<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 65 Cut and Dropped Curtain

□ ■ 15 minutes ago

"Could you do me a little bit of a losing role?

Beasley slightly frowned on Eph's cut out words.The first thing that came to mind when I heard about losers was throwing away stones, including despecialties.

"Oh, there's no physical damage.It's just, well, it's a role that isn't interesting for some people.Specifically, "an incompetent detective."


An incompetent detective. In mystery novels, famous detectives perform extraordinary reasoning before performing reasoning.Other detectives and detectives can vary, but it is one of the most common developments in mystery.

Beasley doesn't say no to that.

Perhaps it is not just a facilitator, but because it is necessary for some solution to succeed, I know that I will let you play it.

"So you're a famous detective?

"I don't have any other veterans.Sub-owner of the Death Period... or if he was awake, I would have left it to him.Because I really want to see such a development. "

Eph sighs with one eye closed and smiles in trouble.

It was a genuine word.

Thus, Eph explained the arrangement including the reasoning in Beasley.

"When I begin to deduce, return to his guard.When the reasoning is complete... or on the way, you will enter a state of combat.In that case, other than those two, we might be able to move. "


Beasley nodded in Eff's words.

An enemy that is mixed up in kingdom might take the opportunity to switch to the exercise of power instead of agitation.

When that happens, Ray will definitely be the first to be targeted.

That's why I'm asking you.

"Yeah, don't miss you, too."

The meaning of the two interchangeable words is concise.

Eff defeats Splendida and Juba.

Beasley protects Ray.

We confirmed with each other what we had to do, and they started the operation.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■

The sun at the top of the quarantine space.

It continues to shine brightly, illuminating the entire space except for a part of Zodiac's light.

That's Juba's Embryo, Eph assured.

"Her role was not to reduce the survival margin… it was a necessary light source for the playback of Splendida.That's not all. "

With words, Eph shines his palm (...).

A little light attribute magic that I've been doing before.

It strengthens or transforms light with magical expansion skills.

The eyes of the kingdom gather on what they are doing in the explanation.

"Ah, after all... it seems difficult to adjust (...) when we're doing complicated things."

Many kingdoms bent their heads to the words.

Eph opens his eyes and smiles, turning off the light in his palm and continuing his words.

"As Barbaroi Bad Burn said earlier, this space has maintenance costs.However, Splendida did not cover the cost with potions.There are limits to the amount of potion recovered, so it goes bankrupt. "

Eff puts a bottle of Splendida's dropped potion on the tip of his shoe.

"Then why is it not broken?Because he was paying for it in other ways?There will be that line.Because Juba is paying for it, not Splendida?Of course it is. But anyway, it's costly.In this space, in the barrier of Juba. "

And he said, And Eph looked up,

"The answer is the sun."

I said that in a conclusive tone.

His words spread to the kingdom, and he came to one answer.

"I see! That sun used to supply Splendida and Juba with MP!

One of the members of the AETL Coalition said in his own right,

"Huh? Not at all."


Eph denied it.

"There will be limits to the amount of MP available in Advanced Embrio.It should be seen that the cost of maintaining this space and maintaining a barrier that is more robust than that super profession, for two hours, is difficult. "

"Well then, what is it?!

The answer was no good, and Master asked EF, blushing his face.

"--It's not a supply."

Eph said so lightly.


"Dear listeners,Magicians try to change their magic consumption patterns over time.Yeah, as complicated as possible, randomly.Sometimes you'll notice that. "

At the behest of Eph, the magicians of the kingdom, irrespective of the AETL Consortium or outsiders - with the exception of some - follow it.

Those who thought what it meant… I realized it within a matter of seconds.

"What? That?


"--Increased MP (...)?"

When I was switching MP for magic skills, there was a moment... when MP increased.

When MP is Unskilled, it normally heals 100% for 3 full days inside.

Usually around 1-2% even in an hour.There is no clear recovery in just a few dozen seconds.

On the contrary, I was using magic now.

"Hmm, hey, this is...."

"This is Juba's Embryo skill."

A strange MP recovery that Eff verified beforehand and confirmed the strength of other kingdoms.

"Indiscriminate MP supply to all of us?No, no, no. Even if the output rises due to uncontrolled, it becomes more difficult due to the increased burden on the target number of people.So what is the skill of the sun? "

Eph cut off his words there and looked at Juba over the [yellow crystal].

"An increase in the speed of MP recovery for those exposed to the light (…………………………………), right?

Even now, he couldn't respond to the technique of switching MP consumption quickly, and while looking at his own MP, which had slightly increased or decreased (...), he asked.

"Probably TYPE: World kind.Rather than granting a beneficial effect, the law of increasing the speed of MP recovery for those exposed to light (...). It may be closer to Kaguya on the moonlight. "

In the moonlight, make the number inconvenient to the moonlight one-sixth the Kagya class, and vice versa.

Lights up with sunlight and increases MP without distinction between enemy allies.

Eff says that's who the sun is.

In the course of the investigation in space, Eff used magic in various ways with himself and Zodiac.

At that time, there was an uncomfortable increase or decrease, so Eff verified and visualized it.

But if it increases... why does it even decrease?


"Yes, Juba has increased the speed of MP recovery for everyone here...."

Eph gently stretched out his hand and pointed at Juba.

"On top of that, I'm plundering."

It's like a detective says, "You're the killer."

"Want to plunder?

"They absorb as much of our MP as they recover.Try not to get noticed, as uncomfortable as possible.It is unclear whether the wide-area MP drain is due to a job or a bonus. "

Eff cuts the words and sees a robust barrier still unfolding.

"Either way, we're absorbing MP from everyone here to maintain that barrier."

Non-discriminatory, uncontrolled MP recovery boost.

The larger the number of people, the more MP you keep smoking.

The large number of kingdoms is not unbreakable.

Because of the large number of people, the MP can afford to continue to expand the biggest barrier.

It was because I took on an overwhelming herd in the battle against the hungry dragon once, that I was able to continue to fight in full bloom.

In a sense, it could be said to be reasonable.

Even if we didn't reduce the number at first, to keep this adhesion for a long time and fish (...), the larger the number of people, the more amount can be plundered.

"But that Juba must be sleeping in that scorpion..."

Eph said to one of the outsiders, "Are you serious?"I returned the words with my stupid eyes.

"Are you sleeping in a drawer?Absolutely not. She's been tuning the absorption individually while checking our MP and condition all along. "

Grasp the MP of more than thirty people other than yourself, and adjust the amount of MP absorption so that it is not unnatural.

It's kind of superhuman numerical control.

And because I couldn't see myself immersed in the work, I hid inside the invisible [yellow crystal].

"Prior to that, if you were a jerk who could sleep with dozens of hostiles who didn't know the cards or the Embryo, you wouldn't be famous."

"There's a person lying there wrapped in cloth...."


[Black Suitable Cloth (Cloth)] wrapped up and gave the name of sleeping. Because of the Master, the back of the story nearly broke, but Eff enters the conclusion of the reasoning show.

"Now, how do you break them when you understand how they work... it's easy."

Even if it is said to be simple, it does not seem to be so in the kingdom.

The opponent seemed to have no choice but to suck on the energy infinitely.


Drop MP

Eph said so lightly.

"What about it?"

"I'm going to keep wasting MP and lose what I can smoke.It may be difficult to prevent completely because of the recovery of the sun, but the absorption will certainly drop.It will then be difficult to maintain the barrier at its current strength.At that stage, I'll crush it with an attack that doesn't use MP. "

The technique is also possible for the EF.

Though he himself is a magical superpower, Zodiac, the < Embryo >, stores light inside for his attacks and special skills.

You also have enough charges to fight at Zodiac's accumulated cost when Eff's MP runs out.

There will be others with trumpets that do not require their own MP, as well as Eff, if there are nearly thirty kingdoms.

In addition, if the number of kingdom forces is reduced after being defeated, the number of opponents that can be absorbed will decrease, so there is no way to continue driving at full speed.

Ehu didn't know that either.

"Well, that concludes my reflection."

Splendida's Immortality.

The unsettled sun.

Cost of maintaining quarantine and non-exhaustive barriers.

Having uncovered the gimmick in this space, Eff points his finger at Juba in the [yellow crystal]...

"- Do you have any objections to this?

─ Well, I won't deny it.

The voice of Juba, who was thought to have been asleep until then, echoed from [yellow crystal].

Even if the voice is prolonged, there are no signs of sleeping or dust.It was one of the proofs on the left that showed that Eff's reasoning was correct.

I don't know what to do if this happens.But if you're talking gimmicks, is that enough?

Even if Splendida is sealed and shown how to solve the gimmick, Juba can't pretend to be asleep or wait and see.

That's why I asked Eff to confirm it.

"Yes, this is the end of the glued state that was created.And then..... "

So they exchanged words over the cockpit of the weapon.

We're killing each other.

"- Okay."

With the pleasant voice of Juba, [Yellow Crystal Eraser] made a completely different driving sound.

Not the drive for defense - the drive for annihilation.

A sound indicating that a fierce man known for his annihilation has switched plans to destroy the kingdom.

"Switch Off"

At the same time as Juba's words, the light of the quarantine space vanished.

Her < Embrio > sun turned off its glow.

With the light, the MP Heal boost effect is also lost, and by switching herself to a full-open MP drain, the MP of the kingdom is visibly reduced.


In the gap of confusion in the kingdom, [Yellow Crystal] moved his multilegged legs and bounced far back.

[Yellow Crystal] shines in the darkness.

There is no one here who can follow the agile, but not supersonic, movement.

A ranged attack, such as the EF laser, is fired, but it is being played with a more robust barrier that is weaker than before because it is on the move.

The movement of the [yellow crystal] eventually reaches a dead end.

The edge of this quarantine.If you escape, there will be no escape.

But [Yellow Crystal] didn't leave Juba to escape.

Beyond this, the enemy is all ahead.

[Yellow Crystal] 's tail of a combat weapon that mimics a scorpion moves.

There is no needle in the tail.

There's a gun gate that stores golden light.

A blow that transforms the magic used for defense into an attack... into its original style.

― Cancel Obliterate

--Juba pulls the lever trigger inside the cockpit,

"--Magic Large Output Charged Particle Gun, Irradiation"

― ― Immediately after the machine voice of Yellow Crystal , the golden glow wiped out the entire quarantine space.

It's like saying that no one needs to be kept alive anymore.

◇ ◆

Barbaroi had a bad feeling when the sparkling [yellow crystal] fell back.

Because I was told that this move was what Eff was saying.

Shit! Astro Guard !

Activates a skill while dropping an aggressively illuminating magic item from the item box.Barbaroi takes a shelter from Ray as the Death Period's tank so he can defend himself against any attack.

But there was someone... approaching her.

Those who approach Barbaroi as the kingdom's eyes and ears concentrate on the [Yellow Crystal].

(This is...!

The person was like a swordsman, probably everywhere.

One of the outsiders was particularly noisy, so I thought it might be sakura.

If that were the time to get closer to Barbaroi and her protective Ray, it would still have been Black.

(Moving to intercept will not stop Juba from attacking!We're overwhelmed with defense!

With that in mind, Barbaroi points two large shields at both the Yellow Crystal and the Swordsman.

A sturdy Barbaroi build with fingertips in the Kanst momentum.Speaking of the Special Attack of < Advanced Embrio >, it is not easy to break through.

With that in mind, he stood up and served as Ray's shield.

But she should have remembered here.

Something I thought about.

--The problem is that it's not 'weak' because it's casual.

Sakura's swordsman waved his own Embryo sword.

"― Pivot Slash Hard Sword Durandal ●

― ― I cut Barbaroi's arm off with each shield with a single slash that I waved down with a special skill declaration.

To be continued

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