<Infinite Dendrogram>
Epilogue, smiling morning.
□ [Saint Knight] Ray Sterling
"Think it's time we don't get there..."
More than an hour after wearing [Purple Grievance Running A], I have run along the mountain road in silver.
One level of "Horseback Riding" went up while I was running, as did the clearance reporting announcement for Quest - [Rescue Roddy Lankers].
Apparently Hugo was able to return safely to Gideon and return the children to their clients' women and parents.
I just want to get back to Gideon soon, too.
"We should be pretty close to Gideon by now."
It should be, and I'm not sure, because I can't be sure I'm right on the road I'm driving right now.
On the journey from Gideon to the Azitos of the Gozmaiz Bandits, he has trampled [Marshall II] down a path that is not a path, avoiding the eyes.
Meanwhile, this is a neat mountain path to the extent that the grass is being removed.
Which way is easier said, based on the comfort of the silver ride. Here, but not without problems.
< Cruella Mountains > is a mix of paths large and small.
According to the glossary of help, they were made in national and Gideon policies, while others were made on their own by bandits nesting in the mountains.
Well, it's a magical fantasy world, civil engineering would be easy. Some magic moves the grass directly, so a little might be easier than using a heavy machine.
There are numerous avenues in such circumstances, and it is difficult for me to determine which of them is the right way home without land exploration.
The road to Gideon was not shown on the map, as I did not tread the mountain road and follow Azit when I looked at the map.
Still, the general Gideon position was grasped, and the east-west, north-south indications could be used regardless of whether the roads were displayed on a map.
So, using the map window as a compass, I picked the path that I thought Gideon would take.
If only there were directions, from the elapsed time and the speed of travel. It's time to see the city of Gideon......
Through the gap between the trees, I finally saw the city of Gideon.
This one is still in the mountains, so it looks down on the city of Gideon.
It's already sundown, but the city's lit up, and it still seems to be full of life.
That's where I notice.
I can hear a lot of footsteps from somewhere.
That's similar to what I've heard many times today, horse footsteps.
The sound of several horses solidifying and moving. That's approaching us step by step.
"You're not a bunch of [Great Necromancers] of human horses, are you? Thinking," etc., my ears caught a mix of sounds that made the armor hardware rub against the sounds I could hear.
Then soon a few horseback rides and a bunch of full gear on it showed up before me.
The group looked very familiar.
I mean, it was the face of the Kingsguard Knights led by Liliana.
"Isn't that Mr. Liliana? See you today."
"Mr. Ray! Are you safe?!?"
Well, why is she looking at this one with a desperate face?
Besides, the other knights are taking formation and guarding their surroundings.
... what is it?
"Um, what?
"What about the HUGE undead!? Did you get away safely!? Or near here!?"
"... ah"
I'm getting the situation somehow.
First, you told him you didn't need to worry anymore and decided to exchange information.
When I asked about the situation from Liliana, it was this kind of backdrop.
Even after meeting me at the sweet house, Liliana and the others were looking for a second princess who ran away from home, but a story came in about the time after the evening.
It was a "second princess and a girl were kidnapped by a suspicious figure."
Liliana and the others also knew the evil deeds of the Gozmaids bandits who kidnapped their children in the process of listening to them and making a scene in this city.
So he thought there was a good chance that the second princess who ran away from home could have been kidnapped by the Gozmaids Bandits.
But what the Gozmaids Bandits are rooting for is mountainous areas around the border.
Moving troops too big stimulates Cardina.
So among the Kingsguard Knights, they only organized one of their elite parties, including Liliana, and dared to conduct a rescue operation to the Gozmaids Bandits Azito.
Two carriages rushed into Gideon when they were ready to go.
When the sun had already set and the carriage came into the city in such a great hurry, he told Liliana and the others something amazing.
Says, "I am the < master > who received a request to rescue a boy abducted from a human being in this city," "The bandits were exterminated and all the surviving children were taken home," "But in the return phase, the bandits' bodies merged by a suspicious spell to become the < UBM > of the giant undead," "I have run away from the carriage, but my buddy < master > is still single footed in the mountainous areas".
Some knights said it was unbelievable because it was so absurd.
But a knight with the "True or False Verdict" skill decided that this < Master > was not lying.
Plus the fact and certification from the testimony of a client who was waiting for the return of that < master > near the gate.
He said the incident shifted from a kidnapping incident to a < UBM > raid.
Besides, Liliana asked for the name of the single stalker, which turned out to be a familiar name for her - that is, my name.
They jumped out of the momentum as it was.
Other knights, who were to dare rescue operations with her, followed her.
So, he ran into me on the mountain road and he said he was in a state just now.
"Well, I knew Hugo and the others could get the kids to the city safely. Good, good."
The announcement was out, but now you really don't have to worry.
"Great. I'm not glad! What's wrong with < UBM >?"
"I knocked him down."
"Really, knock it down... knock it down?
"This is it."
That said, I showed the [purple grudge walking armor gozmaize] I wore on my leg, and then I showed the equipped window as well.
"... Mr. Ray, you just became [the Holy Knight] a week ago, and until then you were level 0, right?
"Oh, that's about it"
This way, it's triple time.
"How can you destroy < UBM > alone?!? And then I just noticed that hand!
"Ah, yes. This was also yesterday..."
That said, I will also show you the [Gardranda] with both hands.
Liliana is solidified.
The knights behind me also said, "There's something wrong with the dimension of the story. < UBM > Solo destruction is the only thing you could have done before you died." "You're out of your mind at the time you try to execute it first." "That's crazy, our deputy commander is in a scratchy character. You're a natural bokeh character. That guy," I heard him talking to Gognogonio.
"Ha, really, common sense doesn't make sense to the < master > people"
"No, there's nothing you can do on your own. My friends, my luck, this silver, and… Nemesis saved me."
"Speaking of which, what about Mr. Nemesis?
"I'm resting now. 'Cause I made you do a lot of things."
Unequip the [Armor] and show the left hand crest.
Nemesis is sleeping here now.
I stroked the crest of my left hand.
"Mr. Ray, and Mr. Nemesis too...... thank you so much for this time. Thanks to you, we've solved the kidnapping in this city and avoided the disaster that was supposed to happen. Let me begin by thanking you from me on behalf of the people of the city. Thank you......"
"No, because it's the result of pushing ahead."
I took the quest, went to the rescue, was beaten by that underground tragedy, defeated [the Great Necromancer] with anger, and then there was a death fight with [the Grieving Cow Horse Gozmaize].
Oh, not at all, I wonder why I've come to this.
In retrospect, something happened that stuck my breath.
I felt both fear and disgust that I was dying.
I burned my heart so much that my life was about to burn.
But knowing the kids were safely back in the city... the aftertaste was just a little good.
After we told each other what was going on, we were on our way back to Gideon side by side.
Liliana and the others were supposed to go back to Gideon with me because they no longer had to worry about the < UBM > raid.
He's going to serve as an escort because I'm pretty tired.
I appreciate it now.
"... ah"
But here's one thing, it raises questions.
"Speaking of which, what happened to the search for Her Royal Highness? I appreciate you accompanying me, but it's better to give priority to you..."
The question solidified Liliana's expression.
At the same time, I can feel the tension running on the other knights.
What, did you say something wrong?
"Earlier, Her Royal Highness was also kidnapped by the bandits? I didn't check the kid's face while they were in the carriage."
"It wasn't in the carriage."
Liliana responded instantly in some flat voice.
No way, there are still survivors somewhere in this mountain......
"No, the kidnapping itself seemed a false alarm in the first place. I was contacted earlier by communication magic. Says he's back safe."
"That's good"
"Besides, he said he was happy with the noodles, treats, goldfish and paintings he bought somewhere"
"............... it"
"To the one who stayed, he said, 'That was so sweet.'"
Read the air, Second Princess.
Because these people have been looking all day.
Liliana reports pale, but because the comet is doomed and picky.
"Ugh, let's change the story."
No more sucks, the air and instincts were telling me.
Afterwards he was on his way back to Gideon, chatting and so on.
Waiting for us to arrive in Gideon was the same atmosphere Gideon had when he first arrived.
The anecdotal [UBM], [Grievance Cow Horse Goes Maze] crusade report was conveyed by Liliana's colleague Knight with his Communication Magic skills, so he must have been de-alerted.
I went through the gate and then looked around, but I didn't see the Hugo's.
"Mr. Liliana, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Hugo...... don't you know where my people are? He's the one who brought the kids in the carriage."
"Sorry, I popped up as soon as I heard what was going on...... I'm going to ask"
That's what Liliana says. She's talking to the guards who were guarding the area around the gate.
Then one guard came forward and answered.
"If that's the guy, after he finished explaining the situation and left the kids with us, he said," I have to get back over there. "And he disappeared."
Drife over there...... no, you don't.
Apparently, he logged out of < Infinite Dendrogram > and fled before being pursued for all kinds of details.
It would have been possible to log out because I wouldn't have been in custody otherwise.
Then I guess I'll see you later.
"So I'm keeping this for you"
That's what the guards told me.
I open the letter.
There was a message from Hugo written there.
Dear Ray Sterling,
When you were able to return safely.
Or when the death penalty is lifted.
And leave this in case “you choose to stay here”.
First of all, thank you.
Thanks to you, I was able to get my children back to those ladies and their parents safely.
You'll have the opportunity to get all the rewards, including the Ghozmaids Bandits bounty, in this case, but they're all yours.
I don't need it.
In the first place, I can't get a reward from the public authorities in the kingdom.
For a short time, but I know your personality well. I'm sure you'll shy away.
But you're the only one who can take it, so you take it.
Besides, I've already received my reward.
Yes, my share of the reward is Lady Rebecca's smile and tears of joy when she delivered her brother.
That's enough for my reward.
If you're still reluctant, yeah, my share is... if only you could afford lunch one day when we meet again.
On the letter, then, let me say goodbye.
Goodbye (Au revoir), and I'll see you again (à bientôt).
Ice and Rose Airman Hugo Receps'
“When you choose to stay here", or?
"Um, Mr. Ray"
Thinking a little bit, Liliana looks worried and peeps at this one.
"I'm still feeling..."
"Oh, excuse me. It's okay."
"Then it would be good...... So, Mr. Ray means he crusaded the Gods Maze Bandits today, so I'd like a report to the Adventurer Guild and Knights Stuff shortly. Adventurer's Guild is a bounty neck crusade, and the Knights' Stuff is a report of the annihilation of criminal organizations."
"Well, it's too late for today, and you'll be tired, so take a rest."
"Right. I'm going to take the day off already. Where's Mr. Liliana?
"Return to Your Highness's escort."
"... Mr. Liliana is tired too"
"No. Ugh."
"... Now, if you'll excuse me for today"
"Yes, I'll see you again"
That's how I broke up with Liliana.
After that, I decided to take a nap while logged in at the inn I had taken.
When I fell into bed, the various events of the day swept through my brain.
But before I put my mind to it, fatigue drowned my spirit in my sleep.
Now I didn't even dream about it.
The next morning, as soon as possible, I woke up.
The sun isn't coming in, and it's bonkers of brightness outside, so maybe it's just time before dawn.
When I tried my hand on my head, the dog Mimi who tormented me all day yesterday was gone.
I've spent the night here, and I guess it disappeared over time.
"Wake up, Ray."
Point your head opposite the window, in the direction in which your voice was heard.
There Nemesis sat in a chair and looked at this one jizzily.
"Morning, Nemesis"
"Morning, Ray."
That's all I said, and then we were both watching each other silently.
Eventually he opened his mouth from mine and invited Nemesis for a walk.
Plains just outside Gideon's North Gate.
It's the third time I've seen a view that I'm totally used to.
The plain, me and Nemesis were driving on silver.
I grab and manipulate Silver's reins, and Nemesis is the shape of sitting behind me holding my hips.
"Nice ride."
I'm going to run silver with that answer.
When the morning sun began to show its face from the mountains of the East after about thirty minutes,
"Leaving this world?
Nemesis asked me.
That's what I thought in the basement of that fort.
If I take Infinite Dendrogram as real, not as a game, is it good or bad for me to be in a world full of people's deaths?
Even the bodies of strange children felt their hearts be decided.
If this were the people I knew, Liliana or Migliane, it would carve me just as much wound as losing a friend in reality.
"It's not all about mourning"
It was only in < Infinite Dendrogram > that I was able to meet them, Luke, Marie, Hugo, and Nemesis.
We never even knew each other while we were there, and Nemesis was never born.
"You may have hard feelings ahead of you."
Oh. I guess so.
Things like this one must be a routine tea meal here.
"If there's such a bad aftertaste going to happen in front of me... I'll make it stop"
This time it was over when I saw it.
But if I'm still gonna make it, I'll definitely stop then.
Unless you give up, there's a chance of the future you want.
"Let's do everything we can to see what's possible."
"Right. I know you carry too many feelings... because that's Ray. Okay, your lord can fight to protect you. And..."
That's what Nemesis said. He stroked my hair softly from behind.
I look back, hissed by the feel of that soft hand.
"Ray, I'll protect you."
In the morning sun - there was a nemesis smiling gently.
"... eh"
With that smile on my face, I turn back and wave the silver reins to run.
Because I'm embarrassed and I can't look back and see Nemesis's face again.
But trying to say something......
"... thanks... nemesis"
Finally, that's all I said.
Over my back, I felt Nemesis laughing again.
After that, no conversation.
In the morning of a gentle smile... the silver that put us on ran away.
To be continued
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