decided to eliminate me by direct means of attack rather than interference by rain.

But how is the weather monster gonna take me down?

It's hard to sink in the rain on this plain. Using electromagnetic force won't blow you away with strong winds, and being flown in the first place won't be a big scratch. Needless to say, thunder.

"The attack over here won't work anyway. Whatever you've done, you'll just crush other forces while you endure."

When you think about it that way and observe what the other person does... the cloud shape changes.

The central eyeball disappears and spreads a large hole in its own center as if it were a donut.

It looks like everything is gone from the center of the jade cloud... but there is a thinly spreading membrane.

It's a membrane of water.

It collects droplets of rain and spreads them thinly in the center of the cloud's body.

It's like, - like a lens.


Now that I understand what the clouds are willing to do, I slide the [Torhammer] around and back off the spot.

Immediately after, light falls from the air.

It is a pillar of heaven that scorches the earth.

- Solar lasers that concentrate sunlight with giant lenses.

"You're paying me back for what the Black Three Ghosts did to me!

Substitutes, like SF movies or cartoons, burn traces of light on the ground for me.

Unlike [Destroyer King], Friendly Fire also sees the ground with a laser without a problem, melting my [Radio Battalion] with each ally.

There is only a simple program [Radio Battalion] that prevents collisions with linked airframes and discussion with each other, there is no consideration for lasers from above, and many vehicles are burst into the laser themselves and destroyed.

Different armor materials [Torhammer] won't destroy easily after eating a laser, but there can be cases where I get steamed inside.

However, the speed of the [Torhammer] makes it possible to avoid the laser if you pay attention.

This plain, as many places to escape......

"... ah?

If I thought about it that way and looked around, how long had the walls been built?

That's support for the downpouring laser, kingdom power.

Local attribute magic or by. A number of rock walls stood and crushed the path of [Torhammer] fleeing the laser.

Inside, there is even a tank that stands with its own body as a wall.

To defeat the most troublesome man on this battlefield for sure.

"Trouble imitating!

I also thought about jumping up and over in Electromagnetic Leap, but if I do that, it will be targeted in the air.

Then you just have to break through the rock wall with a rail gun while withstanding laser irradiation.

"I have gear...!

Change your gear from military uniform to heat resistant gear and prepare for laser irradiation.

And then there's chicken racing, whether I get to the limit or break through the siege net.

[Torhammer] keeps shooting rail guns into tanks and rock walls, and I'll be on the laser.

That's how [Torhammer] is swallowed by lasers,

- In the light, something jumped on [Torhammer].

Presence that blocks the irradiation of the laser with a large human silhouette.

The identity of the silhouette......

"... [Destroyed King]!?

[King of extermination], whom I shot down and tore apart, is standing on top of [Torhammer] with five satisfied bodies.

Its body is not damaged even in the laser.

"No way......!

Was this guy hiding in the laser after he fell to the ground and was after me!?

Gain Resistance!?


Switch the electromagnetic barrier to aggressive, knocking the melee defense electric shock into the [Destroyer King].

The [King of extermination], who received comparable high power to a lightning strike...

- "Ze star"

I declared so and erased my own wounds.

Gain resistance - if you're right about the data, this is the sixth time.

One more time, knock in an intolerable attack and you'll be forced to run out of resurrection.

When I thought about it,

"-" η star (al-Qaeda) "

- He made his seventh declaration of resurrection.

- At the same time, dressed in the great armor of a vicious look.

I know that privileged weapon.

All Body Armor Benefits Armor, [Red Thorough-Air Exa Demon].

[Destroyer King] 's strongest armor, also used in matches with [Superfighter].

In exchange for dying, Benefit Armor gives the wearer a huge amount of Attack and Defense.

Such a nightmarish armor - waved his fist up directly above [Torhammer].

Situations like this, I just have to laugh.

"... it's not a comic book."

"- Termination Execution (Termination)"

- A giant fist broke through the tank ceiling and smashed me with every body of the car.

To be continued

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