<Infinite Dendrogram>

Chapter 59 Cold Equations

□ National Church

Beasley was watching Ray in a coma while gradually recovering his depleted HP and MP with the item.

The danger zone was taken off and stabilized, but since then it has become moaning.

Beasley was also worried about saying specific bedtime words such as "instant death with a gesture...", "wait... that's oniisan's end...", and "being pushed back to the meat that regenerates in no time even after a heart jam...", but the wound didn't deteriorate in particular.

"... boss, are you having a rush nightmare?

It was Beasley who whispered that she didn't think it was the right answer, but she decided that she would not worry about her life anymore and left the treatment facility once.

Moving to the cathedral, the number of worshippers had decreased considerably due to the evening.

However, one of the benches is still seated by Luke, a man wearing a coat with a night sky pattern.

He writes something on the paper at hand with his eyes closed.

I couldn't even read what was written in the distance, but the paper appeared to be a simple map of the area around the church.

(That's the [King of Light]... I've never actually seen it.)

Beesley has been active as a PK for quite a long time in the Kingdom, but I am also not familiar with [King of Light], who was famous as a junkie in notorious activities including PK...

In addition, when he talked about the strength and weakness of the Kingdom's PK, he was often removed and talked about.

There are two reasons.

His range of PK activities was primarily imperial and legendary and not within the Kingdom.

And because he didn't have any contact with the other PK.

Led by Beasley, many of the famous PK in the kingdom were involved with others in clans and the like. Even the [criminal king] had an exchange with the [vessel gods] who became subowners of his clan before and after he was imprisoned.

But [King of Light] is different.

A mysterious existence that conceals the identity of anyone, regardless of their status as [King of Light].


In one case, Ray and Eff were involved, engaged, and destroyed.

As a result, the identity of Ray's party before the formation of the clan and the upper realm of the Ultimate Kingdom are well known.

But I was worried about how to talk just because I knew who I was.

It is difficult to trust someone who is neither an enemy nor an ally.

Luke seemed convinced of something, but Beasley said, "You're not going to revenge on Ray?".

After all, Beasley herself sometimes had a desire to revenge on Figaro, who had defeated herself.

The first Figaro had been away for a long time in Hannah's case and became a member of the same clan, so he was no longer eligible for revenge.

Regardless, Beasley keeps an eye on Eff.

When he leaves the treatment facility where Ray is, he is not shot with a remote laser, so he comes out with a [black jacket] wrapped around him sleeping. In short, it looks like a body bag, but I can't help it.

"... fuu"

But Beesley decided to try to contact Eff, thinking that there was no sincerity in keeping the distance.

With his eyes closed…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

"Did you find anything?

"Yeah, pretty much."


... but there are no words that go on with each other after a grotesque reply.

Beasley knows where the opponent is coming from and Eff focuses on searching for him.

If this doesn't work, Beasley has a conversation.

"They destroyed the Empire's stacks before the war began."

It was a good time to take it.

"As a kingdom, I am grateful for the three days of long battle and the supplies they cut off."

That's good.

Eff responds quickly to the conversation, but has a small number of open-mindedness.

The more characters he adds to the map at hand during the conversation, the more.

(... Ray (he) told me it was more of a verbal type than necessary.)

If he was born there, the current state would be to deal with salt.

I don't know what the reason is for handling salt.

(Or have you suffered any disadvantages somewhere in my life, including… PK activities?

Thus, Eff writes information on the map at hand while keeping his eyes closed and not turning to Beasley as a matter of course.

From time to time, he kept running his pen while tapping on the map with a tongue and a pen tip.

(What the hell do you write so much about?

Beasley glanced at the map with some discomfort and doubt....


He turned his heel silently and sat on a bench slightly away.

Beasley removes his shield and starts maintenance with a light repair item.

Eff cares if she leaves and adds information to the map.

The Master of the AETL Consortium, who was also in the cathedral, is confused by the uncomfortable air, but neither of us seems to mind.

A few minutes passed while each other remained silent.

When the West Sun shines a light on the wall through the cathedral window, a new worshipper comes in from outside the cathedral.

The worshipper is an old Tian man in a hat, walking through the cathedral with a cane.

The old man went to the treatment facility at the back of the cathedral.

"― Grint Pile"

----Shot through the back of the head by a laser fired from the right hand of Eff.

The hat was burned through, and the man fell on the floor of the cathedral on his face.

The sudden assault raised screams from the worshippers who were still in the cathedral, and the AETL Consortium's Master rose in a hurry.

But to chase the chaos,

"--Stronghold Pressure"

--Beasley's shield crushed the man's body.

The shield that was being removed for maintenance is red stained.

A spider's nested crack ran through the marble floor, scattering old meat pieces and large amounts of blood in the cathedral.

The place of worship for war-torn people turned into a murder scene like a B-class splatter movie.

"Ah, what are you doing...!?

The Master of the AETL Coalition, who witnessed a series of murders, looked incredible.

Either way, Beesley, who fought in the Labyrinth, was upset by the sudden killing of Tian and asked with a trembling voice.

Calm down, please.

But Beasley had a cool face.

Beasley bent her shield and looked at the old man's body with cold eyes as it became thinner.

"If this is Tian, I've already become Desperate"

"... eh? Ah...."

It's the rules of participation in war. The killing of Tian by a War Participant in the City for no good reason constitutes a breach of contract and an immediate penalty.

However, it seems that the rule has not been applied now.

"It's Master. There may be others lurking, so be vigilant."

Collaboration from sudden EFF murder.

It doesn't matter how this happened.

Eff was just writing information (...) on the map at hand.

Tian transformed (...) is approaching the church. Fires when judged to be an enemy force. It could be a double bluff, but if I don't have a problem attacking you, please chase me. '

"How did you find out?

In response to the query, Eph, still with his eyes closed, touched his right eye from above his eyelids.

"These eyes are connected to the Zodiac that was distributed over the church. So... before you go into the alley and after you change your appearance (...), you'll notice someone by accident."

Eph opens his right eyelid and looks at the scattered pieces of flesh on the floor.

"In order to enter the treatment facility where he is, you must have thought of him as someone with a good reason to do so. But if I did, I should have turned it out of my surveillance."


Beesley understood the meaning of his words.

In short, Eph monitored different visions on the left and right, and noticed and understood changes in one person in the landscape overlooked.

Beesley's astonishing information processing ability was one of the factors that made him the most powerful quasi < super > candidate in the Kingdom.

"By the way...."

Eff spreads dozens of black spheres around him... zodiac.

And ask the corpse.

"--Was the ability to turn it into a privileged weapon rather than an Embryo?

"--no, it's a made-to-order made by a good acquaintance!

Eff's laser was thrown at the old man's body, but the old man jumped out just before the illumination to avoid it.

Obviously, I took instant death damage... on the contrary, I don't think it's an old man's move.

"Well, it broke into a crushed applause just now! Don't worry, you'll make it again!

The corpse of an old man - the corpse of a man disguised as an old man swells up from the inside and is reconstructed into a human form.

Shattered bones are aligned, and old, defiant skin turns into a glossy color that feels excessive vitality.

Eventually, as he regenerated, the man hid his naked body with the Clothes Exchange accessory.

is wearing a shirt and trousers with a chest that doesn't seem to be equipped as well.

She has a good face and has a cheerful smile that some women will like.

But with that kind of information, the creepiness of the man doesn't diminish.

"So Bona Serra (Good evening), from the Imperial Super who came to get his life!

The man greeted him with two words that were very light but could never be ignored. Those who have the Truth Decision confirm that it is an indisputable fact.

And they knew who the man was.

"... Splendida of Evergreen Tree"

"Just (Correct)! I knew my face would find out! That's why I was disguised, sir!

Man - Splendida, the part of the Super who joined Tri Flags, laughs and says so, but it's not funny for Beasley and the others.

Like the Labyrinth. The Imperial Super... has raided the King's City.

The Master of the AETL Consortium was, "Huh? Is Super here again? Aren't you too fond of ambushes? I couldn't help but think. '

"... hmm"

On the contrary, one of the ambushes to the Empire, Eph, thought in his heart, "Is this also interesting?"

To be perfectly clear, I didn't think anything would happen when Ray was there. Because I already knew it was a trouble inducer.

"... are you crazy?

With her shield by her side, Beasley maximizes her vigilance and asks for the truth of her opponent's improbable behavior.

"If you harm Tian, you're still systematically Despenna, even if you're said to be immortal...?

No matter how strong the Master would be if he harmed Tian.

That's why they laid Ray in this church where Tian gathers.

It would be a barrel of guns in exchange for death even if it came.

I couldn't predict or understand it, because it's a situation where Super is coming after me.

It is as if they came to abandon the Great Token themselves.

"Nnh, don't worry, Bambina. It's not going to be something you're worried about!

But Splendida told Beasley without stopping laughing cheerfully.

"And you. You say I accidentally broke up near the church. That's not true."

Then he turned to Eff and continued his words with a nice smile.....

"I did it... to attract the attention of a clever human like you, sir!

"Come on! Let's start Neu's Festa da Barro (dance party), Miss Juba!

The words and the new signs (...) at the entrance of the cathedral set the < Masters > within the cathedral on their feet.

"... no!

The moment Beesley sees the remark as a further bluff, the moment Eff illuminates Splendida with a further laser.

"-" Cold equation (Divider) "

Splendida's exposed chest plate (...) glows from the inside - triggering a bonus weapon embedded in the body.

Distortions in the sunny spaces penetrate the entire church from the entrance through the cathedral and through the walls.

Far slower than the speed of light, the sunburn filling the church took a few seconds and sprayed away.

But when the sun passed, the young [priest] of the church, who was in the cathedral, doubted his eyes.

"What? That? Dear < Master >...."

Because all the Masters in the church... disappeared without a single one left.

It's as if the sun had taken them away.

To be continued

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