<Infinite Dendrogram>

Chapter 55: Regret

□ ■ Northwest Kingdom of Alter · Forest

The man in the mechanical mask grabbed the neck of [Veldrion F] by his side with his right hand and lifted it with one hand.

Our time is once again at dawn. Start Authentication System "

― Start the authentication system. Passcode input and presentation of authentication key within 20 seconds "

Put words and mechanical words in line to say where the machine mask is.

However, immediately afterwards, a voice call for additional input came from the shutdown [Beldrion F].

Even Vito, who dealt with Verdrion F , was not told that such a mechanism existed.

However, for the line hults we restored and provided them with, they could not be confirmed because they were part of a black-boxed internal structure.

--I can't say I didn't expect it.


― Confirm passcode and authentication key. Return ownership to regular users. "

Shortly after the Machine Mask took out something like a small plate and mouthed a series of irregular words, [Veldrion F] said so... it was stored in a strange box with the Machine Mask.

Passcode? Authentication key? So he works for the King?

Looking from the side, Vito seemed to be the man the Emperor had sent to retrieve [Veldrion F] from the losers.

From his point of view, there was no one other than the King who could prepare passcodes and authentication keys.


But Luke's not.

During the battle against Igoronac, the Death Period was defeated with one more push.

Without joining forces in that situation, I realized that the opponent was not an imperial force... but a third force that was not a kingdom.

(I'm the only one here. What to do)

It is a matter of great concern that the opponent is unknown and that a terrible weapon named [Beldrion F] is passed over to such a person.

However, it is unclear whether it will directly affect the present kingdom and the Empire's Tri Flags.

[Beldrion F] is part of the Empire's combat power from the beginning, and Luke does not need to lie if the opponent has collected the weapon and left.


(... we should stop it here now)

Hiding on this battlefield without being noticed by either the Kingdom or the Empire.

That ability that appeared suddenly. If Taller felt nothing but signs during the battle and Mimi's Mockmock Clean was not aware of his existence, he would certainly have considerable stealth abilities.

It is uncertain whether the principle that suddenly appeared here is due to optical stealth or a force similar to the momentary movement carried out by Igoronak of Kasumi or “immortality”... either way is dangerous.

If we get out of here, it's hard to find.

The next time the Machine Mask appears with [Beldrion F], it may be when the Kingdom's people are in danger.

If Luke decides not to worry about the future, Luke decides he should stop it here now....

"Primary Order Completed"

A mechanical mask pointed the mechanical monocular eye (monocular eye) that hits the eyes towards Luke and Vito behind them.

"--Execute Secondary Orders and Tasha Orders"

--kicked the ground and ran off to Luke and the others.

It wasn't about not dealing with it.

From the beginning, the opponent didn't want to just collect [Veldrion F].

The mechanical mask took out the knife in his right hand and moved mechanically without lethargy... to kill Luke.

At this point, Luke missed an opportunity to do his best.

There are two factors.

First, there was too much information emitted by the machine mask.

The purpose is to recover the ability to appear on the spot, the words to be released, the authentication keys brought out, and [Veldrion F].

Too much information was stolen and Luke tried to grasp the identity of the opponent, so Luke thought about the information and delayed it at first.

Secondly, the air after the battle with Vito.

While killing each other's companions together, Luke understood the other's situation and even uttered cheerful words.

Relaxed air different from that in battle.

That's why Luke couldn't do his best and didn't notice (...).

What is the best hand here...?

A mechanical mask approaching Luke and the others.

Luke followed the move with his eyes.

(Slower than supersonic manoeuvres...?

Machine masks are certainly slower than Marie, who has repeatedly staged mock fights.

Luke thinks we can intercept it - he immediately denies it.

(If the speed does not reach the AGI type and you still have the ability to appear here, it cannot come in from the front!

So there are three possible cases.

Are you daring to slow down and set a deception trap?

Attract attention and then move to the blind spot in an instant.

― ― I am already using optical stealth, and the appearance I see is like illusion.

Liz, all directions!

At Luke's behest, Liz turns all the volumes he had in his coat into blades and cuts off the area around him.

An Orihalcon blade that occupies space while avoiding Babi and Vito.

The approaching machine mask will also be torn apart, but disappear like a phantom...


When Luke turns around, one point of the landscape is distorted and a mechanical mask appears from there.

The right hand held a mythical metal dagger with an upside-down hand, and it was found that she played Liz's slash.

(I knew it...!

After all, the slow-speed mechanical mask was illusion, and it was probably a tactic used by the person in stealth to make controversies.

Without a mock fight with Marie using similar tactics, you might not have noticed.


Even if accidents are prevented, the machine mask is not upset.

You're not really upset, not because you can't see your expression.

Liz's slash, which captured the position of the mechanical mask on the evidence, continued with a dagger.

It was a creepy move.

As if his right arm were another creature, he keeps cutting off Liz's slashes at times the speed of sound.

Actually... my right arm is strangely stretched out and even playing slashes at my feet.

Vito, who was watching from the side, even thought, "Is your right arm turning into a snake?"

--That was correct in a sense.

Nooo, bitchy. Not only is the lord watching, but he can do something about it?

Taller throws words like that at Vito, who has lost both arms and is kneeling.

"... Igoronak can't move without his arms! Besides, you probably smoked my MP, Root Race!?

Ho-ho-ho, that was it.

"You're the one who doesn't smoke his MP!

I tried it, but I can't smoke it. The magic itself has deteriorated inside. Whatever it is, it's... Well, at least.... "

--It doesn't seem like a creature.

Liz and the mechanical mask continued to clash elsewhere with Taller, who said the end of the word in his own mind.

Without taking a supersonic slash, the machine mask approaches Luke step by step.

That kind of thing.

The imperative inclination , the Kingdom's subordinates have improved their quality.


The opponent who had been mechanical as it looked until now was a word with zero rattling.

The word also shocked Luke with information...

([Tilt], Catherine....!

In one word, Luke will understand.

Why Catherine Deva, who was supposed to come to reinforce us, didn't show up on this battlefield and sent only Emerald.

Why Tarler felt the signs of a mechanical mask that should have been watching the battlefield and watching the timing during the battle.

It was connected in the words of the present.

The Machine Mask was fighting Catherine Deva first.

And even though I defeated her and arrived late due to the effects of the battle... I was waiting on this battlefield for a chance to take [Berdrion F].

And one more thing.

There are no noticeable scratches on the mechanical mask while fighting Catherine Deva.

In other words, the Machine Mask was made Catherine Deva... second in the Crusade, beating Figaro in the Tournament, then Alberto's Quasi Super.

Moreover, the remarks about the power of the subordinate... "Four Underworld” mean victory in battle, not accident. It was certainly a combat superpower... comparable to its superior.

(In Restricted Sublimation, we made Liz and Tarler family members... No, their family members are unknown. The betting element is too strong to use on the spot)


One more minute ~!

Luke calls Babi to know how much time remains before Union Jack is activated.

I realized I couldn't compete unless I became either a family member or a Steel Demon.

No, I still don't know if I want to fight...

(One minute left....)

Lower the mask for a minute as you approach Liz's serial slash.

When Luke's forehead sweats cold...

"― Kill the World!

--A wolf cherry blossom with a spear jumped out of the trees behind the machine mask.

Acceleration on the Kingdom's side.

Luke and the others were late to realize that he was concentrating on the mechanical mask in front of him, but the wolf cherry that survived the battle on the plains rushed to the battlefield.

Her arrival was disappointing.

And a thorn from her complete blind spot is sucked into the back of the machine mask....

― ― ― Residual photo excitation (Load)

--The mechanical mask is once again mechanical... but I said words with different meanings.

A wolf cherry spear pierces the back of a mechanical mask.

"[Phantom Dragon King Drag Mirage] -" Shreddinger Phantom "

--At the same time, the mechanical mask was divided into ten people.

Only one in ten has been pierced, and the one pierced disappears like a phantom.

However, the remaining nine turned left at the wolf cherry tree.


The wolf cherry blossoms decided that the enemy was a phantom and that the mistaken authenticity was going to attack.

Then aggressively attach the [Instead of the Dragon Scale] to the "Instant Attachment" and take a stand to endure with defense.

― ― Residual photo excitation

When the machine mask uses the same wording again, the nine left arms deform one after the other.

From elbow to toe, it turned into a cannon-like portal...

"[Wind Dragon King Dragwind] -" Tornado Ram "

All nine (...) released a tornado from their left arm.

It's a spiral spear borrowed in the form of a tornado.

Nine giant spears, like nine dragons, reach wolf cherry blossoms.

Everything was... authentic.

Doppelgangers are not fantasies - everything is real.

"This is with Tom...!?

The wolf cherry blossoms take a direct hit with their defensive posture in mind.

It was nearly as powerful as Juliette's Dead Eater.

Therefore, even wolf cherry blossoms could have endured a single shot.

But it was nine shots. The "Dragon Scale Instead", which could only be reduced by one blow, was shattered, and the wolf cherry blossoms were launched into the air while being bitten by the surrounding terrain.

It's definitely a fatal wound.

"--It's not over yet!!

― ― Wolf cherry blossoms circle behind the mechanical mask with an alternative bonus weapon.

The change in the left arm was slightly faster.

Determining that it is the main body, the wolf cherry blossom strikes the hand of resurrection.

The wolf cherry blossoms thrust into Gashadokuro while activating the "Backslayer", which exerts tremendous power from the back....

Her right arm, which was moving in disregard of the human range of motion, grabbed the spear's wrist and cut her neck.

His right arm was transformed into a snake structure, as Vito thought.

And I cut off the wrist and neck of the wolf cherry blossom that I couldn't see at all.

Assuming that the earlier declaration was followed, the machine mask would have said:

"Remaining Photo Excitation [Snake No. 1 Earthquake Response Answer] -" "Search and Destroy." "

And the wolf cherry blossom, the fifth duel of the kingdom, became incomprehensible and fell into desperation due to an unknown mechanical mask.


Luke was watching it.

At the same time, we deduce from the zero information of the machine mask.

(The name of the privileged armor was mentioned... no. He did speak the words "Phantom Dragon King" and "Wind Dragon King". It's not a bonus weapon, it's the... ability to copy unique UBM skills? Anyway, Tian...?

Luke has always fought like that.

Extract from the information and find the way to victory.

As for his style, it is correct.

But it creates delays.

Even ultra-fast thinking, slightly.


The mechanical mask that destroyed the wolf cherry blossoms wiped out eight of the nine bodies and returned to Luke.

"- Secure"

--appeared behind Vito (...).

The mechanical mask facing Luke is gone.

It's the same combination of illusion and stealth as the first offensive. Attract attention.

However, the use from the double is too seamless and exceeds Luke's response speed.

Above all...

(Not me, him!? There's a reason to destroy him before he can fight anymore....)

Luke's thoughts are perplexed, but one of the words of the machine mask is recalled.

― ― Execute secondary orders and targeting orders.

(Secondary (second) and Tashali (third)! There is only one order if we are simply eliminated. That's two things...)

When Luke reasoned about the answer,

"--Securing a new control device (...)"

--The Machine Mask did not kill Vito, but captured him with its hands.


"Just (...) him! Don't let them get you!

Vito was stunned by the unexpected behavior and Luke's voice echoed, reaching the worst pattern.

Taller moves on Luke's instructions.

Immediately activate magic similar to Oriental talismans with the vast amount of magic stored in the drain.

"― True evil is truly the dragon's hegemony

--It's the explosion of dark magic.

It is not magic to kill a machine mask that you rated as' not a creature ', but magic to ensure the killing of Vito in the hands of the machine mask.

It is a mixture of dark magic that destroys lives and spells that curse people, Tarler... the mystery that Longyuan has exercised from the beginning (...).

The meaning of immortality reaches the mechanical mask and Vito as an aura of silent death without affecting the surrounding terrain....

"Remaining Photo Excitation [Magic Cleanup Disillusion] -" Zero Place "

― ― The machine mask waved its dazzling left hand, wiping out the mysterious magic.

"... I'll imitate you like [Dragon Emperor (Father)]"

Taller disappeared in a mechanical mask that wiped out his mystery, attracting an unusual expression...

Instead of being erased, he thinned his presence and left the scene.

It's like running away from "Pass because you can't handle it."

Luke doesn't blame it.

Loss of obedience is one of his greatest risks, and above all... I can't blame him.

"Let go of me...!

Vito scratches the algae in the arm of the mechanical mask, but the mechanical mask does not move so that his resistance does not differ significantly from that of the child.

Luke rethinks about the status quo.

("Master" capture? To use his Embryo in conjunction with that weapon, judging by the word control device earlier? However, there is no point in capturing Master. You can log out, and even if you were locked up in contact or junction,....!

Thinking about it, I realized one possibility.

It's impossible if it's normal.

However, if Vito is a possible problem (...).

"Vito, do yourself a disservice before you take him into custody!

In Luke's words, Vito patrols.

It goes without saying that he should avoid the act of dying on his own.

But I bet on the conversation I had with Luke earlier and on the possibility that I would be able to see my friends again after the death penalty, believing in this Infinite Dendrogram rather than my own survival.


And he tried so vigorously to close his mouth and bite his tongue out (...).

He no longer had both arms, because I thought that was all he had.

That behavior was telling Luke's concern.



Vito tried to bite his tongue, but was stopped by a mechanical mask that broke his front teeth and pushed his fingers into his mouth.

"Remaining Photo Excitation [Sleepy Spider Bud Dream] -" The Net of Eternal Sleep "

Vito fell into [Forced Sleep] as the machine mask used a different skill again.

Luke's voice will no longer be heard and Vito will not be able to harm herself.

--I don't know if I can (...).

(After all, he, they don't know the system (...)...!)

Vito and the others logged in directly from the original plant state.

I would not have had the opportunity to read manuals or wikis in real life, and I would not have been able to look into the function of "dying on my own" from the situation.

Therefore, he does not know how to escape to reality (...) that everyone has prepared.

In other words, if he was imprisoned... he would have remained imprisoned.

The best Luke could have chosen in this situation.

That was... killing Vito immediately.

"Secondary Order Completed"

With Vito's unconscious body in a strange box, it's time for the machine mask to focus on Luke.

Tasha Orders... to execute the elimination of Luke as a witness.

Kill the Master and he will be resurrected.

But it doesn't come back instantly.

Luke returned after the war. There is a time lag even when sharing information in real time.

Just buying that time was enough for the machine mask to kill Luke.


Can you defeat this unfamiliar mechanical mask with a hand that only consists of Babi and Liz?

Luke's reasoning leads to the result of "impossibility."

If this is Ray, bet everything to grasp the possibility of decimal places.

If this is Shu, we will do everything in our power to change the situation.

But Luke is neither.

I can deduce from the information and derive the most effective means... but the information shown was too hopeless.

"... uu"

Luke's thoughts are still moving at super fast speeds, but there is no clear path. Say, "What do I do? 'in thousands of words.

Hugo, Gabella, King of the Beasts, Igoronac.

Difficulties that are different from all the strong enemies that have been opposed to each other stand in front of you.

No, in terms of threat, it may not be very different from [Beast King].

But... Luke didn't have any friends right now.

Everyone has already fallen.

It was the biggest difference from the [King of Beasts] battle that I fell first.

(- What should I do?

Like before he started Infinite Dendrogram, his mind was occupied by the words.

Then the machine mask turned its left hand to Luke and Babi stepped forward to protect him...

--Among the various sounds, the sound of the blade cutting the wind was misunderstood.

The immediate change was dramatic.


Suddenly - the left arm of the machine mask was severed.

No, I wasn't cut.

The machine mask itself cut (...) its left arm with the dagger of its right hand.

Otherwise, judge it as' more lethal damage '.

Crazy, crazy...

The left arm of the amputated mechanical mask is stretched with insect legged angel modoki (...).

Shortly afterwards, the angel Modoki's neck fell (...) and disappeared into the dust of light.

Nothing else is going to happen.

The neck of the machine mask does not fall off in conjunction (...).

Phew. Wow, it's been a long time since I've been avoided. "

With such words, the Lord of Voices emerges from among the trees.

It's a man dressed as a trump joker and holding a scythe.

― ― Kamao It was a Voinich.

"... Mr. Voinić?

"Oh, Luke. Looks like it's been tough."

Voinić saw Luke exhausted and worked with the clown's smile with polite words.

"We were crushing nearby imperial strongholds. There were quite a few signs of battle, so I came to explore the situation. No, I'm glad we made it."

"... is that so?"

The words were not lies, but there were signs of hiding something.

But it's not a situation that I can mention right now.


The mechanical mask seemed to compare the severed left arm with the box of Veldrion F and Vito, Luke and others, and think of something.

"If you still want to do it, you'll have to do it. My tongue broke, but so did yours. Can you win with your left arm missing?


In response to Voinić's words, the machine mask responds by advancing its own steps.

I walked to my left arm, which I dropped.

I picked it up with my right hand... and I activated my stealth ability and left.

Then for a minute, Luke and Voinić were silent.

Then Voinić exhaled as if the tension had been relieved.

"... I was saved by the bluff. In fact, if we had, we'd be dead."

I wonder if that was true. There was a genuine relief in Voinić.

But Luke knows.

Instead of a bluff, the machine mask was prioritized.

Tasha 'r 'Orders... I suppose you thought about the possibility of wiping number one and number two for a third purpose and threw it away.

During the battle, I feared the destruction of a box containing [Veldrion F] and Vito.

Besides, I tried not to destroy Luke to seal his mouth.

However, the emergence of a reinforcement called Voinić made it difficult to seal my mouth in the first place, so I gave up.

"Yet, thank you very much."


"There seems to have been an unexpected last raid, but did the chase itself go well?

"...... yes"

Yes, the original aim was to eliminate small sizes that would allow the flag to shift.

It's done. Igoronak of “Immortality” was destroyed and the goal of victory was achieved.

However, all but Luke's members were destroyed, half of Luke's subordinates were seriously injured, and above all, elements of concern for the future were taken from the machine mask.

He won on the board, but this was a huge defeat for Luke.

That's it... as far as he's concerned, it's the first big defeat of his life.

"Luke, are you okay...?!?

Then Nemesis approached in a hurry from the southeast direction.

There are also some Masters beside her.

They were late for the wolf cherry blossoms and they were able to rendezvous with the survivors who were on their way.

Luke is relieved to hear that Ray has kept her safe.

However, looking at Nemesis... Luke really thinks about it.

If Ray had been here, it wouldn't have been the same.

I cannot help wondering if he would have had better results.

"... yeah"

Luke couldn't help feeling his own shortage.

Luke closed his eyes to remorse that the [Demon King] 's throne had not reached him yet.


Babi, his < Embryo >, watched Luke quietly.

To be continued

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